Prepare to Enter the Battlegrounds! Open Beta March 14-21



  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,593 ★★★★★
    Vuska said:

    in this mode.... we fight the deff and the deff controlled by AI ??
    not real time 1 vs 1 ?

    Defenders are still AI controlled
  • ReAnimatorPDXReAnimatorPDX Member Posts: 12
    Sadly, I have not been able to take part and have instead wasted 60 units of energy. Every time the countdown timer gets to zero, the red connection symbol shows up and I eventually get disconnected.
  • KBelgarion001KBelgarion001 Member Posts: 28
    I tried to play it 5 times, 3 were disconnected before getting matched, 2 were matched and disconnected right before the first match. Is this what Kabam envisioned for a solid beta test? I’m terribly disappointed in the new feature that could have been amazing.
  • RaparthissRaparthiss Member Posts: 1
    Matchmaking now works. But not able to play even a single match. Constantly, I see internet connection issue come up, once the ready timer is up, as if it is the next step (instead of the fight). Please fix this one. Without any actual fights from players, I don't think beta version can get any actual data to refer.
  • ShadowMindddShadowMinddd Member Posts: 3

  • ShadowMindddShadowMinddd Member Posts: 3
    3 times i try to make a match and the game disconect me! I dont have conection problems my wifi is very good! Lost 45 energy and i didnt see what is this New game Mode good job Kabam!
  • xNooBxMaster69xxNooBxMaster69x Member Posts: 15
    First I couldn't even find an opponent, when I re-tried after many hours I found an opponent, we went through picks bans etc and when the first fight was supposed to start the game gets stuck in a loading screen and then losses connection, ofc when I press reconnect it doesn't work. This happened two times already, which is 30 energy for nothing and I'm 100% certain it's not my internet or my device's fault. I was excited to try this but you guys really can't seem to be able to do a single thing right. I mean the game is unplayable with all the freezing and the bugs, there is one new exciting thing which makes people to look away from all those problems and you mess this one up too?Sheeeesh!
  • ShadowMindddShadowMinddd Member Posts: 3
    Same problem here!
  • xNooBxMaster69xxNooBxMaster69x Member Posts: 15
    character recharge and energy cost make this frustrating instead of fun, that is if it would actually work so we could test it.
  • Shadow_5_1Shadow_5_1 Member Posts: 2
    Bro my Wi-Fi killing me reloading the game doesn’t work and this is what happened when i did get sent into the match. Even when the timer reached zero I still was in there so I had to forfeit the match and lost 16 points cuz of that. Pls do something about this other parts of the game was completely fine. :'(
  • JiffrayJiffray Member Posts: 7

    This is where I am stuck. Not choosing to forfeit the match though. Crashed a few times getting to this stage too. Think I'll skip this new mode for a few weeks/months until it's hopefully fixed.
  • _Paradox__Paradox_ Member Posts: 2
    I’ve tried for 5 hours to play and still haven’t gotten to.

    Has there been any response from kabam?
  • Johnmm24Johnmm24 Member Posts: 3
    When you finally load into a match and then this happens
  • CobraSCobraS Member Posts: 64
    When the battle begins i get game error or lost conection. Have to restart and then the battle is going in but het timed out because of the waiting. This is frustrating. Let me know when these bugs are fixed for now the battle grounds are not working i will not play it like it is now
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Typical, my God, why do we expect differently?
  • SmashingHammerSmashingHammer Member Posts: 3
    Disgusting and wasted 15 energy
  • Maddix11Maddix11 Member Posts: 33
    I've tried playing this twice. On both occasions it got to the "prepare to battle" countdown and I lost network connection. When reconnecting I got a screen counting down telling me that results were being prepared. On one occasion this decided I lost and on another that I drew. Am I suppose to actually be fighting or is everything determined by the matchups we pick?

    If its the former its broken, if its the latter it's unbelievably underwhelming. Rubbish really.
  • AverageJoeAverageJoe Member Posts: 6
    Can we at least get a message back from the kabam team? Even if there is no estimated time can we at least be told that?
  • SgfuctSgfuct Member Posts: 2
    Kabam, great success! A waste of time and energy just to watch me getting disconnected!
    Great success again, well done!!
  • arellanoksksarellanoksks Member Posts: 1

    finally had a match but diconnected and lost the game.
  • Mamu91Mamu91 Member Posts: 9
    Hello guys, just played battleground twice. On both occasions it got to the "prepare to battle" and countdown started suddenly I lost network connection and after sometime it reconnected showing a screen with numbers counting and when the countdown reach zero. I found that results showing that I lost the fight in both occasion. Just wasted energy and time.
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★
    Just had a successful run on Battlegrounds but there was an issue where the defenders my opponent places change when the fight start, meaning I'd come in with the wrong counter.
  • RoyalGrv1402RoyalGrv1402 Member Posts: 41
    The best mode in game just broken. can't play matches at all. this sucks. Just
    look how bad is the situation. ROFL
  • P4U1JP4U1J Member Posts: 13
    This is all I keep getting once I join a match we do picks and bans then the fight loads and this happens ... Which results in a loss

  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★
    I am able to matchmake now and actually do fights and it's a load of fun. Hopefully it stays this way throughout the beta.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,082 ★★★★
    Must have already been said but the game keep switching our defenders or attackers when we push the button to lock our choice 🤷‍♂️
  • JPeanutsJPeanuts Member Posts: 50
    Matching worked fine as did the battle, only issue that is happening is when you lock in your defender or attacker, the game is not selecting the one you chose, but another random option from your group.
  • CobraSCobraS Member Posts: 64
    Maybe kabam has to make sure that the servers provide more staybility so gamers dont loose conection. This way the battle grounds will not work at all.

    Tried it many times every time bad connection. So fix this first and then let is play battle grounds this way it is now will not work
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,584 ★★★★★
    I don't care about the energy, that s why they gave us 5 refills, I do care about the points I m losing every time the match is lost. I played 5 times so far, all lost because of the disconnection, I m 50 points down. What s gonna happen with those?
  • Robertd1989Robertd1989 Member Posts: 13
    I have tried to play 6 matches so far and 5/6 have been listed as a draw due to connectivity issues with Kabam's servers as i have had sufficient internet where I have been playing. are these bugs going to be worked out before the Main launch?
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