The most underrated Champ?

I think it is Emma Frost, She has immunities, taunt mechanic, counters evade, gives less power to the opponent with heavies, strong specials with prowess, very tanky with diamond mode.
Maybe no the most underrated tho but he's all i can think of except Emma as you've mentioned
Emma is nice, but she is regarded as good and in reality is awesome. Purgatory is regarded as sh*t and in reality is good. Bigger difference
Imo, not necessarily underrated, but I think BP classic deserves more love. He’s beastly paired with Herc and killmonger, or on his own
Auto-block comes in clutch
Taunt is nice
Great with despair
Special ability accuracy is nice
—(wish it was more or was just ability accuracy in general)
Damage phase is a lot of fun
—(wish it was longer and stronger)
Looks awesome
Biohazard cheese
Any poison node/ champion cheese
Any nullify node/ champion cheese
He’s great just needs a small number adjustments and maybe a slow on heavy
Yondu. He can remove Armor Up buffs without relying on nullify or armor break. Decent bleed. Some non-contact attacks.
Rogue and Psylocke. Very good control champions, especially as a horseman.
Where's @Kill_Grey when you need them
And for me personally nebula. Ive been exploring act 6 and wow she is versatile now. 3 incredible special moves, triple immunities, and a top robot killer.
I’m going w Diablo,. He still has stigma from years of being Diablo, but now is top 2 mystic w suicides, top 3-5 without. His utility is spot on for meta right now.
If you're interested, I wrote a review of Purgatory here: