New Arena Structure Feedback



  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    Well.... I'm not sure if I should start exploration of the Abyss. If units are going to become alot harder to come by, it looks to be in my best interest to save the units until this new arena layout is fixed.
  • KnudiebabyKnudiebaby Member Posts: 15
    Agree with everything posted already -
    Milestones are way too high.
    The amount of units earned compared to time spent playing is a large decrease.
    What am I supposed to use my 2 & 3* for? ... the future content for those champions better give some extravagant rewards.
    But what bothers me most is newer players & players with limited rosters are totally side-lined. What does a newer player with mainly 2 & 3* & limited 4* suppose to do? Grind hour upon hour to get a few measly units?
    Oh wait, I know. Kabam wants to press more $$ out of people buying units and/or resources 😒
  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    pete8388 said:

    We won’t be able to address this right away, and there will be more Arenas like this before we can implement a new plan.

    R.I.P. units :(
    Yeah the way this sounds to me is like they're gonna keep it this way for months to come before any chance of a change will happen. Looks like the future of MCOC is gonna be rough for awhile.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,636 ★★★★

    Crys23 said:

    Hello everybody,

    Thank you all for your feedback on the new setup for Arenas. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback, especially surrounding the number of fights required to hit all of the Milestones.

    One of our goals in this refresh was to keep the number of fights/series required to hit the Milestones more or less equal to what it was before, and the milestones would change based on the ability to use higher Rarity Champions in more Arenas.

    While it’s too early to see exactly what the effect is through Data, you’ve all let us know that the current Milestones require more time and effort to obtain than the previous ones.

    There are many reasons behind this, including higher point values, multiple Arenas allowing the use of 4,5, and 6-Star Champions, and more Milestone thresholds.

    While we don’t have a plan in place for how we want to address these concerns, we want to assure you all that we are exploring a number of options to address your concerns, and are committed to reducing the Grind once again.

    We’re going to do our best, but it’s important to note that in some cases, things may still require a little more effort for some Summoners than before. Because everybody is at a different place in their progression, it is very difficult to come up with a solution that addresses the situation for every Summoner.

    We won’t be able to address this right away, and there will be more Arenas like this before we can implement a new plan.

    There is additional feedback on other topics, and we will continue to explore those, especially after this first iteration of the new Arena ends, but don’t have anything to share on that at this time.

    The new arenas are bad for me, TB player, 2.5m account, 90 6*s, 165 5*s. It requires double the time and effort.
    And that's what we want to address. We don't want it to take more time than it did before. We're saying that we need a little wiggle room because it's pretty hard for us to come up with a solution that will be perfect for everyone, but are going to do out best to get as close as we can.
    i'm all ears to see what options the game team can come up with. looking forward to it.
  • Pauly2099Pauly2099 Member Posts: 1
    Please bring back the 4* basic arena , that was the only way to get the champs that you are targeting
  • MystiKayMystiKay Member Posts: 90
    I'll give my complete perception of all the arena changes, but I want to explain my points and show all the math I did and also some ideas of what can be changed:
    • Summoner Trials: I think it's the best arena overhaul, with more work but more reword, so what I would like to suggest is a bit more points. Since there was an increase in the rewards, I think the points for 3* and 4* at least could stay the same, but a 2* point increase would help progressing and especially starting players;
    • Basic Arena: A bit higher of rewards but the amount of work skyrocketed even more, making it really hard for new players, even using max 4*s. What I would suggest is decreasing the quantity of milestones and split those rewards on the remaining milestones: instead of 16.5M points, maybe 12.5M.
    • Featured Arena: I think it needs to most work, because, just as a heads up, the amount of work and reward for the previous 3* and 4* featured arena is the same as the new 6* featured arena, because the things from the old 5* featured arena were split on the other ones. I would like to suggest an increase in resources on the arena or, like the previous one, less quantity of milestones, with the rewards on the remaining ones.
    About the Champions available in the milestones, is an awesome idea, but still needs some teaks. Some could be already fixed with the other things I said before, if not, put them in the milestone right before the one they are today. The Basic versions could stay the same.

    And now to show the calculations I did. To explain what I did, I used a proven formula to calculate the amount of points you get per fights (discovered on reddit a long time ago that I've been working a lot recently), so I know what each Stars influence the points.

    For the Summoner Trials, the rewards were increased, but if you notice all the fights it takes, it's too high for new players, even considering the new rewards, especially with 2*s

    For the Basic Arena, the rewards increase a bit, but just like Trials, it's really painful for new players where it takes too much fights to get the rewards. And here a pattern emerges, 6*s will be as effective as the old arenas.

    Now the Featured Arena. This one, like I said, is where the rewards were cut for the previous arenas, and the work to get the rewards are only effective like before if you use 6*s at Rank 2.

    For the Champions in the Milestones, I just want to also show the amount of fights, but like I said, the Basic Arena ones seem to be find, but I hope lower values on the Featured ones to help progressing players, especially on the 3*s.

    And to end, here's the compiled data from all this, where we can see that the rewards are basically the same, but the discrepancy of fights is even larger now. For the Best Case Scenario on fights, the value is a bit lower, focusing of course on using 6*s...but the huge difference appears on the Worst Case Scenario, considering progressing players, there it more than doubles.

