The Storm buff is *Chef’s Kiss*! Thanks, Kabam!

Hi, folks! Just a quick commentary on the return of the buff program — hopefully — with the OG Storm buff!
This buff is exactly what I would have dreamed for this character: Omega Level-mutant DPS, but basically no immunities.
I understand that some people don’t like that, in a game with nodes. But personally, I only care about lore accuracy. I don’t want Storm being immune to bleed or poison, for example, stuff like that.
I understand stuff like Slow and Glancing, other attributes, make characters more attractive. I get it. I like utility, too…but not always.
Storm in the comics is a textbook Glass Cannon. I am totally fine with the kit being much the same, with Shock immunity. (I would have put some Coldsnap resistance in there on the base kit, but it’s not a dealbreaker.)
But yeah. I freaking love this buff, the revamped animations, and I hope that others do as well — if we can get just a few more OG buffs like this, I will be soooooooo happy.
This buff is exactly what I would have dreamed for this character: Omega Level-mutant DPS, but basically no immunities.
I understand that some people don’t like that, in a game with nodes. But personally, I only care about lore accuracy. I don’t want Storm being immune to bleed or poison, for example, stuff like that.
I understand stuff like Slow and Glancing, other attributes, make characters more attractive. I get it. I like utility, too…but not always.
Storm in the comics is a textbook Glass Cannon. I am totally fine with the kit being much the same, with Shock immunity. (I would have put some Coldsnap resistance in there on the base kit, but it’s not a dealbreaker.)
But yeah. I freaking love this buff, the revamped animations, and I hope that others do as well — if we can get just a few more OG buffs like this, I will be soooooooo happy.
Also I believe she did have some magic skills, so they could give her something like nullify on specials, if utility is an issue. Or at very least make her prowess immune to nullify or passive or increase special attack vs buffed opponent. Just anything. I see this like a moderately lazy buff
With the possibility of being 100% resistant to bleed as a horseman - AND possible poison resistance with Prof x / Colossus.
That's the possibility of 3 immunities + 2 resistances in the perfect setup - on top of all the damage.
And yes, not being able to spam heavy in the corner is disappointing. I also have some issues with her heavy spacing. Overall I'm less likely to use her after the buff mostly because of her new heavy
It’s a pretty neat buff
Only downside to it being that both Apoc and Prof. X would need multiple fights to ramp up on for best results. Not many opportunities for that with the current 6 fights + Boss questing standard.
But I absolutely hated those spinning kicks from the original game — they make absolutely no sense, to me. I wouldn’t complain at all if they get rid of them for OG Captain Marvel and OG Scarlet Witch, and the sooner the better. They just make no sense to me other than they were the original animations for the game itself
For someone that needs to rely on heavies for refreshing, she will struggle whenever she cant heavy, as heavy countering will not work