Act 7 Chapter 4: Kangdom Come - Out Now!



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Wihtout units is easy. It's without items that's the hard part
    Its the same argument saying Brian Grant was free to play yet he spent hundreds of hours in arena lol. Technically I didn't spend any units yet I farmed revives for a month lol. I guess lol. Time is money.
    "Time is money" what a cop out to avoid a real response. You don't get paid to pay, time is not money in MCOC.
    If you're a YouTuber you do. I don't know what leaps of logic you reached to make that statement.
    You're not paid to play the game, you're paid to out content up on YouTube. Any content your viewers watch and only if you can get monatized. There are 100s and 100s of hours out in that aren't on video as well that we never see from YouTube personalities. Kabam doesn't pay you to play, YouTube does and only if you upload. And here I thought I was dealing with someone who had a clue.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
    If someone says I did X content without units, and you say liar, then they say I only used revives I grinded. You do not get out of that by saying something along the lines of “I don’t consider grinding anything to brag about”.

    That’s not what Pseudo said. They said they didn’t use a single unit, which is absolutely true. You wrongly inferred they meant no cost, which is what you got uppity about. Apologise and move on, instead of doubling down on a point everyone else can see you’ve got horribly wrong.

    Revives you have grinded is clearly different to units, no matter how many times you say someone isn’t telling the truth, or claim your time is money in a FTP mobile game.
    I'm not apologizing and I stand by what I said. If you want to get the last word, I'm no longer commenting on this issue.
  • RicoShayRicoShay Member Posts: 254 ★★★
    Should make a new thread at this point and start complaining there. A few pages back you two were telling me off for being off-topic and making accusations that weren't merited. I agree with the accusation portion and my double down was pathetic I admit but you know little to nothing about my intentions and furthermore approached it as immaturely as you have with recent comments. you both (Bitter and Demonz) really enjoy a little gang up mentality when it comes to conversation on the forums. Taking it a little far at this point and if I was the one to damage either of your reputations, you're doing a mighty fine job yourselves doing the exact same thing. I doubt that there is any way to really make money on MCOC as a content creator unless you already have content creator status or stream regularly. As for the point at hand, most people don't have a disposable 6 - 9 hours of their day to just grind arenas and realistically speaking you can't farm 80 revives for the abyss carina's challenges to do it completely "unitless". You can spend your units on refills and farm 3.2.6 to circumvent the point at hand but really it's practically impossible to do any of the abyss type challenges without a level of unit expenditure. As for monetisation, you need a regular viewer base and subscriber count to monetise a channel. Bitter only has about 400-500 subs and even if you were to monetise I doubt you'd be making it par with a real job. As for the comment on 7.4 final boss being easy; hilarious honestly. Nobody has had the ability to test them on live servers so your assumption is only a guess at this point. Yes, their kit looks almost enjoyable to play against but you have no measure for how easy it is. Furthermore, I can see why you object to the idea of a basic 3-4 gem and that's down to the idea of gatekeeping the r4 that you put some of your hard earned cash into. Just because you got your r4 doesn't mean you should go against any opinion that says others should get the choice as well. Consider yourself lucky in the sense that you get another r4 on top of the one you got given free choice over. Go touch some grass for literally everyone in this forum post chain. Kinda pitiful to see that this is your life at this point
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
    If someone says I did X content without units, and you say liar, then they say I only used revives I grinded. You do not get out of that by saying something along the lines of “I don’t consider grinding anything to brag about”.

    That’s not what Pseudo said. They said they didn’t use a single unit, which is absolutely true. You wrongly inferred they meant no cost, which is what you got uppity about. Apologise and move on, instead of doubling down on a point everyone else can see you’ve got horribly wrong.

    Revives you have grinded is clearly different to units, no matter how many times you say someone isn’t telling the truth, or claim your time is money in a FTP mobile game.
    I'm not apologizing and I stand by what I said. If you want to get the last word, I'm no longer commenting on this issue.
    I haven't seen anything this embarrassing since "why is Spidey evading Venom on buffet node" were a thing.
    Everything you say on here is a joke. If it were up to you Kabam wouldn't make any pro player moves outside of the few betas you properly critique. If Kabam gave us no awakening gem and no 3 to 4 r4 crystal you'd still say rewards are perfect.

