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Nexus Cav drop rates [Merged]



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    RagnabroRagnabro Posts: 43
    when there was an offer long ago with the cavalier at the old drop rate they sent the same number of crystals with the new drop rate. now i expect the same.

    Sorry for my Google transiate english
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    DernickDernick Posts: 26
    I will claim this offer. I want my money back
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    No_oneukNo_oneuk Posts: 1,430 ★★★★★
    I didn't pull a single 5* or 6* from these crystals
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    MasterSmokeMasterSmoke Posts: 555 ★★★
    Old drop rates or New drop rates I don’t care i just need the iso from 4*s to rank up the gods I already have
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    RookiieRookiie Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Megavok said:

    I have merged two similar topics together to keep the discussion focused in one place.

    Thanks for merging but how about a respond?
    Wait for the big boss @Kabam Miike
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    Hrishikesh713Hrishikesh713 Posts: 712 ★★★
    Yeah exactly...like i opened them and didn't saw in begining about drop rates and i was like why the **** i am getting 3* and 4* only and then i came to know about drop rates
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    MaxLeeMaxLee Posts: 205 ★★
    I also purchased the Shard/Cav Card thinking it was current cav and realized afterward that the rates are old cav ones... We seriously need compensation.. if they would have mentioned that it's old cav in their IG email then we would think before purchasing.
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    BitterSteelBitterSteel Posts: 9,262 ★★★★★
    Megavok said:

    I have merged two similar topics together to keep the discussion focused in one place.

    Thanks for merging but how about a respond?
    As great as that would be I’m sure Zanzibar either doesn’t know or hasn’t been signed off on letting us know.
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    RookiieRookiie Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    Rookiie said:

    I have merged two similar topics together to keep the discussion focused in one place.

    RIP, you going to jail
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,304 ★★★★★
    I’m surprised that people who purchased the offer are arguing that the 10 Cav crystals made or broke their decision, and not $50 for 15k 6* shards and a 6* crystal. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    ShemetaShemeta Posts: 20
    I just bought this offer but didn't open anything so I want either a refund or my cavalier nexus cristals swapped ... Everything is in my inventory take it away and give my money back please ... Kabam this is cheap cheating ... This old drop rates are awful ...
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    unstablechildunstablechild Posts: 36
    hope they swap the older crystal for the new drop rate crystals :)
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,304 ★★★★★
    Or they could just refund your $50 and remove all the crystals and shards from your account. 😏
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    unstablechildunstablechild Posts: 36
    xNig said:

    Or they could just refund your $50 and remove all the crystals and shards from your account. 😏

    It is a possibility, but I do not think that kabam will make a refound, I humbly contribute from my part by buying offers, I just hope they are fair, since I am investing in the company :)

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    Thanos1149Thanos1149 Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    They won’t give a refund, I’m pretty sure of that. They’ll just give 10 of the proper cavalier nexus crystals to all those who bought it and will let them keep the 10 extra cavs mostly. So don’t worry guys, you can just count these crystals as extras since they’ll mostly give out the proper crystals.
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    Wicket329Wicket329 Posts: 3,191 ★★★★★

    They won’t give a refund, I’m pretty sure of that. They’ll just give 10 of the proper cavalier nexus crystals to all those who bought it and will let them keep the 10 extra cavs mostly. So don’t worry guys, you can just count these crystals as extras since they’ll mostly give out the proper crystals.

    Yup, there is precedent for this. Whenever the wrong crystal is in a bundle, or something is wrong with the crystal in question, they usually send out the proper crystal *in addition to* what was already given.

    Honestly it’s a very good practice on their part, very pro-player. I imagine that is what will happen here, assuming these were not the correct crystal drop rates (and I agree with everybody that they are not correct).
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    Thanos1149Thanos1149 Posts: 1,136 ★★★

    Old drop rates aint to bad haha

    I picked Silver Surfer

    Dayyum those pulls tho- what did you get in the nexus?
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