The most unfair SQ ever



  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 416 ★★★
    Kerneas said:

    This is pointless now. We have 5/25 (ish) days past, and you say it's unfair already? Really? You judge whole event based on bad rng on 20% pulls?

    Just please keep the critisizm for when this event is over. Then you can compare the cumulative rewards with your alliance mates. But now, it makes no sense.

    There is quite probably a person who got only 6* shards in the legendary quest so far, considering the amount of players, the odds aren't so low. For this person, this event is far better than Mutant Treasure island.

    However, the more times we play this event, the closer we get to equal distribution of rewards. So, hold off your judgement until the event is over and until you compare your 25 tries' worth of rewards with other players.

    if the event gets over there would be nothing left to criticize, I don't take these side events too seriously I just take what I can get but this one specifically just seems not so rewarding to me cos of the luck % factor.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    So, everyone's legendary is upset that they're going to get a nice 20% t5cc out of this ($160 based of yesterday's 5% $ deal), a 5* AG and whatever they scoop up along the way over the month on the paths? It's gonna add up and the T5CC is pretty darn nice for a side event - that's double cav monthly eq and 30% overall for the month combined. When was the last time we got that amount from monthly events only?

    I don't like the RNG factor either as some will get better stuff than others, but it should mostly average out by the end. Unfortunately, RNG is like this anywhere in the game. Some people get crazy luck and some people get pooped on, but eventually, we all have ups and downs with RNG.

    No one feels good completing or exploring abyss, act 6 or act 7 and getting the wrong T5CC or bad champs out of those crystals for all the effort and time either. However some are getting garbage from those rewards and some are getting great champs or the right T5CC. Pretty much the same here. Again I don't really like it either, but this is the game we choose to play. RNG is everywhere and it sucks when it's not in our favor.
  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021
    I don't think the projected rewards are bad. I don't think the RNG element is bad. I just think the event is terribly designed, as it only results in amplifying bad feelings.

    They chopped up the rewards up over so many fights that even good RNG looks bad. It's good that it helps them average out, but if that's the goal then just make them static in the first place. ffs.

    The key should be in the daily calendar. Making us fight for it adds to the tedium in what is already one of the most tedious SQ structures.

    Legendary tier shouldn't have t4cc frags, even as a miss. Frag crystals if you absolutely must, selectors if you wanna be nice, but more t4cc just means more in our overflow.

    Fights should be skippable with no downsides. I could skip the t4cc, but then I couldn't 100% the objectives if I get unlucky. I don't need the t5b, but I won't miss out on it because it's there to be had. Unlink rewards from total kills and suddenly we're a lot more free in our choices.

    In general, you should never frontload RNG if you can avoid it. People would be complaining a lot less if every fight gave you a crystal with the same reward spread.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    I don't think the projected rewards are bad. I don't think the RNG element is bad. I just think the event is terribly designed, as it only results in amplifying bad feelings.

    They chopped up the rewards up over so many fights that even good RNG looks bad. It's good that it helps them average out, but if that's the goal then just make them static in the first place. ffs.

    The key should be in the daily calendar. Making us fight for it adds to the tedium in what is already one of the most tedious SQ structures.

    Legendary tier shouldn't have t4cc frags, even as a miss. Frag crystals if you absolutely must, selectors if you wanna be nice, but more t4cc just means more in our overflow.

    Fights should be skippable with no downsides. I could skip the t4cc, but then I couldn't 100% the objectives if I get unlucky. I don't need the t5b, but I won't miss out on it because it's there to be had. Unlink rewards from total kills and suddenly we're a lot more free in our choices.

    In general, you should never frontload RNG if you can avoid it. People would be complaining a lot less if every fight have you a crystal with the same reward spread.

    Ehhh...t4cc is valuable for everyone, especially early-mid cavs which is for whom this difficulty is geared towards I believe.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    I don't think the projected rewards are bad. I don't think the RNG element is bad. I just think the event is terribly designed, as it only results in amplifying bad feelings.