    Like I said, I think the rewards are great. My roster allows me to have a good rankup in any class but a generic would mean a lot more to fanbase given the comments.
    I think the r4 gem is fine, a bit overkill but fine. Everything else is on par with what should be in there.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
    If someone says I did X content without units, and you say liar, then they say I only used revives I grinded. You do not get out of that by saying something along the lines of “I don’t consider grinding anything to brag about”.

    That’s not what Pseudo said. They said they didn’t use a single unit, which is absolutely true. You wrongly inferred they meant no cost, which is what you got uppity about. Apologise and move on, instead of doubling down on a point everyone else can see you’ve got horribly wrong.

    Revives you have grinded is clearly different to units, no matter how many times you say someone isn’t telling the truth, or claim your time is money in a FTP mobile game.
    I'm not apologizing and I stand by what I said. If you want to get the last word, I'm no longer commenting on this issue.
    I haven't seen anything this embarrassing since "why is Spidey evading Venom on buffet node" were a thing.
    Everything you say on here is a joke. If it were up to you Kabam wouldn't make any pro player moves outside of the few betas you properly critique. If Kabam gave us no awakening gem and no 3 to 4 r4 crystal you'd still say rewards are perfect.

    Like I said, I think the rewards are great. My roster allows me to have a good rankup in any class but a generic would mean a lot more to fanbase given the comments.
    That's a very dangerous slope. If they add Rewards just to appease people and don't do things with caution like making R4s mainstream (in a way like this), that's more negligent than having ongoing issues.
    I stopped believing all that slippery slope mess and breaking the game after all the items they put into the gifting event. If you spent a certain amount you could gain more rewards than all the content in a year combined.
    They were also limited. Only a certain number of people gained Rewards that significant. This is permanent content that anyone can do, at least anyone capable. Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars people had to spend to get them. There are always limiting factors.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,639 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
    If someone says I did X content without units, and you say liar, then they say I only used revives I grinded. You do not get out of that by saying something along the lines of “I don’t consider grinding anything to brag about”.

    That’s not what Pseudo said. They said they didn’t use a single unit, which is absolutely true. You wrongly inferred they meant no cost, which is what you got uppity about. Apologise and move on, instead of doubling down on a point everyone else can see you’ve got horribly wrong.

    Revives you have grinded is clearly different to units, no matter how many times you say someone isn’t telling the truth, or claim your time is money in a FTP mobile game.
    I'm not apologizing and I stand by what I said. If you want to get the last word, I'm no longer commenting on this issue.
    I haven't seen anything this embarrassing since "why is Spidey evading Venom on buffet node" were a thing.
    Everything you say on here is a joke. If it were up to you Kabam wouldn't make any pro player moves outside of the few betas you properly critique. If Kabam gave us no awakening gem and no 3 to 4 r4 crystal you'd still say rewards are perfect.

    Like I said, I think the rewards are great. My roster allows me to have a good rankup in any class but a generic would mean a lot more to fanbase given the comments.
    That's a very dangerous slope. If they add Rewards just to appease people and don't do things with caution like making R4s mainstream (in a way like this), that's more negligent than having ongoing issues.
    I stopped believing all that slippery slope mess and breaking the game after all the items they put into the gifting event. If you spent a certain amount you could gain more rewards than all the content in a year combined.
    They were also limited. Only a certain number of people gained Rewards that significant. This is permanent content that anyone can do, at least anyone capable. Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars people had to spend to get them. There are always limiting factors.
    Genuinely curious how a generic gem makes it negligent in comparison to a class gem. I know kabam won’t change rewards now and neither do I want them to, but just curious why this will be bad for the game?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
    If someone says I did X content without units, and you say liar, then they say I only used revives I grinded. You do not get out of that by saying something along the lines of “I don’t consider grinding anything to brag about”.

    That’s not what Pseudo said. They said they didn’t use a single unit, which is absolutely true. You wrongly inferred they meant no cost, which is what you got uppity about. Apologise and move on, instead of doubling down on a point everyone else can see you’ve got horribly wrong.

