Seatin state of the game opinion



  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    TyEdge said:

    The summer 2020 roadmap came at a crucial time when discontent was high, just before a generous (and lucrative) July 4. I think it should honestly be re-examined to see where they’ve fallen back on their promises.

    Off the top of my head, they promised these things that didn’t work out:

    Nerfs to all attack values across 6.1 and 6.2. None were touched. Never gonna bother exploring act 6, personally.

    More frequent variant content - canceled and returned to the usual schedule

    Crystal/champion control - 4-star and 5-star dual class crystals were great. It has been nearly a year and a half. The 6-star pool has more champs than the 5-star pool iirc, and we’ve got an extra 30-35 champs released since the dual class crystal rollout. Do we have 6-star dual class crystals? Nope. Meaningful access to awakening gems? Nope. Any other crystals besides 300-unit cavaliers or 15,000-shard features to control our champion pool? Nope.

    Dude, Act 6 was nerfed into the ground, what are you talking about?
    The original announcement had said all of act 6 values would be reduced. This was later reduced to only 6.3&4. I think that's what they're saying
    Ah, I see. That is true but I still don’t think that the attack values in 6.1&6.2 were bad
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Key word accordingly. It wasn't needed as they saw fit. It was a tentative ahead of schedule. Not gospel.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021

    If Miike and the other mods are genuinely reading everything on the forum then I applaud them for it because most of the threads descend into a quagmire of mush that would make Man-Thing jealous.

    I want to enjoy the game as much as I did in my first two years (which is almost 5 years ago now) but maybe after all this time there isn't much to be excited about.

    I won't namedrop but there have been a few regular posters who I would hold in high regard for their reasoned and well articulated posts who are showing a decent amount of dis-satisfaction over the game lately.

    That to me is a concern and definitely something that should set off alarm bells at Kabam HQ.

    There are probably 20 or so regulars (not necessarily youtubers or high profile people but a good cross section of not idiots) who I think need to be in contact with Kabam (a round table type discussion) to actually try and fix what's not right but 2000 rando's complaining every day drowns out the reasoned posts.

    I loved the game, I just want to love it again. Someone smarter than me needs to figure out how to do that.

  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★

    There's probably more that you want to hear about on this, and I'll be reading, but won't have anything more to say tonight. It's been a long day and I need to log off or my head might explode. Rest assured, this feedback and much of what else has come our way is being shared with the team.

    You are a legend Miike and community loves you , which is why they get disappointed because they expect you to be the voice ahead to make sure things become better in any certain way .

    Appreciate you for listening everything and passing it on further .

    I duped 6* Cyclops to sig 60 today , when getting he buffed ?
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★
    Act 6 really needed a nerf in 6.1-6.2 paths

    10 paths per mission are really long, taking part from requirements too.
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  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    OGAvenger said:

    *Spends 10K a month on MCOC...gets everything. rushes to complete content 2 days after release for "first!" content. Whines about the game being boring.* Super hard to take him seriously.

    You obviously don’t understand the video then. Should go hang out with danielmath
    lol i've hung out with Seatin, he's cool, i like him, but he hasnt played seriously in literally YEARS, so no his opinion means nothing to me
    Even if you take "YEARS" as just 2, your statement is wrong. Someone who is the first person to ever complete the highest form of content in game plays it seriously
    pretty sure the last time i saw him do war was like 4 years ago, with a 4/55 voodoo. Rank 5 5* champs didn't exist last time he played seriously
    You realise there are other modes of end game content other than war don't you? Like the abyss
    anyone can do abyss, just buy units or farm revives, even when it 1st came out before it got nerfed
    Is your implication that only the opinion of people who play war are to be taken seriously?
  • Saru2244Saru2244 Member Posts: 183
    First of all: thanks @Kabam Miike for the Feedback and I agree with you. The Reason why I´m writing in this Forum ist the Hope that my Feedback, my Thouths and my Experience in the Game could help to geht Things better. But therefor you could be critical, but you must be Constructive. Otherwise it will not lead to anything.

    I wrote in an another Post a few Weeks ago, that there ist no real Progress in the Game. And I thin this is the Main - Point of Seatins Post. No Progress in two different Parts: the First Part ist no Progress for the Players. When you start playing, you get first 3*, then 4*, then 5 *, new Champs, level them up, get nuew Content, first Hero, then Master and so on. But later in the Game, you have 6* - Champs, Rank them up to R2, maybe R3. For an normal Player this last month until you get a new R 3 an for the Highend - Player, there is no really need to go for an R4. For Which Conetn you should really need a R 4? So at a Ponit in the Game the Progress for the Players is gone. No need to Rank up the Champs, no new Content and so it starts to geht boring.

