🎁Join My 3rd Annual Gifting Giveaway!🎁



  • Lord1Lord1 Member Posts: 21 β˜…
    IGN: Lord Isam IV
    Prize Request: 2 GGCs (for first) or 1 GGC (for second)
    Best thing that happened: Pulled 5 star Domino from a Mutant and Skill Dual Class Crystal, then took her to R3 2 days later. She does over 50% of my content now. Best pull ever!
  • NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Member Posts: 1,012 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: Newlinstheory
    GGG + energy refills

    Gotta say my best moment was opening those featured blade crystals WAYYYY BACK WHEN featured champs was a shot at the one champ
    And I opened for of them not only pulled him.....BUT AWAKENED HIM

    Crazy to think that was the beyond God Tier back then(not that hes not good now) but may that was just such a hype day for me!
  • TimmytdtTimmytdt Member Posts: 564 β˜…β˜…

    IGN: Newlinstheory
    GGG + energy refills

    Gotta say my best moment was opening those featured blade crystals WAYYYY BACK WHEN featured champs was a shot at the one champ
    And I opened for of them not only pulled him.....BUT AWAKENED HIM

    Crazy to think that was the beyond God Tier back then(not that hes not good now) but may that was just such a hype day for me!

    Sry @Newlinstheory , I participated in this one but not in yours because I just can’t seem to get a one that’s even worthy to be posted up in a primer class! But hope you have a good time selecting the winner! :smile:
  • NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Member Posts: 1,012 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Timmytdt said:

    IGN: Newlinstheory
    GGG + energy refills

    Gotta say my best moment was opening those featured blade crystals WAYYYY BACK WHEN featured champs was a shot at the one champ
    And I opened for of them not only pulled him.....BUT AWAKENED HIM

    Crazy to think that was the beyond God Tier back then(not that hes not good now) but may that was just such a hype day for me!

    Sry @Newlinstheory , I participated in this one but not in yours because I just can’t seem to get a one that’s even worthy to be posted up in a primer class! But hope you have a good time selecting the winner! :smile:
    But it doesn’t hurt to drop something just to share with the community, even if you’re not gonna participate πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜€
  • DigletGamingDigletGaming Member Posts: 849 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited December 2020
    IGN: DigletGaming
    Prize: 2 GGC's (All ive gotten from my GGCs is gold :()
    My best moment was... completing the collector. He was finally shut down!
  • DigletGamingDigletGaming Member Posts: 849 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    IGN: DigletGaming
    Prize: 2 GGC's
    My best moment was... completing the collector. He was finally shut down!

    Well, its DIGLETgaming6_6. My profile pic is a 6 star emma frost. And if its not, you should view my profile, and see hulkbuster 6 star, emma frost 6 star, and a cap IW 5 star. And a 5 star stealth suit.
  • MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 β˜…β˜…
    IGN: The Nth Doctor.
    Prize: 2 GGCs or 1 GGC.
    Best moment: Pulling a 6* Doctor Doom from the basic 6* crystal right after pulling Vision and Ronan from the current featured 6* crystal.
  • flygamerflygamer Member Posts: 345 β˜…β˜…
    GG crystals and energy refills are always welcome.
    It felt good to beat the 6.2 champion. Now Im working on Thronebreaker.
  • edited December 2020
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  • FlashSpideyFlashSpidey Member Posts: 107 β˜…
    Definitely the GGCs. I like risky gambling of crystals.
    Best thing this year: r5 my first character, Hyperion!
  • Noodes_Noodes_ Member Posts: 113 β˜…
    IGN: Noodes

    Gift request: GGC

    Best thing this year: Coming back to the game in April (left before in Dec 2018) and somehow learning how to fight again. Got cavalier quickly and now TB. Feels like I haven’t skipped a beat 😁
  • Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN : Gr8 Tony Stark
    Prize : 2 GGC or 1 GGC
    Best thing that happened to me : Got uncollected to finally open up a GMC and pulling a caiw. All the science cats I had stored came in use and the mutant treasure island gave me science ag. Everything looked to be perfectly planned. From then on, he is my mvp in every quest. I am still using him for cav run and it is so smooth. πŸ™‚
  • myleemylee Member Posts: 4 β˜…
    IGN: myleee
    2 GGC for first and 1 GGC for second
    Best thing this year is probably soloing nameless thanos in the boss rush after many tries, and then one shoting the champion first try, which gave me the confidence to finally finish 6.2
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  • Aaronc94Aaronc94 Member Posts: 221 β˜…β˜…
    edited December 2020
    *IGN: Aaronx
    *Prizes: 1 Greater Gifting Crystal And 10 Full Energy Refills or 10 Full Energy Refills
    *After two years waiting for Aegon to be able to finish my Labyrinth 100% and do my first abyss clear, searching for him at incursions, dual crystals, cavaliers and anywhere where i could have a chance i surrendered at November this year and stop trying to get him , then epoch shards appeared and i immediatly rank him r5 and put his signature 200 i was speechless :'(:D
  • Silver_GooseSilver_Goose Member Posts: 488 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: jaggers68
    Prize: 2 GGC or 1 GGC for second
    My best moment: I beat act 6 then pulled quake from the rewards - who i had been searching for for ages. I immediately took her to 5/65 and she’s been destroying act 6 exploration ever since.
  • GondelulfGondelulf Member Posts: 17 β˜…
    IGN: Gondelulf
    Prize request: 2 GGCs or 1 GGC if second place
    Best thing to happen was the magneto buff.. my first 6* was red mags and I was really pissed.. one of my first 5* duped was also red mags..
  • FabricioDTFabricioDT Member Posts: 1 β˜…
    IGN: FabricioDT

