Announcing: The Champions of Valhalla Event



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,855 ★★★★★
    Ours was there but now it's not visible.
  • IanMooneIanMoone Member Posts: 640 ★★
    edited November 2017
    Beowulf wrote: »
    4 energy per move on master...really @Kabam Miike I mean really! Which genius came up with that? Can't even finish it from a full 70. Fail

    That's for a Test of Valor. A Test of Valor only has 4 steps in it for a total of 16 Energy. There is no point AT ALL to doing more than one run of a Test of Valor.

    Nvm was looking at wrong place lol
  • edited November 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    Beowulf wrote: »
    Beowulf wrote: »
    4 energy per move on master...really @Kabam Miike I mean really! Which genius came up with that? Can't even finish it from a full 70. Fail

    That's for a Test of Valor. A Test of Valor only has 4 steps in it for a total of 16 Energy. There is no point AT ALL to doing more than one run of a Test of Valor.

    So why have multiple paths? Just do single path like boss rush? What you've just described is even more stupid than having no rewards lol

    Because it is fun and you have the choice to choose your opponents based on your current game skill and the team that you bring in. If it is only one single path like Boss Rush challenge, there will be too much unnecessary complains that KABAM doesn't want to focus on for too much.

    In conclusion:
    1. Test of Valor will be opened for 6 hours for each time it is found.
    2. It has 4 difficulties and each difficulties has several paths for you to choose.
    3. You will ONLY get valor and crystal shards for ONLY ONE RUN/ONE path of your choice. If you keep doing other paths in the same difficulty, you will only get same ISO.
    4. You can do other difficulties as well for a total of 40 energy.

    You only need to do one path for each difficulties and you will get all the rewards for each single run for that particular difficulties. There is no point in doing others path of the same difficulty in the hope of getting more valor and shards because you WILL NOT GET THEM.
  • This content has been removed.
  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    ok a alliance member did one run of each chapter of heroic and the event got open for us...
    now can anyone tell me once it get expire after 6 hours how we can open it again....
    thank in advance.
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 475 ★★★
    Will the rewards for the valor leaderboards be player based or alliance based, because on the leaderboards it shows valor ratigs for alliances but you can see where you place as a player
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    Scottryan wrote: »
    Will the rewards for the valor leaderboards be player based or alliance based, because on the leaderboards it shows valor ratigs for alliances but you can see where you place as a player

    On the bottom of your Homescreen, hit the Leaderboard button (the little Trophy Icon next to the Event List) and select Lifetime Valor from the dropdown Leaderboard selection menu, and then you can see how you stack up against your Friends, Alliance Mates, or the World!
  • Jgj0003Jgj0003 Member Posts: 6
    I have gone through heroic completely as has a couple other members of my alliance but we still haven’t gotten a test of valor any reason why?
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    where is the vanquishing blows event at?
  • Jgj0003Jgj0003 Member Posts: 6
    Scottryan wrote: »
    Will the rewards for the valor leaderboards be player based or alliance based, because on the leaderboards it shows valor ratigs for alliances but you can see where you place as a player

    On the bottom of your Homescreen, hit the Leaderboard button (the little Trophy Icon next to the Event List) and select Lifetime Valor from the dropdown Leaderboard selection menu, and then you can see how you stack up against your Friends, Alliance Mates, or the World!
    Scottryan wrote: »
    Will the rewards for the valor leaderboards be player based or alliance based, because on the leaderboards it shows valor ratigs for alliances but you can see where you place as a player

    On the bottom of your Homescreen, hit the Leaderboard button (the little Trophy Icon next to the Event List) and select Lifetime Valor from the dropdown Leaderboard selection menu, and then you can see how you stack up against your Friends, Alliance Mates, or the World!

    How do the tests of valor start. There are several in my alliance that have finished heroic quest line and we still have not had one start
  • AshtontonicAshtontonic Member Posts: 63
    Dejandojo wrote: »
    Test of Valor Event: A friend of mine who is in another alliance just opened a Test of Valor Event for accomplishing the same thing I did. They earned 150,000 Points for their 1st completion of Heroic. Why did the Test of Valor Event not open for me but it did for him?

