[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



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  • PurefigmentPurefigment Member Posts: 1
    In game name: purefigment
    Device and model: Moto G6 play
    OS: android 9
    Cell/wifi: both
    Game version: 30.1.0
    Game mode: all

    I'm having a problem with my game crashing after a few fights or if I'm on my app for more than 5-10 minutes. I've checked everything on my device settings in case I messed something up. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it's still happening. None of my other apps are acting like this it only happens on this app, I don't have a bunch of games on my phone in fact this is my only game. Save me from boredom please lol
  • King_StewKing_Stew Member Posts: 1
    King Stew
    iPhone XS Max
    Happens using WiFi and cellular data
    iOS 14.4
    Latest version of the game (March update)
    Happens in all game modes

    This has been going on since December but I struggled to find a forum addressing it. I’m unable to consistently parry and sometimes, my champ will drop the block mid attack. I have to tap near the center of the screen to get the heavy to register and even then, it will throw a light attack first and then the heavy. Makes it impossible to charge the heavy so my sunspot is less useful and mags and colossus are now worse than they were pre buff. Also, I’ll hold block and my character will dash forward or just stand still. Occasionally, no commands will register and I’ll have to close app just to get it working again. I’ve been playing mcoc since it came out but this is making it very difficult to continue playing. Please fix this issue.
  • Rmp14Rmp14 Member Posts: 36
    In-Game Name: giraffesaurous.
    Device and Model: (Example, iP
    Device Operating System: Stylo6 (Android)
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: 1117251
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest
    Description of the Issue: when entering fight the game freezes after touching the fight option and then goes to loading screen and then crashes resulting in half of the champions life being stolen.
  • 956suzume956suzume Member Posts: 1
    Ios 14.4
    Wifi or cellular
    Latest game version
    gamename 957suzume

    AQ- reboot with starting fight. this happens somtime.
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  • Mpd1Mpd1 Member Posts: 101
    iPhone 11
    Game continues to crash in arena when asking alliance for help. This has been happening for at least a month but is worse now.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2021
    Yet another version where we are going to pay for inconsistent connection, dropped inputs, movement stuttering and are shaky and updates not working like intended.

    Next 2 weeks to fix what’s not working and one week with ok performance and a new month where everything starts over. Hope you guys at Kabam seeing the pattern here and start on your root causes.

    Why the need for throw in so many changes every month? Is our demand or your eagerness to reinvent?
    Take pause please and get your game in shape !
  • PsilencePsilence Member Posts: 40
    iPhone 11
    iOS 14.2
    Cellular (Sprint-Tmobile)
    Latest Update (March)
    AQ/EQ (Possibly more-I’ve avoided going into AW).

    Description of Issue: While fighting, the game suddenly stops responding to input and my champion gets wrecked (it happened some hours ago in AQ (my Omega was KO’d) and just now in EQ (my Apoc was KO’d). It’s not just the champions though; the entire game stops responding to input and i end up having to lock and unlock my phone in order to close the game. Once i open the game again, it responds.
  • Pbg__5ivePbg__5ive Member Posts: 11
    Pbg__5ive said:

    In-Game Name: I am funk
    Device and Model: iphone 11 pro max
    Device Operating System: ios lastest version
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Mode: All game modes, EQ, AQ, Arena
    Description of the issue: game crashes at least 2 times per hour, it doesn’t matter the content you’re playing, before the fight screen the game crashes.

    Same thing happens on my ipad 8th gen. Game is getting unbearable.
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  • Buckylives2_0Buckylives2_0 Member Posts: 32
    In-Game Name: Buckylives
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: 14.3
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    I'm having a problem with my game crashing after a few fights or every 8 to 15 minutes and my phone is really warm.
  • Mikea117Mikea117 Member Posts: 96
    KABAM doesn’t care about the players’ issues unfortunately, they see dollar signs and that’s it, these lag issues and crashing while playing have been going on for months. Making a ticket is an absolute waste of time since they send an automated generic response basically outlining them saying, “tough, get over it and keep spending money”. What a crock, if this company would take the time to actually resolve issues or bugs before putting new modes and content out this could be avoided. STOP GIVING THIS COMPANY MONEY UNTIL THEY FIX THEIR PRODUCT. They’re just robbing players anymore.
  • NewbiedudeNewbiedude Member Posts: 2
    Mikea117 said:

    KABAM doesn’t care about the players’ issues unfortunately, they see dollar signs and that’s it, these lag issues and crashing while playing have been going on for months. Making a ticket is an absolute waste of time since they send an automated generic response basically outlining them saying, “tough, get over it and keep spending money”. What a crock, if this company would take the time to actually resolve issues or bugs before putting new modes and content out this could be avoided. STOP GIVING THIS COMPANY MONEY UNTIL THEY FIX THEIR PRODUCT. They’re just robbing players anymore.

