BzeeBzee Member Posts: 258 ★★
edited May 2021 in General Discussion
Rate the community choice arena out of 10. Post your thoughts about the new arena in the comments.


Haji_SaabTimone147Horror_punkmostlyharmlessnLightburn22CrkwestVceeCristalmanheruheru511zuffySIlverProfessorRam_SarkarChovnerjdrum663mani274Alex13369VerzzMikeyBoi69subash_vikramPwf57 138 votes
Cervantes007HendrossColonaut123FloorKillerKaratemike415spigwenderNichj99Bawa69JoshKosh557Nalak8Salve_maker05SamuraiJack06 12 votes
RaganatorTerraMarvel_GTheHeroDeservedDRTOLautZzZIKONNatezillaHera1d_of_Ga1actusAMS94IronGladiator22Prakhar_82aNOOBis235ScrubhanPrimerprime5C14PPEDOneGirlArmyDarksniper240 18 votes
DhapumanRasiloverMarvel2289kubricknolanKRANꓘJordan9859Killswitch01HoitadoCt11dmePuttPuttCrcrcrcHaunted_ghoštGodliekBarri8BeardedBrawler 15 votes
DrZolaKennadoBuckyBruhmanveertherealJakearoundCr7ms7rs7RockypantherxRAMBOSLAWSteel_Ball_RunShock29DrauglinThanks_D19Hunter_Sarc0BlumladenAvi613TyphoonSchnoodle 17 votes
RockyshockyDenslo500gsil6374Thoye3Zeuszero 5 votes
Furious_Fighter1MaddocSnakepAlexBossuPhillip14233Giuliameij 6 votes
Austin555555Raichu626Heroesforhire18_The_grim3 4 votes
AbishekrajHammerbro_64Captain_Pug30Ksp_2099R1s02SkyLord7000 6 votes
Darkrider05yuwVoltolosRemeliWine_LoverDaywalkerXJollyHawkQuake2409AceOfDiamondWill3808ChaosMax1012FlyGalaxyBombRekManDraconic_12Katzer 15 votes


  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    I would rate it a 6-7 because of the units but 6*s not getting full points takes the rating down for me
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,653 ★★★★★
    It could atleast have been GMCS instead of PHCs.
    Ah well, I'll trudge along to support my gal Guilly
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  • Putang76Putang76 Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Do me a favor vote for Guilly
    Cause I ain’t grinding that worthless arena 🤣
  • Hunter_Sarc0Hunter_Sarc0 Member Posts: 48
    Many players do arena only for units and battle tokens. It could reduce Marcos' score.
  • Haunted_ghoštHaunted_ghošt Member Posts: 75
    Low rewards and it just takes time I mean if you do the whole arena and your champion doesn’t win then that’s that wasted time any other content would offer better rewards I feel it was designed by kabam not the player base and it shows might do it 100% might not
  • JahnybravoJahnybravo Member Posts: 69

    It was never about the rewards, it’s about casting ballots. It accomplishes what it was meant for: letting more active players have more sway in the buff choice.

    How exactly does an outlier of an arena say who plays more than someone else? Even then arena is sometimes just mindless tapping not somewhere where you plan and strategize how to use your champs most effectively to counter the opponent
    I don’t understand what you mean by outlier of an arena. That’s a comparative statistics term and I don’t see what is being compared.

    I never said “skilled” players, I said “active” players

    What I meant in saying that is the general noob who would log in and go “oh, I know Ant Man!” or someone that isn’t in the know would likely not do any arenas and leave the decision making to involved community members, making it a better representation than the general public.

    People who care will invest time into the arena; those who don’t care will lose their voice. People who demonstrate caring by putting in a bit of time deserve more say than the people who run multiple Alt accounts for login rewards.
    See the thing your missing about community voting is: you want the community to actually vote. This isn't like beta testing where you simply want a sample size of the community, you should want as much as the community to vote as possible to get the best representation of the entire community. The noobs who choose Ant-Man because he's popular are still players in the community and Kabam wants them to be just as excited about an upcoming buff as the rest of us. That's the whole point of letting the community choose the next buff. To create excitement that wouldn't be generated if Kabam just announced another self selected buff. Your assertion that making votes more effort to place makes it a better representation is the opposite of the truth. It only makes it a more selective representation that puts some opinions above others. Not that it matters here cause it's just a damn game and honestly idc which one gets the buff, but in irl matters adding extra tedious steps to voting that discourages some people from participating to begin with is by definition voter suppression. To be clear, I'm not saying that's what Kabam is doing here cause that's overly dramatic. It's likely just an unforeseen side effect of Kabams terrible arena milestones.(Unforeseen by them at least. I never had hope the milestones would be good when they announced vote by arena)
  • Avi613Avi613 Member Posts: 61
    Im stopped in 350k , 30 units, 4 votes.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★

    It was never about the rewards, it’s about casting ballots. It accomplishes what it was meant for: letting more active players have more sway in the buff choice.

    How exactly does an outlier of an arena say who plays more than someone else? Even then arena is sometimes just mindless tapping not somewhere where you plan and strategize how to use your champs most effectively to counter the opponent
    I don’t understand what you mean by outlier of an arena. That’s a comparative statistics term and I don’t see what is being compared.

    I never said “skilled” players, I said “active” players

    What I meant in saying that is the general noob who would log in and go “oh, I know Ant Man!” or someone that isn’t in the know would likely not do any arenas and leave the decision making to involved community members, making it a better representation than the general public.

