The most unfair SQ ever

O_Deadpool_OO_Deadpool_O Member Posts: 170 ★★
Kabam, your decision to give rewards by random is very bad idea. Really, 5 days gone, I got only 600 6* shards, while a lot of my alliance mates got 1500-2400. I am extremely unlucky in this SQ, it was two times when I saw 300 6* shards. However, there are people who entered quest and got 3x300 6* shards.
I am thronebreaker and my typical rewards on nodes are just meh for me. I do not need gold, I have 40 millions, I do not need CC4 fragments as I have hundreds of crystals with them. I do not need 5* shards as I am looking for 6* champions right now.

It is just ridiculous to enter the quest for rewards as such:



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  • Ps_cr7Ps_cr7 Member Posts: 296 ★★
    This is same as pulling different champs. I have played for 4+ years and i don't have any current top 5 of guys I saw started playing for around 1 year and has 3-4 of top 5 champs. It's just the way it is , if it's based on luck. Just accept it and move on! Nothing you can do about it.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,535 ★★★★★

    Some of the TB I know have yet to see 6* shards. It's RNG and still early in the month. Who says you won't get amazing luck next week and they get poor luck?

    I had amazing 6* pulls for about 2 years, the last few months have been complete trash for me, but old alliance mates who hated my guts.. ( @Gamer ) are getting good pulls..

    My current rewards, not amazing but far from the worst. The SQ isn't the worst one they've done. We can't always get amazing rewards, it's a different event, next month I'm sure we'll get a better one. If we constantly get amazing rewards, those rewards will become normalised, and we'll want the new amazing rewards.

    It's a slow, simple month - no overly complicated maths equations, no jumping through hoops. 8 quick fights for rewards, no energy spend. Use the time to do content or relax for a month.. V7 soon, and I'm sure kabam will find a way to make us cry again within the next month or two, and have us wishing for a break again

    But again the point is this is Rng u can get 100 sig stone with is usefull for cav player but for tb it like yes there’s usefull if u don’t hav more that’s 6 r3 and awke

  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Docmotts said:

    To be honest, if they want people to 100% Legendary every day, then the 7 optional fight should have 1 x 300 6 star shards, 3 x 500 5 star shards, 1 x 2100 t2a shards, 1 x 50,000 gold and 1 x 900 t5b each day. I think there is no need for Legendary to have t4cc or especially t4b. This would not be game breaking for someone that qualifies for Legendary. This would total at the end of 25 runs: 7500 six star shards, 37,500 five star shards, 52,500 t2a shards, 1,250,000 gold and 22,500 t5b shards.

    You don't think people doing legendary who most will presume are cavalier and throne breaker don't need t4cc and t4b? You realise those resources are required for ranking up 6 star to rank 2. And they are required a lot.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Docmotts said:

    To be honest, if they want people to 100% Legendary every day, then the 7 optional fight should have 1 x 300 6 star shards, 3 x 500 5 star shards, 1 x 2100 t2a shards, 1 x 50,000 gold and 1 x 900 t5b each day. I think there is no need for Legendary to have t4cc or especially t4b. This would not be game breaking for someone that qualifies for Legendary. This would total at the end of 25 runs: 7500 six star shards, 37,500 five star shards, 52,500 t2a shards, 1,250,000 gold and 22,500 t5b shards.

    Nope I want my T4cc to rank up my 6*
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,959 ★★★★★
    I think the main rewards are supposed to come from the objectives but I agree. The 6* shard output of this event is low.
  • FlyGalaxyBombFlyGalaxyBomb Member Posts: 778 ★★★
    git lucky :D;):p
    tbh tho, it all depends my guy. Kabam rng is wild fam
  • DeadPooopDeadPooop Member Posts: 236
    Kerneas said:

    Kerneas said:

    This is pointless now. We have 5/25 (ish) days past, and you say it's unfair already? Really? You judge whole event based on bad rng on 20% pulls?

    Just please keep the critisizm for when this event is over. Then you can compare the cumulative rewards with your alliance mates. But now, it makes no sense.

    There is quite probably a person who got only 6* shards in the legendary quest so far, considering the amount of players, the odds aren't so low. For this person, this event is far better than Mutant Treasure island.

