Act 7 Chapter 4: Kangdom Come - Out Now!



  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
    Except not everyone has reached act 7 or even completed act 6. So this isn’t benefitting everyone immediately, you know like that compensation that’s on the way sooner than later. And wish crystals are still going to be a thing too so unless someone can calculate how an item that is any better than what we are getting will harm the game I would love to see it.
  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★

    I am somewhat surprised that a new title hasn't been announced for completing 7.4, nor have I see anyone talking about the lack of it being announced.

    Is there something I am missing?

    I'm guessing that similar to TB, we might get a new title a few months from now with the requirements of act 7 completion and a r4 champion
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    @Demonzfyre Take a break man, you seem to be the one taking this too serious, you still here trying to convince people that they shouldn’t have “their” opinion for no reason. I hope this is your job because if not, you cant be in good standing with this much free time. Let people voice their opinion about Act 7 and let the devs decide the rest, the negative inputs do nothing, its cringe at this point.

    Ah the old "let others have a say but you don't say anything" phrase. Can you point out where I said someone can't have an opinion? Where did I try to convince someone not to have an opinion?

    So because my opinion doesn't match your opinion, mines the negative one?

    If you have every right to complain about some of the best rewards to difficulty we've ever seen, I have a right to respond. I'm not telling anyone they can't voice anything. You are.
    Where you ask? Every response after someone said improve the rewards.
    You complain about something that benefits everyone, how is that not negative? There’s nothing beneficial about what you are saying, so why complain at that point? It’s like me complaining that it’s cold in the winter but telling kids not to wear a jacket. Where’s the logic? Responding is fine but you made it your mission to quote a counter statement to every person you saw is all im saying, takes dedication man.
    I see. So respond but not with a counter argument. Respond but don't be negative. Respond but only to agree.

    Also, you didn't show me where I said someone can't have an opinion. Responding to someone isn't the samething.

    Forget it bro. Most people can’t handle opposing views.
  • LabibLabib Member Posts: 3
    H3t3r said:

    If I'm not mistaken we get 12 t5b and 12 t2a right?

    12 t5b and 24 t2a
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    @Demonzfyre Take a break man, you seem to be the one taking this too serious, you still here trying to convince people that they shouldn’t have “their” opinion for no reason. I hope this is your job because if not, you cant be in good standing with this much free time. Let people voice their opinion about Act 7 and let the devs decide the rest, the negative inputs do nothing, its cringe at this point.

    Ah the old "let others have a say but you don't say anything" phrase. Can you point out where I said someone can't have an opinion? Where did I try to convince someone not to have an opinion?

    So because my opinion doesn't match your opinion, mines the negative one?

    If you have every right to complain about some of the best rewards to difficulty we've ever seen, I have a right to respond. I'm not telling anyone they can't voice anything. You are.
    Where you ask? Every response after someone said improve the rewards.
    You complain about something that benefits everyone, how is that not negative? There’s nothing beneficial about what you are saying, so why complain at that point? It’s like me complaining that it’s cold in the winter but telling kids not to wear a jacket. Where’s the logic? Responding is fine but you made it your mission to quote a counter statement to every person you saw is all im saying, takes dedication man.
    I see. So respond but not with a counter argument. Respond but don't be negative. Respond but only to agree.

    Also, you didn't show me where I said someone can't have an opinion. Responding to someone isn't the samething.

    Forget it bro. Most people can’t handle opposing views.
    This is true.
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    Has anyone made a visual of the rewards?
  • TerrorTerror Member Posts: 34
    We deserve a generic r3 - r4 gem. For all this Bugs. Give us a generic kabam. Please
  • This content has been removed.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    mcyeezuz said:

    mcyeezuz said:

    It's incredible how you can get an R4 from this content and y'all complaining about RNG. If you don't have several options for an R4 but the time you've 100% act 7, you've done something wrong.

    Unpopular opinion 😂😂
    Of course it's unpopular. Everyone with underdeveloped rosters wants generics.
    I’d have to say with your r4 silver centurion, you don’t want a generic within the rewards because it’ll invalidate all the money spent to r4 your current champ. I’ve got a pretty developed 6* roster and champs in every class to r4 if I wanted. I just think that a generic r4 gem is more appropriate than a crystal because I’m taking my time to complete content. If I were to spend money, heck I frankly wouldn’t care if it was a generic or crystal, im bypassing the work that it takes to complete content for a r4.
    Also, I took my SC to R4 despite all the other options in my roster. I took him to R4 over Apoc, Doom, Ghost, Corvus and even Hercules. Having all the resources to R4 a champ is the same as having a generic. I chose S.C because to me, he's awesome and I enjoy playing him over the other standard God Tiers.
    How does this even contribute to your argument, you are discussing your roster which means nothing to others.
    It's in response to someone saying that a generic 3-4 gem would devalue my selection of Silver Centurion as my first R4. They are saying I want a gem over a generic because of that.