    1st place 2 GGC / 2nd place 1 GGC

    My best moment in the game this year was to have evolved more, I am almost 6 years old in this game, but this year I had more time to evolve, for years I was kind of stuck in the game and discouraged because I was not having luck with the heroes, and now I was able to further increase my assessment and complete Act 6 gradually.
  • TwistedTalentzTwistedTalentz Member Posts: 240 β˜…
    IGN: TwistedTalentz
    1st: 1 GGC+10 Full energy refills
    2nd:10 Full energy refills

    Greatest thing to happen to me this year? Most recent was probably pulling 6*Ghost and getting my 6 star count up. Throughout the year I've been blessed with being able to complete harder content and being in a great Alliance that always excels to be the best in our tier. Being accepted with a bunch of great knowledgeable gents has really helped my gameplay. I was able to become Cav, explore some Variants and much more. Good luck ladies and gents! Merry Christmas to all!
  • gauravtheslayergauravtheslayer Member Posts: 103 β˜…
    IGN: gauravtheslayer

    2GGC if first prize and 1 ggc if 2nd prize

    Best moment for me was when i killed the nerfed champion act6.2 because prior to this i uninstalled the game when I couldn’t kill pre nerf champion..but later my friends told me now he can take only 3 indestructible charges..so again i wore my big boy pants and killed him with my doom..Lol
  • SistosSistos Member Posts: 25 β˜…
    Mexican Outlaw
    1st-2 ggc
    2nd-1 ggc

    My best moment in game was finally getting my first 6* dupe, which was Long Shot! Love using him.
  • azaan9002azaan9002 Member Posts: 16 β˜…
    IGN: azaan9002
    GGC+ stonys if i do win something then my best monent was when i pulled an aegon from 5 star crystal i am conqurer rank player but i don't have awakening gem to make him the complete best but i stilk use him all the time from this year that was the my best moments i can think of and marry Christmas to allβ™₯️
  • DarkKnight646DarkKnight646 Member Posts: 84 β˜…
    IGN: DarkKnight646
    Prize: 2 GGC/1 GGC

    My best moment was when I soloed the 6.2 champion boss with doctor doom, it felt amazing
  • BazingoBazingo Member Posts: 32 β˜…
    edited December 2020
    IGN: BazingΓΆ
    Prize: 2 GGC for 1st place or 1 GGC for 2nd place
    My best moments were getting the 5* OR i needed for cav earlier this year and this week pulling my first great 6* Apoc!! (after like 30 crappy pulls)
  • ChristoskillerChristoskiller Member Posts: 123 β˜…
    My id XchrisXkb
    Want the ggcs whatever the place
    Best experience for me getting my 5* apocalypse
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,511 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: bugmat78
    Request: 2 GGCs
    Best thing in game - beating 6.2 Champion pre-nerf on my last revive
  • Messy151Messy151 Member Posts: 14 β˜…
    IGN - Messy151
    1st place 2 ggc, 2nd place 1 ggc
    Best thing to happen was getting Uncollected and Cavalier this year!
  • imranimteyaz1imranimteyaz1 Member Posts: 21 β˜…
    IGN: siddid 1
    My best moment is when I used my 4star Corvus Glaive to finish the final boss of monthly event quest uncollected difficulty(dont remember which month) in my main, which gave me enough shards to open a 5star and a 6 starcrystal , and the pulls ended up being a 6star Corvus Glaive and a 5star Corvus Glaive.........
  • ABOMBABOMB Member Posts: 564 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited December 2020
    First prize choice: 2 GGC
    Second place choice: 1 GGC
    Best in game thing thats happened to me this year: Finally toppling Thanos from Act 3! Been a casual non allied player for a good while but just hit a wall with this guy..so I quit.

    About a year later, its late at night and I'm sitting in the hospital room watching over my sleeping wife and newborn daughter (my second), when I decide to pull my phone out and keep myself entertained to fight falling asleep.
    Eventually after exhausting everything else, I reluctantly clicked on the MCOC icon.
    Well let's just say throughout that night I finally conquered the big bad Thanos..and the rest is history.
    Since then I've became Cavalier, have a well developed roster, am part of a wonderful alliance full of teammates I've come to view as extended family, and I've even began a YouTube channel.
    This is the most fun I've ever had playing any game and its simply been a complete joy! 😊
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,967 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    ABOMB said:

    First prize choice: 2 GGC
    Second place choice: 1 GGC
    Best in game thing thats happened to me this year: Finally toppling Thanos from Act 3! Been a casual non allied player for a good while but just hit a wall with this guy..so I quit.

    About a year later, its late at night and I'm sitting in the hospital room watching over my sleeping wife and newborn daughter (my second), when I decide to pull my phone out and keep myself entertained to fight falling asleep.
    Eventually after exhausting everything else, I reluctantly clicked on the MCOC icon.
    Well let's just say throughout that night I finally conquered the big bad Thanos..and the rest is history.
    Since then I've became Cavalier, have a well developed roster, am part of a wonderful alliance full of teammates I've come to view as extended family, and I've even began a YouTube channel.
    This is the most fun I've ever had playing any game and its simply been a complete joy! 😊

    question, do you have a alt named BLUEGHOST on here?
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