Mr Negative gameplay megathread



  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    @Texas_11 I’ve done a bit more testing with the sig too

    I pulled the 6* from the featured today and I actually used a 6* science gem on him in the end, I think his sig has a lot of uses. The damage from dark energy while suffering from a non damaging debuff is actually really nice.

    At sig 80 I get 733 damage per tick while at 20 dark energy. I mean that’s around what void has as an r5 with fear of the void up and 3 debuffs. Now I know Mr Negative’s isn’t as consistent but it’s still a decent bit of damage.

    I also regen for 497 per tick while degenerating, which is genuinely crazy. there’s not many degens in the game that are higher than what Negative can mitigate it to even with 1 or 2 unique debuffs. For a net heal, 0 debuffs is obviously 496 degen per tick. 1 debuff can deal with degens that are 825 per tick (40% reduction is 495 per tick) and 2 debuffs can deal with degens that are 2500 per tick. 3 debuffs obviously is infinite as it is reduced by 120%.

    The damage from being immune to a nullify is nice to have, but outside power snack or buffet it won’t be meaningful damage. But when it is, it’s 1600 damage which isn’t too bad. I mean considering power snack, every buff you trigger (any dex or heavy attack) will do 1600 damage which scales with fury

    I haven’t tested the energy resistance, so I’m not sure how much of an impact it will have yet.

    But I actually think his sig, while not necessary, is really nice to have

  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Stellar said:

    Nice video !

    Didi you try to use him with Venom synergy ?
    As i understand the trick is to never dashback to keep your regeneration. Not easy as you take damage but the 1% regen and SP3 regen help a lot

    I have used the venom synergy a bit. But to be absolutely honest I think it’s a little bit over hyped. The no dash back playstyle means you have to block special attacks, and in most meaningful content that will do a lot of damage. Also, it feels counter intuitive to play him like that, at some point, muscle memory takes over and you dash back and lose it.

    I think if I were to use it, I would just use it to top myself up, rather than try and keep it the whole fight. Nice to have, but not necessary

    Someone else may find it’s really nice, and nail the playstyle, but it’s not for me I don’t think.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★

    I made it.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    I made it.

    Hell of a great rank up!

    I’m right there with you!
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Really excited to share this video on Mr Negative, been hyping myself up to take on Luke Cage in abyss again just for this video - so, I'm happy it's done!

    I have 2/3 points in Despair, my tactic is essentially try and alternate between getting 1 and 2 petrifies on OML with my sp2. That lets me have enough time to get back to the next special, while keeping the healing under control.

    First Sp2 I try and get above 10 dark energy, next I throw the sp2 whatever I'm on. Even one petrify is enough to reverse healing with a debuff on the opponent. With something like resonate, or another rank of despair it would be a better performance, but overall I was very happy with his performance here. I brought Mr Fantastic on the team and was prepared to use his petrify prefight if it was necessary, but I was glad to see it wasn't!

    He has one of the most potent heal reversals in the game, and I was very happy to see it could work here!
  • QuietusDKQuietusDK Member Posts: 57

    Bit late to the party, but didn't notice this thread before now.

    I fell in love with Mr Negative when he was released. Whaled out on the early access bundles, and got him s 5*. R5'ed, awakened, sig'd up, but the 6* eluded me.

    I randomly got him later on from a Shang Chi crystal (I believe), and since I had a science AG, there was no doubt. Recently also threw him to R3 when I completed a T5 science, and, well, probably went a bit overboard with the sig stones, but I regret absolutely nothing.

    You can argue that Mr- is also a very decent bid for a prestige rank up, but honestly, I would have sig'd and R3'ed him regardless. While he often finds his way into my AWD roster (I managed to R3 him just in time for the...6th war of the now ended season), whenever he's not tied down to that, I love running around in random content with him.

    He's _fun_. From that design perspective, he's one of my absolute favorites at all. His animations make him feel so fluid to play, and the dual petrify is pretty unique, and under the right circumstances, absolutely devastating.

    Negative love, represent.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    The latest post in the Negative hype train is a solo of Omega red in the abyss. I saw a couple people say he's a utility champ with ok damage, so I wanted to prove them wrong put that to the test. For a champ with no ramp up (as in the damage you get at the start of the fight is the same as what you'll get at the end), soloing an abyss fight is no mean feat. I mean you look at IMIW and he's awesome in abyss because you can ramp him up. But Negative comes right out of the gate swinging.

