5* champs are irelavent in this new arena format. And it is obvious having a staked 6* roster for most players is not easy due to the limited resources. Most people have developed 5* roster for arena and therefore changing the meta is completely uncalled for .
Please give back priority for 5* champs . I am a cav player at the verge of getting throne breaker and I have completed act 7.1. From my experience 5* champs are still relevant in this contest and therefore taking away half the use for this rarity seems like a uninformed desicion. Thankyou for listening to our feedback.
What I like: Getting grandmaster shards for the milestones. This is a huge boon to me as a mostly F2P non-whale. It will allow me to potentially build my 5-star roster more quickly and get iso to level up champs..
More streamlined experience
What I don't like: As a mostly F2P user I get a significant amount of my units from the arena. I do not have a large collection of 6 star champs. I cannot grind all three of these arenas to get the units out anymore. By condensing the units into fewer arenas and having 2 of those arenas both use 6 star champs it makes it impossible to hit a lot of milestones for those that don't already have a large roster of 6 stars
This arena give less units for the same amount of time spent as the previous set up. gettin things like the GM Shards and 4 star champs as milestones shouldn't have been a trade for the units.
Suggestion: I think there should be an arena that just uses 4/5 start champs and an arena that allows the use of 6 star champs. The milestones for the 4/5 star arena could be retuned like the old 4 star featured arena, though maybe a little lower on the points requirement to make it faster.
I definitely agree that the milestones need a major tuneup. I used to grind arena hard for 3* and 4* Champs but with the 5* arena I just can't get the top milestones with work and family life. It's put me off those arenas. I started to grind the 4*basic arena but this new format means that it's much harder to get anywhere near the battle chips or units. It's just putting me off arena all together.
Honestly, the game needs some major revamping in general. I feel like for a casual player of moderate skill it's almost impossible to get Thronebreaker. I used spend on in-game offers when Caviler was the top offers. But now I know that Thronbreakers get so much more value for their purchases it's completely also put me off spending. I feel like Kabam is loosing someone who has played the game 1-2 hours a days for 5 years and loves the game but you just not catering to me anymore.
Arena Grinding now becomes too much. As FTP unit grind for me is impossible to hit milestone on both basic and feature. But as both 6* basic and Feature this has to be the design. I think reducing both 5* and 6* cool down time to half and increasing the 5* and 6* arena boost will be a good solution to this problem.
Not sure the arenas were improved. I mainly complete arenas for units. I’m a 10.5 prestige player but don’t have the roster to compete for the 5* in the old arena structure without losing sleep and having it impact my real life obligations. So arenas were my source of units. It’s seems now I’ll have to put in a lot more effort just to grind for units, which is a bummer. Why didn’t you just add a 6* basic and featured area instead of trying to merge them all into one? That would have made 5* champs in areas more accessible to people like me and the hardcore grinders would have focused on the 6* arenas. Feels like I now need to put in more effort for less rewards. Not pleased with the new updates.Thanks for soliciting feedback tho
Good morning everybody. Lots of feedback to go over today. Thank you to everybody that gave constructive feedback.
We cleaned up a few posts overnight and this morning. When we're looking for actionable feedback we can share directly with the team, it's important that we can share direct feedback that tells us what you don't like, and why.
We don't have anything to share right now, but discussions are ongoing. We'll be looking at more feedback and data today. Top of mind is obviously milestones, but if there is anything else that is causing any concern, please make sure to share it with us!
The #1 one things are:
This was tabbed as being QOL improvements for Arena, but talk about a swing and a MISS... You've actually doubled or tripled the workload and time needed to grind in Arena and made the 3* and 4* Champs milestones unattainable to the majority of Summoners because most players do not have enough 5&6 Champs at the right ranks (R5 or whatever) to avoid death matches and maintain a winning streak.
The craziest thing was increasing the 3* new feature champion milestone by just under TEN TIMES, from 640K to 6.25M (maybe it's a better QOL for the top whales who don't even need to improve their already stacked rosters that have 75+ R5 6* Champs but most Summoners are nowhere near that)
I personally haven't missed a new 3* or the occasional 4* basic when I didn't have them or needed a dupe in 2 years and as a Champ collector, the Arena is, or WAS, my favorite part of the game followed by EQ & AQ, and I know I'm not alone in that.