    But to your point, you want a generic based on your roster as well so... I guess your point goes for you too.
    No I want a generic based on the current released rewards in other parts of the game and if you want a lesser reward just for the sake of your opinion you are just weird, sorry. it’s pointless for you to argue that people want rewards based on their roster when there’s literally a such thing as a favorite champ. I have plenty of options to R4 from all classes so i dont get your argument. You are just clashing against people making a valid statement without any reasonable points. So far you haven’t stated anything relevant to others.
    Act 7 isn't anywhere near the difficulty that would warrant a generic of the rarest resource in the game. It doesn't even warrant a 3-4 crystal either. If Act 7 difficulty kept the trajectory it was originally stated, sure, I'd be all for a generic but for cakewalk content that people beat in a couple days, no, it doesn't need a generic.
    Then tell me what will a generic 3-4 do to hurt your account or anyone else’s? If your answer is nothing or some irrelevant excuse then your point is invalid. Who are you to even state what’s considered hard enough to warrant a reward? I bought an odin a while back for 100 bucks and all it took was the swipe of a card for 3k and units, it sure wasn't hard compared to those that spent hours in arena farming to get the same amount, you are making no sense dude.
    It doesn't do anything to hurt mine or anyone elses but that's not the point. Rewards should match the difficulty of the content they come from.
    You haven't played 7.4 as presently constructed. How do you know how hard it is? The new Kang boss can be harder than act 6.2 champion boss. That's an absurd comment before it drops. No one cares about your measly 30 plus r3 champions. Some of us compete for prestige so class matters.
    I was in the beta and have been in every single act 7 beta. Very little changes from beta to release other than map and defender changes. The only big change from beta was 7.2 and the mercy/sabertooth fight.

    Kabam said they weren't making story content like act 6 and act 7 hasn't been any harder than act 6. It's not restrictive and has tons of nodes to help players. They even buffed the paradox charges to make it easier.

    Kang could be a hard boss but that won't make up for how easy act 7 has been overall compared to the nightmare fights in act 6.

    I don't know why you're commenting on my roster. I wasn't saying anything about my r3s and my r4. Ive only commented that a generic r4 gem doesn't match the progression nor the difficulty of act 7. Even a class r4 gem doesn't.

    I'm sure you're busting at the seams to tell us all about your top 20 AQ alliance and how you're in a prestige race. You aren't and you'll never catch the top even with a generic.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    So you did the 4* star lord lab run without a single unit?
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    mcyeezuz said:

    mcyeezuz said:

    It's incredible how you can get an R4 from this content and y'all complaining about RNG. If you don't have several options for an R4 but the time you've 100% act 7, you've done something wrong.

    Unpopular opinion 😂😂
    Of course it's unpopular. Everyone with underdeveloped rosters wants generics.
    I’d have to say with your r4 silver centurion, you don’t want a generic within the rewards because it’ll invalidate all the money spent to r4 your current champ. I’ve got a pretty developed 6* roster and champs in every class to r4 if I wanted. I just think that a generic r4 gem is more appropriate than a crystal because I’m taking my time to complete content. If I were to spend money, heck I frankly wouldn’t care if it was a generic or crystal, im bypassing the work that it takes to complete content for a r4.
    Also, I took my SC to R4 despite all the other options in my roster. I took him to R4 over Apoc, Doom, Ghost, Corvus and even Hercules. Having all the resources to R4 a champ is the same as having a generic. I chose S.C because to me, he's awesome and I enjoy playing him over the other standard God Tiers.
    How does this even contribute to your argument, you are discussing your roster which means nothing to others.
    It's in response to someone saying that a generic 3-4 gem would devalue my selection of Silver Centurion as my first R4. They are saying I want a gem over a generic because of that.

    But to your point, you want a generic based on your roster as well so... I guess your point goes for you too.
    No I want a generic based on the current released rewards in other parts of the game and if you want a lesser reward just for the sake of your opinion you are just weird, sorry. it’s pointless for you to argue that people want rewards based on their roster when there’s literally a such thing as a favorite champ. I have plenty of options to R4 from all classes so i dont get your argument. You are just clashing against people making a valid statement without any reasonable points. So far you haven’t stated anything relevant to others.
    Act 7 isn't anywhere near the difficulty that would warrant a generic of the rarest resource in the game. It doesn't even warrant a 3-4 crystal either. If Act 7 difficulty kept the trajectory it was originally stated, sure, I'd be all for a generic but for cakewalk content that people beat in a couple days, no, it doesn't need a generic.
    Then tell me what will a generic 3-4 do to hurt your account or anyone else’s? If your answer is nothing or some irrelevant excuse then your point is invalid. Who are you to even state what’s considered hard enough to warrant a reward? I bought an odin a while back for 100 bucks and all it took was the swipe of a card for 3k and units, it sure wasn't hard compared to those that spent hours in arena farming to get the same amount, you are making no sense dude.
    It doesn't do anything to hurt mine or anyone elses but that's not the point. Rewards should match the difficulty of the content they come from.
    You haven't played 7.4 as presently constructed. How do you know how hard it is? The new Kang boss can be harder than act 6.2 champion boss. That's an absurd comment before it drops. No one cares about your measly 30 plus r3 champions. Some of us compete for prestige so class matters.
    I was in the beta and have been in every single act 7 beta. Very little changes from beta to release other than map and defender changes. The only big change from beta was 7.2 and the mercy/sabertooth fight.