    They chopped up the rewards up over so many fights that even good RNG looks bad. It's good that it helps them average out, but if that's the goal then just make them static in the first place. ffs.

    The key should be in the daily calendar. Making us fight for it adds to the tedium in what is already one of the most tedious SQ structures.

    Legendary tier shouldn't have t4cc frags, even as a miss. Frag crystals if you absolutely must, selectors if you wanna be nice, but more t4cc just means more in our overflow.

    Fights should be skippable with no downsides. I could skip the t4cc, but then I couldn't 100% the objectives if I get unlucky. I don't need the t5b, but I won't miss out on it because it's there to be had. Unlink rewards from total kills and suddenly we're a lot more free in our choices.

    In general, you should never frontload RNG if you can avoid it. People would be complaining a lot less if every fight have you a crystal with the same reward spread.

    Ehhh...t4cc is valuable for everyone, especially early-mid cavs which is for whom this difficulty is geared towards I believe.
    Yep I always want t4cc, 6* take so much to rank up
  • ErosenseiogErosenseiog Member Posts: 287
    Today after exploring uncollected I had 47 shards short to form a basic 5*. As I was sitting on 3 keys of SQ, jumped on there but didn’t get any 5* shards at all. It was kinda infuriating but I'm sure at the end of the month I will land near the average point. 😂
  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    Really? I always get the impression that most Cav+ are drowning in t4cc, except in one class of course. Like, dozens of t4cc crystals and hundreds, if not thousands of the fragment crystals.

    Well, I accept that I might be way off base about that. I still wish they were frag crystals/selectors though.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Kerneas said:

    For all those who disagree with me (pardon me for not tagging you all):

    Firstly, I never said rng stacks. It does not. However if you have more chances to roll the imaginary dice, the more times you roll it, the closer you get to equal distribution of rolls. That's a fact: only if you rolled the dice infinite times, you'd get perfectly equal distribution of rolls. That is how statistic works. And what OP did is, that they basically fllipped a coin twice, got two heads and said it's unfair they didn't get any tails.

    Secondly, it is interesting how everyone seems upset with this event being "uNfAiR", yet noone complains about pulling multiple bad champions from crystals? Why don't you apply the same logic there, it's the same story. My first 12 5*s were worst of the worst. Does that mean the crystals aren't fair? Of course it doesn't. Yet here, 5 bad runs = unfair...

    Thirdly, it makes no sense to say "cav/tb shouldn't get this or that". The rewards from this event aren't unusually stacked. But I don't see any reason why some groups of players should get only good stuff. And as I see it, none of the legendary rewards is absolutely useless. I am just a cav tho, I got no idea about TB.

    Lastly, if you find the RNG aspect unfair, I suggest you go play another game, that isn't RNG based. Really. If randomised rewards are an issue for you, it's probably a bad idea to play a game that revolves around opening randomised crystals.

    You cannot say the rng will even out in the end because as you pointed out, we do not infinite tries, only 28. So there is no guarantee it will. I don't mind rng events even though it feels like I get shafted every time. But it makes the game exciting.
    Rng rewards and guaranteed rewards are different kind of excitement. Kinda like getting your salary every month and getting a bonus at the end of the year. Both can be good.

    Asking people to play another game has become a trend here which is quite odd. Not everyone needs to like every aspect of the game. Why must they quit because of that. The same person can like rng on the crystal and don't like rng on the rewards. It's natural.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Really? I always get the impression that most Cav+ are drowning in t4cc, except in one class of course. Like, dozens of t4cc crystals and hundreds, if not thousands of the fragment crystals.

    Well, I accept that I might be way off base about that. I still wish they were frag crystals/selectors though.

    Maybe, I can’t speak for everyone but I will take any T4cc I can get. Maybe I rank up more often, which I accept. I’m not saying there’s an incredible drought, just that I will always appreciate getting T4cc so I’m glad it’s in the side quest.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Really? I always get the impression that most Cav+ are drowning in t4cc, except in one class of course. Like, dozens of t4cc crystals and hundreds, if not thousands of the fragment crystals.

