Heavy connects on 1st hit but 2nd hit is resisted?!

This is a real issue now in war. It’s happened to me 3 times now. I have 2 of these instances on video. It’s happened to others in my alliance too. Mate was using Apocalypse today in war against Spider Gwen and the 1st hit of his heavy connected and she resisted his 2nd hit. Surely I don’t need to explain how this should be impossible as far as gameplay mechanics go.
If the 1st hit of my heavy was resisted I would accept it as it’s the ‘stand your ground’ mastery. Cool fair enough.
But a hit confirm on the 1st hit means the opponent is taking the full heavy. Should not be possible to resist/block the 2nd hit.
R3 She-Hulk vs Sasquatch. Hit confirm on 1st hit of her heavy and then he resists the 2nd hit.
R3 She-Hulk vs Void. Hit confirm on 1st hit of her heavy and then he resists the 2nd hit.

Waiting patiently for your response guys and gals.
If the 1st hit of my heavy was resisted I would accept it as it’s the ‘stand your ground’ mastery. Cool fair enough.
But a hit confirm on the 1st hit means the opponent is taking the full heavy. Should not be possible to resist/block the 2nd hit.
R3 She-Hulk vs Sasquatch. Hit confirm on 1st hit of her heavy and then he resists the 2nd hit.
R3 She-Hulk vs Void. Hit confirm on 1st hit of her heavy and then he resists the 2nd hit.

Waiting patiently for your response guys and gals.
Edit: seems weird how the ai is reblocking instead of like a stunned motion in the heavy
Yep indeed. I was skeptical at first but if the opponent is able to do that on defense then it would only be fair to have the same feature on offense. I tried with 50% Stand your ground-Resist against 4* r1 Thing and I noticed once the block had been broken there was near 0% chance to resist once more. This is really unfair.
(Or just remove it on def and do as OP suggested)
I don't know how long you guys have been playing but SYG has always worked like this. The mastery description has also always been the same. As we all know kabam has always had problems wording things vs how they actually work. So there are 2 options: it's bugged or this is how it's supposed to work. Kabam Zibiit has commented on a thread discussing this so he knew it was happening at one point.
I looked up some sources since I saw people saying it's normal get disagrees.
The fact remains that it has to be a bug. IF THE 1st HIT OF A MULTI HIT HEAVY CONNECTS THE REST OF THE HITS IN THE HEAVY MUST CONNECT AS WELL. Otherwise you’re never safe to heavy anyone in AW or arena without risk of being resisted and/or parried, which is preposterous.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious
Getting really annoying. I use Shulk every war and corner heavies are a huge part of my strategy. This now happens every time. Are you guys going to acknowledge that this is, in fact, a bug?
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
Sometimes even after a 4 hit combo.
Well it’s good to know this bug is still present and you guys have not acknowledged this at all. Radio 📻 silence huh?
@Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike
Hulkbuster’s Specials were not becoming unblockable either. They would say unblockable but not break the block.
If there is a hit in a heavy that lands (confirmed) then all subsequent hits should land too. It is entirely out of a player and a champ’s control to ensure that all heavy hits land successfully after you connect with the 1st hit of a heavy.
As this game progresses more and more champs increasingly rely on various heavy abilities as part of their rotation or kit. This really needs to be addressed.
What this interaction is saying is that any heavy from any champ in alliance war (and arena) is never safe no matter what. This is a critical mechanic in the game, surely this is not the intended interaction.
I’ll post more instances below.
2 of these vids seem acceptable. ‘Resist’ 1st hit of heavy and either ‘resist’ 2nd as well OR block break into hit confirm on 2nd hit is how SYG interaction should work.
The other 2 vids where you have hit confirm on 1st hit of heavy BUT ‘resist’ on 2nd hit surely cannot be working as intended.
@Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Miike