    The game is free to play, no one is forced to buy anything to progress in the game, ofc like in most games on most platforms the developers give the users options to buy “advantage” to progress a lot faster and easier by buying for real money, but still it’s voluntary, it’s not a must to progress, does it take longer and probably more skill to progress without buying? Most likely.
    So if you don’t like doing it the normal way(without PTW)stop playing it.
    (side note, PTW stands for “Pay To Win” if you didn’t know that)
  • Newbie1_KenobiNewbie1_Kenobi Member Posts: 31
    In-Game Name: Newbie1 Kenobi
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: 14.4
    Cellular or WiFi: both - AT&T
    Game Version Installed: 30.1.0

    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War. - ALL OF THEM! Today, it happened both in Arena and AQ

    Description of the Issue: The game will shut down in the middle of a fight and when I log back in, it will show that I’ve lost the fight that I was in the middle of fighting. In AQ and AW, I lose half the remaining health of my champ and attack bonus. It has caused me to lose my multiplier in the arenas and waste boosts. It has been happening for about 2-3 months randomly. It’s very annoying. I’m only now posting because previously I was told Kabam was aware and fixing it, but that has not happened. It’s honestly very frustrating and I’m tired of losing resources. It makes me not want to play.
  • alegka312alegka312 Member Posts: 67

    In-Game Name: Newbie1 Kenobi
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: 14.4
    Cellular or WiFi: both - AT&T
    Game Version Installed: 30.1.0

    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War. - ALL OF THEM! Today, it happened both in Arena and AQ

    Description of the Issue: The game will shut down in the middle of a fight and when I log back in, it will show that I’ve lost the fight that I was in the middle of fighting. In AQ and AW, I lose half the remaining health of my champ and attack bonus. It has caused me to lose my multiplier in the arenas and waste boosts. It has been happening for about 2-3 months randomly. It’s very annoying. I’m only now posting because previously I was told Kabam was aware and fixing it, but that has not happened. It’s honestly very frustrating and I’m tired of losing resources. It makes me not want to play.

    Do you have lags/fps drops?

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  • Mikea117Mikea117 Member Posts: 96
    Any update as to when these issues will be resolved? This has been happening for months, kinda pointless to have a competition such as the AW Season when you can’t really play the game.... any update from Kabam would be nice but their silence kinda proves they don’t really worry too much...
  • Matt9881Matt9881 Member Posts: 2
    Morning Kabam

    So this morning I decided to try a Legend attempt on the new Event Quest. The attempt went really well to start after 100% Heroic difficulty at a time of about 1 hour and 27 min.
    I moved straight into the Master difficulty with my team. I had completed the first path of Section 1 on Master difficulty and then my game just closed and went to my home screen of my device. I reopened the app and after a minute of time, it came back up, only to have this force close itself on me a total of 4 different times within just a few minutes. My wife is a new summoner of about a week or so now, and last night she experienced the same closing of the game on its own, while she was in mid-fight!!!

    I’ve talked to my alliance team mates and a few have told me of similar experiences over the last day or so with their game, so I’m unsure if this is a type of “bug” that is causing the issue to occur, but having played this game consecutively for the last 5+ years, I have accomplished a lot in this game, so naturally the “Legend” title is on that bucket list as well. Now, considering it is a once a month chance to compete for and I could not finish due to losing to much time with the closings and having to restart the app, I’m not entirely sure I have received a actual attempt to make my time stamp towards this legend attempt.

    I invested over 135.00 just to beat the Grandmaster a few weeks ago, and have enjoyed investing into the account over the past several years, but things like this happening, make me not want to continue.

    Am I out of luck on the legend attempt? I know I would’ve completed it within a 3 hour and few minute mark, if I had the chance to continue playing, but after the massive time lapse, I just gave up.
    I’d like to add that I spent 780 total units to ensure I had at least 41 full energy refills, which now more than half will expire and go to waste.

