Why will the Arabic language be deleted?

Hi Kabam, over the years we have been enjoying the game and because this week we got a message saying the Arabic language will be deleted. Unfortunately, did you know that there are many Arab players who will leave the game because of this decision...
But I also understand the decision of Kabam.
Seriously...let's break down his post and yours.
He is simply asking them to reconsider not throwing a tantrum nor refusing to accept it.
As a person who reads and thus playing the game in Arabic maybe some of them can not read English. And before you go to the classic xenophobic go to of "the game is English you should learn English" that's tired and used out. They translate this game and other rhings specifically for reasons like this.
Now lets analyze Linguistics aside, the only person throwing a tantrum is,...looks around...,you. So by your own words, you should be put in time-out.
Sorry, but your initial statement and even this follow up are disgusting. You ignore a legitimate concern, for what? Just to get your 2 cents in? And then you follow it up with just as equal disgust.
You ahould take your own advice and take that time out for throwing that tantrum. And before you answer back "but I'm not mad/upset/throwing a tantrum I'm just stating facts/how I feel, I'm calm" apply that logic to the OP too. Bur still take that time out. And reply to them apologize and move on. Oh and make that apology in Arabic.
In fairness, I don’t know how anything I’ve said can be construed as xenophobic. You’re putting words in my mouth.
I’m not telling anyone to learn English. It is what it is, a business decision.
For real tho, I understand it is unpleasant, but you clearly know enough english to read and write, is it such a big deal?
Sucks for Arab players that the language isn't being supported. Hopefully they reinstate it soon.
The lack of empathy in some people is astonishing.
There are some Arabic players are at end game level already , they spend money , few making videos on YouTube and yet you guys planing to take down the Arabic language
Taking down the language for sure will cost a lot of players to leave the game for good
Isn’t possible to keep it the same and maybe get some support from the Arabic community to help kabam and to keep the language in the game
We love this game even tho there are still some bugs didn’t fix till now such as parry and input issues.
Sorry to say but this is really a bad way to kick the Arabic community of this game after taking their money and life time which they put into this game
@Kabam Miike hope to change this idea and keep the Arabic language in the game
Either way, hope you have a nice *non pitiful* day, where you get treated exactly with the standard you treat others.
8 minutes of just bashing kabam when you perfectly understand why they had to make the decision and calling miikes response "cold" for some reason when it was a perfectly proper response is exactly what it is . Milking the hate train.
If it was just an information video with maybe a request to kabam to reinstate or maybe a goodbye to the arabic speaking community I wouldn't have called it milking.
Regards to your last para, I dare you to show me anything that implies I'm in support to removing or have behaved rudely to the arabic players posts. In fact the comment I made directly above the one about yours is the total opposite. And if you think a comment about your video is the scale to measure my behaviour standards, you think too highly of yourself
Either way, not every video will please everyone.
I'm perfectly willing to accept my shortcomings, however i do not think that i am the one who thinks too highly of themselves here.
All that being said, wish you all the best. Hope you have a great day, but this is as much of my time i am willing to spend on this conversation.
Just like with ANY aspect of this game, Kabam owns all of it. Your account? Kabam owns it. All the crystals you’ve opened? Kabam owns every single one of them.
If Kabam decides to stop running the game for everyone, as we’ve seen with MROC, they can and will and they are under no obligation to refund anything spent on the game, because these are the terms of service we agreed to upon installing the game.
Translation does not come cheap, I know this because I’ve worked in games translation. The amount of work to support right to left text and then to have it translated every single month is extremely costly and while that may seem unfair, that’s business. These translations aren’t done in house by a team at Kabam, I can almost guarantee you that, but have to be outsourced to a third party localisation team who happens to have an Arabic member actively working in that company, which again is rare for game translation companies to have (neither of the two I’ve worked for had a single Arabic translator).
The fact that Kabam had supported it for as long as they did is impressive in itself, and in no way is this a “rug pull” or an unethical thing to do. However, profiting from the potential outrage from the removal of it from the game, and using the video for clicks? I’d say that’s more unethical.
Though I can see that making the game do this probably requires a lot of extra work compared to other languages.
Again, I am not discounting the cost of getting the translations done, that is Kabam's business decision and I am not second guessing that. Just trying to wrap my head around the technical/design aspect that was brought up.
For new modes/GUI like the battlegrounds or anything else they do in the future, if it is too costly to flip the screen I don't see why it is necessary as long as the text is readable from the correct direction. For example (and maybe it is too simplistic a comparison), I know I have seen books written in Arabic and Hebrew (forgive me but I don't know off hand if other languages are read from right to left) that open with the binding facing either direction, depending on how it was put together, so even though the native speakers may be used to the binding being on the right side and reading it from what we would consider the back to the front they are still able to read it when it is laid out in the format we use as long as the text is written right to left.
On top of that issue, and an issue that can occur in almost any language outside of the developers default (usually English is preferred as the default even with foreign developers), is simply due to the length of translation. Some words simply don’t translate in a small enough capacity to fit within the current UI or Text box that it was designed for (I’m looking specifically at you, German Language…) this means that more time and money has to be spent redesigning those elements to fit the text or you end up with a problem known as “Text bleeding” or which happens when text overlaps the borders of it’s intended place, or even worse can overlap with itself on separate lines.
But truly the biggest factor is simply the cost of implementing it for a small playerbase, and often the return on investment simply isn’t worth the time of troubleshooting and bug fixing that can arise.