    Well, I accept that I might be way off base about that. I still wish they were frag crystals/selectors though.

    Maybe, I can’t speak for everyone but I will take any T4cc I can get. Maybe I rank up more often, which I accept. I’m not saying there’s an incredible drought, just that I will always appreciate getting T4cc so I’m glad it’s in the side quest.
    Same for me. Going forward we are going to need a lot of t4cc. So getting them is good
  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
    I pulled 6* karnak getting 6* shards form qest.... And What? 😉
  • CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    While I do agree that the RNG present in the path rewards can be frustrating, I also agree that it’s far too soon to really judge this event based on rewards. As of writing this, we’ve all been able to do 6 runs, which means we should have gotten 42 path rewards if all paths were taken. In 28 runs, that gives a total of 196 path rewards, so right now we’ve roughly received about 21.4% of the path rewards. So it’s still fairly early to judge how anyone’s experience will be yet, seeing as how there’s still another 22 runs left.

    While I’m not saying the RNG will balance out by the end of the event, it should be remembered that we’ve still got another 154 path rewards left, so everyone’s luck could very well improve by the end. Personally, I won’t really make any judgments until I have at least 14 runs in, possibly more, as the random nature of the rewards means our luck could change for better or worse at any moment.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,887 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Kerneas said:

    For all those who disagree with me (pardon me for not tagging you all):

    Firstly, I never said rng stacks. It does not. However if you have more chances to roll the imaginary dice, the more times you roll it, the closer you get to equal distribution of rolls. That's a fact: only if you rolled the dice infinite times, you'd get perfectly equal distribution of rolls. That is how statistic works. And what OP did is, that they basically fllipped a coin twice, got two heads and said it's unfair they didn't get any tails.

    Secondly, it is interesting how everyone seems upset with this event being "uNfAiR", yet noone complains about pulling multiple bad champions from crystals? Why don't you apply the same logic there, it's the same story. My first 12 5*s were worst of the worst. Does that mean the crystals aren't fair? Of course it doesn't. Yet here, 5 bad runs = unfair...

    Thirdly, it makes no sense to say "cav/tb shouldn't get this or that". The rewards from this event aren't unusually stacked. But I don't see any reason why some groups of players should get only good stuff. And as I see it, none of the legendary rewards is absolutely useless. I am just a cav tho, I got no idea about TB.

    Lastly, if you find the RNG aspect unfair, I suggest you go play another game, that isn't RNG based. Really. If randomised rewards are an issue for you, it's probably a bad idea to play a game that revolves around opening randomised crystals.

    You cannot say the rng will even out in the end because as you pointed out, we do not infinite tries, only 28. So there is no guarantee it will. I don't mind rng events even though it feels like I get shafted every time. But it makes the game exciting.
    Rng rewards and guaranteed rewards are different kind of excitement. Kinda like getting your salary every month and getting a bonus at the end of the year. Both can be good.

    Asking people to play another game has become a trend here which is quite odd. Not everyone needs to like every aspect of the game. Why must they quit because of that. The same person can like rng on the crystal and don't like rng on the rewards. It's natural.
    You are right in both cases. About the RNG: it won't even out at the end, but will be lowered instead. I wanted op to hold off their judgement until they get all the rewards. It's not really fair to say the event is unfair when we have looted about 25% of it and the rest 75% could be anywhere between 0 and 32.4k 6* shards. People can dislike the RNG aspect, but nobody can evaluate the fairness yet
  • FineDogFineDog Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    While it's true that the probability distribution evens out after more "dice rolls", 25 dice rolls isn't really enough to get a particularly even distribution. Just as an example, you can simulate 25 dice rolls here and see what the distribution is. You can see how easy it is to get a wildly uneven distribution. 25 sounds like a lot but it's actually a pretty small sample size.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    FineDog said:

    While it's true that the probability distribution evens out after more "dice rolls", 25 dice rolls isn't really enough to get a particularly even distribution. Just as an example, you can simulate 25 dice rolls here and see what the distribution is. You can see how easy it is to get a wildly uneven distribution. 25 sounds like a lot but it's actually a pretty small sample size.