    There was one point where his degen was ticking for 9660, meaning a total of around 193,000 damage for an sp2. Think about champs like gambit or cap IW who rely on a big sp2 crit. Imagine them critting for 193,000 damage, and now imagine a guaranteed crit. That’s what you’re looking at for Mr Negative’s damage from an sp2. A guaranteed 190,000 damage. Obviously that’s the max I got, but even the lowest sp2 did 150,000 overall.

    Mr Fantastic pre fight does add an extra 22% potency onto the Degen, but he’s a great addition to a team with negative on.

    The boosts I have active are a 10% attack, and a 10% attack and health. I think it’s possible for an unboosted solo, but you’d have to get 20 dark energy and a few furies each time. Which doesn’t always work out.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    QuietusDK said:

    Bit late to the party, but didn't notice this thread before now.

    I fell in love with Mr Negative when he was released. Whaled out on the early access bundles, and got him s 5*. R5'ed, awakened, sig'd up, but the 6* eluded me.

    I randomly got him later on from a Shang Chi crystal (I believe), and since I had a science AG, there was no doubt. Recently also threw him to R3 when I completed a T5 science, and, well, probably went a bit overboard with the sig stones, but I regret absolutely nothing.

    You can argue that Mr- is also a very decent bid for a prestige rank up, but honestly, I would have sig'd and R3'ed him regardless. While he often finds his way into my AWD roster (I managed to R3 him just in time for the...6th war of the now ended season), whenever he's not tied down to that, I love running around in random content with him.

    He's _fun_. From that design perspective, he's one of my absolute favorites at all. His animations make him feel so fluid to play, and the dual petrify is pretty unique, and under the right circumstances, absolutely devastating.

    Negative love, represent.

    I didn't see this before, sorry! I'm really glad you like Mr Negative, it's always great to see another mega fan. I'm the exact same with sig stones, I think his sig is actually super useful and provides a great consistent damage source, the regen is great too!

  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    Mr negative good with suicides or nah?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Rasilover said:

    Mr negative good with suicides or nah?

    He'd be less than ok I think. Take my opinion with a grain of salt as I don't run, and never have ran, Suicides. But what I can imagine based on his abilities is that you have no way to mitigate any of bleed, poison or recoil damage which is a massive con. Additionally, you don't have the benefit of being able to get a massive special and wipe out the opponent before you take recoil damage, since all the damage comes after the special finishes through degen. With someone like Cap IW, you can throw the special 2, KO the opponent and not worry about the damage.

    However, the attack boost scales really nicely with the degen giving you a massive benefit there, additionally, you can regen from the sp3 a really nice chunk. I believe the max I have got is around 25% health so far with 18 light energy before sp3. So using him questing you could do 5 fights KOing an enemy with an Sp2, then the 6th fight focus on healing and use an sp3.

    Lastly, when awakened, if you were taking him for degen match ups he would absolutely destroy with suicides. Take him against starburst and it's actually hard to die. I'm about to upload a video actually showing this regeneration from degen fights
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★
    @BitterSteel i know his your fav champ, but how would you rank him within the science class?
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★

    Rasilover said:

    Mr negative good with suicides or nah?

    Lastly, when awakened, if you were taking him for degen match ups he would absolutely destroy with suicides. Take him against starburst and it's actually hard to die. I'm about to upload a video actually showing this regeneration from degen fights
    Ooh, can’t wait to hopefully pull him
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    @BitterSteel - do yo think Mr. Negative unawakened is a good option to ranking Ghulk awakened? I need a counter for degen & starburst in map7. #AskTheExperts
  • RavenKeeperRavenKeeper Member Posts: 279 ★★★

    Haji_Saab said:

    Looks interesting. I just took Void to r3 but immediately regretted it as I am sick of him and would have loved to take a newer champ.

    I've been hovering on Void vs Torch to r3 for ages, both unduped but have awakening gem. I'm so glad I held off now, cause I'm saving my science T5cc until I get Mr Negative, or I form another one and I can use it on someone else and still have one for Negative.
    Haji_Saab said:

    P.S. When did you become a whale/dolphin and getting all the new champs? :D

    Student loan babyyyyy (just went for Jabari and Negative as they are insanely fun, no more I promise)
    Torch no doubt
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★

    Haji_Saab said:

    Looks interesting. I just took Void to r3 but immediately regretted it as I am sick of him and would have loved to take a newer champ.