    There is no guarantee that any amount of Valor will DEFINITELY open a Test of Valor. It is always a chance, but that chance is greater with a greater amount of Valor earned.

    In another words players won't know how much to hit and we just have to keep getting energy refill from kabam to start one cuz if it doesnt appear means we doesnt hit some alliance might just need to complete 1 quest event to start it while some might take 10 quest event to start it? and the logic is same like the crystal there's a chance but doesnt guarantee u can start it even u spend tons of units to refill ur energy???
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    The_Jagga wrote: »
    What Am I supposed to do with this Lousy RANK 1 reward?

    Really! With 6 stars comming up, why on Earth or Sakaar do I need 3 star ****? Seriously!?!???


    Are you going to get rank 1?
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike not sure if its been asked/answered yet, but if the vanquishing blow is for medium hits does it count if you kill them with a blocked medium hit?
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    Maybe I'm missing something... How can people already have over 1.5ML Valor after 12 hrs?
  • FlashAvenger97FlashAvenger97 Member Posts: 3
    Found a reward bug in heroic chapter 1 proving grounds. It offers the unit rewards for the chapter before it instead of an increase. Received 5 units instead of 10 for completion.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Badrose wrote: »
    Maybe I'm missing something... How can people already have over 1.5ML Valor after 12 hrs?

    All 4 of the event quests give you a total of 2M valor. It's likely they did most of them already. It's feasible they have completed most of them with enough energy refills considering heroic and master can be completed in ~4 hours for legends runs.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    Vanquish event isn't showing in my game
  • PrinceAbdullah3PrinceAbdullah3 Member Posts: 2
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Sorry. Just a question.

    It states in the description that you'll be penalized if you enter more than one bounty/Test of Valor every 6 hours. Will there be a timer to let us know when the 6 hours is up? Or will we be locked out being able to enter the bounty?

    The reason I'm asking is because there might be back-to-back bounties that will overlap into the 6 hour window, despite bounties being open for 6 hours. Eg. Bounty A opens at 1200. I enter Bounty A and clear it at 1600. At 1800, when Bounty A closes, Bounty B opens and I clear it immediately (at 1800). This will result in me clearing 2 bounties within a 6 hour window, causing me to be penalized.

    Thanks in advance.

    It's not based on a 6 hour window of your start time, it's based on a 6 hour window of the start time of the Bounty Mission itself, so if you completed 2 before 1800, then that's a problem. If you completed one at 1600 (but it started at 1200) and another at 1800, that's totally fine.

    Hopefully that makes sense? Let me know if anything is unclear.

    I find this answer confusing. I believe the OP just wants to know if the game will have a failsafe built in to not allow them to do more than 1 during the 6 hour window. I am assuming so since only one can be active and they last 6 hours. However, what if someone changes alliances during that 6 hour window, will the game allow them to complete another mission during the same window?

    Its time 16:00 or 4:00PM
  • PrinceAbdullah3PrinceAbdullah3 Member Posts: 2
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Sorry. Just a question.

    It states in the description that you'll be penalized if you enter more than one bounty/Test of Valor every 6 hours. Will there be a timer to let us know when the 6 hours is up? Or will we be locked out being able to enter the bounty?

    The reason I'm asking is because there might be back-to-back bounties that will overlap into the 6 hour window, despite bounties being open for 6 hours. Eg. Bounty A opens at 1200. I enter Bounty A and clear it at 1600. At 1800, when Bounty A closes, Bounty B opens and I clear it immediately (at 1800). This will result in me clearing 2 bounties within a 6 hour window, causing me to be penalized.

    Thanks in advance.

    It's not based on a 6 hour window of your start time, it's based on a 6 hour window of the start time of the Bounty Mission itself, so if you completed 2 before 1800, then that's a problem. If you completed one at 1600 (but it started at 1200) and another at 1800, that's totally fine.

    Hopefully that makes sense? Let me know if anything is unclear.

