Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Ninelives23Ninelives23 Member Posts: 1

    White Phoenix of the crown


    The wink


  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Baron Zemo ( Skill )
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Bombastic Bag-Man (Science)

    Angel Dust (Mutant)

    Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Mutant)

    Iron Spider (Tech)

    Prowler (Skill)

    Supergiant (Cosmic)

    Spider-Man (Takuya Yamashiro) (Science)

    Baby Groot (Cosmic)

    Topaz (Mystic)

    Octo-Spidey (Tech)

    Iron Spider (MCU) (Tech)
  • Patriots1993Patriots1993 Member Posts: 12

    why havent we gotten any other versions of rocket?! hes a loved character and im sure alot of us would love a playable rocket if he isnt getting buffed up then he surely should have a buffed version and may i sugges rocket venom?! hes unique and crazy and would just overall be a catch im sure to any players in game!
  • LlessurLlessur Member Posts: 488 ★★★

    Hello There! This is my Obi-Wan Kenobi character idea.

    Obi Wan Kenobi
    Abilities:Taunt Prowess Power Sting
    Passives:Mind Trick Master Of Defense High Ground

    Obi-Wans enhanced jedi skills make him immune to poison.

    Trash Talk: Obi-Wan is a great trash talker against his opponents power every time you parry a hit the opponent will gain a taunt debuff lasting 6 seconds. Along with this taunt a power sting debuff is added onto the opponent for 6 seconds

    Master Of Defense: Obi-Wan is a master of defense. After 7 successful parry’s are performed gain a master of defense passive that lasts for 35 seconds . Gain 6 prowess each prowess increases the damage of obi wans special attacks by 400%
    Also during master of defense your perfect block chance is doubled

    Mind Trick: Obi-Wan is a master of mind tricks on all of his special attacks if contact is made activate mind trick. During mind trick the opponent will have reverse controls. Obi-wan also gains 40% more offensive power gain during mind trick. Mind trick lasts for 12 seconds

    High Ground:Obi-Wan is a master of playing on any type of ground.High Ground is a passive that cannot be removed. When high ground is active the opponent cannot evade or autoblock.

    SP1 Force Push:Obi Wan launches the opponent far away from him. This attacks activates Mind Trick if contact is made.

    SP2 Foward!: Obi-Wan starts sprinting at his opponent releasing heavy strikes to his opponent. This attack activates mind trick if contact is made

    SP3 It’s Over I HaveThe high Ground!:Obi wan gains the high ground on the burning planet of mustafar the opponent will try it. But Kenobi slices then down into the lava below!(this is the main damage from him with master of defense this will do lots of damage)
    If the opponent is Anakin Skywalker it is a immediate KO unless stated otherwise.

    Signature Ability: Kenobi doubles his taunt and power sting time at max sig from 6 seconds to 12 seconds for both debuffs.

    And that’s my Kenobi idea! This is probably been my favorite one yet. This will most likely be my last one today. May the force be with you all!

    His high ground ability should be instant 1 hit kill
  • LlessurLlessur Member Posts: 488 ★★★
    all spidermen need a buff but you add
    spiderman 2099(give him tech abilities),

    superior spiderman(tons of weakness fury precision and doc octs abilities as well as more evade),

    homemade suit spiderman(he van have certain abilities that can only be used once and then they break because
    homemade isn't as stable but then add in on his Sp3 a small clip of him fixing his
    web-shooters and then give him those abilities back. )
    Stan Lee: he could be just an event boss and after a bunch of fights against marvel characters stan lee created and
    once you get to him and he starts with an Sp3 kills you instantly by either picking up the screen placing it on
    his desk and erasing your champ or picking up the screen crumpling it up like a paper and throwing it in the
    trash making it an instant kill but gives you a cool title and profile

    Stan Lee Birthday event? (only for uncollected and above)

    that would be the quest and only marvel champs made by stan lee would be the defenders. and we only get 3 champions to run through the quest with

    once we get to stan lee we start the fight and see this

    stan lee starts with a sp3 and are stunned and he immediately throughs the Sp3 (above)

    now his Sp3 is an instant kill but does one of two things



    But then we get all the rewards(profile picture and title) from an objective saying we met stan lee

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Bob, Agent of Hydra (Skill)

    SP//dr (Tech)

    Iron Man (Mark I Armor) (Tech)

    Okoye (Skill)

    Spider-Man (Gamerverse) (Science)

    Yukio (Skill)
  • FlyGalaxyBombFlyGalaxyBomb Member Posts: 778 ★★★
    edited April 2021
    Kid Laroi for MCOC 2069 <3
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Franklin Richards (Powerhouse) (Earth-616)

    Franklin Richards (Powerhouse) (Earth-616)

    Franklin Richards (Powerhouse) (Earth-81122)

    Franklin Richards (Powerhouse) (Erde-10772)

    Franklin Richards (Powerhouse) (Erde-12665)

    Franklin Richards (Powerhouse) (Earth-616))

    Empowered with psionic and reality-manipulation abilities from his Super Hero parents Susan Storm and Reed Richards, Franklin Richards is one of the most powerful mutants.

    Powers and Abilities

    Franklin Richards has been stated to be an Omega Level Mutant.[68][12] Although that later turned out to be untrue.[67] The Celestials have described him as being Beyond Omega Classification,[15] and Galactus considered him as "the most powerful mutant ever born".[14] He was also known as an Alpha-Level Mutant,[69] and stated among the most powerful mutants on Earth, sometimes the most powerful.[70] His power set was considered by Reed as High Threat Level.[71] Allegedly, his powers seems to derive from a dimension of pure power nicknamed the Godpower, a source of energy which fuels the powers of various superhumans via their mitochondria.[72]

    Currently, Franklin is completely depowered after expending the last remaining bit of his energy.[67]

    It was recently discovered by Professor X and Cerebro that Franklin was never truly a mutant, but that his powerful reality altering powers made him one because of his desire to be special.[13]

    Former Powers
    Strength level
    Franklin Richards possesses the normal human strength of a boy of his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. Based on the ability of some reality warpers to increase their strength (such as Mad Jim Jaspers[86] and Freedom Ring[87]), we can presume that Franklin can augment his strength to incalculable levels by manipulating reality or using telekinesis. However, it remains a potential ability.

    Power Loss: Franklin's powers can be burned out through overuse.[35][1] However, while on Krakoa his powers fade to a much slower extent.[65]
    Franklin expended the rest of his powers in battle in a single punch, currently making him a depowered mutant. Due to this, the Krakoan gates do not recognize him as a mutant, and he is unable to use them.[67]
    It turns out, Franklins cosmic powers made him into a mutant subconsciously, and when he lost them, he didn't become a depowered mutant, but instead just a depowered human mutate, as he truly was before.[13]

    Matter and energy manipulation
    Energy projection
    Psionic abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, astral projection, and precognition
    Pocket universe creation
    Franklin is an immensely powerful being with vast reality-manipulating and psionic powers beyond Omega level mutants, despite not being a mutant himself (though he was believed to be a mutant throughout most of his appearances). He is the young son of Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four, the older brother of Valeria Richards, and the nephew of Invisible Woman's younger brother, the Human Torch. His parents named him Franklin Benjamin Richards; his middle name is taken from his godfather Ben Grimm, the Thing. Franklin's first name comes from Franklin Storm, his maternal grandfather. He has started using the code name Powerhouse.[1][2]

    Powers and abilities
    Franklin possesses the power to warp reality, i.e., to make any thought or desire come to fruition, even up to a cosmic scale. He is able to rearrange the molecular structure of matter and energy at will. Franklin once subconsciously created his own pocket universe, encompassing a virtual replica of Earth-616. As a result, several cosmic entities, including Galactus, Eternity, and Infinity, as well as Omniversal Guardian Roma and Omniversal Majestrix Opal Luna Saturnyne, began to take notice of Franklin's tremendous gifts,[51] going so far to describe him as a "being whom the Celestials felt was on par with themselves".[52] Two Celestials, Ashema the Listener and Nezarr the Calculator, were at one time tasked with retrieving Franklin for evaluation as a new member of the Celestial Host,[53] a group of beings recognized as "gods" by the Eternals and Deviants.[54]

    In addition to reality and molecular manipulation, Franklin has vast psionic powers that have manifested as telepathy, telekinesis, energy blasts of concussive force, precognition, and astral projection. Being a child, Franklin's abilities are restricted to an extent by his limited control. Moreover, it remains unclear what power levels Franklin will ultimately achieve as an adult, as several future incarnations from alternate realities as well as the mainstream Marvel universe have been shown to vary in power. One such manifestation of Franklin in adult form was able to destroy two Celestials from Earth-4280 during physical combat; in the aftermath of their defeat, Franklin's immortality was strongly implied. The same individual also tapped into the power of his younger self to resurrect and transform Galactus into his own personal herald after the Devourer of Worlds had been rendered unconscious in battle against a host of Celestials.[42][44]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Fongji Wu Iron-Fist (Erde-616)

    Fongji Wu (Earth-62520)

    Fongji Wu (Earth-616 )

    Fongji Wu (Earth-12725)

    Powers and Abilities
    Seemingly those of Iron Fist of Earth-616 as well as those of a Phoenix Force avatar.