    I've been hovering on Void vs Torch to r3 for ages, both unduped but have awakening gem. I'm so glad I held off now, cause I'm saving my science T5cc until I get Mr Negative, or I form another one and I can use it on someone else and still have one for Negative.
    Haji_Saab said:

    P.S. When did you become a whale/dolphin and getting all the new champs? :D

    Student loan babyyyyy (just went for Jabari and Negative as they are insanely fun, no more I promise)
    Torch no doubt
    Agree, Torch is good, but Mr N is fun to play 😁
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,139 ★★★★★
    So high skill cap?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    @BitterSteel - do yo think Mr. Negative unawakened is a good option to ranking Ghulk awakened? I need a counter for degen & starburst in map7. #AskTheExperts

    I’ve never personally tested unawakened Negative on starburst but I would imagine he does well if you have resonate mastery. The way he interacts with starburst is that each half a second the damage is reduced by 40% per unique debuff. So if you parry, 100 damage becomes 60 for the duration of the parry. When the parry expires you’ll continue taking the full 100.

    So with resonate mastery, you’ll have a pretty much constant 40% reduction, and parrying takes it down further, same with petrify, degen, exhaustion, delirium etc.

    It’s hard to say who would be better Ghulk/Mr Negative unawakened for starburst specifically, I think they’ll work pretty similarly well. But overall, without a doubt, Mr Negative will be so much better than Ghulk for a lot more. So it’s up to you if you want to rank Ghulk for this one use, or Mr Negative for more stuff, and if in the future you awaken him, his sig absolutely rocks starburst and genuinely makes it hard to die, you’re regenning 500-600 per tick.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    GagoH said:

    So high skill cap?

    I guess his skill cap is kinda high-ish, but nowhere near the likes of ghost, tigra or quake.

    It’s more like learning the timings of your energies, and knowing when to convert your light into dark, and knowing the best way to heavy evade. And that all comes with time and practice which is well worth it.

  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★

    Bugmat78 said:

    @BitterSteel - do yo think Mr. Negative unawakened is a good option to ranking Ghulk awakened? I need a counter for degen & starburst in map7. #AskTheExperts

    I’ve never personally tested unawakened Negative on starburst but I would imagine he does well if you have resonate mastery. The way he interacts with starburst is that each half a second the damage is reduced by 40% per unique debuff. So if you parry, 100 damage becomes 60 for the duration of the parry. When the parry expires you’ll continue taking the full 100.

    So with resonate mastery, you’ll have a pretty much constant 40% reduction, and parrying takes it down further, same with petrify, degen, exhaustion, delirium etc.

    It’s hard to say who would be better Ghulk/Mr Negative unawakened for starburst specifically, I think they’ll work pretty similarly well. But overall, without a doubt, Mr Negative will be so much better than Ghulk for a lot more. So it’s up to you if you want to rank Ghulk for this one use, or Mr Negative for more stuff, and if in the future you awaken him, his sig absolutely rocks starburst and genuinely makes it hard to die, you’re regenning 500-600 per tick.
    Ok thanks. Guess it's more 6* featured crystals for me then.
  • King363672King363672 Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    i Thank you so much for this amazing thread @BitterSteel .
    I pulled him today from basic 6 star and was confused about him.
    Then I found your thread and after going through it I am really excited to rankup him and learn his playstyle 🤩
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    i Thank you so much for this amazing thread @BitterSteel .
    I pulled him today from basic 6 star and was confused about him.
    Then I found your thread and after going through it I am really excited to rankup him and learn his playstyle 🤩

    You’re welcome! This is exactly why I started this thread. I’m really glad it’s helped :)
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Now I know I haven't posted in here for a while, but I figure this is a pretty good way to get back into it a little bit...

    The beta has been great for me to test out some Abyss stuff, don't worry I'm still doing Chapter 4 Content as well, but I just wanted to see what Negative could do. And I'm quite pleased with this one to say the least.

    Soloing one of the hardest Abyss fights, one of the ones that people say you need an incinerate immune for. Well, Mr Negative has done pretty well here!
  • GildenlowGildenlow Member Posts: 691 ★★★

    Now I know I haven't posted in here for a while, but I figure this is a pretty good way to get back into it a little bit...