    I hope this issue can be corrected.
    Enjoy your day.
    A annoyed summoner.
  • Newbie1_KenobiNewbie1_Kenobi Member Posts: 31
    Alegka312: Do you have lags/fps drops?

    Yes - game glitches with animations freezing and game suddenly shuts down in the middle of fights
  • KlerrKlerr Member Posts: 2
    Device and Version: iPhone 12
    Device OS: iOS 14.4 (latest)
    Mobile Carrier: Fido
    Cellular/WiFi: only Cellular
    Game Version Installed: 30.1.0 (latest)

    Description of Issue: ever since last month's update, I haven't been able to connect/boot up the game if I am using data (the app gets stuck on the loading screen), but everything works fine if I use Wifi
  • BNOJamsBNOJams Member Posts: 103
    In-Game Name: BNOJams

    Device and Model: iPhone 11

    Device Operating System: iOS 14.4

    Cellular or WiFi: Both

    Game Version Installed: Always the latest

    Description of the Issue: Frequent lagging, choppy screen, unresponsive controls, champs performing actions on their own without input, resulting in drop-outs with the champ standing there and/or missed parrys, dodges. I've been angrily complaining about this for YEARS. From my long experience with computers and the like, it looks to me like this iPhone simply can't put out the processing power to keep up with your app. It's time you fixed this, guys.

    Game content is and always has been fantastic. Game stability is much more boring a task, but its gawddammm important.

  • brycehill0brycehill0 Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: Brycetacular

    Device and Model: iPhone Xr

    Device Operating System: iOS 14.4

    Cellular or Wifi: Cellular

    Game Version: 30.1.0

    Description of Issue: Cannot load the game while using cellular data. I'm just stuck on the loading screen. The game always works perfectly fine on Wifi.
  • ErocksErocks Member Posts: 294 ★★
    In-Game Name: Elliotrocks
    Device and Model: iPad Generation 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.4
    Cellular or WiFi: I only play on WiFi, and it's been happening on there.
    Game Version Installed: 30.1.0 - latest
    Game Mode: Story, Event, AQ, hasn't happened in AW yet but that's because it's off season and I haven't taken many fights.
    Description of the Issue: Ever since I updated the game, I've been crashing a lot. It seems to happen every other fight in every game mode with every champ I have tried. There is very little lag or dropped inputs, only the random crashing. While playing the game, I am also not able to record my screen. I would be very grateful if you could have this issue resolved by the start of Season 25 so I would be able to participate in Alliance War.
  • alegka312alegka312 Member Posts: 67
    iPhone XR, iOS 14.4.1
    More lags pls, dropping to 10 fps is too low.
    Unplayable game, support ignoring me and my friends. Tested two iPhones xr, both same problem with lags. FPS adapting or what? Why game running or fine, or slow, or fine with drops frames or slow with freezes? Yesterday game was fine, today enjoy ~15 FPS from kabam
  • Terror_TomTerror_Tom Member Posts: 154
    iPhone XS
    IOS 14.4.

    Game crashing frequently while playing arena and asking for help
  • N0toriousRED53N0toriousRED53 Member Posts: 46
    In-Game Name: n0toriousRED
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.4.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Verizon, happens on cell and wifi.
    Game Version Installed: 30.1.0
    Game Mode: In every game mode (AQ, AW, arena, story quests, event quests, side quests, Back Issue variants).
    Description of the Issue: Game randomly crashes causing KO's in AQ and AW. Major lag which disrupts combos and timing. The game stutters back to you getting hit or the combo drops. Playing with sound, you can hear the heavy or special playing out but the hits don't happen and you have to guess when its going to be back.

    For a reactionary, timing-based game this happens quite a bit. As well as it being frustrating, I for one am thinking of taking a break because it is impossible to play the game as intended with such frequent major bugs.
  • alegka312alegka312 Member Posts: 67
    Crashes, stutters, frame drops, all this i have too.
    My alliance with iphones 10-11 same problem.
    Im trying tell about this issue to support, but they answer me like reboot youre device and gives me link with crashing form, witch i used like 2 month ago))) now i gonna create last ticket, actually no hope((
    IPhone XR, iOS 14.4.1, lags come from 14.2 or 14.3, actually i dont remember, that’s was long time ago
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