I'm Uncollected and have not touched SQ since beating the Collector and I'm content with that for now and maybe for good and I shouldn't have to be forced to progress to Act 6 or 7 if I don't want to... And if that's my choice, and others choices, we should NOT be punished.
NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO BE CAV OR THONEBREAKER and even some who are don't have the ranked up roster to put in the time and scores to grind the Arena under this new format.
At the very least, everyone including below UC should have an opportunity to still get every new champ as a 3* from the Arena for the 640K, not 6.25M and lastly, battle chips and units are much harder to come by but tbh, that's not MY biggest concern because I'm no whale but I'm not f2p.... I do spend real money monthly so I hope I'm not just going to go unappreciated and left behind and/or essentially forced to cut way back or just quit MCoC.
I love the new system. More units more battle chips and most importantly the INFINITE STREAK IS STILL HERE! 😁😁😁😁. I love getting the 4* nexus with Summoner trials to have a better chance at the preferred iso. This is manageable and doable if you can manage your time well.
I have been playing the game religiously since December. I have over 17,400 PvP fights, with only 36 of those being duels. I am not yet uncollected. I was running 3 of the older arenas to completion every single time, and was obtaining 4 star characters and duping them. I felt like I was getting better and EARNING my way to uncollected by putting the work in arenas and growing my roster each and every week. For me, Thursday was my favorite day of the week to see what characters I would be trying to obtain in the 3 star arena and the 4 star basic.
I cannot believe you have removed these arenas and their rewards from new players like me.
I had progressed to the point that I was running enough teams to achieve the 1-10% reward in 4 star basic and rewarded with 300 5 star shards for my effort each and every time.
By now, at this time, I would have already been well on my way to earning my milestones in the old arenas. I am crushed, CRUSHED, by this removal of the old arenas. I LOVED getting incrementally better by putting in the work needed and felt well rewarded with new characters.
I don’t need 1 arena with twice as many milestones and no where near as good rewards.
I have a PS5 in the box that I have not considered playing since I started playing this game in December... that is how much I enjoyed playing this game. I have bought the sigil and the unit subscription this entire time, and have spent additional money on this game since I began playing. You basically spit in my face and took an aspect out of the game that I LOVED.
I have been playing video games for 43 years. I have never, NEVER felt more betrayed by a game company than I have been made to feel by you today. If you do not undo what you have done, it will go down for me as the worst decision that I have ever seen made by a video company in my life. It also goes without saying that I will cease to spend anymore money on this game, and I will probably also cease playing it like I was.
I felt like I was getting close to start being able to compete in the 4 star featured at the rate that I was going.
I have not played one arena match since the new arena came out. I don’t feel like playing at all right now, and normally, you could not get me to do anything else but play arena until Sunday at 1.
You have taken the game from me.
Your blade could not cut deeper.
That's an amazingly well written summary of how I feel.
I know allot of people have already said this but just want to rain in so you don't think I am one of the players who might agree with your changes, these new arenas are more than a turn in the wrong direction. I almost deleted the game. And only stopped because I think Kabam will quickly change these modes of arena. I only play arenas to grind out units. You have stretched the grind out for the same amount of units. And have now turned arenas into a whales only event
There's obviously 2 types of arena grinders: those who do it for units and those who grind for the champ. I like the addition of grandmaster crystals.....would rather get 3 star champs than 2 stars. Why not revert back to the old system and add more milestones that give the 4 star champ and grandmaster crystals? Best of both worlds, unit grinders still can get their milestones relatively easy(i always ran 4* featured and 5* featured) and those who want to grind further can at least get a 4 star version of the featured champ.
So far the only thing I like is the grandmaster shards, may be greedy of me but i feel like we should get 750 at most milestones.
I haven't noticed much in the deathmatch department, but I've always used 5* r4 until around streak 20. That's just been my method. Once i hit x3 points i don't risk it.
Overall i think you guys tried to go too different and made ppl more mad than happy. Personally I'd like to see something along the lines of solo arena objectives weekly for shards, gold and iso.
You literally just stacked the arenas in complete favor of the whales and the players that have built up enormously deep 5* & 6* champ rosters over years. I've been playing for 11 months and just achieved Uncollected. I have been able to accumulate 25 5* and 3 6* champs in that time. And I've only been able to meaningfully upgrade 6 of those champs.