    The beta has been great for me to test out some Abyss stuff, don't worry I'm still doing Chapter 4 Content as well, but I just wanted to see what Negative could do. And I'm quite pleased with this one to say the least.

    Soloing one of the hardest Abyss fights, one of the ones that people say you need an incinerate immune for. Well, Mr Negative has done pretty well here!

    Nice fight.

    Is that a rank 4? if not you're probably fully synergized and boosted which could be a little misleading.

    However he is an amazing champ, I love my r3 and use him really often, such a versatile champ since you can fight with no parry.

    Great video.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited November 2021
    Gildenlow said:

    Now I know I haven't posted in here for a while, but I figure this is a pretty good way to get back into it a little bit...

    The beta has been great for me to test out some Abyss stuff, don't worry I'm still doing Chapter 4 Content as well, but I just wanted to see what Negative could do. And I'm quite pleased with this one to say the least.

    Soloing one of the hardest Abyss fights, one of the ones that people say you need an incinerate immune for. Well, Mr Negative has done pretty well here!

    Nice fight.

    Is that a rank 4? if not you're probably fully synergized and boosted which could be a little misleading.

    However he is an amazing champ, I love my r3 and use him really often, such a versatile champ since you can fight with no parry.

    Great video.
    Thank you! And yeah, Mr negative is a fantastic champion, he's just as versatile as you say I use mine on War Offence a lot!

    No huge synergies that would mean he couldn't do it otherwise. I had the heimdall synergy as a backup, and I've just realised now that Miles gives him 7% attack, but that's not necessarily a game changer. I only brought Miles to take down Luke Cage, not specifically for Negative himself.

    I am boosted, as it's the beta and they're free lol. I don't think he could do it unboosted, but at the same time, if somebody is doing an Abyss run, that's not exactly an unusual circumstance to use some boosts. I don't think it's misleading personally, but if you do then fair enough!
  • IcyCoolDudeDoodleIcyCoolDudeDoodle Member Posts: 587 ★★
    Sorry about messaging even after the discussion is over. Looking at those gameplays has changed my mind about Mr. Negative. I should have never doubted him, I finally realise his importance... Welp, the search for a new target is over!
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    I just r4’d 5* because of this thread lol.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Time for another update to the thread, I've got a few cool videos to share.

    First up, when the Beta was on I took Negative into abyss and managed to (to my knowledge) take off the most health from Gladiator Hulk in one heal reversal. I've long said that Mr Negative has the highest heal reversal in the game (apart from Wasp with a massive combo), and to me, this proves it. I had 3/3 despair on, meaning I had a massive amount of heal reversal. 21 degen debuffs is -315%, a stun is 10%, weakness is 10%, 2 petrifies are -120% with an extra 20% from despair, and at the end I had a bit from delirium and exhaustion. Overall I had around a 450-500% reversal. I managed to take down Gladiator Hulk from 100% health to 60% in one go, meaning another revive gets him to that 25% heal block mark.

    Next, an Abyss Dormammu solo. I mean, you have to show off the new degen god against the old degen god right? Pretty straightforward solo, nice finishing with 100% health. I think it's a good showcase showing that you can use your sig offensively to gain health, and not just use it as a mitigation for degen.

    And lastly, something I uploaded today and am very pleased about...

    A solo of 6.3.3 Havok with Mr Negative. I didn't think it would be possible, but I decided to try it out and managed to get him to 8%, after missing a heavy dodge. So I knew I could do it, and gave it a few more tries. This isn't an efficient way to beat Havok for first time completion or anything, just a showcase of playing Havok fights really. The light energy resistance definitely helps a bit here, a detonation takes about half of my health so can't handle too many of them.. but the willpower healing is an MVP. Cornered doesn't really play into it here, even with the DOT degens. Petrify means that his power gain is reversed so he can't gain an sp3 while being degenned. Fighting havok with any champ, you need to bait a lot of heavies and Sp2s, which reduces his plasma charges on himself, and therefore you.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    Awesome havok solo. The degen resistance in the dormammu fight is cool. And the heal reversal in the abyss gulk fight is insane. Thanks for continuing to post on this thread.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Just pulled 6* Mr Negative.
    Was just about to R3 Miles (unduped) but Mr Negative stopped me in my tracks.
    Am I right in thinking I should take him up instead?
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