    The First Part ist the Progress of the Game. Many Things where announced, some have been implemented but plenty of them did not come until yet. The new Playstyl like they did at the Summoner ist such an Example. Then we got the Parry - Bug and beside that this Bug is annoying, it felt we developed backwards in the Game. Not that the announced content did not come, even known content became unplayable. So there ist even no Progress in the Development of the Game.

    But a lack of Progress must lead to discontent. So in my Opinion Kabam should look, that the different promised Conten will come to the Game soon, the Bugs must be solved and there must be new Maps or some new Conten for the Players, so that the progress can also be felt by the players.
  • JgthegJgtheg Member Posts: 15
    I honestly don't have that many issues with the game currently. My biggest thing has been the eq and sq for the last few months. I think the energy cost are still obscure for a monthly even because of the number of path that always get loaded on to the last chapter. The poor choices of certain nodes with champions. Certain chanps being picked for paths when there ar dozens of other choices (terrax "cough cough" followed by korg). The parry dex issue calmed down alot for me but not for everyone. I have an alliance mate stuck on the champion because its almost impossible for him to dex in the last phase. Things like that should of been adjusted until the parry dex issue was fixed. I had to go through the grandmaster fight and never beable to parry to complete the challange abd the same for dex in that fight. RIP units. All in all what I'm frustrated with is the content that is being put out is tailored for the issues that have been ongoing
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★

    Pulli said:

    Pulli said:

    DNA3000 said:

    TyEdge said:

    Wicket329 said:

    TyEdge said:

    TyEdge said:

    The summer 2020 roadmap came at a crucial time when discontent was high, just before a generous (and lucrative) July 4. I think it should honestly be re-examined to see where they’ve fallen back on their promises.

    Off the top of my head, they promised these things that didn’t work out:

    Nerfs to all attack values across 6.1 and 6.2. None were touched. Never gonna bother exploring act 6, personally.

    More frequent variant content - canceled and returned to the usual schedule

    Crystal/champion control - 4-star and 5-star dual class crystals were great. It has been nearly a year and a half. The 6-star pool has more champs than the 5-star pool iirc, and we’ve got an extra 30-35 champs released since the dual class crystal rollout. Do we have 6-star dual class crystals? Nope. Meaningful access to awakening gems? Nope. Any other crystals besides 300-unit cavaliers or 15,000-shard features to control our champion pool? Nope.

    Dude, Act 6 was nerfed into the ground, what are you talking about?
    They promised to nerf attack values for path fights and boss fights across the entire act. Every single fight in 6.1 and 6.2 has the exact same attack value as before. They made mostly-sideways adjustments to Crossbones, made Sinister and Mordo easier, and that was it for those two chapters IIRC.

    I’m not gonna run 54 pain-in-the-*** paths of act 6 for a measly 25% t5cc and no meaningful amount of shards.
    *If* anything further were to be done to the front half of Act 6, which to be clear I don’t think is necessary, it should not have anything to do with the attack values in 6.1 and 6.2. Instead, it should be reducing the total number of paths to 6 per quest rather than the current 10.

    When I did my Act 6 exploration (which was well before any changes were made to the content), 6.1 and 6.2 weren’t difficult. They were just ungodly long. That’s the only thing that could justifiably be altered still.
    And I have no doubt that if you were in charge of the game, you wouldn’t have promised changes in the first place. Yet, here we are. They promised. They lied.
    Road maps are not promises. And if players are going to call the devs liars, whether it is a player here on the forums or Seatin himself in a Youtube video, then the devs would be wise to stop talking to us entirely. Because that's a completely unreasonable burden which I would never accept. I could not recommend what I would not accept myself.

    No one has been a bigger advocate for more communication with the devs. No one. But if this is the result of that communication, then it has all been for nothing, because we don't deserve it.
    Don't deserve it? 😂😂 People like my self PAY for the game. You obviously don't need to, but it's nice to be able to support the game that you play. And if you do pay, you want the game to work, and when it doesn't you get mad.

    Anger, disappointment, joy, any type of reaction towards the game, it's progress, and how it functions should be able to be displayed in any way possible.
    He's talking about communication. If we're negating that process by being immovable and unreasonable, then we're not respecting the communication we fought for. Also, spending doesn't equal shares in the company.
    Yes. Because wanting a game that works is unreasonable. 🤔😂.

