Journey to ThroneBreaker Challenge



  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Congrats! Your alt has officially surpassed my main!

    Also, you've got crazy insane skills! 900 hits, I can't even.

    Hahah thank you, I think I'd label it concentration more than any skill, but thank you

  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Just beat Grandmaster yesterday. Now just have to get to lvl 60. Already have Mutant and Cosmic t5cc

    Yeah, that'll be me at some point soon I'm sure! I'm only level 51, so I'll have a big energy grind to do for level 60. It will definitely be the last thing I need to do to get Thronebreaker
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Week 22
    The complete opposite of last week, this one is a much shorter update, so don't expect the usual dissertation with 5 different pieces of content done. It was definitely much more of a slow week, I've just been grinding through the side quest really, a bit of revive farming and a bit of Cav EQ. Let's get into it!

    I've done most of the side quest so far, just need to do chapter 2 of Heroic and Master, it’s gone pretty smoothly as well!

    I've been buying a few of the Cav shards and a few of the T1 alpha bundles, with the Legendary and epic I've been going for 6* shards. I used some ISO to level up Colossus so he's nearly all the way up, and I rank 5d Torch, about time! He's been such a help for the account and extra stats are always nice.

    The side quest Cav's paid off in a huge way though, I pulled one of my all time favourite champions in the entire game. It is probably my favourite pull in the challenge so far, I actually cannot get enough of playing...

    Yes, the cool cat herself! I really would love to get her awakened at some point, but obviously still a beast unawakened - especially for questing where sometimes a slower start is alright. You really want that dupe for War though! The next generic 5* gem is 100% going to her, or a mystic if I get lucky. All my ISO is heading to her as well, I just want her ranked up ASAP!

    She also goes really well with a lot of my team. She has a synergy with War Machine that makes his armour even tankier + more attack during specials, one with Hawkeye making his bleeds turn into poisons, Elsa making her ammunition debuffs last longer (huge for her damage, and for her evade counter). I just need Jabari now, they have such an amazing synergy together!

    I then went for Cav EQ completion, something that is definitely feeling a ton easier than a couple months ago. For the mystic quest, I used Sorcerer and Colossus for the paths, Torch took care of the Hood boss without any qualms. The next quest was simple enough too, torch rocked the science quest with Mr Fantastic (who I am loving as a 6*!) and Colossus without specials handled the Miles boss.

    The mutant quest was simple with Colossus and Apoc who both wrecked, and then Apoc pulled a clutch 90% kill of Rhino after I messed up at the start with Hawkeye. I decided to ignore the cosmic global and focus on a mutant team bumping up Colossus with Emma/Omega and then Apoc + Cable was my option for the crossbones boss who went down easy. Apoc is great for Icarus/rising sun since with a concussion on them, your furies trigger much less often.

    The skill quest started to present a challenge, which Elsa, Hawkeye and Hit Monkey rose to. There was a tricky Doom I lost Hawkeye to, and HM finished him off. Then an electro I had to plough through took my Elsa, and I finished him off with Omega. Colossus handled Misty Knight easily enough, just have to watch out for unblockable/evade. The final quest was covered by War Machine and Hulkbuster, and Cap Falcon was surprisingly easy for Colossus. The armour/precision synthesis node giving true strike was a big help, and getting a concussion on you meant Colossus gains a ton more power, so Special 2 spam galore!

    Rewards were nice to get, a bunch of 6* shards taking me ever closer to my next pull! The 5* was a little bit of a damp squib unfortunately..

    Though only because I already have him as a 6*, but hey, can't complain with some of the other luck I've had. And a pre fight support champ may not be bad to double up on if a situation ever arises where I need both.

    Lastly, I opened a couple more side quest Cavs and pulled..

    The dupe is really nice, ISO is very much needed and 275 6* shards get's me a little closer again!

    That finishes up this week's content update, as I said before, not much done unfortunately.

    Notable Pulls
    Tigra 5*
    Mr Fantastic 5*
    Captain America 5* awakening

    Notable Rank ups
    Human Torch to rank 5

    Content Completed
    Side quest Legendary/Epic 100%
    Side Quest Master/Heroic Chapter 1 100%
    Cav EQ Completion

    Most Wanted Champs
    Same as last week!

