How was this a tie?

I thought the whole point of defender rating was to settle ties. And since our rating was higher that means we should have won right? Even if we didn’t I can’t believe a tie means only Kabam wins. We both drop points and no one gets winner rewards? Come on. Please explain this to me. 

Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
Not everyone will hit this exact situations, but for highly competitive alliances, this situation may happen more often then we expect.
You are right that due to rounding up, both ended up having same point, and the system is SO DUMP that it just simply look at the score, instead of having additional tie-breaker ALGORITHM to say that, hey upon tie, let's check some of the components, say DEFENDER RATING, and see if based on the "raw score" without multiplying the 0.02 factor and without loosing details via rounding up, see if can tell the winner due to slight better "raw points" ...
I don't think this is that hard to be implemented, but of course like you say, "someone" is the final winner with the final laugh in this case, at the expense of a few dozens of highly active and hardworking players (time, and even resources wasted).
The thing here is you both wasted a day for this AW. Sad but Kabam can't see the flaws or just chose to be blinded because you know, money.
938,549 * 0.002 = 1,877.098
Wow ...
So it seems the system only counts whole numbers.
Come again?
Yeah, if only there were other factors they could use as tiebreakers in the unlikely event of such numerical ties. Maybe...oh I don't know...perhaps...most number of players with funny names? MyDixNurAzz is a favorite. Or u know, maybe def. kills and all the other nonsense.
Ties weren't so common back then, this new version is wacked. You still completely support it because if benefits you, you don't have to worry about dying, so you don't look that incompetent...right? If you think this is a war game mode...than you are a lunatic...though it's leaning more to snowflakes.
Money is power, kabam is reeeeeal greedy.
The new war system brought in more ties, **** why don't they make two versions of war for us lol. You can have your snowflake pillow fight and we can have our skill wars.
Tiebreaker means to decide a winner in a competition where there is a tie, so as usual your wrong, there CANNOT be a tie if a tiebreaker is in place.
Go on line and look up the definition of the word “ tiebreaker”
One of the dumbest things I've read on these forums. Kabam this is clear trolling now man...atleast I hope it is.
Kabam have used the word wrong and have no idea what they even mean when the post stuff, most people understand the meanings but you always have the few sheep that follow kabam and believe all they say.
I'm not convinced the goal is to stop ties altogether. Otherwise they would have implemented something. I believe the comment was made to indicate how small the metrics will serve, not to stop all ties from happening. As for your suggestion, it's an idea if that is their goal. I'm just not sure it is. Ties will happen. Now, why it counts as a Loss for both, that's a separate discussion. I think a Draw would be better halved between both, rather than counted as a Loss.
That would involve some skill if you count the first boss killed, that not what aw is designed for, so a better way would be to take the highest rated champ for each side and the higher wins, if still a draw then the second highest, this would involve no skill and help the bigger alliances and force people to buy more
@Firemouth Many scoring systems include multiple tie breakers because a single tie breaker will fail to break a tie. If a mechanism fails to break a tie, it does not mean it isn't a tie breaker, it is a failed tie breaker. Tie breakers can be implemented to a level of precision where the probability of a tie becomes extremely small, but never impossible. There are only a finite number of metrics we can use to break a tie.
However, you are correct in saying they've used the word incorrectly.
@GroundedWisdom You are correct in saying that it is still possible to get a tie even if defender rating was a tie breaker. Everyone could have 100% exploration, maximum diversity and the same raw defender rating... this would result in a tie.
Defender rating has not been implemented as a tie breaker. It has been used to accumulate points towards the alliance's total score. The OP's scenario is THE perfect proof that defender rating isn't a tie breaker and only a portion of scoring, nothing more.