    And when something good comes out, we're quite quick to point out how pleased we are with Kabam.

    And no that wasn't his point, he was saying that voice in our opinions and having voice our troubles with the game, and they "fix it" (doesn't mean they're fixing it the right way) and we bring that up to kabam's attention, that we don't deserve the changes that we wanted in the first place. Which is re******.

    And you obviously have no idea how a business functions, when a business brings in money, the share price goes up because the worth goes up.

    So no, spending ABSOLUTELY has something to do with the share price. Don't be a not-smart person
    You might be on to something if the game wasn't completely free to play. If you bought the game for say $59.99, she maybe you have a sorta point, but you didn't. Spending is optional and only needed to basically progress your account faster than doing it completely F2P.

    Kabam is the games developer. Netmarble currently owns Kabam. The money you spend goes to Netmarble, not Kabam.

    You can voice your opinion and ask about things that are possible bugs or whatever. What you don't get is to have an expectation that if you suggest something or want something, it should be implemented because you spent money.

    You don't own your account. If the game shut down today, there's no refunds, you can't demand they keep it running. Everything you spent on is gone. Spending money gives you no special privileges over someone who doesn't spend money. You spending money, doesn't fix the game faster. It's this type of entitlement that people have that really should change. You need to understand that if you're spending, it's because you want to, not because it's required. You're not above everyone else and you aren't calling the shots.
    Saying a bad opinion and then putting money behind it doesn’t make that bad opinion any less bad on this forum and in this game.

    It just makes you look entitled.
    Exactly. That's the problem with consumers these days. They think that because they spent money .means they get to treat a company or it's employees however they want.

    I blame Instagram influencers and review bombers. That level of entitlement is insane.
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★

    Pulli said:

    Pulli said:

    DNA3000 said:

    TyEdge said:

    Wicket329 said:

    TyEdge said:

    TyEdge said:

    The summer 2020 roadmap came at a crucial time when discontent was high, just before a generous (and lucrative) July 4. I think it should honestly be re-examined to see where they’ve fallen back on their promises.

    Off the top of my head, they promised these things that didn’t work out:

    Nerfs to all attack values across 6.1 and 6.2. None were touched. Never gonna bother exploring act 6, personally.

    More frequent variant content - canceled and returned to the usual schedule

    Crystal/champion control - 4-star and 5-star dual class crystals were great. It has been nearly a year and a half. The 6-star pool has more champs than the 5-star pool iirc, and we’ve got an extra 30-35 champs released since the dual class crystal rollout. Do we have 6-star dual class crystals? Nope. Meaningful access to awakening gems? Nope. Any other crystals besides 300-unit cavaliers or 15,000-shard features to control our champion pool? Nope.

    Dude, Act 6 was nerfed into the ground, what are you talking about?
    They promised to nerf attack values for path fights and boss fights across the entire act. Every single fight in 6.1 and 6.2 has the exact same attack value as before. They made mostly-sideways adjustments to Crossbones, made Sinister and Mordo easier, and that was it for those two chapters IIRC.

    I’m not gonna run 54 pain-in-the-*** paths of act 6 for a measly 25% t5cc and no meaningful amount of shards.
    *If* anything further were to be done to the front half of Act 6, which to be clear I don’t think is necessary, it should not have anything to do with the attack values in 6.1 and 6.2. Instead, it should be reducing the total number of paths to 6 per quest rather than the current 10.

    When I did my Act 6 exploration (which was well before any changes were made to the content), 6.1 and 6.2 weren’t difficult. They were just ungodly long. That’s the only thing that could justifiably be altered still.
    And I have no doubt that if you were in charge of the game, you wouldn’t have promised changes in the first place. Yet, here we are. They promised. They lied.
    Road maps are not promises. And if players are going to call the devs liars, whether it is a player here on the forums or Seatin himself in a Youtube video, then the devs would be wise to stop talking to us entirely. Because that's a completely unreasonable burden which I would never accept. I could not recommend what I would not accept myself.

    No one has been a bigger advocate for more communication with the devs. No one. But if this is the result of that communication, then it has all been for nothing, because we don't deserve it.
    Don't deserve it? 😂😂 People like my self PAY for the game. You obviously don't need to, but it's nice to be able to support the game that you play. And if you do pay, you want the game to work, and when it doesn't you get mad.

    Anger, disappointment, joy, any type of reaction towards the game, it's progress, and how it functions should be able to be displayed in any way possible.
    He's talking about communication. If we're negating that process by being immovable and unreasonable, then we're not respecting the communication we fought for. Also, spending doesn't equal shares in the company.
    Yes. Because wanting a game that works is unreasonable. 🤔😂.

