Brian Grant's most recent video
Regarding BG's most recent video, I wanted to have a discourse about if the game is ready for another arena. I personally both agree and disagree with wanting a 6 star featured arena in the game. I first however would like a 5 star basic arena as there are many champions I do not have as either 5 or 6 stars that I would be happy to rank up as a 5 star champ(Corvus, Wasp, Sorcerer Supreme). So I wanted to post this to find out what the overall view was and if there is a timeline for Kabam adding in the next phase of arena.
As an end game player, I don’t know what I would do if a 6* featured was in the arena. I am not going to put up 3-4 Odins for one champ, I know a lot of people will.
The best part is if they did a 6* arena , it would allow a 5* basic arena to happen and then a 4* arena , the players that are chasing the 5* champs won’t have to compete with rosters that can do 50mil with little to no effort. It rebalances the game again. There aren’t many end game players ranking up their 5* anymore , unless it’s a rare occasion.
Brian half-jokingly asked what do we have to wait for, 7* champs? Basically, yes. This game is powered by impatience, and fueled by the players willing to spend past impatience. As Brian himself admits, all those champs he wants in a 6* arena are attainable by just waiting for the featured crystal. But Brian doesn't want to wait, he wants a way to pursue that goal now. That's understandable: the game is financed by that feeling. But the game can't keep the lights on giving Brian a way to do that. It keeps the lights on by giving spenders a way to do that.
It doesn't have to be 7* champs. But it has to be something. Something that only spenders can get now, and the rest of us has to get much later. And it has to be something that by definition isn't easy to wait for. BY DEFINITION if F2P players like Brian are perfectly fine with waiting for it, it won't be worth the spenders going after it, at least as much as they do now.
And this goes all the way down. The very top spenders in the game are going after the 6* early bird specials, but every tier of the game has things that players are pursuing. The spending isn't only happening there. People are spending on grandmaster crystals and Cavs hoping for 5* champs as well, people are still saving shards for 5* featured crystals. Pursuit happens everywhere, impatience exists everywhere, and the game funds its existence from all of them, not just the top 1% whales. So people who say that a 6* arena wouldn't just help the top 300 grinders, it will also trickle down and help everyone else, yes, it would. It would remove the need to pursue not just newly released 6* champs, but also everything else people currently pursue. And then what are people going to spend on?
As I said, this game monetizes impatience. Everything that the top spenders get everyone else eventually gets. Everything the top players get everyone else eventually gets. This is something the game doesn't get enough credit for. Adding a 6* arena without adding something else above it as the new pursuit target is the first step to weakening the game's monetization model of charging people for impatience. If it cannot monetize impatience, it will have to monetize *things*. Instead of spenders getting things sooner, they will start getting things everyone else can't get at all. And I'd rather that not happen.
Brian's most common complaint, and it is a valid complaint, is the lack of F2P paths to earn 6* sig stones. 6* sig stones are not easy to come by without spending. That is a thing that is genuinely restricted by a partial pay wall. If we decide that a 6* arena is "necessary" because "its time has come" without understanding the role that 6* champions actually play in the monetization of the game, the next rarity tier in this game will be full of 6* sig stones behind paywalls. Because you monetize impatience, or you monetize things. If the impatient decide when things happen, impatience can't be monetized, and things will be instead.
Also, not sure how I feel about 7* champs , don’t think that’s coming as we can hardly R3 champs.
Economy goes both ways , for the younger accounts in Mcoc they will never have access to a featured champ because they are going against players who have 30 maxed R5s 11 6*!R3s etc. by doing a 5* basic arena and 6* featured arena this allows the young accounts to finally get some crumbs for less effort.
Also, the game sees on average at least 2 new champs a month, they don’t get added into the basic pool for 3-4 months sometimes and then the only way to get them is via featured . The cycle is too long to keep players interested.
Did we see less interest in the most recent featured 6* crystal, because people waited "too long" for those champs? It didn't look that way to me. Instead, I saw the reverse: people were talking about that featured and discussing its merits and saving shards for *months* waiting for that crystal. People were very interested, and the fact that they had to wait for it did not impair the majority of players pursuit of it.
So between the quantitative things I can weigh and the subjective things I can observe, I see no evidence that the amount of time it takes for champions to pass from introduction to featured cav to featured champion crystal to basic crystal causes any materially significant number of players to lose interest.
It's been over 3 years since 6*'s came into the game which is about how long it was from the introduction of 5*'s until the intro of the 5* featured arena. At the very least, add a 5* basic, but I don't think it would hurt the game to introduce a 6* featured. Would probably add enthusiasm back to the arena if they got an overhaul.
T2a arena
T5b 50% arena
T5cc 2% milestones arena
The people saying a 6* Arena would break the game are the same people that said Cav Crystals would do the same.
This game is getting super boring for a lot of real endgame players (100% all content). There is literally nothing to look forward to on a monthly basis for most. A lot of people who don’t spend on Cavs don’t have a chance to get the 6* champions until months and months later. IBom was released in Nov, since I don’t spend on Cavs my first chance to get him as a 6* is 32 MORE days from now.
Where the endgame is at right now is very boring for people who don’t dump $ in the game. There is literally nothing to do but wait and not get excited for new champs because trying to pull them from a featured 6* crystal almost 4 months after they are released is lame.
Another issue is even if I grind the 5* (which I did for SpiderHam and Ibom) I don’t want to R5 them because if I get them as a 6* I would R3 them. And while there are more resources, there aren’t excess enough to R5 and R3 two different rarities of the same champ back to back.
So even getting the 5* makes you not want to invest in them since you want to rank the 6*. So even grinding for the 5* and getting a champ you want keeps you in limbo for months and months waiting for the 6* featured.
I don’t even bother with 5* feature anymore cause at end game 5* champs have little relevance.
Would I go back to it for 6* champ.. even if a basic one.. yes
5* basic could be nice, but a 6* arena, no ways.
If you want 5* basic arena so you can put up 15mil and get a 5* that wont happen. THAT would ruin the economy of the game.
Another thing too is that kabam should at least release 7 stars or something before we get the 6* featured arena because, if you think about it, most people would only put in the same amount of arena points as they would in the 5* arena, which pretty much means that the top 300 people would get a 6* featured champion with around the same amount of points as they would get for a 5* featured.
Still a huge pool, but it at least makes it more manageable
I’m not sure where I stand on a 6* featured arena, but Brian’s point about people saving for months and stagnating is absolutely on point.
I know I personally saved shards for months for this featured. And I’m probably going to save up over the next featured for the one after that, assuming it’s good. While I don’t mind it, it really does take a good chunk of thrill out of the game for months at a time
I do think something needs to change in this area. New champion releases just aren’t that exciting for the majority of players. And playing with champions is pretty much a fundamental part of this game.
The addition of the 3* to arena milestones was a good move, but most players have no reasonable way to get a usable rarity of these champs upon release. Essentially, unless you’re busting cavs or one of 600 people grinding for a champ, there are very limited ways to target champs. And of course that’s part of the game. But that’s why I really liked the old featured system. It gave that certain level of targeting to the average player