[MERGED] Parry Issue Fix



  • Jank39Jank39 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2021
    I've never enjoyed the game as little as I do now... I don't even want to spend units or resources anymore to complete the current content as I have absolutely no confidence that the compensation you may or may not provide will come close to covering what it is I'm likely to spend.... honestly it's just not worth the frustration. For mental health reasons it's probably best to just wait till the fix is in and foregoing cav EQ or the last couple of milestones of SoP and hope compensation makes up for it...
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,113 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    "Get good", the answer to everything. You can't dex/parry? Get good. It's a bug and not your fault? Get good. New AI bug doesn't let you intercept like before? Get Good. Your screen freezes in the middle of a combo and when it returns Emma throws a special? Get Good.

    Get good
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,113 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    "Get good", the answer to everything. You can't dex/parry? Get good. It's a bug and not your fault? Get good. New AI bug doesn't let you intercept like before? Get Good. Your screen freezes in the middle of a combo and when it returns Emma throws a special? Get Good.

    Alright i know this is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out.

  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,113 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    Searmenis said:

    "Get good", the answer to everything. You can't dex/parry? Get good. It's a bug and not your fault? Get good. New AI bug doesn't let you intercept like before? Get Good. Your screen freezes in the middle of a combo and when it returns Emma throws a special? Get Good.

    Get good
    I am, I 3-shoted Emma, thank you.
    That was a joke lol.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,113 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    Searmenis said:

    "Get good", the answer to everything. You can't dex/parry? Get good. It's a bug and not your fault? Get good. New AI bug doesn't let you intercept like before? Get Good. Your screen freezes in the middle of a combo and when it returns Emma throws a special? Get Good.

    Alright i know this is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out.

    When I played Emma, thankfully, the freezes were manageable, but they were there, each and every fight. Restarting every time you try to play and learn How to play against her, is not getting you anywhere, you don't learn anything, and it s way too much time consuming. Not to mention not fun at all, the basic purpose of a GAME.
    You adapted. And this isn’t supposed to be “fun”. Stated for summoners that do abyss on vacation. You want fun? Do incursions or something. This is supposed to be a challenging game mode, that i believe was made easier due to the bugs.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,111 ★★★★★
    I didn’t spend a single item against Spider-Man 2099
  • joshdabejoshdabe Member Posts: 3
    So only alliance compensation?
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,113 ★★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    Searmenis said:

    Searmenis said:

    "Get good", the answer to everything. You can't dex/parry? Get good. It's a bug and not your fault? Get good. New AI bug doesn't let you intercept like before? Get Good. Your screen freezes in the middle of a combo and when it returns Emma throws a special? Get Good.

    Alright i know this is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out.

    When I played Emma, thankfully, the freezes were manageable, but they were there, each and every fight. Restarting every time you try to play and learn How to play against her, is not getting you anywhere, you don't learn anything, and it s way too much time consuming. Not to mention not fun at all, the basic purpose of a GAME.
    You adapted. And this isn’t supposed to be “fun”. Stated for summoners that do abyss on vacation. You want fun? Do incursions or something. This is supposed to be a challenging game mode, that i believe was made easier due to the bugs.
    A challenge is fun. Having to interrupt your game to restart is not lol
    Ah yes. Summer of “pain” should just be for fun.
  • Intensity108Intensity108 Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Do you even play the game. We got a full inventory of revives the other day. Which is 400 units.
    We also got 10 Level 5 Health Potions, which is another 280 Units.
    So we technically got 680 units, NOT TO MENTION.. that glory is an overpowered resource, be grateful that we are getting anything and stop asking for more.
    Parry and Dex issues suck, I KNOW. But they are dealing with it as best as they can and you can be sure that they'll compensate us how they see it to be fair.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,479 Guardian
    These threads need to be merged at this point. Each on is saying how the glory is nice and all but we should be getting this instead. The issue is, is that they are giving the glory and AQ for the AQ cycles. We have been given revives and pots already, but we won't see this "big compensation " people are hoping for until the issue is fixed, which I am really hoping is soon.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    DrZola said:

    A genuine question: has anyone on the team firmed the date up for the hot fix? I don’t think I’ve seen one, but I haven’t been on forums much the past week.

    Dr. Zola

    I understand that we are experiencing parry issues. And that kabam are giving us few heals crystals and glory.
    But ill be honest here.. we need units compensation. I just had a nightmare vs spidernan 2099 cav EQ, once i was committed. I spent total 268 units on that fight which i did one shot 2 times before with ease.
    This time the block wouldnt register on time.

    I insist on atleast ASKING for 1600 units in compensation to compensate the multiple times ive been randomly screwed over this bug.
    Glory is nice. But it doesnt make up even close to the units value.

    So when you go to a restaurant and your server says to you, don't touch this plate it's hot. Do you then continue to touch it, burning your hands and then ask for $1600 because you didn't heed the warning of the server?

