I’m wil said not the best if u hav a snail rosters u doesn’t like to get a duplicate there isn’t need of it. But I’m definitely agree it not a bad duplicate
Proxima isn't bad, there just aren't enough places for her to shine unfortunately. The dupe at least helps, but I get what you mean. It can be very frustrating to dupe champs you know you're rarely going to find uses for.
But since then, I'm more convinced that her OAR might be overlooked. I was about to rank her up but I pulled Medusa shortly after and I opted for Medusa b/c I don't have Mags. I might revisit her as an option down the road.
I can understand the OP’s frustration, I’d want to pull any other Cosmic champ, or dupe anyone else, but Proxima.
I know she can ramp up nicely but I rarely get to see it in action so I don’t use her. I usually don’t play endgame content, so matches either end too quickly, before I can even complete one Thanos mission, or I lose too much health focusing on those missions, especially trying to do Intercepts. Nearly every time I try to ramp her up, I just get defeated or I’ll finish the match with less than 25% health due to mistiming things.
One of the first 4*’s that I maxed out, early on, was Proxima and I still regret spending those resources on her. I recently duped my 6* version and I doubt that I’ll rank her up beyond 1/25. She just doesn’t work for my play style.
Everyone acting like this is a first time pull. Shes a pretty good champ, but her awakened ability is only for longer fights, and the cosmic class is crazy damage wise as is. Best thing about her is her block, great ability, but not enough in her kit overall. Thanks for the disagrees in advance, I wouldn’t like this pull either, however I wouldn’t mind pulling proxima as a 6* for the first time.
I pulled my nebula back to back. First time pull was ok because my roster was small, but that second time pull sucked because she doesn’t need it, and i wont use her that often. Doesn’t mean she’s a bad champ, but the duplicate itself is bad.
OP is allowed to be sad -- maybe he sucks at intercepting.
But since then, I'm more convinced that her OAR might be overlooked. I was about to rank her up but I pulled Medusa shortly after and I opted for Medusa b/c I don't have Mags. I might revisit her as an option down the road.
I know she can ramp up nicely but I rarely get to see it in action so I don’t use her. I usually don’t play endgame content, so matches either end too quickly, before I can even complete one Thanos mission, or I lose too much health focusing on those missions, especially trying to do Intercepts. Nearly every time I try to ramp her up, I just get defeated or I’ll finish the match with less than 25% health due to mistiming things.
One of the first 4*’s that I maxed out, early on, was Proxima and I still regret spending those resources on her. I recently duped my 6* version and I doubt that I’ll rank her up beyond 1/25. She just doesn’t work for my play style.
I pulled my nebula back to back. First time pull was ok because my roster was small, but that second time pull sucked because she doesn’t need it, and i wont use her that often. Doesn’t mean she’s a bad champ, but the duplicate itself is bad.