    Centuries ago, the Yu-Ti Nu-An had a recurring dream associating a red-haired girl with the Phoenix and a dragon. He later finds a matching red-haired girl named Fongji in the streets of K'un-L'un and has her trained as the Iron Fist.[46] Nu-An asks for Leonardo da Vinci to come to K'un-L'un in order to help protect the world against the Phoenix's arrival; meanwhile, Fongji is submitted to a hard training, eventually manifesting the Phoenix powers. Nu-An orders her to battle the dragon Shao-Lao as established by the ritual of the Iron Fist. Fongji is successful in her test and becomes the Iron Fist, shortly before Da Vinci sees the Phoenix coming towards Earth.[47] Fongji is able to bond with the Phoenix and remain in control of herself, but she feels that Earth is still not ready for its evolution and departs.[48]

    Fan Fei Iron-Fist (Earth-616)

    Fan Fei Iron-Fist (Earth-616)

    Fan Fei Iron-Fist (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities
    Seemingly those of an average Iron Fist.[2]

    As an Iron Fist user, it can be assumed that she is skilled in various martial arts. She is also able to understand the grunts of her teammate Starbrand.[2]

    Fan Fei Edit
    In 1,000,000 BC, a K'un-Lun native named Fan Fei was born to the Green Lotus House and had taken a fascination with the cavemen that lived outside K'un-Lun;[49] going so far as to train a few of them in secret. After she was exposed, Fan Fei was chained up and forced to watch as her students were fed to Shou-Lou by Lei Kung. When she broke out, in the hopes that she will die fighting Shou-Lou, Fan Fei punched the dragon in his chest tattoo and gained his powers. Lei Kung had Fan Fei exiled from K'un-Lun, believing Shou-Lou was dead, and she traveled the world; fighting Deviants and the Gorgilla Clan of Man-Apes along the way. Fan Fei was approached by Mephisto, who wanted her to use her powers to conquer Earth, but she declined. In response, Mephisto granted his gifts to the Gorgilla Clan. After a fight with Fan Fei, Mephisto led the Gorgilla Clan's Ape King to the Power Infinity Gem, which he used to fight Fan Fei again. After recuperating, Fan Fei found herself at the entrance of K'un-Lun. Lei Kung states that her sentencing was wrong, as they learned Shou-Lou was immortal, and wanted to bring her home. However, she declined, stating that Earth was her home and her fights here are just the beginning.[50]

    Fan Fei later banded together with Agamotto, Lady Phoenix, Odin, and Stone Age versions of Black Panther, Ghost Rider, and Star Brand to fought off a Celestial named the Fallen. They would go on to defeat it and seal it underground in what would later become South Africa.[51]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
    Immortel Iron-Fist


    Two Iron Fist

    Two Iron Fists

    Chi Fist Explosion

    Chi Explosion


    Master martial artist

    Utilizing concentrated chi in his fist called the "Iron Fist," a mystical weapon

    Powers and abilitiesEdit

    Plunging his fists into the molten heart of the dragon Shou-Lao the Undying infused the dragon's superhuman energy into Rand. This, along with being trained by Lei Kung the Thunderer, gave Rand the power of the Iron Fist, allowing him to summon and focus his chi energy (also called natural energy or life force energy) to enhance his natural abilities to extraordinary levels. His strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, reflexes and senses can all be greatly intensified, almost comparable to superhuman levels.
    He is able to concentrate his own chi and the superhuman energy from Shou-Lao's heart into his hand, with it manifesting as a supernatural glow around his hand and fist. So concentrated, this "iron fist" can strike with superhuman hardness and impact, while his hand becomes impervious to pain and injury. Some of Rand's feats with the "iron fist" is knocking out Luke Cage,[volume & issue needed] knocking out a drunken Hercules,[volume & issue needed] taking down Black Panther (wearing his vibranium suit),[volume & issue needed] and taking down the S.H.I.E L.D Helicarrier with a single punch.[volume & issue needed] However, summoning the power required by this feat leaves Rand physically and mentally drained, unable to repeat the act for a time, as long as an entire day in certain instances, though after years of using the ability, it has become less draining.[citation needed]
    He can focus his chi inward to heal himself or outward to heal others of injury, as well as to give himself psychic senses and to telepathically fuse his consciousness with another person.[40]
    Rand is also a skilled acrobat, gymnast, and a master of all of K'un-Lun's martial arts, as well as various fighting styles from Earth, including Shaolin Kung Fu, Aikido,[41] Fujian White Crane,[42] Judo,[43] Karate,[43] Muay Thai,[42] Ninjutsu,[44] Wushu, and Wing Chun.[45]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Reed Richards (Earth-1610) (The Maker)

    Reed Richards (Earth-1610) (The Maker) Hybrid

    Reed Richards (Earth-1610) (The Maker)

    Powers and Abilities

    Power Grid[92]Intelligence6Strength2Speed2Durability5Energy Projection1Fighting Skills2


    Elasticity: Reed's cells have been replaced with "pliable bacterial stacks," single cells which duplicate most of the larger functions of the human body. This allows Reed to stretch his body in myriad ways without disrupting the necessary functions of internal organs such as the heart, kidneys, muscles, or even brain. Reed can stretch any or all of his body parts long distances; assuming non-human shapes such as a sphere or parachute; or creating extra appendages and even linked bodies capable of holding conversations with himself.[10] According to Sue's mother, Reed's abilities allow him to stretch his brain in order to accommodate and solve almost any problem, thus making him effectively a human computer.
    Immortality According to Reed himself, his biology is not based on the principle of entropy causing him to have unnatural longevity.[78] Furthermore, he states he neither has to take in nourishment or excrete waste, lacks any need for a vascular system or oxygen, has survived in vacuums like the N-Zone, and possibly fails the definition of being alive. All this allowed him to spend close to one thousand years inside the Dome without outward signs of physical aging.[78][35]
    Multiversal Omnipresence: Due to the Molecule Man's tampering, the Maker exists in every universe at once,[79] with each body in every universe sharing the same single consciousness.[60] He has used this condition to pass objects from one universe to another, such as when he teleported immediately to his body in the Marvel Universe a weapon taken from Earth-7918.[59] However, to what extent is unknown as several of his bodies have been destroyed.[62][63]
    Artificial Enhanced Symbiote: After bonding to the improved artificial Venom symbiote from his universe, Maker possessed:

    Constituent Matter Generation

    Superhuman Strength

    Superhuman Durability

    Superhuman Agility

    Superhuman Reflexes

    Weapon Generation

    Composite Symbiote Costume: As a result of physically bonding with the composite Hybrid symbiote, Reed possesses various superhuman attributes:

    Advanced Constituent Matter Generation

    Advanced Constituent Matter Manipulation

    Metabolic Acid Generation

    Metabolic Chemical Absorption

    Superhuman Strength

    Superhuman Durability

    Superhuman Agility

    Superhuman Reflexes

    Immunity to Spider-Man's spider-sense

    Wall Crawling

    Web Slinging




    Super-Genius Intelligence: Reed Richards is a child prodigy and possesses a keen scientific intellect, decades ahead of his time. This intelligence has recently been augmented by his new powers.[80] Reed holds multiple doctoral level degrees in theoretical and applied physics fields.[81] Richards' IQ is 267,[82] and he was stated to be a "Level Twelve Intellect" by Tony Stark.[83] However, when Reed centered his operations in the Prime Marvel Universe, he discovered the subtle differences in composition between this reality and his home universe impaired his intellect, on account of differing laws of science that he identified as more "flamboyant" and more "fantastic".[55][57]
    Enhanced Memory Richards was able to vividly remember events in his childhood a thousand years after they had happened.[84]



    Impact Suit: Reed, like the rest of the Fantastic Four, wears an impact suit that can adjust itself to his abilities. To this end, whenever Reed stretches or compresses himself, the suit takes on the same malleability his body possesses.[85]
    Gravity Belt
    As he was once a lead scientist at the Baxter Building, Reed had access to enormous governmental resources. While there he developed technology such as:

    The N-Zone Transporter.[17]

    Fantasti-Cars: Flying vehicles powered by zero-point generators.[86]

    A decommissioned NASA Space Shuttle (Named Awesome by Johnny Storm) uniquely modified for travel through the N-Zone.[4]

    Chrono-tunnel enabling time travel.[81]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Elliot Boggs (Earth-1610)(Magician)

    Elliot Boggs (Earth-1610)(Magician)

    Elliot Boggs (Earth-1610)(Magician)

    Powers and Abilities
    * Magician is a teleporter.
    * Powers
    * Reality Warping: His full power has not been realized, but could be categorized as Reality Altering. He has demonstrated the ability to reduce and increase gravity, increased strength, creation of solid people and objects. The upper limit of his power is unknown, he was able to create the Brotherhood attack on Academy of Tomorrow from Xavier's mansion without knowing its exact location. He was capable of mutating and taking the powers of a person.[1] He has teleported, caused energy blasts to randomly come from the ground and turned guns into snakes. He has demonstrated superhuman agility and reflexes, when he dodged attacks from a human he had mutated.[1] He has also withstood intense shockwaves that knocked out all the other X-men and survived blasts of fire. He healed from being slashed by Wolverine's claws multiple times without even a scar. He was capable of telepathically communicating with Professor Xavier. He was also capable of causing a metal floor to wrap around the X-men, Professor Xavier and Nick Fury. He also tried to pull the adamantium off of Wolverine's skeleton. He was capable of causing Kitty to develop a crush on him without knowing it.
    Physical Strength
    Can increase his strength to unknown levels.

    He has very little conscious control of his powers, stating that they seem to give him whatever he wants whether he knows it and whether he wills it to happen or not, causing them to often act through his subconscious without him meaning for it to happen. He has also stated that although he can use them on purpose he didn't believe they could be truly controlled based on their nature.[2]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Loki Laufeyson
    In Norse mythology, Loki is the god of fire, jokes, cunning, evil and metamorphosis. He is the son of the giant Farbauti and the goddess Laufey and therefore half god, half giant.