    Some of the suggestions I gave I think would change much for top players, but help a lot more of new and progressing players, especially the thing about increasing the base points on lower stars

    And I would like to also hear everyone's opinion about this things I said. Thank you!
  • Annihilator13_Annihilator13_ Member Posts: 337 ★★

    Pauly2099 said:

    Please bring back the 4* basic arena , that was the only way to get the champs that you are targeting

    There are 4-Star Basic and Featured Champions in the Milestones of the new Arenas.
    Yeah, we got the 4 basic hero around 3.5 million and a good amount of units...but now we need to double the grind for that and the units pftt
  • TokenpsychoTokenpsycho Member Posts: 1
    As someone who previously completed every milestone in all the arenas, I am really disappointed in the new arena milestones. Im Cavalier and my roster is nowhere near high enough to get the units that I was able to get previously. This was a really crappy move to do to lots of your player base.
  • Levvyzz_OPLevvyzz_OP Member Posts: 14
    alhir27 said:

    Karate Mike's solution is a geat one, please check it out kabam it is a 10 minute video

    No way. Non UC accounts don't have access to 6 arena so no wiggle of current setup will make it back to normal. I have alts that aren't UC and now i don't have access to as much milestones and ones i have are tedious with forcing 4*. Garbage. Lot of youtubers are very narrow minded from their own point of view. Watch ilacskills vid...
  • Robbo9Robbo9 Member Posts: 51
    Right, I’ve finished hitting the milestones in the featured arena and I should be able to finish the basic tomorrow so I wanted to add some proper thoughts on this now.

    I’ve got a big enough roster that I hit the milestones by running 5*s for the first 15 rounds then 3 runs of my 6*s. Probably took me about 2.5 hours all in. Even if you just do the 12mil milestone that the old arena went to you get 140 units. Add in the the fact that you can keep going for 60 more and also the grandmaster shards and it’s a big improvement. I don’t think you need to change this arena at all. As long as changes are made to the other arenas I can’t see where anyone is being disadvantaged compared to the old 5* featured.

    The basic arena is my issue though. You need a similar roster to do that one. 5 stars won’t cut it. As a comparison, I’ve ran 93 rounds in the featured to get to 16.5mil. I’ve ran 45 rounds in the basic with just 5s and I’m only at 4mil. I can now use the 6s to finish but otherwise I’d be looking at 200 rounds with 5 stars to get the milestones. That’s insane. Instead of getting 135 units for 4mil points in the old 4* featured you only get 55 units for the same milestone here. Add in 6*s causing deathmatches and there’s so many problems there

    I wouldn’t have the roster I do now if not for the old arena structure. I could target specific 4s in the basic arena to get uncollected and complete the rest of act 5, and the units I picked up pushed me to cav and beyond. So while I have the roster to handle this new setup and possibly benefit from it due to the new rank rewards, I’m not a fan of pulling the ladder up behind me.

    As a very simple first step, why not add the 4* basic hero to the 1.5mil milestone of the 2-4* arena? Do that, and frontload most of the units in the basic arena to the first 6 milestones and I think you’ll have a lot less complaints.
  • MBrotherMBrother Member Posts: 31
    Snurris said:

    @Kabam Miike you asked for constructive feedback. Here’s mine.

    Rewards: the change to rewards in it self is really great. Getting GM shards and a 4* hero is a very big improvement.

    Milestones: is an issue. This is totally opposite to QOL-changes. Double the grind is hard for most players. Most people want the units and now you get way less for the same grind.

    Here’s my suggestions.

    6* basic. Change the numbers of units on the lower milestones so that when u hit 4 million you have gotten 135. That way the same number for the same grind as previous 4* fearured. Then you can keep the rest of the milestones upwards as an incentive to make people play even more.

    6* featured. Same as above but you have 135
    Units when u hit 12 million milestone.

    4* nexus. Same as above but you have 135
    Units when u hit 1.5 million milestone.

    This way the grind stays the same for the same amount of units. And if you don’t want summoners to get to many units just lower the amount on higher milestones and ad some other rewards like cav shards or so.

    This is a very good suggestion would be happy to see something similar implemented @Kabam Miike
  • Saad_AhmadSaad_Ahmad Member Posts: 3
    The new Arena Structure is Good but some slide changes can make it better, specially in acquisition of Units and Battle chips. Which is primarily purpose of Arena Grinding for most of the summoners.
  • ObiDonObiDon Member Posts: 28
    A few ideas for improvements:

    An hourly boost each 24 hour cycle that a player may activate to double all arena points earned in fights. (To help get milestones quicker.)

    Have more arenas available but restrict access to only being able to choose three of them to do. (To limit the amount of units a player may accumulate in a three day period)

    Move all the unit milestones to below ten million threshold and have different milestones without units in the higher tiers.

    For the love of Pete, let’s abolish death matches.

  • VarisVaris Member Posts: 2
    I'm thronebreaker with 1.1m account 21 6* champs, 22 maxed 5* and 7 maxed 4*. With old system I could hit all milestones across all arenas including t1a and t2b. Now I have no chance.
    My solution to this issue is simple. Game is evolving and it's time to evolve points multiplier from x3 to x5
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