    Revives you have grinded is clearly different to units, no matter how many times you say someone isn’t telling the truth, or claim your time is money in a FTP mobile game.
    I'm not apologizing and I stand by what I said. If you want to get the last word, I'm no longer commenting on this issue.
    I haven't seen anything this embarrassing since "why is Spidey evading Venom on buffet node" were a thing.
    Everything you say on here is a joke. If it were up to you Kabam wouldn't make any pro player moves outside of the few betas you properly critique. If Kabam gave us no awakening gem and no 3 to 4 r4 crystal you'd still say rewards are perfect.

    Like I said, I think the rewards are great. My roster allows me to have a good rankup in any class but a generic would mean a lot more to fanbase given the comments.
    That's a very dangerous slope. If they add Rewards just to appease people and don't do things with caution like making R4s mainstream (in a way like this), that's more negligent than having ongoing issues.
    I stopped believing all that slippery slope mess and breaking the game after all the items they put into the gifting event. If you spent a certain amount you could gain more rewards than all the content in a year combined.
    They were also limited. Only a certain number of people gained Rewards that significant. This is permanent content that anyone can do, at least anyone capable. Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars people had to spend to get them. There are always limiting factors.
    Genuinely curious how a generic gem makes it negligent in comparison to a class gem. I know kabam won’t change rewards now and neither do I want them to, but just curious why this will be bad for the game?
    There's a certain amount of balance over time that RNG provides. I know many people may disagree with that, but RNG provides time for the game to adjust.
    Let's take Peni for example. She's a powerful Defender. If every person who finished Act 7 took Peni to R4, that would make War a hell of a time.
    Now, that's just a loose example and I'm sure the odds are pretty good that people have OP Champs of each Class in their arsenal. However, waiting on the same Class for the same Champ is something that RNG provides. That allows the game to grow into the influx of R4s.
    We've seen the habits of Players. Undoubtedly people would take the same Champ(s) to R4. That's an imbalance. Not only for the game itself, but the Players as well.
    RNG provides a balancing factor that spreads over time. Eventually people will have more Resources and make different choices, but if it wasn't for the RNG buffer, the game would need to take a very different turn because of the aftereffects.
    There may be some OP, some decent, and some bad options, but without those other options, you have a game that is pushed into rebalancing because all the R4s are the same OP Champs.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,639 ★★★★★

    Graves_3 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
    If someone says I did X content without units, and you say liar, then they say I only used revives I grinded. You do not get out of that by saying something along the lines of “I don’t consider grinding anything to brag about”.

    That’s not what Pseudo said. They said they didn’t use a single unit, which is absolutely true. You wrongly inferred they meant no cost, which is what you got uppity about. Apologise and move on, instead of doubling down on a point everyone else can see you’ve got horribly wrong.

    Revives you have grinded is clearly different to units, no matter how many times you say someone isn’t telling the truth, or claim your time is money in a FTP mobile game.
    I'm not apologizing and I stand by what I said. If you want to get the last word, I'm no longer commenting on this issue.
    I haven't seen anything this embarrassing since "why is Spidey evading Venom on buffet node" were a thing.
    Everything you say on here is a joke. If it were up to you Kabam wouldn't make any pro player moves outside of the few betas you properly critique. If Kabam gave us no awakening gem and no 3 to 4 r4 crystal you'd still say rewards are perfect.