    Loki Laufeyson
    In Norse mythology, Loki is the god of fire, jokes, cunning, evil and metamorphosis. He is the son of the giant Farbauti and the goddess Laufey and therefore half god, half giant.

    Loki Laufeyson
    In Norse mythology, Loki is the god of fire, jokes, cunning, evil and metamorphosis. He is the son of the giant Farbauti and the goddess Laufey and therefore half god, half giant.

    good melee fighter
    can create illusions
    can transform into other people
    is able to hold an infinity stone with his bare hand
    can manipulate others
    above-average intelligence
    rapid self-healing
    ages more slowly than humans, 100 years is a year of human appearance
    high force
    high resistance
    quick reflexes
    immune to cold
    high agility
    can invade the memory of others
    can make people forget things

    Powers and Abilities
    As a Frost Giant, Loki possessed superhuman attributes such as abnormal strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina, and reflexes and had been shown to be a powerful combatant. He learned to use Asgardian sorcery from Frigga, which, in addition to his cunning, manipulative and strategic mind, made Loki one of the most dangerous foes an individual could ever face in battle. Thor told Doctor Strange that Loki is "a worthy inclusion" to the latter's watchlist of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to Midgard.


    Loki's true nature as a Frost Giant

    "Puny god."
    Frost Giant Physiology: Since Loki had been enchanted to look like an Asgardian, Loki's Frost Giant features only came out when he was in contact with Frost Giant magic, such as when he utilized the Casket of Ancient Winters or when he was afflicted with the Frost Giants' touch. Though he is surpassed in physical capabilities by Asgardians, he can easily overpower grown men such as Tony Stark and keep up with enhanced individuals such as Captain America.

    Loki overpowering Stark with one hand

    "This guy packs a wallop."
    ―Captain America to Iron Man[src]
    Superhuman Strength: Loki possessed considerable superhuman strength, allowing him to overpower multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Captain America with little effort, easily defeat multiple Frost Giants, Dark Elves and Berserkers, effortlessly lifted Tony Stark off his feet, and even handled an Infinity Stone without being harmed. However, Loki's strength is still outclassed by that of Thor, the Hulk, and Thanos. Although he was able to fight Valkyrie on nearly equal grounds by matching her strength with his own skill, speed, and agility before she overpowered him, he was completely unable to resist Thanos, who effortlessly overpowered and lifted him off his feet with no strain even as Loki struggled to break free. He was also unable to fight Hulk, who effortlessly lifted him off his feet and repeatedly pummeled and defeated him within seconds. When wielding the Scepter, which contained an Infinity Stone, and Gungnir, Loki managed to go toe-to-toe with a Mjolnir-wielding Thor in a fight, albeit he was ultimately defeated even when Thor was holding back.
    Superhuman Durability: Loki has shown himself to be highly resistant to physical harm, further augmented by his armor. Hence, Loki only flinched after getting shot in the face multiple times with a handgun and was not at all affected by assault rifle rounds to his torso. Loki also barely reacted to a jab to the face from Captain America, and even a full force kick to the face from the latter that made Loki stumble back only hurt him slightly. However, sufficiently powerful weapons, such as Iron Man's repulsors, Hawkeye's explosive arrows, and a deflected shot from his own Scepter, were at least able to cause Loki pain and leave minor marks. Loki's durability was implied to be far greater than that of a normal Frost Giant, as he was able to take multiple mighty blows from Valkyrie, and even Hulk and Thor without any fatal damage. In addition, as a Frost Giant, Loki was immune to the extreme cold of Jotunheim. He also managed to safely touch the Tesseract without being harmed and even endure Thanos's grip on his neck long enough to defiantly threaten him that he will never be a god, although he quickly died. However, Loki's endurance and durability were shown to be considerably lesser than that of Thor, as seen when Loki was completely wiped out by Hulk's attack, yet Thor managed to recover from the same attack moments later, without any visible injuries and this was later shown when Thor survived being badly beaten and even having his head squeezed by Thanos while Loki was easily killed by Thanos when he snapped his neck without any effort. He could also survive in the vacuum of space unfazed.

    Loki catching Hawkeye's explosive arrow

    Superhuman Speed: Loki's inferior strength compared to Thor is compensated for his superhuman speed; he was fast enough to catch Hawkeye's arrow in mid-flight, inches away from his neck. He also used his speed in his fight against Captain America, during which he easily gained the upper hand, even smashing Captain America's Shield to the ground. Loki's speed even allowed him to contend with stronger opponents, such as Valkyrie and Thor, by outmaneuvering them, though he still ultimately lost such fights and Thor was holding back against Loki each and every time they fought and once Loki angered his brother in their second fight, Thor was able to easily catch Loki off-guard and beat him without Loki being able to react, implying Loki's speed is inferior to Thor when Thor held nothing back. Loki was also fast enough to tackle his brother out of the way before Hulk ambushed Thanos.
    Superhuman Agility: Loki had shown immense agility and reflexes, defeating several Dark Elves at once by using swift and agile movements, and keeping up with the stronger Valkyrie for the majority of their fight with his agility, though Loki was ultimately defeated and chained up, as well as going toe-to-toe with Thor, albeit Thor was holding back, despite the latter's own great agility and fighting ability, in both of their fights.
    Superhuman Stamina: Loki possessed superhuman stamina that allowed him to fight prolonged battles.
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his astounding resistance to injury, it was still possible to injure or even kill Loki. However, due to his Frost Giant physiology, Loki healed at a rate much faster than that of humans. Hence, Loki was quickly recovered back on his feet even after being brutally smashed multiple times against the ground by Hulk.
    Longevity: Loki had the capacity to live for thousands of years. Loki was a baby at the end of the last great war between the Asgardians and the Jotuns, over a thousand years ago.
    Cold Immunity: Due to his Frost Giant physiology, Loki was immune to the otherwise cold and damaging touch of Frost Giants. In fact, both a Frost Giant's touch and his, either using or even touching the Casket of Ancient Winters, would reveal his true form as a Frost Giant.
    "A master of magic could bring three Jotuns into Asgard."
    Master Sorcerer: Loki learned how to wield Asgardian magic while growing up in Asgard, thanks to his adoptive mother Frigga. He eventually became an extremely skilled and formidable sorcerer, with it being his main asset in battle, though other exceptionally skilled sorcerers, like Doctor Strange could contend with him. Even Odin was impressed by Loki's magical skills and noted that Frigga would have been proud of him.

    "Are you ever not going to fall for that?"
    ―Loki to Thor[src]

    Loki creates an illusion to trick his enemies

    Illusion Manipulation: Loki could generate extremely realistic holographic projections, sometimes with a gesture, which he has used to create illusions. He was particularly noted to fool enemies who try to attack him with an illusion of himself. These projections cannot interact with the environment and when someone attempts to interact with it, they will phase through it and the projections will give a green glow around wherever it was touched. Thor was noted to fall for this ability numerous times. Loki can even produce multiple images of himself appear simultaneously during a duel with Thor before the latter blasted them away with a blast of lightning. His holographic illusions could be projected across entire rooms, which allowed him to disguise the fact that he was disheveled and had destroyed his cell in the Asgardian Dungeons in anger over Frigga's death, though Thor was able to deduce the illusion quickly. However, Loki most notably conjured up the extremely convincing illusion of him seemingly dying from a wound inflicted by Kurse. He may have used this ability to speak to Thor when the latter was imprisoned by Phil Coulson after failing to pick up his hammer, instantly appearing in and then disappearing from the sealed room Thor was kept in.
    Presence Concealment: Loki was able to render himself and others unseen and unheard to whomever he wanted. Instead of letting light waves pass through himself, it was simply a trick of the mind, similar to hypnosis. He could even mask his presence from the all-seeing Heimdall himself while he was in Jotunheim, sneak several Frost Giants into Asgard without Heimdall's notice, and hide from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents when he briefly visited Thor and attempted to lift Mjølnir himself. Also, he appeared as a reflection in a mirror without being present in a room, while no one noticed him, as he even spoke aloud and neither Erik Selvig nor Nick Fury heard him.
    Shapeshifting: Loki also can alter his attire, his voice and his physical appearance in order to resemble another person or animal. When Loki uses this power on an entire person, the light generated is green, whereas if it is used on only part of a person or their clothing, the light appears yellow. He used this power to change his clothing from his usual armor to a human's business suit, and back to his battle armor. He was also capable of imitating Thor, Captain America, Odin, and an anonymous Asgardian guard. Loki's shapeshifting was so skilled that even as a child, he was able to transform himself into a snake to trick Thor, with his disguise being convincing enough to allow Thor to pick him up and hold him without arousing suspicion. He can also change others appearances as he briefly turned Thor into a frog as well as making him look like Lady Sif, and later on, to appear as if he had been stabbed, beaten and missing a hand when tricking Malekith into thinking that he had attacked Thor. Loki's shapeshifting also allowed him to generate weapons and armor as well, such as when he turned himself into an Asgardian Guard, he generated a spear and armor. Loki also used this power to generate a dagger in an attempt to assassinate Thanos. Loki's shapeshifting could not free him of any restraints placed upon him, as when he transformed into Captain America to mock him, Loki's hands were still bound, although he made it appear that the restraints had vanished.
    Mental Manipulation: Loki could subtly influence the minds of others, such as when he manipulated Erik Selvig into researching the Tesseract, making him repeat his words and thoughts as if they were his own. Later, Loki was even able to cast such a spell on Odin himself, which induced the All-Father to stay on Midgard while Loki usurped his Asgardian throne for four years, though it should be noted that the spell's effects were ultimately not permanent and Odin was able to break the spell shortly before Ragnarök, and only choose to remain in exile due to his impending death. Loki's illusions could also take the form of entire vivid visions, such as when he notably forced Valkyrie to relive her day of defeat against Hela by placing his hand on her head.