    And when something good comes out, we're quite quick to point out how pleased we are with Kabam.

    And no that wasn't his point, he was saying that voice in our opinions and having voice our troubles with the game, and they "fix it" (doesn't mean they're fixing it the right way) and we bring that up to kabam's attention, that we don't deserve the changes that we wanted in the first place. Which is re******.

    And you obviously have no idea how a business functions, when a business brings in money, the share price goes up because the worth goes up.

    So no, spending ABSOLUTELY has something to do with the share price. Don't be a not-smart person
    You might be on to something if the game wasn't completely free to play. If you bought the game for say $59.99, she maybe you have a sorta point, but you didn't. Spending is optional and only needed to basically progress your account faster than doing it completely F2P.

    Kabam is the games developer. Netmarble currently owns Kabam. The money you spend goes to Netmarble, not Kabam.

    You can voice your opinion and ask about things that are possible bugs or whatever. What you don't get is to have an expectation that if you suggest something or want something, it should be implemented because you spent money.

    You don't own your account. If the game shut down today, there's no refunds, you can't demand they keep it running. Everything you spent on is gone. Spending money gives you no special privileges over someone who doesn't spend money. You spending money, doesn't fix the game faster. It's this type of entitlement that people have that really should change. You need to understand that if you're spending, it's because you want to, not because it's required. You're not above everyone else and you aren't calling the shots.
    Saying a bad opinion and then putting money behind it doesn’t make that bad opinion any less bad on this forum and in this game.

    It just makes you look entitled.
    Exactly. That's the problem with consumers these days. They think that because they spent money .means they get to treat a company or it's employees however they want.

    I blame Instagram influencers and review bombers. That level of entitlement is insane.
    To be fair I think this kind of entitlement starts with large corporations of the past. They set the precedent to consumers that pleasing them is priority one and taught them that employees don't matter. Over decades this dogma has evolved to give people, and by example their children and so on, a sense that they are owed via patronage beyond the product they have consumed. Now, lots of corporations have moved on to basically say "there are plenty of customers and we can just be who we are and do what we do, without having to stroke our customers or abuse employees." They just have to tell each individual customer in person, so it takes a long time.
    Also, the other guy doesn't know how stock values work. Income has very little to do with it, and certainly not the performance of one small piece. At the least, you have to wait for quarterly profit reports to roll out, not just pick a random day in december.
    I don't disagree. I've been in retail and food service my entire working career. When I worked for Home Depot, we were told to make returns even if the customer ruined their own product because they didn't pay attention like a $360 mower because they didn't put the oil in it until after the engine seized. Much of it stemmed from the ideology of "the customer is always right" even when they're clearly not. The company I work for now, doesn't abide by that thankfully.

    And also correct. Stocks go up because of profit, not sales.
  • firemoon712firemoon712 Member Posts: 549 ★★★
    edited December 2021
    Out of everything on the road map, the one I was(still am btw) looking forward to are the relics.
    But that's mainly because the thought of being able to use Doom's special 2 and Torch's special 2 in the same match at a rapid succession seemed REALLY cool to me.
    However, idk much about how it'll work aside from "don't worry this'll be epic."
    Wish Crystals are a close second tho and I'm giving y'all the benefit of the doubt on that because as a future game designer myself, I can't imagine how much headaches that is and will cause in figuring out how to include that.
    Solo competitive mode, scoring troubles aside, seemed like a heap of fun in the showdown so I can't wait for that to drop.
    For me, those are the big 3.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★
    DalBot said:

    And also correct. Stocks go up because of profit, not sales.

    It's almost as if there is a direct correlation between more sales and more profit
    Think what you want. Sales doesn't always equal profit.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★
    DalBot said:

    DNA3000 said:

    TyEdge said:

    And to supplement your faulty memory, here’s a screenshot from the roadmap that you can’t be bothered to Google for yourself.

    Thanks. And since you can't be bothered to read or think for yourself, I'll return the favor. It says that attack values in 6.4 were going to be scaled down by 40-60%, bringing them down to "5k-9k on average." It then says that path fights in 6.1-6.3 would be "scaled down from that top value accordingly."