    T5CC Tracker
    No T5CC since last week

    Plans for Next Week
    I'll finish up the side quest for some more Cavs, probably do UC completion too. But there has been some pretty huge news today dropped (leaked) that may well change the direction of this challenge altogether. I won't discuss the leak on the forum, so we will just have to wait and see, but 7.4 hopefully being released next month could prove very beneficial for this challenge!

    At the end of Week 22, this is what the roster looks like

  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Yeah, if the leak is to be believed then act 7 completion will be the go to for TB now. Unless 7.4 is significantly harder than the rest of act 7
  • Sergeant_Sergeant_ Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Damn congrats on Tigra! I pulled her yesterday from those monthly Cavs too! Gonna awaken her and take her to r5 with my Mystic AG. Also practiced a bit and got a solo on ROL Winter Soldier using my r1 in 260 hits which is rlly rlly impressive!
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Malreck04 said:

    Yeah, if the leak is to be believed then act 7 completion will be the go to for TB now. Unless 7.4 is significantly harder than the rest of act 7

    I think the best thing to do would definitely be grind out a ton of revives and blast through it, would be more time effective than trying to get to level 60
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Sergeant_ said:

    Damn congrats on Tigra! I pulled her yesterday from those monthly Cavs too! Gonna awaken her and take her to r5 with my Mystic AG. Also practiced a bit and got a solo on ROL Winter Soldier using my r1 in 260 hits which is rlly rlly impressive!

    You won't regret putting time into Tigra! I used a generic 6* awakening on my Tigra and she'll likely be my second R4!

    She's such a great champ, so much damage and utility it's crazy!
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  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    If the 7.4 leaked rewards are accurate,

    The only bad part about them is that this challenge is ending sooner :'(

    I'm sure there's a qoute somewhat about being happy that the ones you're rooting for achieved it and be happy it happened or something
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    If the 7.4 leaked rewards are accurate,

    The only bad part about them is that this challenge is ending sooner :'(

    The real Thronebreakers are the friends we made along the way <3
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    If the 7.4 leaked rewards are accurate,

    The only bad part about them is that this challenge is ending sooner :'(

    The real Thronebreakers are the friends we made along the way <3 </p>
    I gotta be honest if this account made tb before me I would’ve gone insane

    thanks for taking so long
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    If the 7.4 leaked rewards are accurate,

    The only bad part about them is that this challenge is ending sooner :'(

    The real Thronebreakers are the friends we made along the way <3 </p>
    Ah yes. This is the one
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    If the 7.4 leaked rewards are accurate,

    The only bad part about them is that this challenge is ending sooner :'(

    The real Thronebreakers are the friends we made along the way <3 </p>
    I gotta be honest if this account made tb before me I would’ve gone insane

    thanks for taking so long
    Hahaha it was probably closer than you’d have liked though ;)
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    If the 7.4 leaked rewards are accurate,

    The only bad part about them is that this challenge is ending sooner :'(

    The real Thronebreakers are the friends we made along the way <3 </p>
    I gotta be honest if this account made tb before me I would’ve gone insane

    thanks for taking so long
    @BitterSteel you should race spidey to a r4 on ur mini :p
    Maybe that’ll be my next challenge :D
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Week 23
    Big week this week, hold onto your hats everyone! A huge milestone has been reached.

    I began by taking Tigra to rank 3, she is getting all my ISO right now regardless of class - I just want her ranked up! And with 7.4 seemingly around the corner, I'm not going to be ranking many (if any) more champions up before the end of the challenge. We will see if I get a banger of a pull, but I will in all likelihood be tackling 7.4 with the roster I have currently.

    Onto the only piece of content I did this week.... 7.3

    I had 500 units, 10 L1 revives, and a dream. The alleged 7.4 rewards have spurred me on and got me hyped, so I wanted 7.3 out of the way leaving me a couple of weeks to grind revives and prepare for 7.4 so I can go for a final run when it drops and hopefully finish the challenge!

    Before I began 7.3, I actually used my own guide a lot to help, I went for a few of the path suggestions that I wrote in the guide but a few times my Mini roster wasn't developed enough to take the easiest path. And sometimes I'd have to use my champs which were better for a harder path, if that makes sense. It was interesting reading it from the point of view of a newer player. If anyone is interested, I've got a link for it below

    We begin with 7.3.1
    I didn't go for the path suggestion, which needed debuff heavy mutants (Apoc could have worked, but I didn't want to rely on only him), so I went for the Special Delivery, Power Shield, Matador path. Apoc, Colossus and Guilly absolutely destroyed that. Apoc with a power back booster is genuinely silly good. The boss went down with my R3 Tigra taking a good 60%, and Apoc finishing the job.