    Loki conjuring the Tesseract out of his hand

    Conjuration: When Heimdall was about to attack him, Loki quickly summoned the Casket of Ancient Winters to use against him, then made it disappear with a wave of his hands. He also appeared to be able to summon his dual daggers out of thin air when threatening Doctor Strange. Later, he used this ability to summon a dagger to throw at Hela while in the Bifrost. Finally, he used this ability to make the Tesseract appear in his hand when presenting it to Thanos.
    Telekinesis: Loki was able to move and influence objects through will alone, akin to generating immense concussive force. During Loki, Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three's skirmish with the Frost Giants, Loki used his telekinesis to amplify the force behind the daggers he threw, allowing them to easily shatter their shields and weapons. Upon hearing about Frigga's death, Loki, in a fury, clenched his fists and sent everything around the cell flying through the air and crashing into the walls, which also shook the cell violently like a small tremor, causing the light in it to flicker like an electromagnetic pulse.
    "You're a talented liar, brother. Always have been."
    ―Thor to Loki[src]
    Genius-Level Intellect: Loki was very intelligent, particularly in the fields of sorcery, tactics, manipulation, and deception, ranking as among the most intelligent individuals in the universe, being highly formidable even without using his powers or combat skills but simply through sheer intelligence, although while holding incredible intelligence, he was still way surpassed by someone as intelligent as Thanos's, with the latter thus easily completely deceiving and manipulating Loki into becoming his henchmen without him even realizing it for a long time and Loki would ultimately meet his true end when he attempted to fool and kill Thanos, who easily outsmarted Loki yet again, casually deflecting Loki's assassination attempt and then killing him without Loki being able to use his intelligence to survive the encounter. Also, Loki was initially noticeably superior to Thor in intelligence, repeatedly outsmarting him, but Thor would eventually manage to anticipate and outsmart Loki. Hence, despite lacking scientific expertise, he was able to understand and eventually utilize alien technologies with great proficiency, such as when he used a Midgard eye remover on Heinrich Schafer, when learned to use the control console that controlled the cage on Nick Fury's Helicarrier, and when he piloted both a Chitauri and Sakaaran airships. One of Loki's biggest achievements was successfully outsmarting and killing the almost invincible and vastly stronger Kurse, whom Loki tricked into letting him get close enough to activate his opponent's own Black Hole Grenade, a strategy which neither Kurse saw through until it was too late or Thor had thought of who unsuccessfully attempted to beat him hand-to-hand.
    Master Tactician: Loki is a crafty genius in orchestrating cunning schemes, that had earned him the title of 'God of Mischief'. Hence, Loki successfully orchestrated the events that lead to the banishment and death of Thor, by making Laufey and the Frost Giants attack Asgard during Thor's coronation, only to betray them and gain Asgard's throne. He later allowed himself to be captured by the Avengers and had his brainwashed ally Hawkeye attack Nick Fury's Helicarrier, and provoke Hulk into a rage, thereby freeing himself and separating the superhero team. Later, Loki helped Thor in the latter's attempt to destroy the Reality Stone by pretending to betray him in full view of Malekith and Kurse, thereby momentarily gaining the Dark Elves' trust. Shortly thereafter, Loki successfully faked his own death, cast a hypnosis spell against Odin, and finally usurped the Asgardian throne for four years. After later being marooned on Sakaar, Loki managed to gain the Grandmaster's trust with relative ease. However, his incredible tactical abilities are still far surpassed by Thanos, as the latter was able to easily anticipate Loki's attempt to assassinate him and then successfully finish him off for good.

    Loki stabbing Thor with a dagger in combat

    Expert Combatant: While Loki was far more interested in sorcery than Asgardian warrior arts, he had still proven to have received highly extensive combat training that makes him a surprisingly formidable fighter in both armed and hand-to-hand combat. His skills had allowed him to effortlessly defeat and kill several S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives in mere seconds, to easily kill several Frost Giants in Jotunheim, to easily slay multiple Dark Elves at once, using only a dagger, to defeat many Berserkers, and to roughly overpower the extremely skilled Captain America in a duel, although the latter proved to have more combat skills than that of his own. He has even been able to hold his own well against the stronger Valkyrie (through his superior agility), and even Thor on several occasions, who were among the most skilled warriors in Asgard's history, though Thor later admitted to having held back against his adopted brother.
    Knife Mastery: Loki was highly proficient with knives, able to easily kill several Frost Giants and Dark Elves with a single dagger. He was also a skilled knife-thrower, as he accurately threw some of his blades into the necks of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
    Spear Mastery: Loki was extremely skilled in fighting with a spear, as he was able to contend with Thor using Mjølnir wielding Gungnir in their ferocious duel. He also wielded the Scepter with devastating efficiency, effortlessly killing many S.H.I.E.L.D operatives and once again going toe-to-toe with Thor using his hammer.
    "Look, why don't you let me take over? I'm clearly the better pilot."
    ―Loki to Thor[src]
    Pilot: Loki was a capable pilot, claiming to be better than Thor, able to effectively fly numerous alien spaceships, including a Chitauri Chariot, an Asgardian Skiff and the Commodore by himself.
    Expert Marksman: Loki was a skilled marksman who could wield different types of weapons with great accuracy. After being given the Scepter by Thanos, Loki used it to fire energy blasts with devastating accuracy. During the Destruction of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. and the Battle of New York Loki shot air crafts out of the sky with only one shot using the Scepter. Loki was also skilled in knife throwing. During the Attack on Jotunheim and Destruction of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. Loki killed several Frost Giants and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents by throwing knives at them. Loki was able to gun down several Sakaaran Guards with a Sakaaran Laser Rifle with little effort during the Escape from Sakaar despite not being known to use a gun.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Top Martial Artists in the Marvel Universe.
    Master Izo
    Fat Cobra

    Mantis Brand Earth-616


    Master martial artist
    Plant manipulation
    Accelerated healing
    Astral projection
    Ability to communicate telepathically with the Cotati
    Energy projection
    The character was ranked 99th in Comics Buyer's Guide's "100 Sexiest Women in Comics" list.[1] Pom Klementieff portrays the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and Avengers: Endgame (2019).

    Meister Izo (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities


    Izo appears to be immortal, and possesses a radar sense identical to Daredevil's but greater, which he uses to fight and navigate. His skills are great enough where he managed to found the Chaste and train Stick in his combat skills.[1] He was skilled enough to easily defeat the Black Tarantula in single combat and slay dozens of Hand ninjas with ease.[4]


    Master Martial Artist


    Izo is blind, having blinded himself in order to train his radar sense.

    AbilitiesSuperhuman radar senses
    Formidable martial artist

    Powers and abilities

    Master Izo is a formidable martial artist, one of the finest anywhere in the world, including being able to wield two katana at once. He has considerable stamina, enabling him to traverse the city by jumping on rooftops. Despite (or rather, as a result of) being blind, he has superhuman-radar senses, much as Daredevil does. He also evidently possesses some form of immortality or at least life-extending capability, as he is now somewhere in the area of 500 years old.

    Fette Kobra (Erde-616)
    Fat Cobra (Earth-616)

    Fette Kobra (Erde-616)
    Fat Cobra (Earth-616)

    Fette Kobra (Erde-616)
    Fat Cobra (Earth-616

    Powers and Abilities


    Chi Manipulation: Fat Cobra has the ability to manipulate Chi energy. He gained this from years of training and finally defeating Xiang Yao while absorbing his chi and becoming champion of Peng Lai Island.[21]

    Chi Augmentation: Fat Cobra can harness his spiritual energy in a similar fashion as Iron Fist does. By doing this he can enhance all of his physical attributes to superhuman levels.[22]

    Chi-Enhanced Fist: Similar to Iron Fist, by concentrate his chi and focusing it into his hand, he can draw upon the superhuman energy and make his attack so powerful and super humanly resistant to injury and pain on a superhuman scale. This Chi based attack technique does not involve a physical transformation of any kind, simply a psychic channeling of concentrated natural energy. With his fist in this state, Fat Cobra can repel and injure superhuman beings as strong as The Sentry, separating the portion of The Void's evil energy from his body. He can also swallow that energy with the aim to purged and disposed it without being affected at all.[23]

    Electrokinesis: He can also channel a form of lightning that he can project as a blast or to entangle others with.[21]

    Nervous System Control: Fat Cobra has complete control over his nervous system enabling him to deaden himself to pain, resist the effects of drugs or poisons, and slow down the rate at which he bleeds.[24]

    Energy Detection: Capable of detecting energy signatures.[11]

    Heightened Awareness: Demonstrated the ability to detect a threat to his well-being in his immediate vicinity before they can commit the action itself and possesses enhanced intuition.[3]

    Enhanced Senses: Fat Cobra has unusually keen eyesight and hearing, but it is unclear if it extends to superhuman level.[3]

    Enhanced Durability: Fat Cobra can generate a chi-based "aura" radiating from his body to protect himself from energy based attacks to a varied degree, and make himself more resilient against physical damage.[3]

    Chi Enhanced Healing: He can use his chi to heal wounds and illness, as he spent two years in a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility mending his spine and regrowing his legs.[1]

    Dimensional Travel: Under certain circumstances, his chi can be focused to create nexus points between dimensions.[11]

    Advanced Longevity: Fat Cobra was born at the end of the 19th Century and appears to still be in his prime.[21]


    Master Martial Artist: Fat Cobra is a master of the martial arts, since he absorbed all the knowledge of his predecessors. His moves include; "Sumo Thunder Stomp", "Cudgel of Misfortune", "Whirlwind of Impending Doom", "Exquisite Speed Release", "Stomping Giant Slap", "Heaven's Haymaker", and "Thunder Devil Stomp".[3]

