Can high tier alliance and unit deals not be a mandatory step for the next title
Member Posts: 4,026 ★★★★★
Kinda lame that at least for the next couple months (maybe not depending on EoP rewards) that you need to buy unit deals and be in a high tier alliance for the next progression title. It is what it is but I hope this trend does not continue with future titles.
I can see disagrees coming and KABAM KNIGHTS defending it without actual logical and constructive evidences. All I expect and predictable statement from them is "if you don't spend you don't deserve, single game mode should be reflected through spending and being at TOP in competitive mode( which again realistically locked in pay mode again)."
You guys just want everything handed to you and not have to put in the work to get it.
This is a game that you grind. No account should be able to obtain the highest rank in a few months.
Why are unit offers awful? You get units free in the game and can grab a lot if you put the time in to generate those units. Between story content, daily objectives, side events and arena.
Units comes through various means in game. Many people don't even bother to do arena due to how it has been ruined by bots and how boring it is. Who said we wanted things to handed over in plate.
Act 7 100% don't give that much of r4 mats what a single UNIT DEAL gives by doing a single completion of 7.4 gives. Amping up end game rank up materials in Deals than actual content looks like you good sign ?????Many FTP don't even kee 10k units.
As you said that no account should be able to obtain highest rank in months meanwhile spenders straight up Paragon on day 1. What a irony. There is difference between having advantage and taking out the ability to even compete with.
That essentially gives folks who spend or unit grind a few weeks head start on the title. I see nothing wrong there.
Maybe I’m biased because I am a paragon title holder on an account that took advantage of two unit deal offerings leading up to paragon.
Thronebreaker was the same way when released. Sure it’s only 1 r3 but back then you didn’t see more than 2 r3s on big accounts.
Generic comment for everyone in the thread:
This thread is repeating the same things that were discussed in main thread.
Title is implemented. Requirements are out.
It's clear what the company wants.
No argument is going to change anything now.
I have moved on. So should you.
I'm just waiting to see how good are the EOP rewards we'll get after 2 months
No title is meant for only specific player base. Rather it's an open opportunity but with with road full of hardships like UC&CAV. Game progression title reflects what a player have achieved and how far one have come. There are lot of obstacles. Not everyone can get to a certain level like others. Everyone have different approach. Getting UC , defeat the Collector. Same for every player. Same goes for Cav.
Unit deals are different than nature cash deals. But that does mean DEALS are better than DOING ACTUAL CONTENT. Deals give a advantage but not a total dominancy (but I'm long run it dominates tho). Many players don't have have 10k units all the time. So you are saying that keeping rank up materials in DEALS than ACTUAL GAMEPLAY is fair for PROGRESSION??
When TB was announced, Spenders do had ways to get t5cc fast then FTP. But did that take their ability to compete with day ??? No, it did not. There was abyss, act 6 , variants to do. Spender can do one of them or just buy some deals here n there and collect some bits to form a t5cc. FTP have content to do reach the same. Spender had money to reach same goal doing some content and purchasing the way out. Meanwhile FTP and skilled players had content with hardships to reach the same
Do Paragon offers the same?? The day 1 acquirement arises the question of direction of game.
You wanna talk about EOP??? there's no way without spending one can become Paragon. And the introduction of that title and event have like 10 day difference!!! In SOP cavs had ( I was TB already at that time tho) chance to acquire TB to compete in those extra objective rewards.
Do EOP is same??? No it's not.
There will be a gap between certain player base. Which is totally understandable and acceptable. But remember that gap was mainly dominant in competitive mode I.e ally events . Solo mode was still defination of skill and it's reflections through title was naturally solo defined.
But this gap is widening too much from some last months which not only affects the TOP of competitive mode but also affect solo mode( like Requirements of paragon). In future this type of changes will impact in more n more
Will it be fair to say player in master alliance : Do the act 6 100% first then you will be eligible to receive rewards for your AW season.
No it will be not fair. Ally mode and solo mode are different in nature.
Just making it obvious that in solo mode ,you will progress more by buying deals with units or cash than playing the game itself isn't that healthy idea. And now you are suggesting that progression and reflection of solo mode for a player should be gated behind UNIT DEAL!!!!!! That's what I was saying about that there's difference between having advantage by paying your way out and taking out ability to even compete
New titles spur spending. Kabam needs revenue to develop this complex, fast evolving game that we’re all so addicted to.
There’s nothing that should be confusing in this dynamic.
In an ideal world that would have meant EoP (gonna give it some leeway as it sounds like temporary content but will run all year) should have ran for a cycle first and then the title went live next.
Once the unit deal goes live I’ll be able to achieve paragon so this isn’t a sour grapes opinion. This comes from the POV that this is the first title that does not have an ingame path through solo content available to achieve it now that it’s live and I think that’s a poor precedent. At least with TB it could have been achieved with an Abyss run, not even an option this time.
So. If you wanna play in competitive alliance- you have to spend or there will be the moment when you will have to find a new alliance that’s the reality. Whether you like it or not.
Competitive alliance for you is?
For me it’s AQ top30 and AW pl1-master.
I play plat4, which I dont consider high. I did not participate in December’s gifting event at all, however, I did finish all content currently in game, and just got the Paragon title.
We are talking about *f2p* players and their opportunities here.
They also talked about being in a high competitive alliance, which has been discussed already about how unrealistic it is. However I don't know if that is still enough to replace the offers part.
The rest of the requirements, still dont make it enough to become paragon. Even if you have bought the offers, still isn't.
Yes we don't need to spend like purchasing deals on 4th july to play war. But in reality high tier only very Few FTP survive ( in top 10 apart from BG I don't know other FTP yet)
There is wide gap especially after introduction of r4s in Aq rankings. Even after scoring nearly 800m we are far behind from TOP 90. Let alone the 45 is dream. So who dominates them, alliances with multiple r4s essentially more 3, and according to you that is reachable for FTP. in prestige race, P2W is dominant. Then again it's parameter of "competitive ally in Aq".
I don't think Top 10 Aw ally only use 2-3 items per war. Otherwise cost of items isn't that light to sustain
I don't think we have anyone that's been f2p forever but we definitely have people that haven't spent in 6 months to a year at least. We're top 45 AQ and T1 war.
Never said it's easy for f2p or that there are tons of them in competitive alliances, but they do exist. That's kind of the point of a new title though. It sections off a very small portion of players at the beginning and the rest work towards it. Then eventually the group becomes too large and the disparity between the top and bottom of that group too large, and a new title is introduced that sections off the top again.
I do however feel bad for people who have done everything, hasn't spent and still didn't get paragon on day 1. I think that Kabam should have provided more free opportunities for r4 materials sooner, if anything, opening EoP for just thronebreakers a month or so before introducing the title or something else along those lines.
Act 7 also did not provide enough r4 materials unless those were buying the unit deals and even then.....
Either way, introducing and executing the new title should have be conducted better.
It is stupidly obvious to me, that the players who do the most content and participate in the highest alliances and spend the most money will be the farthest along. When you're doing *everything* the most, you have to get there the fastest. The idea that oh, if I complete all the solo content in the game, I shouldn't have to do those other things to reach the very top of the game just as fast as everyone else because that's how the game *should* work, is saying the ridiculous thing that participating in top alliances and spending money provides no advantages at all.
The game needs spenders to survive. What should we give them? The game needs to encourage players to pursue the top performance, both in solo content and in alliance content. What should we give them? I vote speed. Let them get there first, I'm fine getting there second. If someone can find something else to give them that they actually want to have and will chase just as much as they do now, I'm all ears.