Thoughts on no side quest



  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 993 ★★★★
    Just give us the monthly EQ, a short quest like the gwenpool MCU one and just call it a day.
  • No_oneukNo_oneuk Member Posts: 1,430 ★★★★★

    Just give us the monthly EQ, a short quest like the gwenpool MCU one and just call it a day.

    you dont even have to think about this one really.

    just play like normal and when you get to the last week you wont have many left, they'll be easy to pick through
  • A_NAZA_NAZ Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    I agree, however some people may not. On the other hand, some people may also agree with me.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 993 ★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    To be honest, I generally dislike the monthly side quests as a whole.

    In terms of what is great about them, for me it's really only the rewards. You guys do provide a lot of shards and catalyst fragments every single month for the most part, so I'm not complaining about those.

    The big problem with the side events is that sometimes they are overcomplicated. I personally feel like you guys are trying a little bit too hard in coming up with fresh ideas, that the events just end up being really complex. Jubilee's Arcade and the Summoner Camp objectives are a prime example of this, they could have been great concepts that translated into fun and exciting events, however they ended up coming out as events that were very confusing and, in the case of Summoner Camp, incredibly frustrating as well.

    When the events aren't complicated, or when people understand how they work, the events also just end up being a massive grind fest. Take the Hercules event. We had to log in and get the clubs, then run the quest to get either shards or catalysts. Easy to understand right? Well, it ended up just being a massive slog. The fights weren't terribly difficult, which I can understand, however they were the same opponents again and again, for a month. If the fights aren't going to be challenging (which is fine), I would at least appreciate it if the fights were randomized from a small pool of champions. Makes each run through a event seem a lot more fresh.

    Overall, the ideas for the side quests sound interesting on paper, however after running them for an entire month they just turn into an absolute slogfest at the best of times, and a completely mess at the worst of times. I just honestly wish that the events were simple, yet unique and engaging so that we can put up with them for an entire month.
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  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,949 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    Im more excited about eqs like last months or even if rng the rifts but anything where u have to grind objectives and arena it becomes too tedious like this month arena is tedious side with the whole objectives.
  • Perfect_jabPerfect_jab Member Posts: 109
    Id rather the side quest. But not a lazy made side quest with the same path of champs everyday. But these solo objectives are annoying. An the the rewards in the store are weak. Not even a full 6* , t4 basic is overpriced an has limit. And 85% of the stuff in there I could care less to grind arenas an run lower difficulties in EQ to get.
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  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    We said that we were happy with no SQ because we thought it would be kind of a break from the monthly grinds. But after seeing the objectives, this is the opposite of what we wanted. It’s so much more longer and tiring than all the SQs that I have done till now. I like SQs which are fun and short not long and tiring. The previous two SQs were really long and tiring and repetitive. But SQs like MTI were short and pretty fun. Make more SQs like MTI where we don’t have to grind as much and get the same rewards. You can increase the difficulty a little and maybe tone down the rewards if you want to, but the design of the event similar to Mutant Treasure Island.

    And what we thought we were going to enjoy in this event was a break from all the tiring SQs we had till now and we could chill and relax. But what we got was the complete opposite, with the worst kind of objectives that I have seen till now. We have to grind so much to get the best rewards in the event, which is pretty good but long and tedious to get. I hope you make shorter SQs from now on with less horrible objectives.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,773 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    1- I don't like having to do the same fight over and over again (aka 20 times), last month we were really tired having 10 same fights every day, no one like the repetition, now there it is again.
    2- Choosing to do this, instead of a sidequest, in a month when the parry/dex problem still rules the game, and having an even more severe screen freeze problem also at the same time after the update, is torture. Yesterday I had to use FOUR revives in a boss that's not that hard to beat, in cavalier 2.1, because of the freezes (not even mentioning the parry issue, this is everywhere now). I can't even imagine how many revives I m gonna need for the spiderverse obstacles in cavalier, that I need to do twice each.
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  • Sean_WhoSean_Who Member Posts: 618 ★★★
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?

    Generally quicker to complete when I can't commit to playing every day and can pick/choose what rewards I want to fit my needs (when that's possible) with path rewards or stores.

    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?

    Daily login requirements, grindy/boring/repetitive quests (fighting the same 10 champions, every day, for the same rewards)

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?

    Time to commit to other content; not needing to do content every day.

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Forcing me to do lower level event quests that do not benefit me as an endgame player. Boring, repetitive objectives - fighting the same characters over and over.

  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    SOP-style would make for a great side quest.
    One big boss fight, which changes every week, where each boss has two or three objectives dispersed throughout the week.
    With tokens that you can claim & trade in a store.
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  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,717 ★★★★

    I miss the side quests already

    Not this
    It's the psycho man objectives on steroids...