    Acrobatics/Dance: Fat Cobra, from an early age, was trained in Chinese dance and acrobatics. He is surprisingly fast and nimble for his size.[1]

    Weapons Proficiency: He has extensive knowledge of weaponry.[3]

    Nervous System Control: He has near-complete control over his nervous system, enabling him to deaden himself to pain.[3]

    Environmental Adaptation: His entire body is oriented to combat, enabling him to adapt to any environment with minimal exposure.[3]

    Physical Strength

    Fat Cobra possesses peak human strength at the least, and can lift at least twice his body weight.[1]


    Memory Loss: Due to his debauched life of excess, his memory is a little blurry.[1]

    Vices: Over his long life he has indulged in many vices namely food, drink, drugs, and prostitutes.[1]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Top Martial Artists in the Marvel Universe...
    Lady Bullseye

    Karnak Mander-Azur (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities


    Inhuman Metabolism: Besides strength, Karnak possesses certain physical skills superior to those of human athletes. His Inhuman metabolism affords him slightly greater reaction time, endurance, and speed than the human race's most perfect physical specimen, Captain America:[25]

    Enhanced Reflexes

    Enhanced Endurance

    Enhanced Speed

    Enhanced Strength

    Enhanced Durability: He has toughened all the striking surfaces of his body in general and his hands in particular, so that they are covered with dense callus. Karnak is capable of shattering wood, cinderblock, and even mild steel.

    Autonomic Function Control: Karnak has physically conditioned his body and mind to their peak levels of efficiency. He has voluntary control over most of his body's autonomic functions: breathing, heartbeat, bleeding, reaction to pain, rate of healing, etc.
    Stress Point Detection: Through mental discipline, Karnak has gained the extrasensory ability to perceive the stress points, fracture planes, or weaknesses, physical or psychological, in all objects or persons around him. By striking and applying pressure at these points, he can split or shatter objects made of seemingly invincible substances or render insensate beings of far greater strength than he. This mental discipline is virtually effortless, and Karnak can attain this state of awareness for extended periods of time.

    Precognition: At his very end, Karnak was able to see fragments of the future, by bending the definition of his powers.[17]

    Psychological Intuition: An after effect of Karnak's ability to discern faults also includes understanding the logical conclusions stemming to a person's rational.[1]


    Contortionist: He is extremely lithe and flexible, able to expand and contract his muscles and contort his body into seemingly painful positions.
    Master Martial Artist: Karnak is a highly skilled martial artist, capable of taking on multiple opponents with his martial art skill, sometimes with a single strike, defeating monsters with nothing but his martial ability and has easily beaten the likes of Black Widow, Iron Man,[17]Human Torch,[7]Fantomex[26] and even briefly fought Daredevil,[27]Taskmaster,[28]Black Panther,[29][30] and Mantis[31] before being defeated. He is easily the best martial artist in Attilan and is one of the worlds finest hand to hand combatants, his inhuman speed combined with his fighting ability as well as his ability to find weak spots make him a dangerous and incredibly talented martial artist.

    Physical Strength

    Karnak possesses a degree of superhuman strength, derived from his eugenically superior Inhuman heritage and his intensive regimen of regular exercise. Karnak can lift (press) about 1 ton.

    Lady Bullseye


    Master martial artist
    Proficient hand to hand combatant
    Skilled lawyer
    Originally inspired to become a trained assassin when she witnessed Bullseye easily kill a number of people, she would later become a member of the Hand, although she did not hold their traditions in high esteem. Her alter ego is a lawyer, opposing Matt Murdock in the courtroom, thereby attacking Daredevil on two fronts. Lady Bullseye's true intentions were to take control of the Hand clan, but instead Daredevil becomes their leader.

    Powers and abilities

    Lady Bullseye has no apparent superhuman powers, but is a master of several martial arts and a proficient hand-to-hand combatant, and specializes in using katana and shuriken. It has been noted that she is faster than Bullseye and less powerful than the Kingpin. Regardless, she has defeated Daredevil and Black Widow on separate occasions, and nearly defeating Daredevil on another occasion. Daredevil has commented that in her costumed form she has little scent and a very level pulse, akin to one performing yoga. She is also skilled in legal matters, being a lawyer in her civilian guise.[9]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Top Martial Artists in the Marvel Universe...
    Collen Wing

    Colleen Wing

    AbilitiesMaster samurai
    Talented swordswoman
    Skilled detective
    Use of chi grants:
    Enhanced strength
    Accelerated healing
    High resistance to injury
    Descended from a family of samurai, Wing is a Japanese martial artist who avenged her grandfather's death with the help of the superhero Iron Fist. After arriving in New York City, Wing befriended former police officer Misty Knight with whom she started a private investigation agency. The two would later form the crime fighting duo, the Daughters of the Dragon. As private investigators, Wing and Knight frequently work with the Heroes for Hire duo Luke Cage and Iron Fist. In the 2010 Daredevil storyline "Shadowland", Wing becomes the leader of The Nail, a splinter group of The Hand ninja clan.
    Jessica Henwick portrayed the character in Marvel's Netflix television series Iron Fist, The Defenders, and Luke Cage, set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    Powers and abilities

    Colleen Wing was originally an athletic woman with no superhuman abilities. She has achieved mastery of the traditional combat skills of the Japanese samurai, including swordsmanship (Kenjutsu);[38] she is a talented swordswoman and has been shown defeating several HYDRA agents with no injury.[volume & issue needed] She is also highly-skilled in other martial arts such as Judo,[41] Karate,[38] and Iaidō.[42]
    After being brainwashed as a living weapon by Iron Fist foe Master Khan, Danny melds his mind with hers in order to break her free of this control.[43] As a result, Colleen gains knowledge of K'un L'un martial arts as well as chi control; allowing her to focus her chi to enhance her strength, accelerate her healing, and reduce her body functions to survive severe conditions.[43][38]
    She wields a 1,000-year-old katana which she inherited from her grandfather.[38] Colleen is also a seasoned private detective with excellent investigative skills.

    Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan

    Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan

    Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan


    Superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability

    Skilled assassin

    Skilled hand-to-hand combatant

    Gamora has been featured in a variety of associated Marvel merchandise. Zoe Saldana plays the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017), and Avengers: Infinity War (2018), additionally portraying a version of the character from an alternate timeline in Avengers: Endgame (2019) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Ariana Greenblatt portrays a young Gamora in Avengers: Infinity War.

    Powers and abilities

    Gamora received treatments from Thanos that enhanced her speed, strength, agility, and durability to rival Adam Warlock's (to better slay the Magus, his evil, future self). Thanos also helped her become a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, trained in the martial-arts techniques from various planets, in the uses of the known weaponry of the Milky Way galaxy, and stealth techniques. She is also a highly skilled gymnast and assassin, and formerly possessed a telepathic link to Thanos. She uses a wide variety of weaponry, most notably a dagger whose unknown properties made it capable of slaying even beings of such immense power as Thanos and the Magus.
    In the pages of Infinity Watch, it is revealed that Gamora had been cybernetically enhanced to have superhuman strength, speed, and a rapid-healing ability.[40] Gamora's strength and speed were further enhanced by Adam Warlock when they returned from Soulworld.[41]
    Gamora is one of the most skilled martial artists in the Marvel Universe. She is capable of defeating opponents who possess superhuman strength and durability that far surpass her own, and she has defeated a military platoon containing dozens of combat-trained men in only a few minutes. She has learned to paralyze or kill opponents using vital-point strikes directed at certain nerve clusters. Although skilled in the use of most conventional weapons, she prefers to use knives and swords.
    While Gamora was with the Infinity Watch, she possessed the Infinity Gem called the "Time Gem". The gem was mentally linked to her, giving her the potential power to control time. She said that she did not know how to employ its powers and preferred not to use it. While she possessed the Time Gem, Gamora was prone to precognitive dreams and visions, though she had no conscious control over them.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    edited April 2021
    Top Martial Artists in the Marvel Universe...
    Steel Serpent ( Davos )

    Stick (Earth-616 ) Formerly Red Team (Earth-15513)

    Powers and Abilities

    Teleporter after death


    Radar Sense:: Stick possessed a "Radar" that enabled him to perceive the shapes and locations of objects in his vicinity despite his blindness. The limits of his "radar sense" are unknown, but it was more acute even than Daredevil's "radar sense." According to Stick, any human being is capable of developing a "Radar sense" through training and even retaught Matt his abilities, after he lost his Radar/Senses. Possibly this sense is psionic in nature.[8]
    Sonar Simulation: Stick's enhanced hearing enabled him to hear faint echoes that sounds, even those created by his body in otherwise near-total silence, created as they "bounced" off the objects around him.[citation needed]
    Heightened Senses: Stick's sense of taste, touch and smell were also more acute than those of ordinary human beings. It is not clear whether these senses were inferior, equal or superior to those of Daredevil in acuteness. Stick claimed that he developed his senses to their heightened levels through training and practice. Stick also mentioned to Matt after receiving his special training that the radiation did not give Matt anything, when discussing the senses.[9]
    Chi Manipulation:: Stick possessed the ability able to channel and use his Chi for various effects. He could communicate with others through telepathy. He could mentally drain life energy from another person into his own body, thereby killing that person, causing the victim's body to dissolve.[citation needed] Stick has also managed to avoid death by transporting his life energy to a lifeless body.[1]

    It is not known what other mental powers Stick possessed. His pupil Stone, however, was able to restore a dead person to life under certain circumstances. [3]

    Astral Projection: Currently it seems Stick can appear in a spirit and or ghost like form so as to aid, tutor, and or advise his students.