    It’s 25 runs, with 7 rolls of the dice per run
  • GK_23GK_23 Member Posts: 338 ★★★
    edited April 2021
    As a TB myself, this SQ is absolutely PATHETIC! 2021 in this game has been a mega bust.

    *I would put money on it that any disagrees aren’t TB and/or are a Kabam crony.
  • GrimXYZGrimXYZ Member Posts: 119
    There are 3 different perceived issues:

    1. Are the overall rewards appropriate for players at the appropriate progression level?
    2. Are rewards based on RNG appropriate?
    3. Am I getting what I deserved based on the posted rates? Am I extremely lucky/unlucky?

    Issues 1 and 2 are subjective and people will have different opinion. But for issue 3 this can be tested objectively. You have the posted percentages, and you have your own observation. A standard chi square test will tell you how likely the posted rates are correct based on your observations. As with all such tests it is probably not great to draw conclusions until you have all the data at the end.

    Last time I did this test was for the rifts, and there was a 90.8% chance that my observations match the posted rates. I didn't get the best rewards but I got my "fair share".

    This time so far, my chi square test after 1 week is 5.2%. Again it is still early so it needs to be taken with a grain of salt...If you have a low value it means that you are either extremely lucky or unlucky, depending on what you actually pull.

  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Kerneas said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Kerneas said:

    For all those who disagree with me (pardon me for not tagging you all):

    Firstly, I never said rng stacks. It does not. However if you have more chances to roll the imaginary dice, the more times you roll it, the closer you get to equal distribution of rolls. That's a fact: only if you rolled the dice infinite times, you'd get perfectly equal distribution of rolls. That is how statistic works. And what OP did is, that they basically fllipped a coin twice, got two heads and said it's unfair they didn't get any tails.

    Secondly, it is interesting how everyone seems upset with this event being "uNfAiR", yet noone complains about pulling multiple bad champions from crystals? Why don't you apply the same logic there, it's the same story. My first 12 5*s were worst of the worst. Does that mean the crystals aren't fair? Of course it doesn't. Yet here, 5 bad runs = unfair...

    Thirdly, it makes no sense to say "cav/tb shouldn't get this or that". The rewards from this event aren't unusually stacked. But I don't see any reason why some groups of players should get only good stuff. And as I see it, none of the legendary rewards is absolutely useless. I am just a cav tho, I got no idea about TB.

    Lastly, if you find the RNG aspect unfair, I suggest you go play another game, that isn't RNG based. Really. If randomised rewards are an issue for you, it's probably a bad idea to play a game that revolves around opening randomised crystals.

    You cannot say the rng will even out in the end because as you pointed out, we do not infinite tries, only 28. So there is no guarantee it will. I don't mind rng events even though it feels like I get shafted every time. But it makes the game exciting.
    Rng rewards and guaranteed rewards are different kind of excitement. Kinda like getting your salary every month and getting a bonus at the end of the year. Both can be good.

    Asking people to play another game has become a trend here which is quite odd. Not everyone needs to like every aspect of the game. Why must they quit because of that. The same person can like rng on the crystal and don't like rng on the rewards. It's natural.
    You are right in both cases. About the RNG: it won't even out at the end, but will be lowered instead. I wanted op to hold off their judgement until they get all the rewards. It's not really fair to say the event is unfair when we have looted about 25% of it and the rest 75% could be anywhere between 0 and 32.4k 6* shards. People can dislike the RNG aspect, but nobody can evaluate the fairness yet
    Ya, while it is truly very early to judge the SQ, I understand why people are upset. A problem is that people are very skeptical of rng and with very good reason. Even if the SQ is boring, when the rewards are guaranteed, there are less of "unfair posts".
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  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,887 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Kerneas said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Kerneas said:

    For all those who disagree with me (pardon me for not tagging you all):

    Firstly, I never said rng stacks. It does not. However if you have more chances to roll the imaginary dice, the more times you roll it, the closer you get to equal distribution of rolls. That's a fact: only if you rolled the dice infinite times, you'd get perfectly equal distribution of rolls. That is how statistic works. And what OP did is, that they basically fllipped a coin twice, got two heads and said it's unfair they didn't get any tails.