    Kabam has said to try and refrain from doing content that might make you use more resources than normal. Plus you said you 1 shot it before admitting you aren't having that much of an issue. Y'all are ridiculous.
    When a restaurant serves me food then tells me not to eat it for an hour because there’s an issue, I’m going to take my business elsewhere until they fix it.
    That's a whole different comparison. Besides, no restaurant would ever tell you that. Kabam hasn't said that either. They said be cautious. Just like a restaurant says to be careful eating hot food. Or McDonald's tells you it's hot coffee, don't drink it right away.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021
    Crcrcrc said:

    DrZola said:

    A genuine question: has anyone on the team firmed the date up for the hot fix? I don’t think I’ve seen one, but I haven’t been on forums much the past week.

    Dr. Zola

    I understand that we are experiencing parry issues. And that kabam are giving us few heals crystals and glory.
    But ill be honest here.. we need units compensation. I just had a nightmare vs spidernan 2099 cav EQ, once i was committed. I spent total 268 units on that fight which i did one shot 2 times before with ease.
    This time the block wouldnt register on time.

    I insist on atleast ASKING for 1600 units in compensation to compensate the multiple times ive been randomly screwed over this bug.
    Glory is nice. But it doesnt make up even close to the units value.

    So when you go to a restaurant and your server says to you, don't touch this plate it's hot. Do you then continue to touch it, burning your hands and then ask for $1600 because you didn't heed the warning of the server?

    Kabam has said to try and refrain from doing content that might make you use more resources than normal. Plus you said you 1 shot it before admitting you aren't having that much of an issue. Y'all are ridiculous.
    When a restaurant serves me food then tells me not to eat it for an hour because there’s an issue, I’m going to take my business elsewhere until they fix it.
    Yeah. So people should take their business elsewhere until it’s fixed? Which also implies that these people shouldn’t be around to complain.

    It’s very simple. Kabam wants to get things fixed ASAP, more urgently than you do, simply because it affects their bottomline, now and in future.

    Complaining about the existing problems that Kabam has made known that they are aware of, and is currently fixing, will not help expedite it. If anything, it makes them even more cautious about the fix, needing it to be working 100% from the get-go, instead of being able to implement partial adjustment fixes that slowly addresses them.

    This, inadvertently, will slow down the “perfect” fix implementation.
  • DeadPooopDeadPooop Member Posts: 236

    Berjibs said:

    I understand that we are experiencing parry issues. And that kabam are giving us few heals crystals and glory.
    But ill be honest here.. we need units compensation. I just had a nightmare vs spidernan 2099 cav EQ, once i was committed. I spent total 268 units on that fight which i did one shot 2 times before with ease.
    This time the block wouldnt register on time.

    I insist on atleast ASKING for 1600 units in compensation to compensate the multiple times ive been randomly screwed over this bug.
    Glory is nice. But it doesnt make up even close to the units value.

    So when you go to a restaurant and your server says to you, don't touch this plate it's hot. Do you then continue to touch it, burning your hands and then ask for $1600 because you didn't heed the warning of the server?

    Kabam has said to try and refrain from doing content that might make you use more resources than normal. Plus you said you 1 shot it before admitting you aren't having that much of an issue. Y'all are ridiculous.
    I mean that’s fine and everything but how do you square it vs keeping SOP running? Timed content with the best rewards we’ve ever seen most likely….but we are being asked to refrain from doing content. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    You have 7 days, unlimited attempts and zero energy.
    Have you ever been on the players side? 7 days sure but people that can’t dex/parry properly are getting screwed. This Emma especially needs parry and dex to work, without them it’s a pain. They’re two essential features that need to work 110% of the time. Without reliability there’s no consistency.
    Why would this emma need parry?.. parry bad for this boss... really bad...
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    Yeah so we should all sit down and be quiet cos kabam always have our best interests in mind and know exactly what problems we are having, the restaurant analogy was terrible, all kabams told us is the food will be too hot for over an our, it’s an hour and a half later; the food is for some
    Reason hotter, and they are ignoring us, some communication would help settle the frustrations, as would a few more revives for this months eq and this weeks sop. Constantly belittling peoples valid concerns must be quite tiring, but then this is the kind of toxic behaviour we’ve come to expect from the ‘get good’ forum frequenters.
    Asking for an update in overdue communication does not delay the communication.

    They did. There’s even a stickied post on what they’re doing.

    Complaints about bugs are valid. Complaints AFTER the company has addressed how they’ll be handling the bug isn’t valid.

    It’s the entitlement mentality that things need to get done NOW.

    (Side note: Ever wondered why you have to be on-call for work 24/7 to solve problems? It’s the same entitlement mentality that’s causing that as well.)
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Speeds80 said:

    Yeah so we should all sit down and be quiet cos kabam always have our best interests in mind and know exactly what problems we are having, the restaurant analogy was terrible, all kabams told us is the food will be too hot for over an our, it’s an hour and a half later; the food is for some
    Reason hotter, and they are ignoring us, some communication would help settle the frustrations, as would a few more revives for this months eq and this weeks sop. Constantly belittling peoples valid concerns must be quite tiring, but then this is the kind of toxic behaviour we’ve come to expect from the ‘get good’ forum frequenters.
    Asking for an update in overdue communication does not delay the communication.