    People who care will invest time into the arena; those who don’t care will lose their voice. People who demonstrate caring by putting in a bit of time deserve more say than the people who run multiple Alt accounts for login rewards.
    See the thing your missing about community voting is: you want the community to actually vote. This isn't like beta testing where you simply want a sample size of the community, you should want as much as the community to vote as possible to get the best representation of the entire community. The noobs who choose Ant-Man because he's popular are still players in the community and Kabam wants them to be just as excited about an upcoming buff as the rest of us. That's the whole point of letting the community choose the next buff. To create excitement that wouldn't be generated if Kabam just announced another self selected buff. Your assertion that making votes more effort to place makes it a better representation is the opposite of the truth. It only makes it a more selective representation that puts some opinions above others. Not that it matters here cause it's just a damn game and honestly idc which one gets the buff, but in irl matters adding extra tedious steps to voting that discourages some people from participating to begin with is by definition voter suppression. To be clear, I'm not saying that's what Kabam is doing here cause that's overly dramatic. It's likely just an unforeseen side effect of Kabams terrible arena milestones.(Unforeseen by them at least. I never had hope the milestones would be good when they announced vote by arena)
    But every player has a chance of voting and in the end, everyone has the same amount of votes. It just depends on their dedication, in other words how much it matters to them. If they don't care, they will do first milestone. If the buff means a lot to somebody, that person will go through the whole arena.

    We all have equal opportunities, but the results depend on each individual. I understand that irl it'd be unfair tho
  • JahnybravoJahnybravo Member Posts: 69
    Kerneas said:

    It was never about the rewards, it’s about casting ballots. It accomplishes what it was meant for: letting more active players have more sway in the buff choice.

    How exactly does an outlier of an arena say who plays more than someone else? Even then arena is sometimes just mindless tapping not somewhere where you plan and strategize how to use your champs most effectively to counter the opponent
    I don’t understand what you mean by outlier of an arena. That’s a comparative statistics term and I don’t see what is being compared.

    I never said “skilled” players, I said “active” players

    What I meant in saying that is the general noob who would log in and go “oh, I know Ant Man!” or someone that isn’t in the know would likely not do any arenas and leave the decision making to involved community members, making it a better representation than the general public.

    People who care will invest time into the arena; those who don’t care will lose their voice. People who demonstrate caring by putting in a bit of time deserve more say than the people who run multiple Alt accounts for login rewards.
    See the thing your missing about community voting is: you want the community to actually vote. This isn't like beta testing where you simply want a sample size of the community, you should want as much as the community to vote as possible to get the best representation of the entire community. The noobs who choose Ant-Man because he's popular are still players in the community and Kabam wants them to be just as excited about an upcoming buff as the rest of us. That's the whole point of letting the community choose the next buff. To create excitement that wouldn't be generated if Kabam just announced another self selected buff. Your assertion that making votes more effort to place makes it a better representation is the opposite of the truth. It only makes it a more selective representation that puts some opinions above others. Not that it matters here cause it's just a damn game and honestly idc which one gets the buff, but in irl matters adding extra tedious steps to voting that discourages some people from participating to begin with is by definition voter suppression. To be clear, I'm not saying that's what Kabam is doing here cause that's overly dramatic. It's likely just an unforeseen side effect of Kabams terrible arena milestones.(Unforeseen by them at least. I never had hope the milestones would be good when they announced vote by arena)
    But every player has a chance of voting and in the end, everyone has the same amount of votes. It just depends on their dedication, in other words how much it matters to them. If they don't care, they will do first milestone. If the buff means a lot to somebody, that person will go through the whole arena.

    We all have equal opportunities, but the results depend on each individual. I understand that irl it'd be unfair tho
    caring about the characters and caring about arena is two different things. this buff doesn't only affect arena, it affects every aspect of the game. no matter which character gets buffed, that new kit now applies to every game mode where you can either use or face against that champion. they're tying a community decision about a game wide character buff to a specific mode that not everyone in the community enjoys or wants to do. just because someone dislikes grinding arena doesn't make their desire to see a champion get buffed less meaningful. you shouldnt have to ``prove your dedication`` to be deemed worthy of having a vote
  • edited May 2021
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  • yuwyuw Member Posts: 316 ★★
    edited May 2021
    7 rounds for 30 units isn't bad at all, if you go beyond 350k points,then it's bad
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    Good arena that doesn’t take many points to get the good rewards. I’ve finished and only had to do 2 cycles to get there.
  • FlyGalaxyBombFlyGalaxyBomb Member Posts: 778 ★★★
    This new arena is bussin :D 30 units? SHEESH :p
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    I think the amount of points is fine. Plus it’s about a new over haul and it helps keep things fair.
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    When the voting was already done on the forum, why was it incuded into the arenas? Was the dev team not happy with the champion chosen on the forum votes?

    Also, 30 units and 4 PHC for 1.6 mil arena grind. Not worth it.
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  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★

    Why didn't you keep an option of 0 though. The rewards are absolutely trash. 30 units for 1.5 mil? Should rewards atleast 200. And some 5 or 6 star or grandmaster shards

    It’s not about shards, it’s about giving an overhaul.
  • BzeeBzee Member Posts: 258 ★★
    56% people gave it a one star LoL
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