Already had a thread on this, but here’s my idea... Hear me out- if a new version of thanos comes out, here’s what his abilities could be. Has missions like Corvus but they are unique- Time Stone- Defeat an Opponent in under a Minute. Power Stone- Knock out an opponent with an sp3. Soul Stone- Have a teammate knocked out on your team. Reality- KO the opponent while a taunt is active. Space Stone- Knock out an Inhuman, Cosmic, or Mystic Champ. Mind Stone- Land over 75 hits in a fight. Each stone gives a special ability for Thanos to work with. For instance, Power can give him an attack increase, Time can give him extended buff duration, Space can give him more buffs to work with, Soul can give him regen/health steal, Mind can give him Concussion, and Reality can change his special attacks to better fit the opponent’s weakness. Each charge visibly gives Thanos a stone on his Gauntlet hand. When he reaches all 6 stones, he awakens a snap ability- stealing 50% of the opponents power for his own, Life Stealing 20% of the damage done, Perma Heal Block on the opponent, an Aptitude buff, and a visual change to his armor he wears. Well, this all sounds great, but will it happen? Hmm.... Thanos comes out with IW Thor? How do y’all think about this idea? Any changes?
The Cosmic Ghost Rider Frank Castle and Norrin Radd Dark Surfer / Silver Surfer Black with Thor King of Asgard Herald of Galactus all three descend from the (Earth-TRN666). Are all from an Alternative Riality addition, all three belong to the Beyond God class
new symbionts in the game would be interesting, like Hybird, Riot, they would also be a lot of fun in the game. Plus the rest Scorn toxin Lasher Scream Absolutely Carnage Venom Dreamstone Power
Top 10: Marvel Speedster
10 / Whizzer. ...
9 / Spitfire. ...
8 / speed demon. ...
7 / calamity. ...
6 / speed. ...
5 / Hermes. ...
4 / blur. ...
3 / Quicksilver.
2 / Makkari
1 / Runner / The fastest speedster in the whole Marvel universe
All these speedsters can also be added to the game, I think, a new game technique would also be added
What about more Sinister Six because Kraven the hunter is missing Shocker The scorpion The lizard When do they come into the game
Spektrum Blue Marvel Nightmask Anti-Man
Had already posted before, when posting directly it probably didn't get on the characters wish list thread 3.0, but it should have worked now,
Ex Nihilo (Earth-616) Skills Chlorokinesis Organic transformation Energy explosions Pyrokinesis Advanced longevity
Ex Nihilo has the power to create new life and change existing life forms on a planetary level, such as controlling the movement and growth of plants and transforming organic life. Ex Nihilo can also fire rays of energy, exhale fire from its mouth, and has a longer lifespan.
Ex Nihilo (Earth-616) Skills Chlorokinesis Organic transformation Energy explosions Pyrokinesis Advanced longevity
Ex Nihilo has the power to create new life and change existing life forms on a planetary level, such as controlling the movement and growth of plants and transforming organic life. Ex Nihilo can also fire rays of energy, exhale fire from its mouth, and has a longer lifespan.
Vulcan (Gabriel Summers) Vulcan (Gabriel Summers) Vulcan (Gabriel Summers) Skills Huge energy absorption, manipulation, transformation and projection flight Force field projection and manipulation Life support and limited regeneration Variable energy explosions Limited replication and suppression of superpowers Energy siphon and disorder Psionic resistance
Manifold Eden Fesi (Earth-616) Manifold Eden Fesi (Erde-616) Skills Bending reality and allowing it to teleport
Ourano Communication: Indeed, the real power of Manifold is not just spatial distortions for intergalactic transport, but the ability to communicate with the universal fabric itself to acclimate such an effect. Among other amazing accomplishments. [18] That is, persuading it to tighten itself tight enough to walk in the open air like it was a sidewalk, bending the light around the area it occupies to make up for invisibility, and holes from one place to the other to open to others to activate spying another place without fear of detection. Even emit a portal to create a low emission of light that acts as a reading instrument. [18] Spatial teleportation: Eden possesses the mutated ability to shape reality, to tear up space and time in order to connect one place with another, and thus to be able to teleport almost anywhere in the universe. He doesn't need to know where he is going as his powers balance him and prevent him from materializing in an object. His portals remain open until he closes them. His abilities only work in his own reality, if he leaves them, he can no longer use his powers. It is not known how much matter it can carry with it and over what distance, but during the war with the builders it was able to move the entire Quinjet and its remaining Avengers over several light years with little effort. Skills Expert Survivalist: He can easily survive in the harshest of environments and find food in the same hostile locations. It also makes him a skilled hunter.
