Kingpins Prestige - resolution desired

The last thread was derailed by off topic discussion and was closed. The purpose of this thread to continue the community support of this issue until Kabam responds with a resolution. All opinions are welcome, please be respectful to each other so we can continue the dialogue about this topic.
This discussion has been closed.
There's a part of me that even thinks it's possible his prestige WAS supposed to be changed to what was listed. But never was, and it was decided that it takes less effort to just adjust the spotlight rather than actually fix the champion in game. I really really hope thats not what happened. Cause that's an even bigger problem if that's how errors are going to be corrected in this game. But if in fact his prestige was originally intended to be as listed, please... it's not to late to walk it back and make it right. Please don't double down on the spotlight "correction" if the spotlight wasn't what needed correcting.
If it had happened to me, I'd feel like I was definitely a victim of bait and switch. However, I'm not personally affected by this issue, but can assure you I'll be watching to see what happens. The way this is handled will absolutely have a huge impact on whether I feel comfortable continuing to be a player and a customer. Whether I will feel comfortable spending time and money playing this game moving forward. I really do hope Kabam takes action quickly to resolve this issue for those affected. Please do not underestimate the impact of this issue on the morale and trust of the player base. I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one watching to see how this is handled.
Not to take anything away from the OP's cause, but in reality, it could be in place for technical reasons. The most logical reason being that they lose audit information on what resources were consumed in order to get KP up to the sig level he is at. Adding sigs stones is different to a natural dupe in terms what would happen to reverse it. Also, when I'm reversing it, what am I giving you back, generics or class sigs? And how many sig levels are from dupes and how many are from stones? Do I need to reverse 20, 40... 100?
Now you might ask, why would they lose or delete this information? Well, there are quite literally millions of transactions going on per second. (Transaction means something happening between player devices and the servers... not purchases). Keeping the game performant might mean purging some of that information.
This is in part probably why when compensation comes to the player base, it is usually a representative amount for what was lost and never actually what was lost. Because they simpler no longer have that information and it is significantly easier to engineer blanket compensation.
Is this also a cause for a rank down ticket? I would suggest not, given that his abilities weren't changed. As much as prestige is a critical part of high tier AQ and I could see people doing rank ups for that purpose, it just doesn't fall into Kabam's historical "policy" (that word again) for what warrants rank down tickets.
Anyway, I digress. Kabam have made a mistake and it would seem fair to compensate the players affected. I do believe it would require a software resolution if it were rolled out to more than a handful of players. But what would that look like... if not rank down tickets, "de-sig" tickets?
A "de-sig" ticket in this instance might be reversing 10 sigs on KP (and KP only) and in return you get 10 skill sig stones. Even if you used generics... I just can't see them giving them back, they're too valuable.
The problem with this solution is, who do you give tickets to? Anyone that has sig levels on KP? What if they got there via natural dupe (assuming they no longer have this information anymore). How many tickets do you give each player?
The alternate, is address each player individually that lodges a support ticket. In which case, you're essentially taking the word of the player how many sigs they dumped into KP (assuming the information no longer exists on the servers).
In summary, I do think Kabam messed up. I do think players affected are entitled to something... but I also know things are generally not as simple as they might seem.
A final note. The "thanks for bringing this to our attention" response is also a nice backhand. I do feel that support and forum mods need to get a better handle on the game, much of the way they respond shows a clear lack of understanding what is important in the context of the game.
If you want this thread to stay open, don't feed the trolls.
The OP deserves a place to voice his concerns and some in the community want to support that. 👌
Not statement, discussion!
But... One of the mod have replied to you in your earlier post where they admitted their mistake. They are humans man. Not God, humans. Just a typo. They admitted.
When you're talking about end game resources relating to prestige it has a huge impact on players progress and ability to compete at the top level. Yes the number of players affected will be small but doesn't mean its not any less important that a fair resolution is reached.
Also saw the last thread and knew it was going to get closed because it was being intentionally derailed. Word of advice make use of the forums ignore feature and don't engage with individuals like that. They will just go away if not being engaged with.
Hopefully you get the right and fair resolution you deserve.
Although I would bring your attention to this note in that announcement:
Please note: This is not the de-facto compensation for any and all changes to Champions in the future. Any changes that necessitate Compensation plans will be handled on a case by case basis, and bug fixes are not considered the same as an intentional change. All Champion rank up decisions you make are made with the knowledge that rebalance changes can occur down the road, and if compensation is given it may differ.
I'm not saying you don't deserve compensation, I'm just saying that they've guarded against "precedent" by essentially saying "What we do here has no bearing on what we might do in the future".
I agree that rank up decisions at the top end of the game are made with the minutiae in mind. If the information were different, different decisions may well have been made.
I'd say that this is a clear case of being miss-sold and I'm staggered that there is even a debate about whether you and others with 6* duped KP who pumped in stones after his spotlight, should have the stones returned.
They admitted they were wrong, now it's time for kabam to provide restitution to those impacted by the error.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit et al, I really do think you should push for the right thing here.
I also think the end game community needs to provide more vocal support. I'm not in this category by any stretch, but the big guns need to chip in.
@Seatin @TheKiryu @Lagacy from the YT community I hope...