    Secondly, it is interesting how everyone seems upset with this event being "uNfAiR", yet noone complains about pulling multiple bad champions from crystals? Why don't you apply the same logic there, it's the same story. My first 12 5*s were worst of the worst. Does that mean the crystals aren't fair? Of course it doesn't. Yet here, 5 bad runs = unfair...

    Thirdly, it makes no sense to say "cav/tb shouldn't get this or that". The rewards from this event aren't unusually stacked. But I don't see any reason why some groups of players should get only good stuff. And as I see it, none of the legendary rewards is absolutely useless. I am just a cav tho, I got no idea about TB.

    Lastly, if you find the RNG aspect unfair, I suggest you go play another game, that isn't RNG based. Really. If randomised rewards are an issue for you, it's probably a bad idea to play a game that revolves around opening randomised crystals.

    You cannot say the rng will even out in the end because as you pointed out, we do not infinite tries, only 28. So there is no guarantee it will. I don't mind rng events even though it feels like I get shafted every time. But it makes the game exciting.
    Rng rewards and guaranteed rewards are different kind of excitement. Kinda like getting your salary every month and getting a bonus at the end of the year. Both can be good.

    Asking people to play another game has become a trend here which is quite odd. Not everyone needs to like every aspect of the game. Why must they quit because of that. The same person can like rng on the crystal and don't like rng on the rewards. It's natural.
    You are right in both cases. About the RNG: it won't even out at the end, but will be lowered instead. I wanted op to hold off their judgement until they get all the rewards. It's not really fair to say the event is unfair when we have looted about 25% of it and the rest 75% could be anywhere between 0 and 32.4k 6* shards. People can dislike the RNG aspect, but nobody can evaluate the fairness yet
    Ya, while it is truly very early to judge the SQ, I understand why people are upset. A problem is that people are very skeptical of rng and with very good reason. Even if the SQ is boring, when the rewards are guaranteed, there are less of "unfair posts".
    I also prefer guaranteed rewards over RNG. Also a reason people love Nexus crystals. It's just too early to judge the whole event imo. People tend to think linearly, so based on first small decline, they derive a consistent linear fall
  • gp87gp87 Member Posts: 325 ★★★
    Worst side quest is game history. When you believe the side quest cant be more worst here kabam come and make it reality #makeseriouscontentagain
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian

    FineDog said:

    While it's true that the probability distribution evens out after more "dice rolls", 25 dice rolls isn't really enough to get a particularly even distribution. Just as an example, you can simulate 25 dice rolls here and see what the distribution is. You can see how easy it is to get a wildly uneven distribution. 25 sounds like a lot but it's actually a pretty small sample size.

    It’s 25 runs, with 7 rolls of the dice per run
    I thought it was 28 runs. My recollection was the reward charts out there were presuming 28 runs with 7 rewards, for a total of 196 possible drops. There are ten possible drops, so 196 rolls is going to tend to average out relatively well, although of course corner cases will still happen.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    GrimXYZ said:

    This time so far, my chi square test after 1 week is 5.2%. Again it is still early so it needs to be taken with a grain of salt...

    A really big grain of salt. Too many expected values are too small, which would tend to invalidate chi-square, or at least make its results have too wide a margin for error to be meaningful. Even the full run will make chi-square a bit hazy for some of the rarest drops like T5B, although for back of the envelope-style guestimates it'll be fine for the higher probability rewards.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    FineDog said:

    While it's true that the probability distribution evens out after more "dice rolls", 25 dice rolls isn't really enough to get a particularly even distribution. Just as an example, you can simulate 25 dice rolls here and see what the distribution is. You can see how easy it is to get a wildly uneven distribution. 25 sounds like a lot but it's actually a pretty small sample size.