    Martial Arts: Stick is a highly skilled and experienced grandmaster of various Asian martial arts in particular the Japanese Ninja Martial Arts. Despite his blindness, he is extraordinarily adept in hand-to-hand combat and would spar in combat against both Daredevil and Elektra, as they could not gain an advantage on him. He could move in silence so that even Daredevil's radar and super hearing senses could not detect him. Due to the fact that Stick has had well over half a century of martial arts training and ample experience in using it, Stick seems to have almost psychic like ability to sense and successfully deal with impending danger to himself and others.[citation needed]
    Weapons Master: Aside from his unarmed combat skills, Stick also is extremely adept at the only weapon he appears to favor extensively hence his moniker and that is a stick/staff.

    Physical Strength

    Stick possessed the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engaged in intensive regular exercise.[8]


    Stick was blind, but his Radar Sense and other highly acute senses compensated for his inability to see.[8]

    Steel Serpent ( Davos )

    AbilitiesMaster martial artist
    The power of the Serpent's Sting
    The ability to drain the power of the Iron Fist from its wielder

    Powers and abilities

    The Steel Serpent is a master of the martial arts of K'un-Lun, including those practiced millennia ago. His skills rival those of Iron Fist (Daniel Rand-K'ai) and he has several times bested Daniel in combat, though usually with the element of surprise on his side. He is very strong, fast, agile and tough with lightning quick reflexes and reactions. He has proved capable of draining the power of the Iron Fist (the energies of Shou-Lao) from its wielder by pressing his serpentine tattoo against the wielder's dragon tattoo. On at least one occasion he retained some fragment of Shou-Lao's power after the previous holder of the Iron Fist had reclaimed his power. At his full power he has weathered assaults from the superhumanly powerful Spider-Man.
    Davos also utilized the fiery energies of the Serpent's Sting, though that may be a function of the taloned gloves he wore at the time. When slain, Davos spirit is transferred into the Anomaly Gem alongside the spirits of all past Iron Fists. From there he can be resurrected under certain circumstances.
    Since taking on the nom de guerre of the Steel Phoenix, Davos has been able to perform the Steel Phoenix Blow. The first time he executed this move, it allowed him to create a replacement hand (for the one just cut off by Tiger's Beautiful Daughter) out of pure chi.

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Spider-Punk (Science)

    Molten Man (Science)

    Iron Man (Stealth Suit) (Tech)

    Valkyrie (Jane Foster) (Mystic)

    Spider-Man (Homemade Suit) (Science)

    Gwenom (Science)

    Spider-Girl (Anya Corazon) (Science)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Top Martial Artists in the Marvel Universe...

    Matthew Murdock (Earth-616 ) (Daredevil)

    Powers and Abilities


    The Guardian Devil
    Radioactively Enhanced Physiology: Murdock was originally enhanced by the radioactive isotope which later blinded him. As a result, he possesses superhuman senses, agility, reflexes, balance, and etc. Murdock's nervous system has also increase some of his abilities at peak human level.[146]Nick Fury's intel classified him as power level 7.[14]
    Superhuman Sensory System: At his early age, Murdock did not know how to handle his powers until he met Stick, who became Matt's mentor and taught him to control and enhance them.[31] A testament to the level of skill it requires Matt to even function would be seen when he fought Psylocke during the war between the Avengers and the X-Men, as she was overwhelmed when she tried to read his mind and found herself experiencing all the information he received through his superhuman senses, demonstrating the scale of psychological training required for Murdock to operate on a normal human level.[147]

    Superhuman Touch: Murdock's sense of touch is so acute that his finger can feel the faint impressions of ink on a printed page, allowing him to read by touch,[148] though laminated pages prevent him from touching and thus reading the ink impressions at a much faster pace than a normal person would be able to read.[149][59][146] The rest of his skin is equally sensitive, enabling him by concentration to feel minute temperature and pressure changes in the atmosphere around him.[146] Even with his senses of smell and hearing blocked, he can feel the presence of a person standing five feet away from him simply by his or her body heat and disturbance of air.[146] A side effect of his sense of touch is Murdock's ability to manipulate his muscles and internal organs. The sense of touch is not just external, but internal too (central nervous system), thereby giving him the ability to have total body control, increasing his strength and speed to peak human levels, his agility and reflexes to superhuman levels, and also giving him the ability to numb himself to pain.[17]

    Peak Human Strength: Thanks to his control over his central nervous system due to his many years of martial arts training, Matt can increase his strength to peak human level. He is strong enough to tip over a limo without straining,[citation needed] causally pick a man up and throw him,[citation needed] easily break a man's leg and rupture skin with a single kick,[citation needed] and lift Foggy's weights up easily with one hand.[106] He has also shown the strength to use a mailbox as a weapon,[citation needed] was able to hurt Hyde,[90] and throw his baton with enough force to break concrete.[150] Daredevil has demonstrated that he is capable of easily curling and utilizing a four-hundred pound barbell as a staff weapon, wielding it quickly and easily enough to strike two heavily mesomorphic opponents hard enough to render them unconscious, and fast enough to prevent them from being able to defend themselves.[151]

    Peak Human Speed: Similar to his strength, Matt can increase his speed to peak human level. He is capable of sprinting two city blocks in seconds, disappearing, hitting a sniper with his billy club, and crosses a large distance while getting into costume in seconds. Matt's running speed is also above an Olympic-level athletes speed, such as a track and field sprinter/decathlete.[152][146]

    Superhuman Reflexes: Possibly due to his exposure to the radioactive waste that caused his blindness, Matt's reflexes borderline superhuman.[146] He was able to catch a sai thrown by Bullseye,[153] and can easily dodge gunfire from multiple gunmen at point-blank range.[154][155] He may also deflect bullets,[156] even when injured.[104] And his reaction time is in the order of magnitude of the microsecond.[40]

    Daredevil showing his superhuman agility as he knocks out multiple men at the same time.

    Superhuman Agility: Matt's agility[157] and dexterity[106] are similarly enhanced. While Matt was tied up - he managed to dodge point-blank range gunfire and to break ties at the same time.[2] He even managed to avoid several bullet shots while bad in mid-air.[158][106]

    Enhanced Stamina: Matt's stamina is similarly enhanced, since he was able to hold his breath underwater for longer periods of time.[146] At peak capacity, he can physically exert himself for several hours before showing any signs of fatigue.[45]

    Enhanced Endurance: Matt has an extremely high tolerance to pain.[146] He has survived being knocked around in a car by Nitro,[159] survived after slowing himself down during a multi-story fall and being hit by a car.[160] He kept fighting after being immolated by Typhoid Mary while the same attack severely hurt Jessica Jones, who has superhuman durability.[161] On one occasion, he was able to continue functioning for five days without any sleep,[162] and on another he continued to function despite having suffered a gunshot through both his hands that also grazed his head.[163] Daredevil has landed on the hood of a taxi uninjured following a controlled fall and was able to kick the windshield hard enough to penetrate it and strike the driver.[27] After laying outside with no medical assistance, Daredevil passed away only to utilize his chi to supercharge his bodily healing with the help of Stick, regulating his heart and respiration to revive himself, sealing cuts, setting the bone in his right leg and healing other unspecified bone injuries.[164] After being found and hospitalized, under demonic attack once more, he was strong enough to fend off the assault and actually run from his room to join the fight against demons invading New York City yet again. In this state, he was able to take on a demon that had formed from the structure of a subway train, walk against its blast of soul-attacking “hellfire,” then spear it with rebar, hurting and frightening the demon enough to force it to flee from him, before collapsing from exhaustion.[165]

    Superhuman Smell: Murdock's sense of smell is so acute that he can distinguish between identical twins at twenty feet by minute differences in smell. He can detect odors of an atmospheric concentration of thirty parts per million. Furthermore, his ability to remember smells enables him to identify any person he has spent at least five minutes with by smell alone, no matter how he or she might try to camouflage his or her natural body odor. His powers of concentration are such that he can focus upon a single person's smell and follow it through a crowd of people at a distance of fifty feet.[17][146]

    Enhanced Tracking: Matt can track others down easily via various means, ranging from scents to footprints. With enough experience, he can follow tracks that are days or even weeks old. He may hypothetically be able to reconstruct a prior event by sniffing around the area.[44]

    Illusion Awareness: Due to most illusions affecting mainly eyesight, other senses such as hearing and/or smell have a difficult time not succumbing to the illusion. It is also made worse by ignoring use of their other senses. Matt's superhuman senses enable him to remain aware at all times of the true reality around him, potentially seeing through any optical and/or mental illusions that others attempt to deceive him with.[166][167]

    Blindsight: This power allows Matt to act, fight, and navigate while blind, in darkness, or otherwise sightless.[38]

    Superhuman Hearing: Murdock's sense of hearing enables him to detect an acoustic pressure change of one decibel at a pressure level of seven decibels (whereas the lowest threshold for average human hearing is twenty decibels).[146] He can hear a person's heartbeat at a distance of over twenty feet, or people whispering on the other side of a standard soundproofed wall.[146] Through practice, Murdock is able to control his hearing acuity, mentally blocking out specific sounds like his own breathing and heartbeat, all ambient sounds to a normal human level of perception, or all sounds but a particular sound he is concentrating upon. Matt also utilizes his superhuman sense of hearing as an aid in processing, filtering, and interpreting the feedback of his radar/sonar sense to actually give him a three-dimensional picture of his surroundings. Additionally, Matt's combined use of his super hearing and radar sense can also give him tactical advantages, such as awareness of people hiding around the corners of rooms, walls, buildings, and furniture and makes it virtually impossible to literally blindside Matt.[44][17]

