Steel Yourself Summoner! The Trials of Madness Await you this May!



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,530 ★★★★★
    Garlo said:

    Only 4.5k T3A? This month was 9K!

    And what about Mystic Archives Bundles for TB?

    Probably because this time there is tier 6b to.
  • TannerGamerTannerGamer Member Posts: 7
    4k 6* shards? That's it? 🤨
  • RookM1RookM1 Member Posts: 55
    So access to the fixed 24hr daily Trial of Madness is determined by the daily log in calendar, which isn’t a fixed time of the day…?

    Why do you hate people that have lives and responsibilities outside of this game Kabam?:(

    Would be nice if the sling ring was handed out the same time the daily trial went live…please and thank you.
  • L0TUS_MANTISL0TUS_MANTIS Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Wish I could trade that T6B for T3A. At this rate I'm going to be forced to do that god forsaken starlord Carina challenge so that I don't have a T6B expire.
    (Which is probably what they want) ;)
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,641 ★★★★★
    If I hit the next progression level before the new event starts, I get the better rewards, right?
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,634 ★★★★
    Does this require completing the trial daily?
    It would be lame if we can't miss a day.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,641 ★★★★★
    yes it does.
  • TrenzaloreTrenzalore Member Posts: 182 ★★★
    Personally not a fan of side events that you have to run daily. I get that they give players content to play each day, but it also adds added pressure for us with busy lives. Any more AQ feels like too much of a time demand.
  • NSlaNSla Member Posts: 15
    Can only tackle 1 difficulty per day? Really?
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  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 893 ★★★★★
    Wait. We can't even do all of the difficulties? Only one? Because the sling ring is gone.
  • Angryneeson52Angryneeson52 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    So there are no thronebreaker or paragon level rewards for this event? Why would I even bother doing anything for cavalier level rewards?
  • ShadowKing01ShadowKing01 Member Posts: 46
    edited May 2022
    the only 1 sling ring is ridiculous ,all these trials and you can only do 1 a day, event just came out and already dead, you could at least tied sling ring to some of the special objectives instead of 3 star side crystal shards.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    You say in the messages about the side quest to check the danger ahead before committing your team (I assume because of the 1 attempt mechanic) but you don't have a preview option for these quests. Why say check the danger ahead and then not allow us to view the quests?

    Also, are the enemies and/or node effects randomized or does everyone face the same content in a given difficulty?
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,308 ★★★★
    Waited for the store to come out before commenting. Very few shards available this month and none in store which is disappointing. Was hoping to select from a variety of different options
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  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Where can I find dormammu?
  • NescioNescio Member Posts: 153 ★★
    I'm just shocked and disappointed that there is not a single 6* sig stone in the SQ. I was really looking forward to more for my Tigra.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★

    Where can I find dormammu?


  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Crine60 said:

    You say in the messages about the side quest to check the danger ahead before committing your team (I assume because of the 1 attempt mechanic) but you don't have a preview option for these quests. Why say check the danger ahead and then not allow us to view the quests?

    Also, are the enemies and/or node effects randomized or does everyone face the same content in a given difficulty?

    Okay, apparently you can enter the quest multiple times to see the enemies and the nodes, it's just that you can only attempt the fights 1 time per ring charge unlock because they made a branching path with the enemies behind a gate you need the charge to pass. It isn't like other limited access quests where entering the quest takes the unlock item immediately.

    I don't know why they couldn't more explicitly lay this stuff out. Even the video they sent in the mail message didn't address that specifically. I had to see it and piece together maybe that is how it works with being able to look at the quest without having the preview button. I thought they said a while ago they were going to work on making these side quest mechanics simpler and explain them better.
  • abelardoabelardo Member Posts: 35

  • ProfessorGProfessorG Member Posts: 78
    How about this?

    When I first opened the store I thought the frags were Tier 6B and Tier 3A. The excitement was overwhelming! Needless to say I was sorely disappointed when I started calculating what day this month I was going to get that 3rd rank three. 💀

    Then I realized that we won’t even fully form a T5B from the side event this month. 😂
  • FlavorFlaveFlavorFlave Member Posts: 89
    I’ll do you one better, Why is 6* shards?
    Tesladon said:

    Who’s 6* shards?

  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    So let me fart this straight . We can do only a single quest daily and only for ONE difficulty ? I just completed the Spider-Man Legendary difficulty and this is the ONLY quest I am allowed to do for today ? No lower levels of the Spider quest , no Legendary difficulties of the other quests just one quest and one difficulty per day ?

    Can someone confirm this ? I want to make sure that I understood correctly and someone really did come up with such a bad idea
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