With the arenas remaining at 3-day duration, and the 5* and 6* champ recharge times not shortening, you've made it impossible to get more than half of the units I used to be able to get in the arena cycles, without doing anything in my life but grinding and grinding with my 4* champs.
Now that I have become Uncollected, I was going grind to build up to 12K units to get my masteries in place for a Cavalier push. Since you've just made that unit-collection goal take at least twice as long, why bother? It's not even worth it. I don't have more time to allocate to a game. You made arenas basically not worth it for me anymore.
It's almost not even worth mentioning that you also made getting featured 4* champs out of reach for almost all of us too. It almost doesn't matter with how badly you screwed us on units.
Put your best statistical people on this. Do the analysis. You'll clearly see that it doesn't matter that you can now get 5 more units from arenas each cycle. Pick a target...let's say 300...and evaluate the time and resources required to achieve that number pre and post release. And then you'll get it. It's disappointing you didn't do that before you went live with this. And if you did and still decided that's the outcome you desired? Then you deserve the significant player and time-spent-per-player losses you are about to experience.
1-4 stars Arena ============= ° Equal opponents (the variation can be +/- 1 rank) until you reach the final milestone. ° Standard points reward for each fight (doesn't matter the rank — r1,2,3,4) until you reach the final milestone.
3 star - 15k points per fight
4 star - 20k points per fight.
° After you reach the final milestone: - You'll get the bonus multiplier (X1, X2, X3). - Deathmatches. - Your roaster of max. heroes matters. - Long story short: the actual arena system.
4-6 stars Arena ============= ° Equal opponents (the variation can be +/- 1 rank) until you reach the final milestone. ° Standard points reward for each fight (doesn't matter the rank — r1,2,3,4,5) until you reach the final milestone.
4 star - 40k points per fight
5 star - 70k points per fight
6 star - 100k points per fight
° After you reach the final milestone: - You'll get the bonus multiplier (X1, X2, X3) - Deathmatches. - Your roaster of max. heroes matters. - Long story short: the actual arena system.
Notes: - This way almost every player is able to reach the final milestone for each arena. - We're not forced to max out our 3,4 stars when most of us doesn't have iso/gold to rank up their 5/6 stars. - Who owns the most maxed-out heroes will have a chance to get top 1000 or better prizes. - Time invested to reach the final milestone for each arena is the same (higher), but everyone has the chance to get all the milestones.
If the goal was to chase away new players and further the gap between them and Endgame players, mission accomplished.
How are new players expected to stick around when they see an insurmountable gap between them and the top? I'm Thronebreaker and I feel like *I* won't ever reach the top at this rate. Think how discouraging this change is for new players.
It is decisions like this that lead me to believe that this game is on its last legs. Eventually, all that will be left are the whales.
Everyone should be able to get a NEW 3* every two weeks so either restore the lower grind for that or just give us all a free 3* (like you did with Psycho Man or Shang-Chi regardless of if they are tied to objectives) for testing purposes and why not, because that does nothing to hurt Kabam's WALLET... If I like the 3*, it will actually increase Kabam's revenue, because I'm going to buy crystals or bundles to try and get a 4, 5, or 6* that I won't even consider if I haven't personally gotten to play the champ myself (not watch others on YouTube do it, that's boring and gives me no feel for them)
These new Arenas have great rewards but present a terrible experience to get them. I have about 35 six stars and I used to get all milestones in the old arena system, but now I can only get 16.5mil in one of the Arenas. Also, I'm spending a lot more time in the arenas because I am trying to run my rank 1s as well to guarantee all the milestones which take a lot of time.
These new Arenas have great rewards but present a terrible experience to get them. I have about 35 six stars and I used to get all milestones in the old arena system, but now I can only get 16.5mil in one of the Arenas. Also, I'm spending a lot more time in the arenas because I am trying to run my rank 1s as well to guarantee all the milestones which take a lot of time.
Sorry but which of the rewatds did you find great? Only change is the PHC to GMC. No other change with the rewards. Same number of units, BC, etc.
