Version 16.0 Discussion Thread



  • MegaVoltsMegaVolts Member Posts: 114
    “- Adjusted the Power Reserve buff in Act 5, Chapter 3 to reduce frustrating interactions with Magik and Cable’s Abilities”

    This is noted as a bug. What is the bug here? It seems like this is an adjustment being made to the difficulty of the nodes rather than fixing an issue where the node is not working as intended. The issue here is that most people have finished the quest. If this was announced or acknowledged to be a bug (maybe it has, I just have not seen this), then some people would have not finished the quest until this was fixed (or adjusted).

    Can you clarify exactly what adjustment is being made?
  • TermanioTermanio Member Posts: 17
    I find it hilarious that @Kabam Miike says the only way out of the corner when being pinned is by using a special, it’s call evade and strike or I’m sorry that takes skill and Kabam doesn’t want people to have skill they just want our money and take time from our life that we don’t get back. Unluckily for them they haven’t gotten my money since 12.0 when most of these bugs came out just like I told them and I will continue to refuse to use money. If everyone stops spending money then they will listen just saying!!!
  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    That is because one generates resource usage and the other doesn't
  • ThreedeadkingsThreedeadkings Member Posts: 97
    It’s easier said than done. The chain stun and enervate are both dependent on bleed. And as you have rightly pointed out, one heavy can keep enervate or stun but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have sufficient time to place enough bleed stack for stun to perpertuate, let alone both at the same time; whilst trying to do it consistently in all your fights. The key word here is ‘consistently’. All I’m saying is GP’s heavy alone is not the catalyst that perpetuated the alleged exploit. Whilst I’m grateful that Kabam is not touching Enervate due to this, I’m simply questioning if this ‘tweak’ is even necessary at all?

    I’m no expert in what the acceptable margins are for MMO devs before they deemed it as a clear advantage or ‘exploit’ to players. All I’m pointing out is that are over 100 unique Champions in the game now, and this specific fight style is not an universally applied fight style that will perpetually provide summoners a clear and distinct competitive advantage over all their contents. Try using this fight style versus a 6* Abom or 6* Cable and you’ll start regretting starting the fight using GP. You may win but it will cost you great deal of non-hit damage

  • MegaVoltsMegaVolts Member Posts: 114
    Also the Gwenpool nerf was just dropped like a bomb. Again no heads up or communication whatsoever. Interesting that this has been changed quickly while the other bugs have not been addressed and seemed to be going to the bottom of the list.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    edited November 2017

    This node needs a new description, or idk of its a mistake.

    The node starts both you and the opponent with an effect, it doesn't state that should happen. Just says that special attacks activate random effects on both people.
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  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    Pinning in the corner with GP is not an exploit and it doesn't work 100%. There is a gap between the bleed being reapplied between heavy attacks. Even if there is a bleed on there, it takes it off and reapplies it. Enervate can drop off during this gap (I just tested to see this "exploit" on WS). It doesn't work. Also, multiple times RNG didn't even proc bleed at 50% during the time using the heavys. The damage also sucks, so it's not really that viable to use for LoL. I saw a video where seatin was trying to use it, and he died sooooo many times on Juggernaut.

    Why not just increase the delay between the bleed being taken off by the heavy and the new one being applied? This would make it so it couldn't be used for long. Or, make it so the heavy attacks ability can't be chained on successive heavy attacks.

    I also don't see this being any different than playing the game in otherways like power locking with magik and continually perrying and reapplying power lock/power steal. I don't see it being any different than any other "skill-based" play in the game where you have to play well to beat something and use characters' abilities to your advantage in certain situations.

    Think about Goldblum's challenge.. Everyone used magik (even R4 4* to power lock throughout the quest and hulk on loki).... There are enough debuff immune, bleed immune nodes, and bleed immune chars that prevent gwenpool from being the ultimate char in the game even with this exploit. Why even nerf her?
  • almualim23almualim23 Member Posts: 1
    I am really glad that they fixed the issue with Mephisto not stopping dr voodoos regeneration
  • Barclays3377Barclays3377 Member Posts: 25
    Exploitable loop. of course it is. but money spend before the nerf do you return it? No you will not. fare enough to say
    Here is the money you buy for the burger because we get it back use the money to buy something.
  • rahul0088rahul0088 Member Posts: 4
    Some changes in calendar ,
    -Replace crystal shard crystal with premium , 3* , 4* n 5* shards or increase amount of crystals(every time gives phc shards)
    -replace golden crystals with t4cc fragments crystals

    A bit change with data downloads , it always starts data download even if u update from google playstore(faced it twice in 15.1.1 n 15.1.2 update)

    Reduce the gap between round 3 n round 4 of quests like dave butista , goldblum so we can at least complete it after making 100% till round 3
  • Willjackson16Willjackson16 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    This is BS never an update on parry blocking block damage A.I months this has been going on not even acknowledging it just scamming money because there greedy arseholes
  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    A classic: now that Gwenpool is more available to everybody she get nerfed for no reason (exploitable loop?)!
    Instead real bugs are still there, AI breaking blocks, AI interrupting combos, parry not registering, etc...
  • jp2835jp2835 Member Posts: 147
    Get back that thing which removes blocked ppls from your global chat
    I'm tired of spammers in global chat
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Raa wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Gwenpool Heavy Attacks:

    -If the target isn’t Bleeding when the last strike hits, it has a 50% chance to cause Bleed, doing 70% of Gwen’s attack over 5 seconds.
    -If the target is already Bleeding, the attack instead gains a 100% chance to convert 1 existing Bleed to cause 450% of Gwen’s attack as direct damage, over 23 seconds.

