Are we seriously starting AW season without attack tactics working?

Are we seriously starting AW season without attack tactics working?
This season is all wrong on so many levels but at least fix the attack tactics before season starts!
This season is all wrong on so many levels but at least fix the attack tactics before season starts!
Can you please kindly get an update on fixing attack tactics?
No one can apply them at the moment
Thanks for clarifying but I have a question if you can kindly answer.
Didn’t you design those attack tactics to counter some of the new defense tactics?
Aren’t they part of same game mode design?
This war season will be easier than last season. You can run rampage with Ghost and Corvus again + some nodes got easier.
Didn't some powergain node got nerfed too? Path 7 I think
So now they basically removed them without replacing them with anything else, so that put the attacker on a disadvantage compared to what we had in the game mode
Attack tactics replaced attack bonuses
Are we getting back the attack bonuses?
It’s clearly an oversight to have some of these defence tactics still running. Idc if they remove the new ones and run the same old ones from past. But don’t go full speed ahead into seasons with new defence tactics that were planned to run side by side with new attack tactics.
Isn’t that imbalancing the game mode?