Lazy/Cheap buffing

Kabam buffed a lot of champions in a good way and gave them many utilities or else damage but there were some who didn't even count as a buff it was more like nothing changed in their kits, one big example is Nova buff where nothing has changed and still he has that annoying playstyle which is really not practical in using him anywhere in the game, he was a defender and remained as a defender after the buff then what was the point of buffing him @Kabam Miike .
Kabam even eliminated any hopes for him getting a good buff in the future by giving him just nothing and adding him to buffed character list, look at the next months buffs where a value only buff is too good(ebony maw).
I know some people will spam this thread by saying not every champ will become a solid champ but summoners think about it did nova got anything in his kit that he didnt had before plus they didn't even change his annoying playstyle so that he could be used differently, @Kabam Miike will nova be on your buff list again or is he just finalised as he is now thats the question.
Thanks all for your time reading this thread and its a request to not spam this thread with annoying comments.
Kabam even eliminated any hopes for him getting a good buff in the future by giving him just nothing and adding him to buffed character list, look at the next months buffs where a value only buff is too good(ebony maw).
I know some people will spam this thread by saying not every champ will become a solid champ but summoners think about it did nova got anything in his kit that he didnt had before plus they didn't even change his annoying playstyle so that he could be used differently, @Kabam Miike will nova be on your buff list again or is he just finalised as he is now thats the question.
Thanks all for your time reading this thread and its a request to not spam this thread with annoying comments.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
There's still some hope for Nova....
That aside, yeah, Nova got a Maw buff. Well, the first Maw buff. Those buffs are bad because they make you feel like the next buff will take a year. At least if they're not buffed, you can hope they can be in the next update.
I'd rather not have any more buffs like them.
I think it was quite a lazy buff and I would prefer no buff than this buff. Honestly if timelines are tight, tell us, don’t rush out a quick buff that won’t help. He had like 3 values changed a tiny amount. I’d rather have 2 buffs that month and save it so the right amount of time can be put into him and justice done.
Please no more tiny value buffs like nova
There are so many ways nova could have been made more useful, and kabam tweaked a couple of inconsequential values. At least put some effort into making him better, I’d have been happy with a vulture, massacre or that sort of buff which made them more usable and fun
Nova buff did close to nothing
Ah yes, the age old “you disagree with something so you must be crying about it”. An argument usually heard from 12 year olds.
I’m putting my opinion across fine, if you think that’s crying then you’re extremely wrong. If you’re trying to invalidate someone else’s opinion by childishly attempting to get a rise out of them then you’re immature.
He needed more than a slight damage tweak. Again, nova buff has been and gone- that’s ok with me. Just please no more buffs like nova in the future.
Edit: While I disagree with that guy's comment (Sentry and Juggernaut were buffed in a different time altogether, the game's radically different since then), why don't you provide a counter-arguement instead of just asking people to not comment on a thread.
I agree, the Nova buff was a lazy buff, pretty much nothing changed that would make me use him more than before. Increased damage is nice, but it's a complex rotation for decent returns when there are much better and easier to use champions. No one's going to be any happier that they pull Nova now than they would be earlier. However as mentioned above, this could be due to the schedule changes and that Kabam just shoe-horned the buff into the schedule last minute. We don't know but whatever it is, still doesn't excuse the fact that it was a poor buff and that it would have been better to just buff Nova later instead of in April.
What would you like to see in his buff? Value update? He has truestrike, non-contact mediums, autoblock, armorbreak and energy damage. That's not half bad. Or would you prefer a complete rebuild from scratch? Imo there are many champs who need complete rebuild more.