Alliance War Participants Dropping Like Flies

As an officer of my alliance, it's just getting more and more difficult to put together full battlegroups. More and more members are just turned off with the state of War and now even more so. I try to motivate but you guys aren't giving me much to work with Kabam.
We've gone down to 1 battlegroup and even that is getting sketchy now. We're in a constant state of recruitment to fill War lol
What is everyone else's experience like?
We've gone down to 1 battlegroup and even that is getting sketchy now. We're in a constant state of recruitment to fill War lol
What is everyone else's experience like?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I feel that part of the issue goes back to the removal of linked nodes in both modes. That really encouraged both communication and joining promptly. Ever since then, we've seen these issues, especially with newer players that aren't accustomed to working in an organized alliance.
And due to time crunch, I've even dropped to a very calm high scoring map4 stable alliance.
Absolutely enjoying the chill state of mind.
Just hoping Kabam introduced it in another way that avoided having unintended champs being collateral damage.
And although they improved the rewards a bit, the dislike for this mode has reached unprecedented levels.
When my team received the news next Season is going to be more of the same there were sighs all around. Not one single person in my team is excited for AW anymore, and most of the players want nothing to do with it.
When it comes to recruiting, if you speak of AW, most prospects immediately back off.
It's a sad state for this mode. It's never dipped so low I think.
As the leader of my alliance, I try to lead by example when the season's on despite absolutely hating AW, but in the off-season...? I just can't be bothered.
I do see the same thing happening in AQ, though, and we previously did really well there and had very high participation. But this bug just came and nuked our progress there. That annoys me. We've been compensated well enough that we haven't lost the material gains we would have had, but I don't enjoy having to rebuild what we had going for us before this whole fiasco. I worked really hard to get us there and were finally were...and now we're not anymore.
That said, in a normal schedule we usually skip the first offseason week then play the 2nd itemless to warm up... with the weird end to the season and the long offseason due to the bug we haven't played at all... and ZERO people are complaining. That can't be a good sign.