Better than Doctor Strange and Hawkeye which were my first champs (yes both, I got 15k six star shards in a GGC and I got those 2 together). Imagine how I felt pulling them, the only good thing about that was Hawkeye was the first champ I got in all 6 rarities, and that isn’t even a big deal.
Bro who cares about prestige honestly? It only matters in top tier Alliance Questing which you are unlikely to be apart of considering this is your first 6 star
Looks like I’m putting that prestige concept in the bin
Bruh you gotta put the whole complaining concept in the bin. I get it, I think we all do, but a first six star is almost always gonna be bad. The same can be expected for many more to come. He's getting a solid buff and your first 6* doesn't need to be Ghost.
The fact that he's getting buffed means you are probably going to have a good 6* with your first ever pull. You could have pulled regular Groot. Be happy lol
If he’s your first 6* your prestige is going to be governed by awakened 5* for the next 6 months at least until you’ve got the ability to R2 and sig up an awakened 6*.
Better than Doctor Strange and Hawkeye which were my first champs (yes both, I got 15k six star shards in a GGC and I got those 2 together). Imagine how I felt pulling them, the only good thing about that was Hawkeye was the first champ I got in all 6 rarities, and that isn’t even a big deal.
How is hawkeye bad as a second 6* pull unless u have an insane power control champ already at r4 or r5 5* level?? Hawkeye was my 2nd 6* and i was really happy when i pulled him because he was the best power control option in my roster back the. and he put in a lot of work during act 5 exploration for me
Better than Doctor Strange and Hawkeye which were my first champs (yes both, I got 15k six star shards in a GGC and I got those 2 together). Imagine how I felt pulling them, the only good thing about that was Hawkeye was the first champ I got in all 6 rarities, and that isn’t even a big deal.
How is hawkeye bad as a second 6* pull unless u have an insane power control champ already at r4 or r5 5* level?? Hawkeye was my 2nd 6* and i was really happy when i pulled him because he was the best power control option in my roster back the. and he put in a lot of work during act 5 exploration for me
Hawkeye legitemately has two abilities (power drain and bleed) and none of them he excels at these days. Maybe when you pulled him as a 6* back in those days, he still relatively had more value but no way these days he is a top or even good champion.
Better than Doctor Strange and Hawkeye which were my first champs (yes both, I got 15k six star shards in a GGC and I got those 2 together). Imagine how I felt pulling them, the only good thing about that was Hawkeye was the first champ I got in all 6 rarities, and that isn’t even a big deal.
How is hawkeye bad as a second 6* pull unless u have an insane power control champ already at r4 or r5 5* level?? Hawkeye was my 2nd 6* and i was really happy when i pulled him because he was the best power control option in my roster back the. and he put in a lot of work during act 5 exploration for me
I already had a 5 star Hawkeye as I said above, and I was low on ISO so there was no way I was gonna take him up. And the time I was trying to become uncollected and I already had a maxed 4 and 5 star warlock. So yes I was very unhappy
My 7 year old son and I were both so excited to pop out first 6 star. Red magneto. This was 3 months before the buff. I was so bummed… then look what happened.
Hawkeye legitemately has two abilities (power drain and bleed) and none of them he excels at these days. Maybe when you pulled him as a 6* back in those days, he still relatively had more value but no way these days he is a top or even good champion.
Groot. He's not even getting a buff. I feel deader.
Congratulations u got a head start
Some get good luck. Hope you do next time.