Mastery build preset's/tabs

Im suggesting something along the lines of:
Have 3 tabs in mastery for buildable presets.
Kind of like how call of duty lets you set up multiple class, weapons, perks etc, so you can quickly change between them.
I personally have most every of my masteries unlocked.... but i never change them because switching them then having to switch them back is not great fun.
How great would it be to switch your masteries quickly over to a suiside build you created specifically for a few champs you run, and then be able to effectively, with less time and no grief switch them back to your favorite default...
Im not programmer but i feel like this would be elementary programming to impliment.... the oldest windows PC's even have tabs for ancient programs.
Such a basic feature would make the game feel more "premium" and more versatile... for your teams / builds.
If we had this i would actually change my masterys and enjoy the game and certain champs more.
& i think such feature would make everyone more inclined to switch them up as well... and would make implementing these "coming soon" masteries much more desirable to try out and expierment with.
What do you guys think?
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Have 3 tabs in mastery for buildable presets.
Kind of like how call of duty lets you set up multiple class, weapons, perks etc, so you can quickly change between them.
I personally have most every of my masteries unlocked.... but i never change them because switching them then having to switch them back is not great fun.
How great would it be to switch your masteries quickly over to a suiside build you created specifically for a few champs you run, and then be able to effectively, with less time and no grief switch them back to your favorite default...
Im not programmer but i feel like this would be elementary programming to impliment.... the oldest windows PC's even have tabs for ancient programs.
Such a basic feature would make the game feel more "premium" and more versatile... for your teams / builds.
If we had this i would actually change my masterys and enjoy the game and certain champs more.
& i think such feature would make everyone more inclined to switch them up as well... and would make implementing these "coming soon" masteries much more desirable to try out and expierment with.
What do you guys think?
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Mastery build preset's/tabs 126 votes
Thanks for acknowledging my suggestion!
Im asking and debating this for years now.
That would make the game a lot more enjoyable.
Only negative thing would be harder War def (if everyone swaps to limber/ no more suicides etc)
But that is only a small problem which could be worked around imo.
I know almost everyone has lowkey thought about it, or something similar to it at one point or another.
Streamlining the expierince would benifit everyone.. newer & seasoned summoners.
It would add another layer of engagement and versatility in the game... new light on an already present feature.
The option to change masteries already exists... its nothing new....but is just currently a tedious process... and overall not a great fun expierince
Improving this area of the game may have a benifit and incentive for kabam as well who knows........
more people may want to pick up a few units to quickly unlock some masteries they have been neglecting to buy for the longest time because of the current mastery setup & expierince
*cough cough*
Me and willpower mastery
*cough cough*
But dont get me wrong. Im not advocating spending money or gearing the game anymore in that direction... i personally wish masteries were free to unlock.
I just know kabam tends to follow the money.
So im simply pointing to possible money
For them....through improving everyones mastery building expierince
That way everyone can enjoy and utilize the feature.. this would be the most optimal way to impliment the feature.. and make your playerbase the happiest.
But... kabam.... i know how you are.... if you absolutely refuse to make it free.... plese at least give the option for it to turn into a free process as long as you have an active summonor sigil...
Because extra exp from sigil is not a great selling point for alot of players... your asking for as much as a netflix subscription for that thing... it wouldn't hurt to add in more value to it for end game players. Be it more special quest etc or making mastery swaps free.
We are on a slow and steady mastery crusade!
I know there are more votes to be had.
The results so far are staggering!
thanks for voicing your support so far players!
Guess they're too busy counting cash and ruining champs to care for QoL updates.
"Joking, i know im not special"
56 votes so far.
More to come.
Cast your vote mates.
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Fyi, this request has been made over and over (and over) again. You were just lucky enough to have gotten a Kabam reply about it 😀
I know for certain its been mentioned before. Theres no way i am the only one.
Thats why i want to keep gathering votes.
But this doesnt need to be that intense.
Builds are not that important.
And shouldnt be.
Builds should just add depth and varity.
Kabam has has hit the nail on the head.
They have managed to create such an engaging variety of champions...
The plethora of champs to choose from.
The variety of abilities and skills.
The different squad member bonuses
How each champion plays differently
How each champion is unique.
Is perfect.
They nailed the champion system.
I love it and it keeps me comming back for more and more.
Its engaging and fun.
But because of the variety of content.
And the need to use different champs for different situation....
Creates the need and desire to enhance our little rosters as best as we can...
It feels great finally having a decent team of bleed immune champs... i love the fact that there is an option to build a suiside team to enhance that niche of play if i so choose with my base attributes "masteries"
Some may disagree.
Trigger warning.
I apologize in advance...
But because each champion has unique set skills.
& predetermined abilities...
The game has evolved in such a way that i feel the attribute system "masterys" has fallen behind.
I feel like masteries could & should evolve "in tandem". As a means to enhance variety.
First step is stream-line the expierince.
The option is already there.
It just feels stuck...sluggish...dated..
Make it easy for people to want to switch them up and utilize the feature.
Second step is to not change existing masteries because it would alienate the player base.
Third step is to To keep adding new champs with unique skill sets... just keep doing what your doing... its perfect
Forth step is to expand masteries.
Create masteries that will facilitate different styles of play and variation around different styles of champs.
"Like how suisides builds off of immunities."
It will build depth to the game.
But in the process kabam.
dont skill gate content to a degree where your forced to have to have any one specifc mastery set.....masteries should add debth... not leave you trapped.
Thanks for taking your time to read this book.
And i would stfu and be happy for a while
since i have you here
and the topics on the table...
I say coming soon masteries are an untapped resource.
You could have masteries that enhance... fury, degen, unblockable, power gain, poison, thorns, shield, shield break, evade, etc. Etc. Etc.
The list goes as far as the things you have introduced into the game so far.
Once easy mastery swaps and builds become a thing. The depth of different characters playstyles or builds you could create is limited only by your imagination... and willingness to test and balance.
Not super serious examples of a random mastery you could add:
A team bonus mastery called i love you 3000 that kicks in with a squad of 5 avengers....
Or 10 parry stuns causes the 11th stun to inflict a double duration stun...
Granted a little balancing would be in order.
But the possibilitys are immense.
They are still doing it for champs being reworked.
Now my suiside team is stuck in AQ..
Too lazy to bother changing the masteries back again to my other setup to play the monthly quest. With all my non-bleed immune champs.
Meh ill wait till next AQ break 🙊