    Like I said, I think the rewards are great. My roster allows me to have a good rankup in any class but a generic would mean a lot more to fanbase given the comments.
    That's a very dangerous slope. If they add Rewards just to appease people and don't do things with caution like making R4s mainstream (in a way like this), that's more negligent than having ongoing issues.
    I stopped believing all that slippery slope mess and breaking the game after all the items they put into the gifting event. If you spent a certain amount you could gain more rewards than all the content in a year combined.
    They were also limited. Only a certain number of people gained Rewards that significant. This is permanent content that anyone can do, at least anyone capable. Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars people had to spend to get them. There are always limiting factors.
    Genuinely curious how a generic gem makes it negligent in comparison to a class gem. I know kabam won’t change rewards now and neither do I want them to, but just curious why this will be bad for the game?
    There's a certain amount of balance over time that RNG provides. I know many people may disagree with that, but RNG provides time for the game to adjust.
    Let's take Peni for example. She's a powerful Defender. If every person who finished Act 7 took Peni to R4, that would make War a hell of a time.
    Now, that's just a loose example and I'm sure the odds are pretty good that people have OP Champs of each Class in their arsenal. However, waiting on the same Class for the same Champ is something that RNG provides. That allows the game to grow into the influx of R4s.
    We've seen the habits of Players. Undoubtedly people would take the same Champ(s) to R4. That's an imbalance. Not only for the game itself, but the Players as well.
    RNG provides a balancing factor that spreads over time. Eventually people will have more Resources and make different choices, but if it wasn't for the RNG buffer, the game would need to take a very different turn because of the aftereffects.
    There may be some OP, some decent, and some bad options, but without those other options, you have a game that is pushed into rebalancing because all the R4s are the same OP Champs.
    For everybody to rank 4 only peni(or any of the other champs that you think others will all want to rank up), you are making a very big assumption that everyone who explores act 7 will have that particular champion as a six star. There is already RNG involved in champ acquisition which overcomes the fear that there will be 30 r4 peni Parker defenders in every single war(diversity be damned)
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    Make the R4 gem a nexus?

    Its not a generic but at least you get a good shot at a useful class to you.

    Moot point for me, I wont explore anytime soon but I felt self important and figured everyone absolutely must read my opinion.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    Graves_3 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Wicket329 said:

    RicoShay said:

    Malreck04 said:

    I don’t see the big deal. Giving a random class r4 gem seems like a much more natural progression to me than handing out a generic straightaway

    The issue is most players have champs they want to r4 and now they have to rank a specific class. I don't have any r4 cosmic options so pulling a cosmic gem means r4 angela or nobody. I'd rather have the choice to take up the champ I want after doing the complete exploration of this content. Still super happy with the rewards and I'm glad they stayed similar to the leaks. And I get why kabam went with a gem but it's slightly more annoying than upsetting
    Have you already 100% explored the rest of Act 7? Do you regularly explore EQ and side quests? Have you completed any or all of the Carina’s Challenges? Have you explored Abyss?

    There are so many ways to acquire champions in this game, and some of them even allow you to tailor your choice to a specific class. When I explored Abyss, I chose the tech nexus crystal because it was my weakest class. I didn’t get my first choice champion at the time, Guardian, but I did pull Guilly2099 and if I remember correctly she was my first tech r3.

    If you haven’t completed the prerequisite content to be eligible for these rewards (Act 7 exploration), then it’s far too early to be concerned about how the rewards might exclude you in some way.

    Also! There are enough r4 materials in game right now for FTP players to have an r4 6* champion. This does not have to be ANYBODY’s first r4, but it is (probably) the most easily accessible. If you don’t like the class gem you got and want to sit on it for a while until you get a champ you do want to rank up, you can do Carina’s Challenges to get the materials to rank anybody you want.

    tl;dr - if you want specific rewards, do content that gives those rewards. What a concept.
    I have 100% all previous act 7 content within 2 weeks of them releasing and 100% explore cavalier monthly and alternate between months with uncollected. I am currently finishing exploration of act 6 before I go into the abyss exploration and run out of questing content to do. I personally have opinions against the cosmic class so regardless of who I have (even herc) I wouldn't want the gem to r4 a cosmic champ which is why I have the opinion that the r4 should be generic. I understand carina's challenges allow for FTP players to r4 a champ but I am yet to see any FTP players complete the entire list of challenges and being a FTP myself I can see why not. We don't have our unit man fuelled with $$$. With the current state of the game, I think it is reasonable to ask for a generic r4. Looking into war and battlegrounds which I currently rank in the top 100 and have remained top 200 since the fix would know a thing or two about the champion meta and how a r4 can be account changing. You're one to talk about the r4's when you've been given the choice of who you ranked up which comes down to your excessive expenditure in the game. Not to mention your alliance in all of it's glory and prestige is still stuck in gold 2 so I'd reconsider who I give advice to when you've obviously got some work to do yourself in competitive modes. Maybe, just maybe the community is allowed to have opinions on a subject and they're allowed to voice those opinions. Maybe before assuming someone hasn't reached a certain point in the game you should find their name in-game and then make statements accordingly to the information you collect.

