Most embarrassing mcoc moment?
What are some of your most embarrassing mcoc moments? I’ll go first. I spent at least 2k units on the 6.2.6 champion because I didn’t read his nodes. I brought a sorcerer for him and kept wondering why he was hitting me through block. I ended up trying to ghost him, which resulted in lots and lots of deaths. Anyone else have an embarrassing moment?
(I've improved a tiny bit since then).
Oh and when finally joining an ally with line…thinking Joanna was real for a week or 2
Spending units on cavs
joining the forums
Taking my time to become thronebreaker (still not there...)
Ranked up deadpool x force over wolverine cause his PI was higher.
I would like to make others know that I am Very Well Aware it can be done Without Aegon
The Statement was “Thinking I (ME. NOT OTHERS) could take on Labyrinth without Aegon”
I also took my fave Punisher 2099 to a Thing boss once. Punisher did his thing and absolutely power-locked Thing, which was amazing. However, that meant that Thing was pretty much constantly unstoppable since he was unable to throw any special attacks to remove his rock stacks. That was...not a fun fight. Also not a very long one.
I also remember nuking myself to death against an Electro once. I figured I just needed to take him down as quickly as possible so I brought Cosmic Ghost Rider to just SP2 him into oblivion. I had never really read Electro's abilities so I just thought that he did damage whenever you make contact with him. That day I learned that he reflects part of the damage you deal back at you, so when I threw my mighty SP2 I died instantly.
There was that one time that I tried a new path in AQ and stumbled upon a hidden node that turned out to be Mr. Sinister. Since I had brought a ramped-up Aegon, that was a painful fight. After 150 critical hits, I was close to timing out, so I got more and more desperate and eventually took a special attack to the face. Not only did that kill me - I also lost the gosh-darn 150-hit combo. Moreover, I had structured my 3-man team around Aegon with the others having more of a supporting role, so when I lost him I didn't really have anyone else that could pick up the slack. This was before all of the AQ compensation so I didn't have a lot of revives or health potions to bring Aegon back either. It ended with me being absolutely useless that AQ.
The funny thing is that I had just wondered why my trusted officer had gotten killed on that very spot in a previous AQ. I never actually asked him, just took his path. When I vented in the chat, he told me that he'd had the exact same problem with his Aegon.
Sometimes switching maps in AQ can be annoying...