I complained about this before the changes went live and it looks like nothing changed. Basically, the algorithm just matched me with champions twice my Pi which in this case means r5 5* and 32 6* with suicides. No way I'm winning this with maxed out 4* In other words, using 4* in this arena is pointless, you will get death matches the instant you attempt it and lose your streak. I'm guessing the reason they allowed it is so people can reach the milestones faster but until they tweak the matchmaking algorithm this is just 5/6* arena and the 4* allowance is just for show.
Feel very disappointed I can no longer use my 5&6 star champions in arena as I’m not up to the required level of uncollected, I know I’m not a very good player but that’s over 20 of my roster that are now of no use in arenas
Felt compelled to comment given I grind arena quite a bit 1. Reverting the milestone target of the basic to 4 million would be incredibly helpful, obviously the rewards offered will have to be reduced as well 2. Reduce the 2/3/4* arena back to 1.5 million to complete all milestones...or increase the number of units offered to 200 if the target is going to remain 2 million 3. No issues with the featured, if folks with big rosters want to grind, let them grind 4. Get rid of death matches, they don’t really serve a purpose except to frustrate the player base
Ultimately this is game meant to be fun, not frustratingly time consuming and the arena should be a means to supplement resources to complete more content, not a burden
As the primary means for ftp players to get units, anything that decreases the amount of units available for grinding in arena is a non starter for the ftp community.
Please give back priority for 5* champs . I am a cav player at the verge of getting throne breaker and I have completed act 7.1. From my experience 5* champs are still relevant in this contest and therefore taking away half the use for this rarity seems like a uninformed desicion.
Thankyou for listening to our feedback.
Getting grandmaster shards for the milestones. This is a huge boon to me as a mostly F2P non-whale. It will allow me to potentially build my 5-star roster more quickly and get iso to level up champs..
More streamlined experience
What I don't like:
As a mostly F2P user I get a significant amount of my units from the arena. I do not have a large collection of 6 star champs. I cannot grind all three of these arenas to get the units out anymore. By condensing the units into fewer arenas and having 2 of those arenas both use 6 star champs it makes it impossible to hit a lot of milestones for those that don't already have a large roster of 6 stars
This arena give less units for the same amount of time spent as the previous set up. gettin things like the GM Shards and 4 star champs as milestones shouldn't have been a trade for the units.
Suggestion: I think there should be an arena that just uses 4/5 start champs and an arena that allows the use of 6 star champs. The milestones for the 4/5 star arena could be retuned like the old 4 star featured arena, though maybe a little lower on the points requirement to make it faster.
Honestly, the game needs some major revamping in general. I feel like for a casual player of moderate skill it's almost impossible to get Thronebreaker. I used spend on in-game offers when Caviler was the top offers. But now I know that Thronbreakers get so much more value for their purchases it's completely also put me off spending. I feel like Kabam is loosing someone who has played the game 1-2 hours a days for 5 years and loves the game but you just not catering to me anymore.
4 stars against 6 ain’t even close
This was tabbed as being QOL improvements for Arena, but talk about a swing and a MISS... You've actually doubled or tripled the workload and time needed to grind in Arena and made the 3* and 4* Champs milestones unattainable to the majority of Summoners because most players do not have enough 5&6 Champs at the right ranks (R5 or whatever) to avoid death matches and maintain a winning streak.
The craziest thing was increasing the 3* new feature champion milestone by just under TEN TIMES, from 640K to 6.25M (maybe it's a better QOL for the top whales who don't even need to improve their already stacked rosters that have 75+ R5 6* Champs but most Summoners are nowhere near that)
I personally haven't missed a new 3* or the occasional 4* basic when I didn't have them or needed a dupe in 2 years and as a Champ collector, the Arena is, or WAS, my favorite part of the game followed by EQ & AQ, and I know I'm not alone in that.
I'm Uncollected and have not touched SQ since beating the Collector and I'm content with that for now and maybe for good and I shouldn't have to be forced to progress to Act 6 or 7 if I don't want to... And if that's my choice, and others choices, we should NOT be punished.
NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO BE CAV OR THONEBREAKER and even some who are don't have the ranked up roster to put in the time and scores to grind the Arena under this new format.
At the very least, everyone including below UC should have an opportunity to still get every new champ as a 3* from the Arena for the 640K, not 6.25M and lastly, battle chips and units are much harder to come by but tbh, that's not MY biggest concern because I'm no whale but I'm not f2p.... I do spend real money monthly so I hope I'm not just going to go unappreciated and left behind and/or essentially forced to cut way back or just quit MCoC.