    This was probably the hardest quest, there are not a lot of easy paths. My suggestion is the cosmic impatience one where failing to get a buff gives you a fat fury, but since I didn't have Gamora or Ronan or Hyp, it didn't seem like the best option. I went for a slightly out of left field path, Knock-Down Paradox, Power Snack, Increased Power Rate. Where there's a big Ol' power snack, but your specials power burn them per paradox. It's actually pretty simple to keep them at 0 power if you set it up by just going for your sp1 over and over while they don't get to use any specials. Torch also can burn 4 or 5 of the enemies on the path, which is always nice. Mr F and his pre fights were a god send as well, really happy to have pulled him. The boss was harder, and I definitely didn't plan for how hard he would be. I went for IHulk, with knockdown heavy and energy diet. I just made a mistake and didn't realise Hawkeye's bleeds would be shrugged off, I had to use Rhulk as a backup who took 250-300 hits to take down 60%. A couple of revives wasted here.

    Acclimation, Triple Threat, Power Shield, Use it or lose it was an easy path and a guide suggestion, mutants get power gain by shrugging off debuffs. Colossus and Apoc with power booster was too simple, just went down so fast. The only slight issue is getting a concussion on Thing, and Korg can be a pain, but went very smoothly. Apoc got the solo on Stealth spidey as well.

    At this point I managed to grab some 6* shards and open a crystal..

    Wish I hadn't.

    Nova has clearly taken over Iron Patriot's role of haunting my roster. That’s a duped 6* and a 5* Nova.

    Back to the content...

    This was a really tough one as well, I originally went my suggested path with the science enervate on special, but the opponent gets a lot of power, but after a few attempts I felt super frustrated and changed tack. I went for Paradox Debuffs, Entropic Aptitude, Heavy Handed. Where I could boost my buff potency, but had to watch out for applying too many debuffs. Colossus reached a new level of tankiness with that buff potency, and he helped out massively, I used him on every fight except a havok who I used War machine for. A couple of revives were used on Domino, but in the end it was a good call. Sorcerer supreme was taken down by Torch and Mr F pre fights, it was tricky keeping her from going unblockable but definitely a manageable fight.

    Another path suggestion, Paradox – KnockDown, Quantum safeguard, CounterStrike. Basically, super super long debuffs. That went absolutely amazing for Torch. I used him for all but his mirror matchup and a Mr Fantastic, for whom I used Colossus. Honestly, Torch's incinerates were stacking up to 20+, all that damage was amazing to see. The boss Elsa gave me cause to use a couple revives, but went down easily enough

    Kang, the big boy himself. So I felt pretty confident with the final boss, I've explored 7.3 on two accounts so I've had my fair share of fighting him. So I decided to go for an easier path, with a node on Kang. There is a path that gives no node, but it seemed tougher. So I went for Backfire, Hubris, Clapback. The science power sting path, where they take almost no damage but any damage they take during a special (or from power sting etc) is multiplied. Mr F and She hulk synergy with Torch was MVP. She hulk even took down a nasty looking hyperion in 120 or so hits (she's an R1 5*). The damage back was very satisfying to see.

    As for Kang, I had Colossus as my main guy of course. I did have Hit Monkey along with me but it slipped my mind that his disorient would cause him to take a lot of damage. So Colossus did the vast majority. Finding my feet took a little while, but after a revive or two to get into the fight I got into the swing of things, taking the second phase down in one go! 3rd phase took a few more revives, with some unlucky prompts in the hardest phase.

    As for the 4th phase, I entered it after 200 hits

    Got to my Sp3, was super happy about getting it - but Kang stayed on 1% health because I hadn't done enough damage! I was a little annoyed understandably, but took a deep breath and thought ah well, I'll get him next time

    I then realised I had been 318 HP away from the KO. Of the 2% health remaining at the end, that is - about 18k health, I'd done 98.3% of that last phase in my Sp3. That would have been 1 extra permanent armour up to finish it off. Any way, annoyance over...

    As you can see in the screenshot, I was down to 3 units, I had one revive remaining that I'd just used. I know I could have grinded arena if I didn't do it, but I'm sure we've all been there when you're so close to the end of a big piece of content, rewards right around the corner. You don't want to grind arena at the best of times, let alone when there's 7.3 completion hovering in front of you!