    Lie Detection: By listening, feeling, and smelling, Murdock can tell whether a person is lying by sweat, changes in body temperature, and heartbeats (though he can be fooled by a pacemaker and those able to keep calm under pressure.)[168][146]

    Sonar Sense: Very much like his radar sense, Matt can emit sonar waves, that are actually "echoes" that bounce off objects in his surrounding environment, and listen to the echoes that return from various objects near him, and use these echoes to locate and identify the objects. Alternately, he can use ambient sounds do the same. Since this ability isn't based on sight/light, invisibility is useless against him, as are most forms of camouflage.[38][17]

    Superhuman Taste: Murdock's sense of taste enables him to detect the number of grains of salt on a pretzel. His ability to remember tastes enables him to determine every ingredient of a food or drink he tastes, as long as there are at least twenty milligrams of that substance present.[17][146]

    Superhuman Balance: It is a common misconception that balance isn't a sense, but Murdock's balance centers give him equilibrium nearly on par with Spider-Man's.[169] During the fight with Mole Man, Matt managed to balance perfectly on a piece of crystal with just one hand.[109]

    Telepathy: Due to Stick's training, Murdock has displayed minor telepathic abilities.[40]

    Telepathic Immunity: He is also skilled in being able to resist psychic intrusions to be able to prevent his mind from being read.[170]

    Radar Sense: A form of echolocation via low radio wave projection, according to one theory; an energy wave within certain portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The signal emanates radio waves from regions of his brain, after which it travels outward, bounces off objects around him, and returns to receiving regions of his brain. With this ability, Murdock can synthesize a very close analogue of three-dimensional three hundred and sixty degree human sight.[36]

    Proximity Sense: An offshoot to radar sense, this ability is the combination of all other senses (excluding radar sense) and can allow Matt to reconstruct his surroundings.[45][146]

    Person Identification: All of Murdock's senses help him identify people by the specific patterns of their heartbeat, smell, touch, sound, and even radar appearance, as it allows to "see" through objects, specifically clothes (though albeit obscure).[36][155]

    Demonic Powers: While he was possessed by the Beast during the Shadowland arc, Murdock's physical abilities combined with his combat capabilities were enhanced to where he could overpower fellow martial artists Iron Fist and Shang-Chi, both of whose combat skills are on par with his. He also gained other demonic abilities as well, such as regeneration and possible immortality, having survived from being stabbed by Wolverine's claws. After the Beast was removed, Murdock's physical abilities returned to their original statistics.[171]


    The Man Without Fear: It is untrue that Matt has never been afraid but through the years of training and experience, Daredevil currently shows a detached ability to fear and emotions bordering on sociopathic. This ability extends to immunity from "fear toxins" and spells, as Daredevil seems to simply be "The Man Without Fear."[172]

    Master Attorney: Murdock is a highly skilled and accomplished lawyer, specializing in criminal justice. His legal practice is considered the single greatest source of strength of both emotional stability and his successful war on crime. Murdock's law firm also does a lot of pro bono work as well as the full range of social justice issues such as **** cases, hate crimes, police brutality, wrongful death suits, medical malpractice, whistleblower/witness protection cases, workplace violence, corporate business fraud, LGBT harassment/workplace inequality, child/sexual abuse cases, victims of war crimes/terrorism, food/consumer safety cases, automotive recalls, anti-GMO food lobbying, and even environmental issues. In law school, Murdock also had a very particular focus in U.S. Constitutional Law.[37]

    Devout Catholic: As a devout Roman Catholic, Murdock has the mixed benefits and access to certain resources and contacts/allies through the Catholic parishes of Hell's Kitchen (modern day Clinton). As a lawyer, Murdock can also access additional assets in the form of safe-houses and sanctuary of the Church for his clients should local law enforcement resources become either compromised and or cannot be relied upon in witness protection cases. Murdock can also make use of contacts in the form of the Catholic clergy giving him vital information regarding the movements of street gangs, the various mafia of the NYC area, pimps, and other elements of the criminal underworld in order to allow Matt to be more successful in battling the criminals of Hell's Kitchen.[173]

    Peak Physical Conditioning: Through many years of intensive training in multiple physical and mental disciplines, Matt's body and mind is at the peak of a man of his age, height, and weight.[17]

    Expert Interrogator: Murdock uses many different interrogation methods to extract information from criminals. His knowledge of criminology and torture is unerring and often overwhelming.[27]

    Gifted Intellect: Murdock's intelligence and brain functions have always been apparent; long before he was affected by radiation, his long term midnight training, A+ morning schooling and little need of sleep is a testament to that.[17]

    Indomitable Will: Daredevil has tremendous determination, fearlessness and strength of will, which makes him an extremely formidable opponent, one who absolutely refuses to ever hunker down and give up, even when placed against seemingly insurmountable odds. Hence, he is one of the extremely few individuals on Earth known to possess the willpower to resist the Purple Man's mind control, with Daredevil having successfully done so on more than one occasion.[40][174][175]

    Expert Detective: He has shown to be an expert self-taught detective, using his intellect to figure out complex problems and hyper-senses to find clues and evidence to crime scenes.[157]

    Expert Tracker: With the aid of his hyper-senses, Murdock is able to track objects and people from miles away with ease.[176]

    Master Acrobat: He is a superb athlete, gymnast, acrobat, aerialist and almost without peer due to the many years of constant training and exercise, first on his own and later exclusively under the tutelage of Stick. Only a very small handful of other fellow superhero martial artists within the Marvel Universe, such as Elektra, Psylocke, Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Fist, Spider-Man and Shang-Chi, can possibly match him in acrobatics.[105][177]

    Weapons Proficiency: Murdock is highly proficient in wielding various martial art weapons through his ninjutsu training, such as swords (katana), chain weapons, stick and staff weapons, combat knives of all types, both ancient and modern military style, and projectiles such as shurikens, throwing knives, bows, and even firearms.[168]

    Expert Marksman: He is very skilled marksman, which makes him capable of throwing his billy clubs with great accuracy. Murdock is also skilled with most projectile-like weaponry such as throwing knives, shurikens, and darts, as well as archery, and has been shown utilizing military-grade weaponry such as sniper rifles in extreme situations.[168][178]

    Master Stick Fighter: He is a masterful expert in wielding all types of stick weapons which include staffs, batons, nunchaku, and paired short sticks.[8]

    Master Martial Artist: Murdock is a highly skilled, self-taught boxer both due to watching his father compete and helping him train and prepare for his fights.[17] He has also been very heavily and extensively trained in the ninja arts by Stick, a senior grandmaster and leader of the secret order of the Chaste.[31]Nick Fury, former director of S.H.I.E.L.D, commented that there are only a handful of individuals that know what Matt Murdock knows, referring to the Chaste. Stick taught and trained Matt both control of his powers and valuable fighting techniques with stealth, vanishing, to even life-energy(chi/ki)control.[31] Murdock is well-educated in the functioning of the human body as well as martial arts techniques that target pressure points, enabling him to paralyze limbs or an individual's entire body altogether. He has disabled eyesight and speech, induced pain, and could possibly know a pressure point for inducing death. Murdock's fighting style is a very balanced and harmonious fusion of Boxing with Ninjutsu, Jiu-jitsu, Aiki-Jujutsu, Savate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, Judo, Krav Maga, Silat, Karate, Capoeira, Eskrima, Aikido, and Greco-Roman Wrestling.[146] His skills have proven so exceptional that he has been able to easily defeat or stalemate some of the greatest fighters on Earth. Matt is easily one of the greatest martial artists in the Marvel Universe. Matt's martial skills are at a point where he was ranked by Stick as at least tenth degree black belt in ninjutsu, seeing as that was the art that Matt seems to have been trained in almost exclusively by Stick. He has fought opponents who are master martial artists such as Black Panther,[179]Taskmaster,[180]Iron Fist,[181]Karnak,[182]Captain America,[166]Sabretooth,[183]Winter Soldier,[158][184]Deadpool,[9] and Wolverine to standstills,[185] even impaling Wolverine with a sword while the mutant was in a feral state due to brainwashing by Hydra.[66]. Daredevil's fighting skills seem to be in the same level or superior than Iron Fist, and is superior to Wolverine's, Black Panther and much more skilled fighters.

    Physical Strength

    Matt has extraordinary physical strength for a "normal" human. Daredevil is classified as an Olympic weightlifter who does his exercise intensively and regularly.[146] As a weightlifter, he is able to lift (press) approximately 450 pounds.[186] Nevertheless, since Daredevil is able to control his nerve system, he can amplify his strength to peak human levels. Ever since his teenage years, he has shown his remarkable strength. His amazing strength feats was so strong that he was able to break a wrestler's leg when he was a pre-teenager,[32] damage a solid brick wall with a single punch,[187] overturn a limo full of people,[188] break a shotgun over his knee,[189] lift a 400 lb. barbell as though it were fifty pounds,[151] and break a metal door with a single kick.[190]


    Blindness: Daredevil is blind. While his superhuman senses help him overcome this, it becomes a problem for him to navigate and fight when his heightened senses are overwhelmed, scrambled, or otherwise cannot detect anything.[191]

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Sugar Man (Mutant)

    Six Armed Spider-Man (Science)

    Executioner (Cosmic)

    Spider-Carnage (Cosmic)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Top Martial Artists in the Marvel Universe...

