5r5 Sentinel, 4 revives. Couple mistakes, couple risky heavies (1 of them didn't pay off, but I was dying of Bane. Instead I died of sp1toFaceitis). Was a pretty neat fight.
I just completed the villain objective with ghost (no resonate mastery); took me one revive i did alot of runs some went fairly good but when i reached half health with him either my health went too low or the AI didn’t cooperate( the AI is extremely passive throughout but when it knows it will lose it refuses to even dash😅) the fight can definitely be soloed by ghost with the resonate mastery but that’ll require an active AI.
In the start i tried parrying the Xbones 3-4 times so he builds 3 furies but that method was took a alot of block damage because with furies he starts AAR and he most probably pushed you to the wall. After this i tried starting of with pushing him to the wall and baiting his sp1 and then spamming heavy till he gets to the sp1 then let him throw it, and it definitely helps to make the cruelties passive by throwing the sp3, this method helped me take him down to 48% with my health above 50-60%, then he became extremely passive and the bane transferred he kept his block on. And there came the end of my solo. Did a revive and threw in potions and got it done!
My health is only low from a full combo to the face when he was at like 5% health left, I had a full yellow bar right before that though even with all the bane damage.
. I’m not paragon but dragonman is amazing for the mystic fight! Got a solo in the very first try for the XL champ. Tried alot with my warlock but the damage is low and takes a long time. Dragon man just rinses between specials and gets the kill very quick!
but what to do if you dash back, go into phase and he does not dash to you or try to hit you nor he is using his sp1 but instead he just stands still holding block? Phase goes away he still blocks, bane comes to me he still blocks, bane does tons of damage HE STILL BLOCKS. At this point i dont care if i get banned but this is KASCAM at its best. Passive AI and insanely stupid Node combination. Either the RNG is in your favor and he uses his sp1 and /or uses heavy or you have an passive a-hole that is just playin blockman trough the whole fight
Punished his heavy and sp1 with heavy to remove protection, Made sure to not throw sp1 or sp2 when he’s charging in as mighty charge will trigger the fury and unstoppable Parried when buff immunity is on. Intercepts Cycled between modes for life steal, power steal and damage
Any mutant options for the objective? Got him down with BWCV but I can't find a mutant for the objective that doesn't take damage from him having more than 7 energize.
nope apoc still takes damage when he has more than 7 energize... I've tried all of the high level mutants that I have and can't find any that don't die from dexing his specials.
Any mutant options for the objective? Got him down with BWCV but I can't find a mutant for the objective that doesn't take damage from him having more than 7 energize.
Prof x gets the easy solo, build your prowess and spam sp1, only use mediums and heavies.
solo with bwcv, AA got me a few tries, 30% then 15!!!!!! for the last, AI and spacing costed me 10~ other 5 were rng, passive blocking for the timer to pass and die i can live with that but some mini teleports, spiderman evades, specials mid my combo sigh..
I got him down with Professor X. If you're a better Professor X player than me, I can definitely see people soloing Ikaris with him. Unfortunately, I'm not a better player than myself, so I brute-forced my way through with some revives. But I did on occasion get into a good rhythm. I mainly heavy countered him, occasionally throwing some mediums to heal up through willpower, or some lights to give him some (but not 7+) Energize buffs so that it was easier to push him to his SP1.
So, may I ask if TB can only get 3 pts this round and max milestone is up to lvl 7?
Was a pretty neat fight.
In the start i tried parrying the Xbones 3-4 times so he builds 3 furies but that method was took a alot of block damage because with furies he starts AAR and he most probably pushed you to the wall.
After this i tried starting of with pushing him to the wall and baiting his sp1 and then spamming heavy till he gets to the sp1 then let him throw it, and it definitely helps to make the cruelties passive by throwing the sp3, this method helped me take him down to 48% with my health above 50-60%, then he became extremely passive and the bane transferred he kept his block on. And there came the end of my solo. Did a revive and threw in potions and got it done!
Some of my best runs went like this
And this was my final run
My health is only low from a full combo to the face when he was at like 5% health left, I had a full yellow bar right before that though even with all the bane damage.
I’m not paragon but dragonman is amazing for the mystic fight! Got a solo in the very first try for the XL champ. Tried alot with my warlock but the damage is low and takes a long time. Dragon man just rinses between specials and gets the kill very quick!
Ronan cheese is working
Made sure to not throw sp1 or sp2 when he’s charging in as mighty charge will trigger the fury and unstoppable
Parried when buff immunity is on.
Cycled between modes for life steal, power steal and damage