    I went in, Mr Fantastic pre fight's enabled to give him less combat power, and power gain, I got my first intercept and backdraft-light-intercepted my heart out, which felt like it was in my throat. I got to my Sp3 just as Kang did and I pressed my screen so hard I thought it might crack!

    And down went Blueface.

    I couldn't believe it, it only feels like last week that I finished 6.3! The progress I've made here (if I don't sound too big-headed) is pretty crazy. I'm really pleased to have got to the end of all story content currently in game, when I actually only started this account a few weeks before 7.3 dropped!

    As for the rewards, here we come to the biggest moment of the account so far in it's progression to Thronebreaker.

    I have formed my first T5CC. If I was a spending player right now I could buy sigil and become Thronebreaker. Since I am a FTP player I could go and grind act 4 and get to level 60 to unlock the inventory space. But since 7.4 is on it's way, and along with it whispers of a 2-3 gem, I will wait for that to become TB.

    This is a huge moment, it represents the second of the main (though I guess that depends on how you define it) criteria of being a Thronebreaker player. Completed Act 6 and form a T5CC. I just need the R3 now, which unfortunately is locked behind level 60. But maybe 7.4 will change that. In any case, for me, I feel that the hard work has been done and I'm a hair's breadth away from being Thronebreaker.

    But the challenge isn't over yet! Even if I ranked Colossus tomorrow it wouldn't be. I need to have guaranteed myself Thronebreaker, removing the RNG that has led to me getting 100% of a mutant. After opening the random 25% T5CC crystal from 7.3, and alongside the selector that brings me up to 238% total T5CC across my 6 classes, which is 39.6% per class. Remember that 50% per class, then two 25% selectors is the best way for me to guarantee TB. So I need another 62% of T5CC, unless as I've said before, 7.4 changes that.

    The 25% random T5CC was mutant by the way, because of course it was.

    As for the other rewards, I got a healthy dose of reality in the form of an annoying rabbit and his enemy

    Yeah I can't see them doing much for me right now.

    But overall I can't complain, I'm just looking forward to 7.4!!!

    The last thing I did this week was rank 4 Tigra, and in the meantime I have been revive farming.

    Notable Pulls
    Rocket Raccoon 6*
    Ronan 6*

    Notable Rank ups
    Tigra to rank 3
    Tigra to rank 4

    Content Completed
    7.3 Completion

    Most Wanted Champs
    Same as last week and the week before

    T5CC Tracker

    Doesn’t that 1 Catalyst look mighty nice?

    Plans for Next Week
    I feel like I'll just be revive farming to be honest, if so then I likely won't do an update unless anything big happens. If so, I'll put Week 24 and 25 together, cause you guys don't want to hear about my revive farming..

    I may do some side quest, and maybe UC completion. But I definitely feel my strongest course of action is to prepare for 7.4 if it's coming in a couple weeks.

    At the end of Week 23, this is what the roster looks like

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  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    That’s a lot of progress. My comments on this thread are getting less and less original, hope you wrap up this challenge soon
  • Dash855Dash855 Member Posts: 239
    You really are doing great. Been playing the game for about 3 years and I've been stuck on 6.3.1 for about a month. Hard to believe how easily you're breezing through this
  • IcyCoolDudeDoodleIcyCoolDudeDoodle Member Posts: 587 ★★
    I just saw this and I hope it's been a blast for you! I also hope your masters went well. TBH you're so good you barely struggle. 'Barrier' is not even a word in your dictionary. Good Luck with finishing Act 7! May the ISO be with you...

    And RNG too....

    Read More
  • IcyCoolDudeDoodleIcyCoolDudeDoodle Member Posts: 587 ★★
    So.... can we call these disagree spammers stalkers?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Week 24, 25 and 26

    I haven't really been doing much with the account recently just because I've been waiting for 7.4! I've been revive farming a bit here and there, but not loads. I've been doing side quest though!

    The main updates to provide here are just pulls, and a few rank ups. So lets get into it!

    I pulled a mutant awakening gem which is my second one, so I'm really debating giving it to
    Apoc. As an R5 champion, he's one of my top champs and it may very well save me some health potions in my final push for Act 7. I can't see myself pulling 2 mutants I need to use gems on before I complete Act 7. Anyone have any thoughts?