    They did. There’s even a stickied post on what they’re doing.

    Complaints about bugs are valid. Complaints AFTER the company has addressed how they’ll be handling the bug isn’t valid.

    It’s the entitlement mentality that things need to get done NOW.

    (Side note: Ever wondered why you have to be on-call for work 24/7 to solve problems? It’s the same entitlement mentality that’s causing that as well.)
    (Side side note: Do you think the entitled people have ever worked in a place that needs them to be on call 24/7? Because I think they'd be less entitled if they had.)
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    xNig said:

    Speeds80 said:

    Yeah so we should all sit down and be quiet cos kabam always have our best interests in mind and know exactly what problems we are having, the restaurant analogy was terrible, all kabams told us is the food will be too hot for over an our, it’s an hour and a half later; the food is for some
    Reason hotter, and they are ignoring us, some communication would help settle the frustrations, as would a few more revives for this months eq and this weeks sop. Constantly belittling peoples valid concerns must be quite tiring, but then this is the kind of toxic behaviour we’ve come to expect from the ‘get good’ forum frequenters.
    Asking for an update in overdue communication does not delay the communication.

    They did. There’s even a stickied post on what they’re doing.

    Complaints about bugs are valid. Complaints AFTER the company has addressed how they’ll be handling the bug isn’t valid.

    It’s the entitlement mentality that things need to get done NOW.

    (Side note: Ever wondered why you have to be on-call for work 24/7 to solve problems? It’s the same entitlement mentality that’s causing that as well.)
    (Side side note: Do you think the entitled people have ever worked in a place that needs them to be on call 24/7? Because I think they'd be less entitled if they had.)
    That’s true. 😂😂
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021
    Speeds80 said:

    Yeah so we should all sit down and be quiet cos kabam always have our best interests in mind and know exactly what problems we are having, the restaurant analogy was terrible, all kabams told us is the food will be too hot for over an our, it’s an hour and a half later; the food is for some
    Reason hotter, and they are ignoring us, some communication would help settle the frustrations, as would a few more revives for this months eq and this weeks sop. Constantly belittling peoples valid concerns must be quite tiring, but then this is the kind of toxic behaviour we’ve come to expect from the ‘get good’ forum frequenters.
    Asking for an update in overdue communication does not delay the communication.

    Also, I don't know how you could even say Kabam doesn't have out best interests in mind. This game itself is a literal beacon of that since it's completely free and still running after almost 7 years.

    They may not do everything we ask but none of us run a successful mobile game to know what it takes to keep it running.

    Are they perfect? No, they aren't. Doesn't mean they're evil or have I'll will towards the player base.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    Why do you think the forums exist man? As a platform for them to see the problems the players are dealing with, people are telling other people not to use the forums to express concerns and not to ask for communication …on a platform that exists for players to receive communication. They have been a good company for listening and reverting changes that have damaged the game, and these forums are where we have seen these things happen, being high and mighty and telling people to be quiet is pretty lame, we’re all waiting for a fix, but telling people that their asking for a fix is slowing down the fix is bollocks


    Here. Communication.

    What more do you want? 😒
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    Why do you think the forums exist man? As a platform for them to see the problems the players are dealing with, people are telling other people not to use the forums to express concerns and not to ask for communication …on a platform that exists for players to receive communication. They have been a good company for listening and reverting changes that have damaged the game, and these forums are where we have seen these things happen, being high and mighty and telling people to be quiet is pretty lame, we’re all waiting for a fix, but telling people that their asking for a fix is slowing down the fix is bollocks

    No said it's slowing anything down since the devs don't run the forums and aren't required to MOD on here. What we're saying is that we don't need a compensation thread every 10 seconds or ridiculous requests for compensation. We don't need more threads on asking for a update to the timeline fix. We don't need more threads on the same topic over and over and over again.

    You want to add to the main thread? Go for it. That's why it exists. These threads do no one any good except make it harder to find real information.
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 892 ★★★
    I've probably used units and resources worth well over 6000 units. Probably 2000 or so were due to the bugs/dropped controls/lag/changed ai. Yes, it is that bad for big fights. I don't expect to see any back. I chose to proceed with content in spite of the bugs. However, the GM finally dropped, Emma is down, Gwenperion followed. Hit TB before SoP rewards with some rng luck. It's been a rough month unit wise, but I had the most fun in 7.1 than I have in a long time in story even with bugs. I was addicted to 7.1 completion. On the flip side, it's been horrible, even if self induced. It just takes 1 of the many gameplay bugs to hit and your efforts are lost or cost resources. I expect 0 back though. There is no way to compensate for the amount of frustration this game has seen from summoners recently.
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