Medical Knowledge: During the Infinity Event, Eden demonstrated that he possessed remarkable abilities as a healer. He could care for soldiers when no one else could. What makes it even more incredible is the fact that most of the soldiers he cared for were aliens. Eden is also very knowledgeable about useful plants and herbs.
Hand-to-Hand Fighter (Advanced): Eden is a naturally good fighter himself. He was trained in the fighting forms of his people and can hold his own against several fighters. He is also adept at combining his combat skills with his teleportation powers.
Spear Art: Eden's preferred weapon is a long spear, which he wields with great skill. He can use it so well that it can be seen as an extension of his body. Not only is it his weapon of choice, it is also his hunting tool.
Strength Eden has the normal strength of a person who moves intensely and extensively physically. As a result, with a little effort, he can push up to twice his body weight. It should be noted that Eden has a healthy lifestyle.
weaknesses Manifold cannot use his powers outside of his home universe. [19]
Eden needs to know its origin before activating its powers. If he gets lost or turned around in a windowless structure, he will need to find a point of reference such as the sky and horizon to recalibrate his inner senses before teleporting. [20]
Tendrian que mejorar a estos personajes: kamalah creo que como capi marvel moikano y mis marvel se quedaron precarias ante los nuevos personajes. Tendrian que causar mas daño e incluso podrian activar una desventaja que si no les pegan ellas van absorviendo el poder (como absorven energia) los golpes fuertes podrian ser criticos y causar aturdimiento si no reciben un golpe cada x tiempo. Ciclope, ya que es uno de los xmen mas poderosos es hochornoso dentro del juego. Cada impacto con rayo deveria causar quemadura, con daño en el tiempo. El segundo super ataque aturdimiento, el tercero quemaduras internas. Entendamos su rayo laser podia partir edificios... Su poder tiene que aer mas alto. Hood, creo que si el es un demonio tendría que generar mas daño, es un personaje con michisimo potencial para ser explotado, tendria que ser uno de los mejores personajes del juego. Si te lanza el super ataque 1 una vez tendria que activarse una desventaja de roba alma, y al juntarse cierta cantidad de esa desventaja supongamos 25 como las cargas de capitana marvel pelicula. Al juntarse 25 roba almas, te roba el alma sacandote el 75% de vida. Pero si le pegas mucho a hood los roba almas se van consumiendo sacandote un poco de vida. De esta manera es evitable que te aniquile pero aun asi es peligroso. El super ataque 2 aparte deberia envenenarte y electrocutarte. Y en el tercer super ataque no solo aumentar el daño sino que te robe el poder. De esta manera el contrincante sabra que tiene que nokearlo antes que lanse algun super ataque. Groot, GROOT realmente es un gran personaje de guardianes de la galaxia, es ridiculo que en el juego sea tan malo. Sus superataques son iguales. Y malos. El sp 1 es muy malo, en este tendría que desatarse y revolear ramas y golpes causando aturdimiento. En el super dos tendria que aparte de regenerarse generar una desventaja como contaminacion oxonica lo cual va matando al contrincante por 30 segundos, o sea que si te saca 1% por segundo te sacaria 30% de vida cada vez que se activa. Eso lo haria mas eficiente. El super ataque tres debe generar aturdimiento y hemorragia. De esa manera lo pone mas a la altura, contra los luchadores actuales...
Let’s get some Sub Mariner lore into the contest. Namor being the only under the sea character doesn’t cut it for me anymore, so anyone from Attuma, to Tiger shark, to Stingray (would be a solid addition to the tech class) to Namorita, Namora, Orca, Defenders of the deep, essentially if ties into Namor predominantly, I’d like that. Paul Destine would be cool too
Kabam should add quicksilver to the game. To make him not to op they could make some attacks regular hits not speed hits for example spider man doesn't throw webs in all of his hits. His medium hit could be a speed attack and his big hit. They should give him a lot of evade. Also I don't know much about Franklin Richards but he seems like a cool character. X men Origins deadpool would be a cool character as well.
Phillip Coulson (Erde-616) (Earth-616) Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D Phillip Coulson (Erde-616) (Earth-616) Direktor of S.H.I.E.L.D Maria Hill (Erde-616) Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D Avenger Maria Hill (Erde-616) (Earth-616) Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D Attuma (Erde-616) (Earth-616)
Hear me out- if a new version of thanos comes out, here’s what his abilities could be. Has missions like Corvus but they are unique-
Time Stone- Defeat an Opponent in under a Minute.