    It’s 25 runs, with 7 rolls of the dice per run
    I thought it was 28 runs. My recollection was the reward charts out there were presuming 28 runs with 7 rewards, for a total of 196 possible drops. There are ten possible drops, so 196 rolls is going to tend to average out relatively well, although of course corner cases will still happen.
    I haven’t checked to be honest, I was just correcting the person I replied to, they said 25.
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★

    Really? I always get the impression that most Cav+ are drowning in t4cc, except in one class of course. Like, dozens of t4cc crystals and hundreds, if not thousands of the fragment crystals.

    Well, I accept that I might be way off base about that. I still wish they were frag crystals/selectors though.

    you're def not off base, i have hundreds of T4cc crystals and any fragment crystals get converted via the sigil.

    if you do AQ Map5/6 or above, you are good on T4cc and if you're not then perhaps you need to manage you're resources a bit better.
  • OneMast3rOneMast3r Member Posts: 331 ★★
    Another QQ thread. This is a casino style game. Kabam makes money off RNG. If you don't like the rewards, don't play it.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Asking people to play another game has become a trend here which is quite odd. Not everyone needs to like every aspect of the game. Why must they quit because of that. The same person can like rng on the crystal and don't like rng on the rewards. It's natural.

    Its perfectly fine to like some parts of the game and not like others. It is also perfectly fine to advocate for changing things when you don't like them. But people have to understand that advocacy has limits. If you want Cloak and Dagger in the game, you can advocate for that. You might get them, you might not. If you want Galactus as a playable character, you can advocate for that also, but you have to realize the odds of getting that one are very small, no matter what your reasons are for wanting him.

    If you want Batman in the game, you need to find another game. Sure, it is not *impossible* but non-stop begging for that will honestly make you into the village loon.

    If you prefer the side quests that have fixed rewards, that's cool. If you want to advocate for more side quest variations with fixed rewards that's also cool. However, if you think Kabam needs to "realize" that random rewards are bad, you're asking for Batman. If you think RNG is some necessary evil that should be in as little of the game as possible, you're asking for Batman. The game is going to balance random rewards with fixed rewards and is going to do so on the presumption that the random rewards are not second class citizens, they are the first class citizens.

    Anyone who thinks the *principle* of random rewards is fundamentally wrong and thinks there's some chance that one day the game developers will realize that, or that it is worth holding out hope that this will change, is wasting their time.
    Exactly. Not every monthly event will be RNG. But some will be.

    RNG is a fundamental aspect of this game and will never go away. Every so often we will get a RNG event, and when it does you can complain until the cows come home, or get on with it and enjoy the rewards you do get.
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Asking people to play another game has become a trend here which is quite odd. Not everyone needs to like every aspect of the game. Why must they quit because of that. The same person can like rng on the crystal and don't like rng on the rewards. It's natural.

    Its perfectly fine to like some parts of the game and not like others. It is also perfectly fine to advocate for changing things when you don't like them. But people have to understand that advocacy has limits. If you want Cloak and Dagger in the game, you can advocate for that. You might get them, you might not. If you want Galactus as a playable character, you can advocate for that also, but you have to realize the odds of getting that one are very small, no matter what your reasons are for wanting him.

    If you want Batman in the game, you need to find another game. Sure, it is not *impossible* but non-stop begging for that will honestly make you into the village loon.

    If you prefer the side quests that have fixed rewards, that's cool. If you want to advocate for more side quest variations with fixed rewards that's also cool. However, if you think Kabam needs to "realize" that random rewards are bad, you're asking for Batman. If you think RNG is some necessary evil that should be in as little of the game as possible, you're asking for Batman. The game is going to balance random rewards with fixed rewards and is going to do so on the presumption that the random rewards are not second class citizens, they are the first class citizens.

    Anyone who thinks the *principle* of random rewards is fundamentally wrong and thinks there's some chance that one day the game developers will realize that, or that it is worth holding out hope that this will change, is wasting their time.
    I wouldn't say Galactus is a small chance. We have beings like Odin, Dormammu, and Phoenix. Having Galactus is not that large of a leap...especially if we only are allowed to play a "hungry" Galactus
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