    tl;dr - The community can have an opinion on a subject and holds the right to voice the opinion. Don't make assumptions on players you clearly don't know very well. If you want to give advice, be good enough to actually back the point you support. "What a concept" ;)
    While I'm ambivalent to your arguments about a generic gem (have no opinions), the part about carina's challenges is pretty incorrect.
    My main account has 100ed the previous challenges without units, and im currently getting ready for act7 100% then go ahead and finish the new sets.
    You can say, hey, "im not good enough for Carina challenges", or "i'm too lazy to do the challenges", both these excuses would be true for you.
    Without any units? I don't believe you.
    Lol maybe you arent good enough is all. Or patient enough.
    I have teammates who have finished carinas 2.0 without using a single unit. Too bad you couldnt.
    I'm not patient enough. I just spend the units to finish it but the to LOL Carina with Star Lord and inhumans is virtually impossible to complete without spending units or having dozens of revives.
    Then why say you don’t believe someone and accuse them of lying when you admit yourself you’re not patient enough?

    If you have energy it’s easy to grind enough revives to fund runs costing 100 revives or more. Maybe next time ask how instead of accusing.
    I'm fully aware of how much people can grind and get free revives.
    Clearly you weren’t when you called @pseudosane a liar
    I guess if you want to ignore my explanation to make yourself feel better go for it.
    If someone says I did X content without units, and you say liar, then they say I only used revives I grinded. You do not get out of that by saying something along the lines of “I don’t consider grinding anything to brag about”.

    That’s not what Pseudo said. They said they didn’t use a single unit, which is absolutely true. You wrongly inferred they meant no cost, which is what you got uppity about. Apologise and move on, instead of doubling down on a point everyone else can see you’ve got horribly wrong.

    Revives you have grinded is clearly different to units, no matter how many times you say someone isn’t telling the truth, or claim your time is money in a FTP mobile game.
    I'm not apologizing and I stand by what I said. If you want to get the last word, I'm no longer commenting on this issue.
    I haven't seen anything this embarrassing since "why is Spidey evading Venom on buffet node" were a thing.
    Everything you say on here is a joke. If it were up to you Kabam wouldn't make any pro player moves outside of the few betas you properly critique. If Kabam gave us no awakening gem and no 3 to 4 r4 crystal you'd still say rewards are perfect.

    Like I said, I think the rewards are great. My roster allows me to have a good rankup in any class but a generic would mean a lot more to fanbase given the comments.
    That's a very dangerous slope. If they add Rewards just to appease people and don't do things with caution like making R4s mainstream (in a way like this), that's more negligent than having ongoing issues.
    I stopped believing all that slippery slope mess and breaking the game after all the items they put into the gifting event. If you spent a certain amount you could gain more rewards than all the content in a year combined.
    They were also limited. Only a certain number of people gained Rewards that significant. This is permanent content that anyone can do, at least anyone capable. Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars people had to spend to get them. There are always limiting factors.
    Genuinely curious how a generic gem makes it negligent in comparison to a class gem. I know kabam won’t change rewards now and neither do I want them to, but just curious why this will be bad for the game?
    There's a certain amount of balance over time that RNG provides. I know many people may disagree with that, but RNG provides time for the game to adjust.
    Let's take Peni for example. She's a powerful Defender. If every person who finished Act 7 took Peni to R4, that would make War a hell of a time.
    Now, that's just a loose example and I'm sure the odds are pretty good that people have OP Champs of each Class in their arsenal. However, waiting on the same Class for the same Champ is something that RNG provides. That allows the game to grow into the influx of R4s.
    We've seen the habits of Players. Undoubtedly people would take the same Champ(s) to R4. That's an imbalance. Not only for the game itself, but the Players as well.
    RNG provides a balancing factor that spreads over time. Eventually people will have more Resources and make different choices, but if it wasn't for the RNG buffer, the game would need to take a very different turn because of the aftereffects.
    There may be some OP, some decent, and some bad options, but without those other options, you have a game that is pushed into rebalancing because all the R4s are the same OP Champs.
    For everybody to rank 4 only peni(or any of the other champs that you think others will all want to rank up), you are making a very big assumption that everyone who explores act 7 will have that particular champion as a six star. There is already RNG involved in champ acquisition which overcomes the fear that there will be 30 r4 peni Parker defenders in every single war(diversity be damned)
    It was a crude example to make a point.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    about the rewards, I think they are alright. IF the content brings fun, then they achieved the goal. Do i wish it was generic r4? sure. A gem is fine as well, atleast less hand wringing about the champ you want to r4.
    I'd love more r4 materials in general, but I guess they put that into carina2.0 which I will work on after 7.4. Good to have some sort of a goal to work towards.
  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Guys, let's be real, it's unprecedented that we get an actual gem for the highest rank, something I expected in July 4th, and based on past trends, 7.4 will be much easier than what people are thinking it might be, which is 6.2. If the content is ridiculously hard, then I get why a class gem might not be enough. But we don't know yet, so can we halt all complaints till we actually play the content?
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    While I'm sure there will be some exceptions... nearly anyone able to explore act 7, should have a candidate in all the classes to rank up. It might not be your first pick (5 of the 6 won't be :-) ), but it won't be a waste or a disappointment for that reason.