Power Stone- Knock out an opponent with an sp3.
Soul Stone- Have a teammate knocked out on your team.
Reality- KO the opponent while a taunt is active.
Space Stone- Knock out an Inhuman, Cosmic, or Mystic Champ.
Mind Stone- Land over 75 hits in a fight.
Each stone gives a special ability for Thanos to work with. For instance, Power can give him an attack increase, Time can give him extended buff duration, Space can give him more buffs to work with, Soul can give him regen/health steal, Mind can give him Concussion, and Reality can change his special attacks to better fit the opponent’s weakness. Each charge visibly gives Thanos a stone on his Gauntlet hand. When he reaches all 6 stones, he awakens a snap ability- stealing 50% of the opponents power for his own, Life Stealing 20% of the damage done, Perma Heal Block on the opponent, an Aptitude buff, and a visual change to his armor he wears. Well, this all sounds great, but will it happen? Hmm.... Thanos comes out with IW Thor? How do y’all think about this idea? Any changes?
Major Fahar
Doctor Cronos
Halloween Jack
Hyperion (Construct)
King Hyperion (Earth-4023)
The Cosmic Ghost Rider Frank Castle and Norrin Radd Dark Surfer / Silver Surfer Black with Thor King of Asgard Herald of Galactus all three descend from the (Earth-TRN666).
Are all from an Alternative Riality
addition, all three belong to the Beyond God class
new symbionts in the game would be interesting, like Hybird, Riot, they would also be a lot of fun in the game. Plus the rest Scorn toxin Lasher Scream Absolutely Carnage Venom Dreamstone Power
Top 10: Marvel Speedster
10 / Whizzer. ...
9 / Spitfire. ...
8 / speed demon. ...
7 / calamity. ...
6 / speed. ...
5 / Hermes. ...
4 / blur. ...
3 / Quicksilver.
2 / Makkari
1 / Runner / The fastest speedster in the whole Marvel universe
All these speedsters can also be added to the game, I think, a new game technique would also be added
What about more Sinister Six because Kraven the hunter is missing Shocker The scorpion The lizard When do they come into the game
Blue Marvel
Had already posted before, when posting directly it probably didn't get on the characters wish list thread 3.0, but it should have worked now,
Death’s Head
The Rose
American Panther
Ana Kravinoff
Firebrand (Amanda)
Spiderman (Aaron Davis)
James Howlett (Erde-14412)
Old Man Phönix Logan Wolverine
James Howlett (Erde-14412)
Victor von Doom (Erde-14412)
Zeus Panhellenios (Erde-616)
Zeus Panhellenios (Erde-616)
Zeus (Prime Earth)
Captain Universe/Cosmic Spider-Man
Cosmic Spider-Man/Captain Universe
Rolling Thunder
Vlad Dracula is the supreme ruler and the most powerful vampire in the world
Bullseye (Lester) (Earth-807128)
Ex Nihilo (Earth-616)
Organic transformation
Energy explosions
Advanced longevity
Ex Nihilo has the power to create new life and change existing life forms on a planetary level, such as controlling the movement and growth of plants and transforming organic life. Ex Nihilo can also fire rays of energy, exhale fire from its mouth, and has a longer lifespan.
Ex Nihilo (Earth-616)
Organic transformation
Energy explosions
Advanced longevity
Ex Nihilo has the power to create new life and change existing life forms on a planetary level, such as controlling the movement and growth of plants and transforming organic life. Ex Nihilo can also fire rays of energy, exhale fire from its mouth, and has a longer lifespan.