    Black Widow (Natasha Romanova)
    Natalia Alianovna "Natasha Romanoff" Romanova

    Black Widow (Natasha Romanova)
    Natalia Alianovna "Natasha Romanoff" Romanova

    Black Widow (Natasha Romanova)
    Natalia Alianovna "Natasha Romanoff" Romanova

    Black Widow (Natasha Romanova)
    Natalia Alianovna "Natasha Romanoff" Romanova

    Black Widow (Natasha Romanova)
    Natalia Alianovna "Natasha Romanoff" Romanova

    Black Widow (Natasha Romanova)
    Natalia Alianovna "Natasha Romanoff" Romanova


    Expert spy, tactician, and hand-to-hand combatant

    Slowed aging, and enhanced immune system

    Expert marksman and mastery of various weapons

    Equipment via gauntlets:

    grappling hook

    knock out gas



    tear gas pellets

    radio transmitter

    The character has appeared in numerous forms of media, such as animated television series, video games, and films; with Scarlett Johansson portraying the character in several Marvel Cinematic Universe films including Iron Man 2 (2010), The Avengers (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), a cameo in Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), a cameo in Captain Marvel (2019), Avengers: Endgame (2019) and the upcoming Black Widow (2021).

    Powers and abilities

    Black Widow has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes her body resistant to aging and disease and heals above the human rate;[79] as well as psychological conditioning that suppresses her memory of true events as opposed to implanted ones of the past without the aid of specially designed system suppressant drugs.[volume & issue needed]
    The white blood cells in her body are efficient enough to fight off any microbe, foreign body and others from her body, keeping her healthy and immune to most, if not all infections, diseases and disorders.[volume & issue needed]
    Her agility is greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist. She can coordinate her body with balance, flexibility, and dexterity easily.[80]
    Romanova has a gifted intellect.[81] She displays an uncanny affinity for psychological manipulation and can mask her real emotions perfectly. Like Steve Rogers, she possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (such as threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations.[81]
    Black Widow is a world-class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats, expert martial artist (including jiu jitsu, aikido,[82] boxing,[82] judo,[83][82] karate,[83][82] savate,[82] ninjutsu,[84] various styles of kung fu and kenpo, as well as the Russian martial art sambo), marksman and weapons specialist as well as having extensive espionage training.[85] She is also an accomplished ballerina.
    Romanova is an expert tactician. She is a very effective strategist, tactician, and field commander. She has led the Avengers and even S.H.I.E.L.D. on one occasion.[81]


    Black Widow uses a variety of equipment invented by Soviet scientists and technicians, with later improvements by S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists and technicians. She usually wears distinctively shaped bracelets which fire the Widow's Bite electro-static energy blasts that can deliver charges up to 30,000 volts, as well as "Widow's Line" grappling hooks, tear gas pellets, and a new element introduced during her ongoing series during the "Kiss or Kill" arc called the "Widow's Kiss"—an aerosol instant knock-out gas she has modified.[81] She wears a belt of metallic discs; some are disc-charges containing plastic explosives, while others have been shown to be compartments for housing other equipment. Her costume consists of synthetic stretch fabric equipped with micro-suction cups on fingers and feet, enabling her to adhere to walls and ceilings. In the 2006 "Homecoming" mini-series, she was seen using knives, unarmed combat, and various firearms, but she has since begun using her bracelets again.[81] While in disguise as Yelena Belova, when infiltrating the then Osborn-sanctioned Thunderbolts during "Dark Reign", she used a specialized multi-lens goggle/head-carapace that demonstrated various technical abilities enhancing vision and communication.[volume & issue needed] Later, she has used a modified gun based on her Widow's Bite wrist cartridge, during her adventures alongside the new Captain America.[85]
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106

    Can be a very very good Tech. Character!!!
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Maestro (Science)

    Wolverine (X-Force) (Mutant)

    Miek (Skill)

    Doctor Strange (Marvel NOW!) (Mystic)

    Jessica Jones (Science)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    The Sinister Six are a group of supervillains in the Marvel Comics universe, drawn from Spider-Man's rogues gallery. There are several different formations of the group along the history of Marvel Comics' publications whose objectives vary from joining forces against Spider-Man or another common enemy to world domination.

    The members of the original Sinister Six

    Listed alphabetically after leader

    Sinister Six

    Doctor Octopus (leader)


    Kraven the Hunter (Sergei Kravenoff)

    Mysterio (Quentin Beck)


    Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

    Sinister Six 2

    Doctor Octopus (leader)


    Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale)

    Mysterio (Quentin Beck)


    Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

    Sinister Six 3

    Doctor Octopus (leader)



    Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale)

    Mysterio (Quentin Beck)

    Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

    Sinister Six 4 (Sinister Seven)

    This fourth incarnation of the Sinister Six was formed by the Hobgoblin to fight Kaine.

    Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale, leader)

    Beetle (Abner Jenkins)


    Mysterio (Quentin Beck)



    Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

    Sinister Six 5

    This fifth incarnation was formed by the Sandman to get revenge on Doctor Octopus.

    Sandman (leader)


    Kraven the Hunter (Alyosha Kravinoff)

    Mysterio (Daniel Berkhart)

    Venom (Eddie Brock)

    Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

    Sinister Six 6 (Sinister Twelve)

    This sixth incarnation was formed by Norman Osborn at the time when he was unmasked as the Green Goblin.

    Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, leader)










    Venom (Mac Gargan)

    Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

    Sinister Six 7

    This seventh incarnation was formed during the Civil War storyline.

    Doctor Octopus (leader)

    Grim Reaper




    Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

    Sinister Six 8

    This eighth incarnation was formed following the Origin of the Species storyline and were the main antagonists of the Ends of the Earth storyline:

    Doctor Octopus (leader)



    Mysterio (Quentin Beck)



    Sinister Six 9

    This ninth incarnation debuted in the Marvel NOW! event. After their defeat by the Superior Spider-Man, who took the Living Brain to be his own assistant, the remaining five became the lead characters in Superior Foes of Spider-Man:

    Boomerang (leader)

    Beetle (Janice Lincoln)

    Living Brain



    Speed Demon

    Sinister Six 10 (Superior Six)

    The Superior Spider-Man (Doctor Octopus' mind in Peter Parker's body) captures and assembles his own "superhero team" which he controls through tech implanted in the villains. This 10th incarnation debuted in Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #5 (2013). The roster corresponds closely to the original lineup.

    Spider-Man (Otto Octavius) (leader)





    Vulture (Adrian Toomes)

    Sinister Six 11

    In order to steal valuables from the Chameleon, Boomerang's Sinister Six (minus the Living Brain and the Shocker) ally themselves with the Owl, who hires 11 others to create the "Sinister Sixteen".

    Boomerang (leader)

    Owl (leader)


    Beetle (Janice Lincoln)



    Cyclone (Pierre Fresson)

    Human Fly (Richard Deacon)

    Kangaroo (Brian Hibbs)

    Man Mountain Marko

    Mirage (Desmond Charne)




    Speed Demon


    Squid (Don Callahan)

    Sinister Six 12

    Mojo and the Chameleon abduct Spider-Man and his X-Men students, and force them to star in a show which pits them against the Sinister Sixty-Six. The group, which is not seen in its entirety, consists of holographic stand-ins of various enemies of Spider-Man.[1]




    Doctor Octopus



    Green Goblin





    Jack O'Lantern


    Kraven the Hunter


    Morbius the Living Vampire







  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    The Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich Das Nashorn ( Aleksei Sytsevich)

    The Rhino (Aleksei Sytsevich Das Nashorn ( Aleksei Sytsevich


    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina and durability

    Rhino armor:

    High-level resistance to damage and extreme temperatures

    Razor-sharp horns

    Ability to enhance his superhuman physical attributes

    One of Spider-Man's most prominent adversaries, the Rhino has been adapted into various forms of media since his original debut during the Silver Age of Comic Books, including animated television series and video games. He has also featured in Marvel merchandise such as action figures and trading cards. Paul Giamatti played a version of Aleksei Systevich who uses rhinoceros-themed battle armor, similar to the character's Ultimate Marvel incarnation, in the 2014 film The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

    Powers and abilities

    A series of mutagenic chemical and radiation treatments provide the Rhino with superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and durability, all of which were further augmented by a gamma radiation treatment. His superhuman speed allows him to run at high velocities, especially over short distances. Sytsevich frequently "charges" his opponents in this manner, enabling him to cause great harm to most enemies in the surrounding area. The Rhino is, however, notorious for his lack of agility and slow reaction time, which makes it difficult for him to change direction when running at high speeds. As such, his fighting style is focused more on melee attacks.

    Rhino suit

    Sytsevich possesses a thick polymer suit that resembles the physique of a rhinoceros, including two horns, and covers everything but his face. The suit is resistant to damage and extreme temperatures, and the horns are capable of penetrating two-inch plate steel. His first, cruder suit was originally bonded to his skin in the aftermath of a rocket crash, and he went through several attempts to have the suit removed. After the first suit's destruction, Justin Hammer created a second, removable iteration. The second suit allows Sytsevich to withstand most high-caliber bullets, extreme temperatures, and impact forces. It also further increases his strength and durability.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Summoned Symbioid (Cosmic)

    Dark Phoenix (Cosmic)

    Old Human Torch (Science)

    Scarlet Witch (Ultimate) (Mystic)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Arachknight (Mystic)

    Captain Peace (Cosmic)

    Hyperbrand (Cosmic)

    Rhodey the Bold (Tech)

    Bucky Wong (Mystic)

    Dormammu Red (Mystic)

    Iron Hammer (Tech)

    Baroness Umar (Mystic)

    Speed Weasel (Mystic)
  • RKOArcherRKOArcher Member Posts: 6
    Be awesome to see Mr. Knight, classic Hawkeye, Old Man Hawkeye, Cannonball and WonderMan enter the contest soon.
  • RKOArcherRKOArcher Member Posts: 6

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