    So If I'm understanding it correctly, the first topic is the one that will be changed only, by decreasing the chance to proc a bleed from 50% to 5%?

    That is correct. This was done because there was an exploitable loop where a player was able to pin the opponent into a corner and just cycle heavy attacks, never allowing the Opponent to have a chance to get out of the corner.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but what does a reduced chance to proc a bleed from her heavy attack have to do with pinning an opponent to the corner?

    Any Champion can pin an opponent in the corner and keep them there with a series of heavy attacks. That's not the problem.

    The only way your opponent is able to get out of that corner is to throw a Special attack. Now, where this exploitable loop came in, is if Gwenpool had placed an Enervate on the opponent, and continuously applied a bleed through the use of her heavy in the corner, then Enervate would reapply every time it expired, permanently locking the opponent's power, never allowing them to throw a special attack, or even stand up and get out of the corner.

    You can do the same with Psylocke and Magik.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Wow, you had time to fix stuff with the recent champs yet nothing was addressed with the other low tier champs.
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    - Fixed an issue where Mephisto’s Synergy with Morningstar was not displaying correctly in the Character’s Synergy screens
    - Reduced Gwenpool’s chance to proc a Bleed on her Heavy attack to 5% to prevent an exploitable loop in gameplay

    you say FIXED I say buff and nerf but of course you won't say nerf then people might want RDT

    I use to love this game, now it's truly just a chore I do because I have become great friends with many in this game
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  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    edited November 2017
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Gwenpool Heavy Attacks:

    -If the target isn’t Bleeding when the last strike hits, it has a 50% chance to cause Bleed, doing 70% of Gwen’s attack over 5 seconds.
    -If the target is already Bleeding, the attack instead gains a 100% chance to convert 1 existing Bleed to cause 450% of Gwen’s attack as direct damage, over 23 seconds.

    So If I'm understanding it correctly, the first topic is the one that will be changed only, by decreasing the chance to proc a bleed from 50% to 5%?

    That is correct. This was done because there was an exploitable loop where a player was able to pin the opponent into a corner and just cycle heavy attacks, never allowing the Opponent to have a chance to get out of the corner.

    But isn't this working as intended? This isn't a fix, this constitutes a relative major change to the champion downgrading her ability.

    It makes no sense why this would be something you guys would break (or as you call it fix), but then leave Mephisto's seeming never ending Aurora of Incinerate which in some content triggers that it never ends.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Termanio wrote: »
    I find it hilarious that @Kabam Miike says the only way out of the corner when being pinned is by using a special, it’s call evade and strike or I’m sorry that takes skill and Kabam doesn’t want people to have skill they just want our money and take time from our life that we don’t get back. Unluckily for them they haven’t gotten my money since 12.0 when most of these bugs came out just like I told them and I will continue to refuse to use money. If everyone stops spending money then they will listen just saying!!!

    I think you're missing what's happening here. you've probably never "bullied" some one in the corner before with heavy attack cycles on repeat.
  • GruftyGrufty Member Posts: 187
    Now although I don't agree with the change to GP, I do understand the exploit but wish they had thought of a better solution than nerfing her.

    For those saying other power controllers also need to be nerfed, well those champions don't keep the power control active from heavy attacks so this exploit shouldn't affect anyone else.
  • bigmull1bigmull1 Member Posts: 45
    The GP change is very disappointing. I have a R4 5* GP and never knew this "loophole" existed. However, I am getting very tired of champs being altered after I use so many resources on them. I assume the rest of the players are too. This needs to stop Kabam. At some point in time you will lose the customers like me who continued to play through all the nonsense. I continue to play solely because I have fun with my alliance mates. I am seeing so many former alliance mates still in my line chats that no longer play the game. They seem to be smarter than me. Get to have fun with group without having to feel the grief and frustrations that are dealt to us by the game.
  • kraioszerokraioszero Member Posts: 148

    16.0 is dropping tomorrow, and it's bringing some big features to the Contest! Find out everything you need to know about the latest release in our Release notes here:


    Moderators can come out to anounce something
    Moderators can come out to explain something
    Moderators can come out to "defend" sometihing Kabam did the wrong way
    Moderators can't come out to give a decent answer to any of thw bugs, lags, errors ans any other issues related to the problems the game has?

    By the way, Less than an hour for the current supermission to end and What a Surprise, NO UPDATE AVAILABLE
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    So now that the update is out ... There is a pic that "confirms" that the new Thor will be a skill champion, and Hela will be a cosmic champion.
    Is the picture right?
  • IanMooneIanMoone Member Posts: 640 ★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    So now that the update is out ... There is a pic that "confirms" that the new Thor will be a skill champion, and Hela will be a cosmic champion.
    Is the picture right?

    Yup lol
  • Da2Vero33ManDa2Vero33Man Member Posts: 164
    On my iPhone 6 I cannot get the next update.iyvicjikf75w.png
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,446 ★★★★
    I crashed during the update and 3 times in the 30 minutes since it completed. Great update!
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