Vulcan (Gabriel Summers)
Vulcan (Gabriel Summers)
Vulcan (Gabriel Summers)
Huge energy absorption, manipulation, transformation and projection
Force field projection and manipulation
Life support and limited regeneration
Variable energy explosions
Limited replication and suppression of superpowers
Energy siphon and disorder
Psionic resistance
Manifold Eden Fesi (Earth-616)
Manifold Eden Fesi (Erde-616)
Bending reality and allowing it to teleport
Ourano Communication: Indeed, the real power of Manifold is not just spatial distortions for intergalactic transport, but the ability to communicate with the universal fabric itself to acclimate such an effect. Among other amazing accomplishments. [18] That is, persuading it to tighten itself tight enough to walk in the open air like it was a sidewalk, bending the light around the area it occupies to make up for invisibility, and holes from one place to the other to open to others to activate spying another place without fear of detection. Even emit a portal to create a low emission of light that acts as a reading instrument. [18]
Spatial teleportation: Eden possesses the mutated ability to shape reality, to tear up space and time in order to connect one place with another, and thus to be able to teleport almost anywhere in the universe. He doesn't need to know where he is going as his powers balance him and prevent him from materializing in an object. His portals remain open until he closes them. His abilities only work in his own reality, if he leaves them, he can no longer use his powers. It is not known how much matter it can carry with it and over what distance, but during the war with the builders it was able to move the entire Quinjet and its remaining Avengers over several light years with little effort.
Expert Survivalist: He can easily survive in the harshest of environments and find food in the same hostile locations. It also makes him a skilled hunter.
Medical Knowledge: During the Infinity Event, Eden demonstrated that he possessed remarkable abilities as a healer. He could care for soldiers when no one else could. What makes it even more incredible is the fact that most of the soldiers he cared for were aliens. Eden is also very knowledgeable about useful plants and herbs.
Hand-to-Hand Fighter (Advanced): Eden is a naturally good fighter himself. He was trained in the fighting forms of his people and can hold his own against several fighters. He is also adept at combining his combat skills with his teleportation powers.
Spear Art: Eden's preferred weapon is a long spear, which he wields with great skill. He can use it so well that it can be seen as an extension of his body. Not only is it his weapon of choice, it is also his hunting tool.
Eden has the normal strength of a person who moves intensely and extensively physically. As a result, with a little effort, he can push up to twice his body weight. It should be noted that Eden has a healthy lifestyle.
Manifold cannot use his powers outside of his home universe. [19]
Eden needs to know its origin before activating its powers. If he gets lost or turned around in a windowless structure, he will need to find a point of reference such as the sky and horizon to recalibrate his inner senses before teleporting. [20]
Ciclope, ya que es uno de los xmen mas poderosos es hochornoso dentro del juego. Cada impacto con rayo deveria causar quemadura, con daño en el tiempo. El segundo super ataque aturdimiento, el tercero quemaduras internas. Entendamos su rayo laser podia partir edificios... Su poder tiene que aer mas alto.
Hood, creo que si el es un demonio tendría que generar mas daño, es un personaje con michisimo potencial para ser explotado, tendria que ser uno de los mejores personajes del juego. Si te lanza el super ataque 1 una vez tendria que activarse una desventaja de roba alma, y al juntarse cierta cantidad de esa desventaja supongamos 25 como las cargas de capitana marvel pelicula. Al juntarse 25 roba almas, te roba el alma sacandote el 75% de vida. Pero si le pegas mucho a hood los roba almas se van consumiendo sacandote un poco de vida. De esta manera es evitable que te aniquile pero aun asi es peligroso. El super ataque 2 aparte deberia envenenarte y electrocutarte. Y en el tercer super ataque no solo aumentar el daño sino que te robe el poder. De esta manera el contrincante sabra que tiene que nokearlo antes que lanse algun super ataque.
Groot, GROOT realmente es un gran personaje de guardianes de la galaxia, es ridiculo que en el juego sea tan malo. Sus superataques son iguales. Y malos. El sp 1 es muy malo, en este tendría que desatarse y revolear ramas y golpes causando aturdimiento. En el super dos tendria que aparte de regenerarse generar una desventaja como contaminacion oxonica lo cual va matando al contrincante por 30 segundos, o sea que si te saca 1% por segundo te sacaria 30% de vida cada vez que se activa. Eso lo haria mas eficiente. El super ataque tres debe generar aturdimiento y hemorragia. De esa manera lo pone mas a la altura, contra los luchadores actuales...
Captain Britain/Britannic - Mystic Champion
Union Jack - Skill Champion
Agent anti venom
Phillip Coulson (Erde-616) (Earth-616)
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
Phillip Coulson (Erde-616) (Earth-616)
Direktor of S.H.I.E.L.D
Maria Hill (Erde-616)
Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D Avenger
Maria Hill (Erde-616) (Earth-616) Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
Attuma (Erde-616) (Earth-616)
Todd Arliss (Erde-616) (Earth-616) TigerShark
Todd Arliss (Erde-1610) (Earth-1610) TigerShark
Walter Newell (Erde-616) Stingray