I only play arenas to grind out units. You have stretched the grind out for the same amount of units. And have now turned arenas into a whales only event
So far the only thing I like is the grandmaster shards, may be greedy of me but i feel like we should get 750 at most milestones.
I haven't noticed much in the deathmatch department, but I've always used 5* r4 until around streak 20. That's just been my method. Once i hit x3 points i don't risk it.
Overall i think you guys tried to go too different and made ppl more mad than happy. Personally I'd like to see something along the lines of solo arena objectives weekly for shards, gold and iso.
With the arenas remaining at 3-day duration, and the 5* and 6* champ recharge times not shortening, you've made it impossible to get more than half of the units I used to be able to get in the arena cycles, without doing anything in my life but grinding and grinding with my 4* champs.
Now that I have become Uncollected, I was going grind to build up to 12K units to get my masteries in place for a Cavalier push. Since you've just made that unit-collection goal take at least twice as long, why bother? It's not even worth it. I don't have more time to allocate to a game. You made arenas basically not worth it for me anymore.
It's almost not even worth mentioning that you also made getting featured 4* champs out of reach for almost all of us too. It almost doesn't matter with how badly you screwed us on units.
Put your best statistical people on this. Do the analysis. You'll clearly see that it doesn't matter that you can now get 5 more units from arenas each cycle. Pick a target...let's say 300...and evaluate the time and resources required to achieve that number pre and post release. And then you'll get it. It's disappointing you didn't do that before you went live with this. And if you did and still decided that's the outcome you desired? Then you deserve the significant player and time-spent-per-player losses you are about to experience.
1-4 stars Arena
° Equal opponents (the variation can be +/- 1 rank) until you reach the final milestone.
° Standard points reward for each fight (doesn't matter the rank — r1,2,3,4) until you reach the final milestone.
EX: ° After you reach the final milestone:
- You'll get the bonus multiplier (X1, X2, X3).
- Deathmatches.
- Your roaster of max. heroes matters.
- Long story short: the actual arena system.
4-6 stars Arena
° Equal opponents (the variation can be +/- 1 rank) until you reach the final milestone.
° Standard points reward for each fight (doesn't matter the rank — r1,2,3,4,5) until you reach the final milestone.
EX: ° After you reach the final milestone:
- You'll get the bonus multiplier (X1, X2, X3)
- Deathmatches.
- Your roaster of max. heroes matters.
- Long story short: the actual arena system.
- This way almost every player is able to reach the final milestone for each arena.
- We're not forced to max out our 3,4 stars when most of us doesn't have iso/gold to rank up their 5/6 stars.
- Who owns the most maxed-out heroes will have a chance to get top 1000 or better prizes.
- Time invested to reach the final milestone for each arena is the same (higher), but everyone has the chance to get all the milestones.
How are new players expected to stick around when they see an insurmountable gap between them and the top? I'm Thronebreaker and I feel like *I* won't ever reach the top at this rate. Think how discouraging this change is for new players.
It is decisions like this that lead me to believe that this game is on its last legs. Eventually, all that will be left are the whales.
Sorry but which of the rewatds did you find great? Only change is the PHC to GMC. No other change with the rewards. Same number of units, BC, etc.
I complained about this before the changes went live and it looks like nothing changed. Basically, the algorithm just matched me with champions twice my Pi which in this case means r5 5* and 32 6* with suicides. No way I'm winning this with maxed out 4*
In other words, using 4* in this arena is pointless, you will get death matches the instant you attempt it and lose your streak.
I'm guessing the reason they allowed it is so people can reach the milestones faster but until they tweak the matchmaking algorithm this is just 5/6* arena and the 4* allowance is just for show.
and this remains the same
1. Reverting the milestone target of the basic to 4 million would be incredibly helpful, obviously the rewards offered will have to be reduced as well
2. Reduce the 2/3/4* arena back to 1.5 million to complete all milestones...or increase the number of units offered to 200 if the target is going to remain 2 million
3. No issues with the featured, if folks with big rosters want to grind, let them grind
4. Get rid of death matches, they don’t really serve a purpose except to frustrate the player base
Ultimately this is game meant to be fun, not frustratingly time consuming and the arena should be a means to supplement resources to complete more content, not a burden