    However, the more times we play this event, the closer we get to equal distribution of rewards. So, hold off your judgement until the event is over and until you compare your 25 tries' worth of rewards with other players.

    But anyway with this event, there will be a wide spread between total rewards for all players. However, everybody will put the same forces to complete it. Just imagine that you have completed variant and got 10k 6* shards, but another person completed and got 20k 6* shards. Or you got 5* awakening gem, but another person got 6* awakening gem.
    We have RNG in crystals and it divides people very much. Why do we also need an RNG in quest rewards?
    Like I said, RNG gives more equal rewards to players with increasing amounts of completions. That means, now (after 5 tries) you got bad RNG. After all 25 tries, the rewards will be distributed more accurately.

    Yes, in the end, there will always be some differences in rewards (that'll always be in RNG based stuff, unless everyone opens infinite amount of crystals). That's part of RNG. But the difference will be much lower after all the 25 tries you will have, than it is now after 5 tries. All I want is, that you wait until you get all the rewards and evaluate the fairness of this event then.

    Also, that's why your argument about Variants is invalid - you get completion rewards just and only ONCE, whereas here we all "roll the dice" 25x.

    P.S. pls don't take the 25 too literally, I know when should have about this amount of tries, but idk the exact amount of entries we can have
    What a load of steamming **** argument.. i got t1a and t4b fragments 3 days in a row... And im a rank up away from TB....
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    The point is, RNG or not,T4B and T1A as rewards are insulting. PERIOD!
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    I think RNG itself is not the issue, the issue is RNG composes of few good stuffs combined with many meh stuffs, and the RNG not matching with tier. e.g. what’s the meaning of giving gold in legendary? why it is still just shards only for T1A instead of a full form catalyst?

    If it is RNG of all good stuffs, I think no one will complain like this SQ.
  • gage201205gage201205 Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    Reference said:

    I think RNG itself is not the issue, the issue is RNG composes of few good stuffs combined with many meh stuffs, and the RNG not matching with tier. e.g. what’s the meaning of giving gold in legendary? why it is still just shards only for T1A instead of a full form catalyst?

    If it is RNG of all good stuffs, I think no one will complain like this SQ.

    GOLD, what's the meaning of tier 4 stuff in legendary
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    Reference said:

    I think RNG itself is not the issue, the issue is RNG composes of few good stuffs combined with many meh stuffs, and the RNG not matching with tier. e.g. what’s the meaning of giving gold in legendary? why it is still just shards only for T1A instead of a full form catalyst?

    If it is RNG of all good stuffs, I think no one will complain like this SQ.

    GOLD, what's the meaning of tier 4 stuff in legendary
    Tier 4 stuff is still necessary everywhere but people are getting too much of it from the sq.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    First of all, I don't mind the rewards. My FOMO means I will do the side as much as possible.

    That said, you cannot say the rewards will balance out. There is no guarantee that it will. When talking about crystal, people say every crystal has individual drop rates and there is a chance that you won't pull a 6 star from cav even if you open 100 of them. When it comes to this event, the same people are saying that the rewards will even out. You can't have it both ways. There is a chance that someone may run this quest 25 times and not get any 6 star shards. That scares a lot of people.

    Is this the worst side quest ever? No worse than the rifts which had the same rng aspect. But, not many people like the rng aspect of the rewards.

    Note: I have not run the quest even a single time yet. So I could be the guy that gets shafted. 😂

    I think what people mean when they say the rewards balance out is that on average they will balance out. Because there are many more instances of RNG here than rifts, you have less chance of getting shafted.

    As an example, if you flip a coin once and bet £10 on heads or tails you will have all or nothing. That's like the rifts.

    However, if you bet £1 on ten coin flips, you are less likely to win £10, but more likely to come out with something. The results are "more likely to balance out". In the first scenario, you have a black and white win or lose, £10 or £0. With the second, even if you don't get £10, you could end up with 5, 6, 7 or 8. You have less to lose.

    People don't mean you're guaranteed to get 6* shards over this event, but it's much more likely than the dimensional rifts to come out with something worth getting.
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