    Kabam said they weren't making story content like act 6 and act 7 hasn't been any harder than act 6. It's not restrictive and has tons of nodes to help players. They even buffed the paradox charges to make it easier.

    Kang could be a hard boss but that won't make up for how easy act 7 has been overall compared to the nightmare fights in act 6.

    I don't know why you're commenting on my roster. I wasn't saying anything about my r3s and my r4. Ive only commented that a generic r4 gem doesn't match the progression nor the difficulty of act 7. Even a class r4 gem doesn't.

    I'm sure you're busting at the seams to tell us all about your top 20 AQ alliance and how you're in a prestige race. You aren't and you'll never catch the top even with a generic.
    Just because you're incapable of being at the top don't project that onto me.

    Your kabam praise simply annoys me to no end. I personally think the rewards are good but I understand competing from a prestige perspective that your commentary sorely misses.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Wihtout units is easy. It's without items that's the hard part
    Its the same argument saying Brian Grant was free to play yet he spent hundreds of hours in arena lol. Technically I didn't spend any units yet I farmed revives for a month lol. I guess lol. Time is money.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    @Demonzfyre Take a break man, you seem to be the one taking this too serious, you still here trying to convince people that they shouldn’t have “their” opinion for no reason. I hope this is your job because if not, you cant be in good standing with this much free time. Let people voice their opinion about Act 7 and let the devs decide the rest, the negative inputs do nothing, its cringe at this point.

    Ah the old "let others have a say but you don't say anything" phrase. Can you point out where I said someone can't have an opinion? Where did I try to convince someone not to have an opinion?

    So because my opinion doesn't match your opinion, mines the negative one?

    If you have every right to complain about some of the best rewards to difficulty we've ever seen, I have a right to respond. I'm not telling anyone they can't voice anything. You are.
    Where you ask? Every response after someone said improve the rewards.
    You complain about something that benefits everyone, how is that not negative? There’s nothing beneficial about what you are saying, so why complain at that point? It’s like me complaining that it’s cold in the winter but telling kids not to wear a jacket. Where’s the logic? Responding is fine but you made it your mission to quote a counter statement to every person you saw is all im saying, takes dedication man.
    Define benefit. The health of the game itself depends in part on the balance of Resources. Especially when we're discussing the highest Rank. People like to think that a Generic benefits people and has no effect on the game, but what they don't realize is just because people get what they want, that doesn't make it harmless.
    The introduction of any new Rank shifts a number of systems. Balance among Classes, War, AQ, the Arena, the value of Resources themselves, on and on. We don't play in a vacuum. It's an interdependent system where one thing affects the other. Some effects are too small to cause any significant effect. Others, like making R4s mainstream, have a large effect.
    Bypassing the entire RNG factor while introducing R4s on that scale is a pretty extreme adjustment to the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Then you have to consider the total Rewards on top of the Gem in question. Things need to be scaled.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives. I just don't think hours of grinding free revives is anything to brag about.

    Was I over the top? Sure. I just don't like the implication that theres no price to pay to complete Carina.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Wihtout units is easy. It's without items that's the hard part
    Its the same argument saying Brian Grant was free to play yet he spent hundreds of hours in arena lol. Technically I didn't spend any units yet I farmed revives for a month lol. I guess lol. Time is money.
    "Time is money" what a cop out to avoid a real response. You don't get paid to pay, time is not money in MCOC.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Wihtout units is easy. It's without items that's the hard part
    Its the same argument saying Brian Grant was free to play yet he spent hundreds of hours in arena lol. Technically I didn't spend any units yet I farmed revives for a month lol. I guess lol. Time is money.
    "Time is money" what a cop out to avoid a real response. You don't get paid to pay, time is not money in MCOC.
    If you're a YouTuber you do. I don't know what leaps of logic you reached to make that statement.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
    If someone says I did X content without units, and you say liar, then they say I only used revives I grinded. You do not get out of that by saying something along the lines of “I don’t consider grinding anything to brag about”.

    That’s not what Pseudo said. They said they didn’t use a single unit, which is absolutely true. You wrongly inferred they meant no cost, which is what you got uppity about. Apologise and move on, instead of doubling down on a point everyone else can see you’ve got horribly wrong.

    Revives you have grinded is clearly different to units, no matter how many times you say someone isn’t telling the truth, or claim your time is money in a FTP mobile game.
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