Act 7 Chapter 4: Kangdom Come - Out Now!



  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,696 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    Woof, man. @RicoShay I wasn’t making any assumptions on your account. I was genuinely asking. If you look at my post history on here, you’ll see that I generally try to help and direct people towards solutions to the problems they run into. We are in a public forum and you were not the only person voicing a similar opinion, so I just used your quote to start my thought because you spelled out the position the most thoroughly. Honestly, I thought you were being well-spoken on the matter, I just had a different conclusion.

    I’ll admit that the “what a concept” bit at the end wasn’t super productive, but I’d seen so many people act like this was obviously deeply flawed and some cruel trick by Kabam, rather than a reasonable development choice, that I wanted to speak to it.

    I’m not going to get into a personal verbal sparring match with you here, but since you clearly took time to (incorrectly) research me in game, you’re welcome to keep yelling at me in a direct message.
    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    Woof, man. @RicoShay I wasn’t making any assumptions on your account. I was genuinely asking. If you look at my post history on here, you’ll see that I generally try to help and direct people towards solutions to the problems they run into. We are in a public forum and you were not the only person voicing a similar opinion, so I just used your quote to start my thought because you spelled out the position the most thoroughly. Honestly, I thought you were being well-spoken on the matter, I just had a different conclusion.

    I’ll admit that the “what a concept” bit at the end wasn’t super productive, but I’d seen so many people act like this was obviously deeply flawed and some cruel trick by Kabam, rather than a reasonable development choice, that I wanted to speak to it.

    I’m not going to get into a personal verbal sparring match with you here, but since you clearly took time to (incorrectly) research me in game, you’re welcome to keep yelling at me in a direct message.
    It’s hard to pick out tone @Wicket329 through a message but I meant no harm. I don’t want to come across as an angry or dominant person. I reflexed poorly and that’s on me. More or less I shouldn’t be taking my anger out on random people on the internet. No hard feelings man. I’ll take responsibility for my words
    All good, no harm done! I appreciate the response.
    RicoShay said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Angela is amazing. A very worthy r4. Complaining about r4 Angela is like the lady with a Virginia ham under one arm complaining because she has no bread
    Angela is amazing and that’s why I have her at r3 but I don’t see substantial reasons she would outclass another champ at r4. She works as a r3 whereas void or kingpin greatly benefit from the extra rank up. More or less I can think of better options especially because I want to be competitive in battlegrounds when it releases officially
    Totally get that, Angela’s a banger but she already has her damage and sustainability. The extra rank doesn’t go as far on her. If I were to pull a cosmic r4 gem, I think it’d go to either Surfer (who I will die on the hill of him being criminally underrated and so much more than a prestige champ), or go the complete opposite direction and go with Hyperion, who I have just always loved and finally got lucky enough to pull.

    But as a general rule, I try to prioritize the utility champs with mediocre damage over the big flashy numbers champs. I’m playing with the idea of taking Psylocke to r4 if I pull a mutant, just to watch the world burn.
  • ElMelloiElMelloi Member Posts: 101
    the rewards are great
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    The rewards are looking good but the 3-4 gem would have been generic would not have broken anything most people were looking forward to R4 their favorite champ, leaving it in the hands of RNG can make the entire run salty or great. Well good job though I hope the Kang fight is fun.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    The rewards are looking good but the 3-4 gem would have been generic would not have broken anything most people were looking forward to R4 their favorite champ, leaving it in the hands of RNG can make the entire run salty or great. Well good job though I hope the Kang fight is fun.

    Have a favorite champ in each class 😉
  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
    I’m probably not saying anything new here but I’m very disappointed in Kabam. I’ve been vouching for them and hyping up the new content just to see the typical dry ass path rewards. Not an ounce of T3A and T6B which will soon get shoved down our throats when the next title comes out, as if this one has been so great at doing anything other than piss off cavaliers. I initially thought kabam was making a player friendly move with a generic rank 4 gem but of course we were all wrong. Now if I waved a $100 bill in front of there face it would be a different story. Let’s also not forget that upgrading a 6 star champion from 2-3 is only a 12% increase but I’m supposed to care for some odd reason even though the truth is the 6 stars need to be rank 4 in order to make a real difference from rank 2. And now it’s all going to be left to CEO MIIKE! Wonderful, great work
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  • HSenpaiHSenpai Member Posts: 92
    is there any mythic or legend title for the first exploration?
  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
    @Demonzfyre don’t worry about it. It’s not for you
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,800 ★★★★★
    HSenpai said:

    is there any mythic or legend title for the first exploration?

  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
    @Demonzfyre i also wouldn’t say that none of the rewards are good I would probably give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars. But the gem is incredibly deflating and I think it’s actually being downplayed IF the next title requires a rank 4 6 star. But the rank 3 gems are good, the shards are meh, gold is mid, everything else is decent.
  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
    Oh almost forgot about the awakening gems. Those are excellent of course
  • 30ish30ish Member Posts: 177 ★★
    I hope ‘KABAM’ will listen to an average* player base (mid-size champion roster). Not everyone have buffed up roster.

    Just a suggestion from community:- it will be of great help to community if KABAM will revert the [3-4 rank up gem crystal to 3-4 GENERIC GEM] + a boost in exploration reward of ACT 7.4 (as it’s similar to ACT7.3).

    We don’t expect much but all this grinding of story content & the effort we all put in to clear this upcoming content.

    Appreciate for everything to KABAM
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    GOTG said:

    Huge dissapointment.
    In the end typical Kabam appeared again and they back down from giving us really good rewards. You guys are afraid of what? Making us happy? Why not generic 3->4 rank up gem?

    I'm sorry but what? Because it's not a generic 3-4 gem, none of it is good rewards? Pathetic.
    Its still good, but not as good as what they planned to do and it a huge difference between good and great.
    They cant give out great reward even if they are not game changer. Yes, sorry its not game changer in any mean so why did they back down? Afraid of what?
  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
    @GOTG I don’t think they’re afraid I just think they know people will accept there stinginess. Maybe they don’t want everyone rank 4’ing the same people. Either way this doesn’t make sense to me. We are fighting and pushing through exploration essentially for THIS reward. We should be able to earn the right to anoint whomever we want once we’ve reached the summit.
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  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    @GOTG I don’t think they’re afraid I just think they know people will accept there stinginess. Maybe they don’t want everyone rank 4’ing the same people. Either way this doesn’t make sense to me. We are fighting and pushing through exploration essentially for THIS reward. We should be able to earn the right to anoint whomever we want once we’ve reached the summit.

    Sure, the problem here is I am ready to take a particular champ to rank 4 who I really want to rank 4 because I love him, now maybe RNG God will force me to rank 4 the least favorable one.

    Remember what they did to Abyss. Typical Kabam.
  • Jackd1989Jackd1989 Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    Also the rewards look good, it will probably be some time before I fully explore Act 7 but even the 1 time run rewards are decent for any account that can complete it
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Forward said:

    mcyeezuz said:

    It's incredible how you can get an R4 from this content and y'all complaining about RNG. If you don't have several options for an R4 but the time you've 100% act 7, you've done something wrong.

    Unpopular opinion 😂😂
    Of course it's unpopular. Everyone with underdeveloped rosters wants generics.
    I have 37 r3s and I want a generic. I don't want to settle on who I want to rank. I want it to be my choice after waiting over a year for these rewards.
    So go do the content that has catalysts in it. It exists, you just don't want to do it.
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