    Someone could naively believe that meant that the attack values in 6.1-6.3 would also be scaled down by 40-60%, but that doesn't make sense. If that was the case, no one would say that. They would just say that all attack values would be scaled down by 40-60%. No one says I'm going to reduce this by 40%, and all of these things will be scaled down from that value accordingly, when they intend to scale everything down equally. "Scaled down from that top value" means the attack values in 6.1-6.3 would be adjusted to make sense given 6.4's adjusted values. For example, if this now meant that 6.3 attack values were higher than 6.4, that doesn't make sense: 6.3 should be equal to or less than 6.4, and 6.3 would need to be lowered.

    6.3 originally had +500% attack, and 6.4 originally had +600% attack. That's been reduced to +300% attack in both cases. This reduces 6.3 attack values by 33% and 6.4 values by 43% (whomever wrote '40-60% was probably thinking about the reduction in the attack boosts, not the attack values). Given those values, what should the attack boost values in 6.1 and 6.2 be? They should be equal to or lower than +300%, and they already were: 6.1 has +200% attack and 6.2 has +250% attack. They were already scaled down relative to 6.4. 6.3 and 6.4 were so absurdly high they were completely disconnected from 6.1 and 6.2, and for that matter from everything else except for the OG 7.1 beta that never went live. So even after 6.3 and 6.4 were hammered, 6.1 and 6.2 were fine and didn't need to be lowered for them to "scale down" from 6.4. They already did that properly.

    When you are attempting to communicate, you have to presume honest dealers. You can't realistically communicate with someone holding a dictionary and a calculator and looking for opportunities to call you a liar. You don't talk to such people at all. You assume the listener is going to put in at least as much effort comprehending as you do speaking. A reasonable recipient would say "that makes sense: 6.4 was lowered and everything else was brought more or less in line. It might not have been what I was expecting, but it still makes sense given what was said."

    "They said they were going to reduce attack values and they didn't so they lied, cf: Websters" is honestly something I have to think long and hard about whether to respond to at all, because it is undeserving of a response from anyone, player or developer.

    The last time around, I thought there was valid issues to discuss, and positive motion forward to be had. And I think positive motion forward did happen. The devs have stumbled a lot since then: I see them making a lot of both genuine mistakes and unforced errors. But I see them trying: trying to make content at a much higher rate than they were originally doing so, trying to make changes to improve the game that don't always succeed, but often do, and even trying to communicate more with the players than the nothing we used to get. I want what Kabam is trying to deliver, I just want them to do it a whole lot better than they have been.

    I don't see the player community trying nearly as hard. It is all rights and deserves. We have a right to complain, we deserve more than what we get. Those are the complaints of children. What are we doing to make it better? We're not developers (at least not of this game) but that doesn't mean we can't make a better environment to encourage improvement, or make a worse environment to discourage it. At the end of the day, you're part of the problem or you're part of the solution. You have the right to be either. But you deserve the one you pursue.
    Damn, and here I thought folks who spend money on products and services "deserved" to have assurances that their purchased items would work correctly and had a "right" to complain when what they pay for doesn't work according to how it was sold to them.

    Thanks for blowing up those illusions 🤷🏻‍♂️
    You don't own anything in the game. You spent money to get ahead faster and that's it. You're not keeping anything you paid for. Your analogy is invalid.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★

    DalBot said:

    And also correct. Stocks go up because of profit, not sales.

    It's almost as if there is a direct correlation between more sales and more profit
    Think what you want. Sales doesn't always equal profit.
    That still doesn't negate the point that if you're selling something at a value above costs and overhead, you end up with profit. In the case of Kabam/Netmarble, they're selling digital items with no cost and minimal overhead at often high value (certain items exceeding standard game purchase prices and certain sales events costing players more than a brand new PS5). Those are key ingredients for high profit margins.

    While the game functionality has suffered significantly (which even the company agrees is the case)we keep seeing sale after sale because the revenue generating side of things keeps humming smoothly while the game is demonstrably broken.

    But sure, the players should just be grateful after all and never air justifiable grievances 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    I have been

    DalBot said:

    And also correct. Stocks go up because of profit, not sales.

    It's almost as if there is a direct correlation between more sales and more profit
    Think what you want. Sales doesn't always equal profit.
    How much money do they put into the game? Servers need upgrades, new technology, software, etc.

    Not to mention the employees. The last year and a half has been miserable to all of us, but this game has persisted. The employees there need some kind of acknowledgment for their efforts. We sit here and malign the company as if it’s some kind of Umbrella corporation (different game - I know), but they’re people just like us.

    I’ve been mad many times and wanted this and that - but I’ve had to grow up just the same. Maybe it’s time everyone sees this for what it is - a game, a community, a good time while the company tries to make a living.
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