Refund for shards/units spent to get hela

She’s bugged. Folks were enticed by clips of her having 30+ fury stacks and got excited and went for her. Is a refund outa the realm of possibility?
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The crazy damage being a bug was actually discovered 12 or so hours after her release. It requires a 4* Thor rag to activate the bug so really not a case of instant gratification.
lol why you keep spending then. incompetent is just you, not learning from the past. kabam won't change a bit as long as enough muppets keep feeding them.
Because I'm wealthy
the "30 mins" was hyperbole. I wasnt being literal. But waiting a few days usually is a good approach since every month this happens. same with legend runs on monthly events. everyone rushes to do it in the first 2 days and the server crashes then there are 15 posts about it.
you wish
If I did get Hela What is the point of waiting long enough to use a gem and rank up?
Bottom line, the constant bugs on everything Kabam releases new is on them. Putting the blame on people wanting something new early on is ridiculous.
What business can use "should have waited" as an excuse for selling ****? Even worse is when it looks great and Kabam then says sorry this is too good.
We should have our expectations very low at all times?
Doubt you needed to insult him
But then again those are just show your naivete
Damn typing fast will be the death of me
Is possible, you just need to play differently
If Kabam need to fix their mistakes, I expect them to fix the same for me.
No its a fact, my family is ridiculously wealthy
No you can't they fall off too fast ive been testing on ROL this morning
OMG yes. I am so naive, that I had decided to stop spending completely after 12.0.
aka the moment it should have become clear for everyone with a brain between the ears, what business strategy had been set.
You guys are funny, I can't deny that.
Not disputing the fact that kabam is a **** company
I'm angry with you for insulting him
The moment players start to turn on one another and instead of kabam then we are finished 😉
I dont tip waiters, that treat me bad.
So we have confirmation from kabam support that shes working as intended so they cant change her now.
Its their game. They can change it as much as they want. And there is nothing you can do about it. Apart from being wealthy.
Not without ramifications, by changing purchased content it voids the sale. Ask your cc company.
Then why are you complaining? If you choose to spend you shouldn't complain. If Kabam isn't living up to your expectations don't spend. If you are wealthy and want to keep spending then don't complain. 😂
I like to get what I pay for, its not an uncommon thought process.