    I find this answer confusing. I believe the OP just wants to know if the game will have a failsafe built in to not allow them to do more than 1 during the 6 hour window. I am assuming so since only one can be active and they last 6 hours. However, what if someone changes alliances during that 6 hour window, will the game allow them to complete another mission during the same window?
  • RashfiRashfi Member Posts: 4
    @Kabam Miike for the server maintain issu we can't fulfil test of valor. I announced that event.. And miss target of requirements. Why we suffered for kabam maintenance. We need compensation. woap1txt6h5y.jpg
  • SpawnologySpawnology Member Posts: 1
    Why, why, why always these problems with this game ...
    I play it for more than 1,5 year but in the last 4-5 mounths it's just getting worse and worse ...
    So, so sad about ...
    I start to feel it's just a waste of time (and money)
    You should make it playable ASAP ...

    - can't log in
    - not blockin (even if I push it)
    - exits after a fight (1 of 10 at least)
    - not shooting the special attack just waste the power
    - laggggggg sooooo many times
    - Alliance ranked to the wrong class

    And it's just the last 2 mounths ... :disappointed::tired_face:
    Please, please make it playable again ... (and send me an awekening gem for my 4 star Blade if it's possible as a compensation :wink: )
  • Salman700Salman700 Member Posts: 10

    Gods of the Arena Event Quest
    Starts: November 1st, 2017 ~10 AM (PDT)
    Ends: December 6th, 2017 ~10 AM (PST)


    4-Star Featured Hero Arenas
    - Only the 4-Star Featured Hero Arena and only the first four Featured Heroes in November.
    - First arena runs Nov 2nd to 5th and last arena runs 27th to 30th.
    - Below Valor rewards are on top of regular 4-Star Featured Hero Arena rewards


    Start November 1st at 5pm PDT. End December 5th at 4pm PDT.

    Your bracket is determined by the strength of your top five champions - having a team of five 3/30 3-Star Champions or better should have you in the General Bracket. If you don't see General Bracket values, upgrade your top Champions!

    General Bracket - 10 possible Events - Will not repeat last 5 events.
    Beginner Bracket - 5 possible Events - Will not repeat last 2 events.


    Starts: November 1st, 2017 ~10 AM (PDT)
    Ends: December 6th, 2017 ~10 AM (PST)

    Reminder - you must be in an Alliance and be Level 10+ to participate in Tests of Valor.


    Bonus for Initiator: 100x 5-Star Hero Crystal Shards
    (Note: Initiator needs 15 Alliance members to complete at least one difficulty. (Or 14 + Initiator))

    NOTE: Every item can be purchased up to 5 times, but price will increase around 25% each time. Price will not reset. Spending Valor will not reduce your Valor Leaderboard number.
    NOTE 2: Store will not be available on any other version of Marvel Contest of Champions, so if you upgrade to the newest version on December 6th, 2017 you will no longer be able to spend Valor.


    Can I complete every difficulty in one bounty mission ?
  • Bryon_502Bryon_502 Member Posts: 133
    Will we be able to do anything with the souls we collected from the last event or are they just going to sit in inventory taking up space?
  • Barclays3377Barclays3377 Member Posts: 25
    the game slowly grabbing our time of work. men introduce a game not on the advange of the rich and ppl having a lot of time. a Fair to
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,586 ★★★★★
    the game slowly grabbing our time of work. men introduce a game not on the advange of the rich and ppl having a lot of time. a Fair to

    YEAH! What he said!
    STShorty wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike can you please tell us the class of the new Thor (ragnarok)???

    Yes. He is skill
  • Iron_Monkey92Iron_Monkey92 Member Posts: 1

    How do kabam calculate the time attack were the server under maintenance? Seriously.. I'm in the midst of working on master quest and I spend couple hundred or unit on energy. I hope it should be fair to everyone who working on that time. Thanks.
  • Tso_04Tso_04 Member Posts: 6
    No me salen las pruebas de valor, y ya completé la supermision en difícil, porque aún no me sale... Alguien que me explique
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    I dunno if it has been asked but how does one initiate the test of valor? I hope the admin would update the info on the main post...
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