    Same here…this feels like a tiresome grind…
  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★★
    what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?


    what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?

    - When it costs energy
    - Same opponents everytime

    Take last month for example, I didnt mind the 10 fights and the daily lock as it gives me something to do ig as am nt much of an arena grinder these days. There is AQ anyways and its nice that u can stack them for days u dont login.
    If the champions say are random, then it would be fun and more challenging imo rather than the same champs over and over again.

    what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?

    Makes a change that u dont have to worry about missing a day

    what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    - 3 day objectives for random opponents that may or may not appear in the arena
    - why does an sq involve arenas
    - Using a champion x amount of times to beat another champion

    Am honestly ok grinding Sq to get great rewards but repetitive objectives that requires you to do multiple quests is a bit meh
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,649 ★★★★★
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?

    Getting extra rewards, usually for minor effort and energy cost

    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?

    repetitive quests like last month's with the same opponents each time, energy cost (I'd rather use that on the EQ), overly-complicated quests requiring collection of boosts each day, (like Black Panther SQ, thank Stan you've not done them for a while)

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?

    More time to play the extra arena.

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    The need to win fights using only particular moves, the cumulative, not concurrent, requirements. I'd rather win twice as many fights with each class if it meant not having to win with a specific move.
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Woah woah woah, wait a min people. We have 3 days for some objectives? 3 DAYS?! I didn’t check the timer because I assumed it’s for the entire month, but we have only 3 days for a certain objective? Someone please clarify this
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,949 ★★★★★

    Woah woah woah, wait a min people. We have 3 days for some objectives? 3 DAYS?! I didn’t check the timer because I assumed it’s for the entire month, but we have only 3 days for a certain objective? Someone please clarify this

    All mine says 27 days and so hours till end
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Bendy said:

    Woah woah woah, wait a min people. We have 3 days for some objectives? 3 DAYS?! I didn’t check the timer because I assumed it’s for the entire month, but we have only 3 days for a certain objective? Someone please clarify this

    All mine says 27 days and so hours till end
    Oh, then what’s he talking about?
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,949 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    Woah woah woah, wait a min people. We have 3 days for some objectives? 3 DAYS?! I didn’t check the timer because I assumed it’s for the entire month, but we have only 3 days for a certain objective? Someone please clarify this

    All mine says 27 days and so hours till end
    Oh, then what’s he talking about?
    Could be the event of the assignment stuff that is 3 days event that changes
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,644 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    1. The rewards obviously. I hate to say it, but it's really the only good thing about the SQ.
    2. They are jsut so repetitive most of the time. I understand that changing daily or whatever would slow the game down., but doing the same x amount fights over and over and over gets a bit tedious after one week, let alone one month.
    3. Not doing the same fights over again, and the fact that most of them can be completed quickly.
    4. Having to do very basic fights over and over using one hit to finish it. It just seems incredibly pointless.

    Having said all of this, I have been playing for about 14 months now. My favorite SQ thus far has been Mutant Treasure Island. The rewards were great, and the fights were different. This was a great model IMO.
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  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    So first of al I don’t mind having side quests or no side quests. But when having no side quests these objetívese are kinda of more of a grind than side quests. Having to remember to finish a fight with a specific flow AND against a spiderman hero, AND with a certain class I think is horrible. Especially when you need to use special 1 or 2. If you’re trying to cheese then you need to waste your time getting hit to build power. If you’re gonna do this I would rather have a side quest.

    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?

    The rewards are always fun to get, and the fights it’s good practice for you.

    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?

    If you guys make the side quests redundant like last month; spice it up and change the fights around.
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?

    I don’t really like this one at all so nothing.

    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    I mentioned above what I don’t like
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Thank you all for your feedback. We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the break from side quests, however some of you have also expressed that you'd prefer side quests. On the other hand, when we do have side quests, we often then hear the other side of the argument.

    If you all don't mind, I'd like to better understand what elements about our events motivate you to feel this certain way about them:
    - what exactly about the side quests that you enjoy?
    - what exactly about the side quests that you do not enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you enjoy?
    - what about this experience, in lieu of side quests, do you not enjoy?

    Fair to say that we will always hear from both sides of the argument, but it would be great to get some reasoning behind your thoughts on this so our team can understand this in more depth, rather than simply "side quest vs no side quest". Thank you in advance for your time! :)

    - I enjoy it if it's quick, good rewards and has no energy cost.
    - They are repetitive, grindy and boring.
    - I do not particularly like daily objectives.
    - The absurd amount of specific tasks.
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