Looking for Mass Opinions on AW Changes (Poll)...

Looking to get at least 100 responses to this if possible. I've had discussions about this with people both here on the forums, and on youtube chats... I am hoping a large scale poll will do more to help the community. I am going to try to give all the opinions I have been hearing across the board... see where people really are on this. Please keep it constructive.
Looking for Mass Opinions on AW Changes (Poll)... 197 votes
Leave the New System / Map in Place, Leave Scoring System in Place, Add in Defender Kills
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on
Diversity is something we know isn't going anywhere frustratingly.
The only request I got from the mod is that everyone please stay on topic and do not be negative if possible. As long as we keep it clean this poll will remain.. vote away guys.
Diversity is BS: after spending ton of time and resources upgrading champs I needed, now we have to use stupid champs.
I appreciate your frustration but this is the kind of non-constructive stuff they don't want to hear. I tried to include all opinions in my poll.
Introduce a RUSH MODE:
- Kabam can charge each member what it's currently costing us to switch masteries and buy the boosts (around 650 units per war)
- Have us place dummy defense teams with diversity in mind
- Actually calculate defender rating based on base rating without the boost/masteries
- The winner would be decided as soon as attack phase starts solely based on defender rating
That way we wouldn't be wasting our time actually fighting in war and still get the occasional rewards.
That's how idiotic the current system is.
this sounds like something completely different than war lol
The answer is pretty simple. Go back to the last map nodes they used but with the 14.0 scoring system and fix dexterity.
Could you go into depth on why you don't want defender kills to return? Do you believe it's fair that defender rating determines the outcome of a war before it even starts? Please be as direct as possible if you can.
With the new nodes there are like 5+ unblockable L2s, 2-4 unblockable L1s, 2-4 stun immunes then all the Bane, Spite and other nodes. With those nodes and defender kills people would just load up on god tier defenders and it'll be miserable.
No, don't start that debate. You just put your own thread on track for derailment. Theres another thread for that nonsense
the point of keeping both diversity and defender kills is exactly for that. Ally's would have to choose between diversity / rating and kills. Would force a lot more strategy / skill over pure ally rating.
What tier are you in? Just about everyone in the top few tiers want defender kills back, so that may be a reason for your thoughts on the subject.
Of course they could have different scoring for different tiers, but that would make too much sense.
No need to start any "non sense" as long as people post on topic, constructive comments we should be fine. Don't start any insinuations if possible.
Theres 90 pages of the exact same thing on the discussion thread. 10 minutes ago this thread made more sense. Now its exactly the same as that thread that holds little value, with the addition of a poll. -smh-
The point of the thread is to gather all opinions on the current state of war and do it in a mass public way. Addressing specific aspects of AW is exactly what the thread is about my friend.
If they wend back to last week's nodes I'be all for both. There is just too much garbage with the new nodes.
I tend to agree on that.. however they were supposed to add in flare node(s?) from the beginning and seemingly forgot to do so.
Not really. I've expressed my thoughts enough in the War Thread. I voted in the Poll and expressed my views. There is another Thread for that.
fair enough.. trying to gather as many diverse opinions as possible.
No worries. I would elaborate but I don't want to let it spin off. Just trying to keep the Thread on track.