    That is, unless this is your second r4, and you spin out the same class as your first... that could be infuriating... and about 1:6 people will have this happen (some people this will be their first if they don't spend much, others who spend a lot, might have 2 or 3 already, but most people exploring act 7 should be at 1, or so close, you should want to finish this one first, so when you finally get your 2nd, you are sure you don't pick the same class).

    I picked Doom first... and I can't say mystic would make my top 4 classes I want... but would I complain about "having to r4" Claire or one of the other mystics next? Probably not for more than 5 minutes. I'm more likely to complain if my war opponents keep banning my r4 champ, and thus if I got Science... while I'd love an r4 torch... I'd have a hard time picking him because of that, and that would actually be more infuriating.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    While I'm sure there will be some exceptions... nearly anyone able to explore act 7, should have a candidate in all the classes to rank up. It might not be your first pick (5 of the 6 won't be :-) ), but it won't be a waste or a disappointment for that reason.

    That is, unless this is your second r4, and you spin out the same class as your first... that could be infuriating... and about 1:6 people will have this happen (some people this will be their first if they don't spend much, others who spend a lot, might have 2 or 3 already, but most people exploring act 7 should be at 1, or so close, you should want to finish this one first, so when you finally get your 2nd, you are sure you don't pick the same class).

    I picked Doom first... and I can't say mystic would make my top 4 classes I want... but would I complain about "having to r4" Claire or one of the other mystics next? Probably not for more than 5 minutes. I'm more likely to complain if my war opponents keep banning my r4 champ, and thus if I got Science... while I'd love an r4 torch... I'd have a hard time picking him because of that, and that would actually be more infuriating.

    I felt like this as soon as I found out it would be a Crystal, I have an R4 Negative so I was thinking god I hope I don’t get a science. But then I kind of realised that there are such a range of champions in the game now, that every class has so many different types of champs who cover so much different ground.

    I’ve realised that if I pull a science 3-4, I really won’t mind! I’ve got Negative who deals with power gain, buffet/power snack, degen, healing and almost every tough mystics. But he has weaknesses that other science champs cover, he can’t deal with evade/unstoppable for example. I’d be happy to rank another science champ who covers what he can’t.

    And it’ll be the same for whoever you have at R4 already. Your doom can’t handle evade very well, he can’t get around immune to power control or nullify champs very well. He doesn’t have immunities outside of shock/armour break. His buff control is strong, but I would always go tigra, sym or Claire as the top option if there are a ton of buffs and the challenge is purely buff control. My point is, Doom has weaknesses and your next rank up can help cover those.

    For me, if I get a second science I’m going to wait for AntiVenom and R4 him. He has a great synergy with negative, and covers the unstoppable/evade that negative can’t handle, along with two fantastic immunities and also some block damage mitigation, and stagger/unblockable counter.