    Next we move onto the Mojo side quest big spend, where we could splurge on the store.

    I opened some side quest cavs and got...

    forgot to screenshot, duped Captain America OG 6*

    Not much to celebrate, the ISO is lovely though! Can’t complain about a 6*

    Next we come to 5 5* crystals that I opened in bulk, and wow oh wow oh wow... Prepare your eyes for some *filthy* luck.

    Hercules is an absolute game changer obviously, he is gonna be such an MVP for Act 7 completion. I used a cosmic awakening on him right away and dumped my sigs into him. Sorry corvus, the times of you being an obvious choice for that has gone for me. Thor rags and IMIW are cool, but won't be getting ranked at the late stage of the challenge.

    I went for a mythic crystal from the selector over the 6* shards. In my view, there were still 5* champions that are valuable to me, so why not go for a guaranteed champion instead of (I think) 6k shards. Plus there's a chance of a 6* anyway!

    Clearly not a win, but was the right call for sure.

    I then rank 5d my Tigra and took Herc to rank 4 sig 139. Both ready to crush some 7.4!!

    Moving onto the next months side quest, I had some pretty nice luck with some Cavs

    I am *reeaaally* tempted to rank him up, I think he's awesome and I haven't had much experience with him but I'm just not sure if I'll have the materials to get him up there in time for 7.4. There's a chance, but for now I'm holding off.

    Next up, one hell of a useful pull from a 5* crystal...

    That is just such good news, the dupe on tigra is immense and I would have easily used a generic on her. Not many sigs unfortunately but as they've been used on Herc I really cannot complain. All my mystic ones have been given to her though!

    The last part of this update is a 6* crystal, I was really just hoping for someone useful in 7.4 - but not an incredible amount of pressure, seeing as I have an amazing roster ready to tackle it!

    This is one of, if not the, last 6*s I'll open before 7.4...

    Overall, incredibly happy with him. Firstly, a lovely synergy with Tigra, also bleed and poison immunity is fantastic. He has little bits and pieces of useful utility as well, and decent damage. He won't be carrying me, but is by no means a bad pull.

    Notable pulls
    6* Cap OG
    6* Dragon Man
    5* Hercules
    5* red skull
    5* Tigra awakening
    5* Corvus
    5* Green Goblin
    5* Thor Ragnarok

    Notable Rank Ups
    Tigra to Rank 5
    Hercules to Rank 4

    As for T5CC Tracker, it’s the same as last week, but also not needed now that there’s going to be a 2-3 gem for Act 7 completion!

    Plan for Next Week

    I am going to be revive grinding most of the week. On Wednesday when it drops I’ll be doing it on my main account, so I won’t be able to even touch 7.4 on my mini until likely the weekend. So I won’t do an update next week, but I will do one the week after, when *hopefully*, I’ll be able to update you guys on the completion of 7.4 and the end of the challenge!!

    I may get held up, need more revives, need a counter etc so touch wood everything will be alright. But damn, I’m excited! 7.4 can’t come quickly enough!!

    At the end of Week 26, this is what the roster looks like

  • Ace2319Ace2319 Member Posts: 619 ★★★
    I used a gem on apoc and it didn’t do much for me. But since you have two and the challenge is almost over I would go ahead and use it on him.

    Super jelly of that dragon man. He’s so satisfying to play but I don’t have him above a 4*
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Team is looking spicy
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    This account now has pulled apoc AND Hercules before me…. 😭😭😭

    Are there any other champs you haven’t pulled? I’m gonna add them to my list of champs I want:D
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Ace2319 said:

    I used a gem on apoc and it didn’t do much for me. But since you have two and the challenge is almost over I would go ahead and use it on him.

    Super jelly of that dragon man. He’s so satisfying to play but I don’t have him above a 4*

    That’s what I was thinking, thanks for the advice!!

    Dragon man is actually really fun to play! I took him to r3 on my main for defence
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    Sort of feel I need to get 'Thronebreaker' now, since I am level 60 and have rank3 6* in my roster.. just too lazy and intimidated in trying to get thru initial run of Act6.. after I got 'Cavalier' title which some of my alliance mates did.. I accomplished it in 5days.. but with inconsistent play and cramping fingers.. unitman was my MVP.. not sure if when I can get 'Thronebreaker' but I will in my own pace.
  • edited March 2022
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