Act 7 Chapter 4: Kangdom Come - Out Now!



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  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 716 ★★★★

    mcyeezuz said:

    mcyeezuz said:

    It's incredible how you can get an R4 from this content and y'all complaining about RNG. If you don't have several options for an R4 but the time you've 100% act 7, you've done something wrong.

    Unpopular opinion 😂😂
    Of course it's unpopular. Everyone with underdeveloped rosters wants generics.
    I’d have to say with your r4 silver centurion, you don’t want a generic within the rewards because it’ll invalidate all the money spent to r4 your current champ. I’ve got a pretty developed 6* roster and champs in every class to r4 if I wanted. I just think that a generic r4 gem is more appropriate than a crystal because I’m taking my time to complete content. If I were to spend money, heck I frankly wouldn’t care if it was a generic or crystal, im bypassing the work that it takes to complete content for a r4.
    No it wouldn't. I wouldn't change a single thing. I have a list of champs from each class that I would take to r4 with the gem.
    Skill- Jabari
    Science- Rhulk or HT.
    Mutant- Apoc
    Mystic- Doom
    Cosmic- Knull
    Tech- Nimrod or Omega Sentinel
    This is my roster of R3's and R2's. Having a developed roster means I have choices and it truly doesn't matter which class I get because I'd be happy with any of them at R4. You're not tackling the Abyss here either. It's not like Act 7 is this mountain of the most difficult content in the game. They nerfed the difficulty into the ground due to Act 6. Much of Act 6 is still harder than anything in Act 7.

    Well, not everyone have your luck, development is not just rank up champs, it's just getting a Lot of luck in RNG to get good options to make a good account.

    I can understand why You like that gem, just look your roster.

    I Will not rank up My duped Howard the duck You know
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  • mcyeezuzmcyeezuz Member Posts: 115

    mcyeezuz said:

    mcyeezuz said:

    It's incredible how you can get an R4 from this content and y'all complaining about RNG. If you don't have several options for an R4 but the time you've 100% act 7, you've done something wrong.

    Unpopular opinion 😂😂
    Of course it's unpopular. Everyone with underdeveloped rosters wants generics.
    I’d have to say with your r4 silver centurion, you don’t want a generic within the rewards because it’ll invalidate all the money spent to r4 your current champ.
    That’s an… odd opinion. How would it invalidate having a previous R4 by getting another one?
    Wouldn’t be too fair for the f2p community to have access to a generic 3-4 just yet, right? What would the point be of spending if the most exclusive rewards are given out already? Discouraging the whales. I bet you spring cleaning or July 4th there will be a generic 3-4 gem offered.. catering to the whales.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★

    DrDrill said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    it's not 'giving', it's earning, since you have to complete 24 maps total to earn it.
    in fact, they already 'gave' people who spent tons of money 5 or 6 r4 6* champions of their choice
    meh, it's not like you're doing act 6 here, it's act 7, pretty simple content
    Could be simple, but it's time, we Will get a totally new complex boss.

    Can't understand how people are happy about a RNG high level content.

    I know that is "free" content, but the Wales got +4 rank 4 with gifting event.
    What a strange concept. Spend a lot of money on the game. To keep the game alive. And get more than the people that do not spend that money. Definetly should be the other way around. I want whales to pay for my rewards, and I want it now!
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 716 ★★★★
    Well, in conclusion.

    This is the end for a really great act, i Will take part for all resources to My Kitty Pride.

    Good luck with 3-4 gem for all exploration players. :smile:
  • SarcasticTaurusSarcasticTaurus Member Posts: 446 ★★★
    No progression title? Or will one will be added after the fact, sneaky Kabam??
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,816 ★★★★★
    mcyeezuz said:

    mcyeezuz said:

    It's incredible how you can get an R4 from this content and y'all complaining about RNG. If you don't have several options for an R4 but the time you've 100% act 7, you've done something wrong.

    Unpopular opinion 😂😂
    Of course it's unpopular. Everyone with underdeveloped rosters wants generics.
    I’d have to say with your r4 silver centurion, you don’t want a generic within the rewards because it’ll invalidate all the money spent to r4 your current champ. I’ve got a pretty developed 6* roster and champs in every class to r4 if I wanted. I just think that a generic r4 gem is more appropriate than a crystal because I’m taking my time to complete content. If I were to spend money, heck I frankly wouldn’t care if it was a generic or crystal, im bypassing the work that it takes to complete content for a r4.
    Also, I took my SC to R4 despite all the other options in my roster. I took him to R4 over Apoc, Doom, Ghost, Corvus and even Hercules. Having all the resources to R4 a champ is the same as having a generic. I chose S.C because to me, he's awesome and I enjoy playing him over the other standard God Tiers.
  • RicoShayRicoShay Member Posts: 254 ★★★

    DrDrill said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    it's not 'giving', it's earning, since you have to complete 24 maps total to earn it.
    in fact, they already 'gave' people who spent tons of money 5 or 6 r4 6* champions of their choice
    meh, it's not like you're doing act 6 here, it's act 7, pretty simple content
    Could be simple, but it's time, we Will get a totally new complex boss.

    Can't understand how people are happy about a RNG high level content.

    I know that is "free" content, but the Wales got +4 rank 4 with gifting event.
    What a strange concept. Spend a lot of money on the game. To keep the game alive. And get more than the people that do not spend that money. Definetly should be the other way around. I want whales to pay for my rewards, and I want it now!
    That's not even remotely connected to the comment they made. Players who spend and players who don't that reach the point of act 7 exploration have put a lot of time and dedication into it regardless of the $$$ you put into the game. Pay to win players should be given more choice over FTP, that I can agree on but at the same time you cast aside the idea that their time can all come down to one bad roll over. Time is also valuable and nobody, regardless of money spent wants it to come down to rng
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  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,958 ★★★★★
    This new Dex paradox is honestly pretty bad. Dex is uncontrollable sometimes especially when baiting. I wish there was something controllable like “Paradox 4th light attack”
  • PelusoPeluso Member Posts: 4
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,338 ★★★★★
    did they get rid of the Paradox Debuff thing or not? I already voiced a lot of feedback against it and just the paradox implementation in general but I could manage the rest of them .. the debuff one just made zero sense and wasn't executed well.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,338 ★★★★★
    the paradox paths were easily the worst of the content to deal with. i also hope they've removed any paradox related shenanigans with the final Kang fight.
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    I am rather dissapointed these are actually good rewards. Now I cannot make a this is an illusion joke for free upvotes.
    Good job though Kabam!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★

    The 1x 6-Star Rank-Up Gem 3 -> 4 Crystal is a joke
    Change it for the generic we deserve it for all BUGS you haven't fixit

    Rewards are earned, not defaulted. A 3-4 Gem is insanely valuable at any Class.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 988 ★★★★
    Finally! Glad to see the rewards look worthwhile. Can't wait for next week
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    I kinda knew that the 3-4 gem wouldn’t be a generic but a crystal. Called it a while back.
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