    When I first realised it was a Crystal, science was my least wanted. But I’ve thought about it, and now I’d absolutely love a science. I get that that maybe a less popular opinion, but really, every class has a long list of strong champions and two of the same class can cover a hell of a lot of ground.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,693 ★★★★★

    While I'm sure there will be some exceptions... nearly anyone able to explore act 7, should have a candidate in all the classes to rank up. It might not be your first pick (5 of the 6 won't be :-) ), but it won't be a waste or a disappointment for that reason.

    That is, unless this is your second r4, and you spin out the same class as your first... that could be infuriating... and about 1:6 people will have this happen (some people this will be their first if they don't spend much, others who spend a lot, might have 2 or 3 already, but most people exploring act 7 should be at 1, or so close, you should want to finish this one first, so when you finally get your 2nd, you are sure you don't pick the same class).

    I picked Doom first... and I can't say mystic would make my top 4 classes I want... but would I complain about "having to r4" Claire or one of the other mystics next? Probably not for more than 5 minutes. I'm more likely to complain if my war opponents keep banning my r4 champ, and thus if I got Science... while I'd love an r4 torch... I'd have a hard time picking him because of that, and that would actually be more infuriating.

    I’m of a similar mindset. Initially I was thinking “I already have Nimrod at r4, it would suck to pull tech,” but then I immediately thought “r4 Peni sounds real cool though.” And then I wasn’t upset anymore.

    I’ve said before in this thread that yes, obviously a generic is a better reward than a class-based rank up gem. But like… that class gem still goes hard. That’s 3 t6b, 3 t3a, 2 (specific) t5cc, and 5 t5b. That’s an enormous value!

    Personally, with my catalyst stash being what it is, I’d prefer this gem over just getting the t6b and t3a outright. Obviously everybody has a different stockpile on hand, but I’m seriously hurting for basic catalysts so not having to spend them here is great for me, and I’ve got options in every class that I’d be excited to take up.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    I think for the most part we all agree that the rewards are good. I have several posts when I make it clear to Kabam that they have let us down in this department.

    To make rewards completely satisfactory though, a generic rR4 gem would just make it perfect. But I went through my roster and I was able to find a substitute in every class. My prestige won't be as good but still enough to compete on my alliances level which is the priority.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    It amazes that as good as the rewards are, this community still found a way to be mad about them. 👍

    I don't think most people are actually mad. I think they just want a generic R4 gem. There's a difference.

    We have seen the community pitch forks before and this post isn't one of them. Kabam hasn't even deleted any comments as far as I know, so yeah.
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    I’d say there are more critiques than complaints. It’s ok to not be totally behind something (like class 3-4), but I don’t see a reason that someone would complain. (Unless it’s that chapter 4 rewards are the same as chapter 3)
  • ThantonThanton Member Posts: 142
    I have doubt. Are we getting two t5bc from single path as per the description, coz previous ones gave one one per path.
    Please clarify.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    Thanton said:

    I have doubt. Are we getting two t5bc from single path as per the description, coz previous ones gave one one per path.
    Please clarify.

    We get two per path.
  • This content has been removed.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    OGAvenger said:

    It amazes that as good as the rewards are, this community still found a way to be mad about them. 👍

    99% of people aren’t complaining about them. I think more people are complaining about how you’ve derailed an entire thread about 7.4 rather than anything about 7.4 itself
    I didn't derail anything and I didn't say any percentage, I just said the community found a way to complain about the best rewards we've seen to date.
  • IGGY_4IGGY_4 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2022
  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 891 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022

    It amazes that as good as the rewards are, this community still found a way to be mad about them. 👍

    Why people mad about the random r3-4 instead of the generic?
    Because the difference between them is the 3 T5C, which is widely available, and is not the bottleneck for the next rank. Either way we would get the T6B and T3A in the gems. Then why should 3, 2 year old catalyst be the factor?

  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    benshb said:

    It amazes that as good as the rewards are, this community still found a way to be mad about them. 👍

    Why people mad about the random r3-4 instead of the generic?
    Because the difference between them is the 3 T5C, which is widely available, and is not the bottleneck for the next rank. Either way we would get the T6B and T3A in the gems. Then why should 3, 2 year old catalyst be the factor?

    Well it only takes 2 T5cc to rank 4 a 6*.

    I also have no idea what you are trying to say.
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