Swap with Alliance Members :)

Hi fellow summoners, imagine how awesome it would be if you could "swap" items between alliance members ie: my current situation is that I need mutant t4cc, but due to the everloving RNG we are forced to endure, I have zero mutant t4cc and three science t4cc waiting to expire in my overflow.

So without overcomplication, I want to do a like for like trade with an alliance member where someone with excess mutant t4cc can swap me for the science t4cc he so badly wants. You could do the same thing for t2cc, iso, arena boosts, whatever really.

If you are reading this Kabam, as a selling point to you, I would suggest that so long as it was a reasonable fee and not something exorbitant, I imagine you could charge a certain number of units, say 30units per t4cc or 5 units for t2cc etc. Or even just a flat rate for the entire transaction.

It would also give everyone, one more reason to find and stay with a good alliance, which provides one more hook for people to stay and play the game.


  • Fizt8888Fizt8888 Member Posts: 1
    Sounds good
  • Katy_CandyKaty_Candy Member Posts: 175
    It would get abused.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Or !!! Allow them to be busted into shards of every other class. 36000÷5=7200 shards of the remaining 6 classes.
  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    Catalyst swap is a good idea, same for same, no charge for units etc but not chars, that would be abused.
    someone completes LOL, sends 5* R4 Star Lord or Stark or Gwen Pool etc so someone else can do it, bad idea but as a start, Catalysts would be good, I have many T1a and am unable to use them, they are about to expire in the over flow but a friend in game really needs them etc
  • DamageuDamageu Member Posts: 52
    yep, I agree with all the above posts re: restricting it to certain items and definitely not allowing champs to be swapped. Straight swap for the same type of item is the way to go, the only difference being class. Once that was bedded down and tested, it could be expanded to include the ability to swap t1a for say... 5 t3basic or something to that effect.
    But failing that, if I could donate my expiring items (which I have earnt, that are going to expire because I simply can't or don't want to use them) to the alliance for use by someone else who needs them, that would be ok too.
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Swapping resources if done right could benefit alliance growth. If Kabam is even open to considering this, I would like to give my own two cents. First of all, swapping should be only within the alliance and opened to members who have been with the alliance for at least 3 months or more to prevent abuse of the system.

    Swapping should also only be restricted to resources of the same rank. A T4CC must be swap with another T4CC, a five star awakening gem should only be swapped with another five star awakening gem. Swapping heroes should never be allowed.
  • DamageuDamageu Member Posts: 52
    All valid points Wolfe, especially the part about implementing a time period, 3 months sounds fair, to avoid abuse of the system.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    edited November 2017
    I would be fine if they increase the capacity in the inventory for catas. Fast and simple solution.
    However I like the swapping materials too.

    But people here is overreacting fears.
    We have already a blackout period (already unfair), we don't need another one and harder.
    There isn't problem if people swap champs, even it's not "abuse" if people complete content doing it (they are using their skills anyway). I strongly doubt some will swap a god and built champ for "friendship" despite the "friend" couldn't give him back and keep him forever. But even the feature could be screwed if it's limited and/or irreversible (I don't know who will swap his SL if it will be forever). No problems here.
  • KillianderKilliander Member Posts: 10
    I don't see the problem with hero swapping either. I know getting the hero you really want is part of what keeps people playing, but there's always more heroes to get, level up, and new heroes being added. I also think it would be a great alliance mechanic. people could swap or gift unused champs to give new people or lower powered players a chance to contribute at whatever level the alliance is working at.
  • Jayjay7Jayjay7 Member Posts: 27
    Yes, I would love to see this feature in since I opened 7 t4cc and got all the ones I don't need but some of my other alliance members want the ones I opened so please add this in the game
  • ZoddymamZoddymam Member, Content Creators Posts: 362 Content Creator
    I like how it is now , part of the fun of this game for me is the stuggle to get the things you want and the excitement when you do get it or the disappointment when you fail. I dont want stuff i didnt personally earn but thats just me. To each his/her own
  • DamageuDamageu Member Posts: 52
    Zoddymam wrote: »
    I like how it is now , part of the fun of this game for me is the stuggle to get the things you want and the excitement when you do get it or the disappointment when you fail. I dont want stuff i didnt personally earn but thats just me. To each his/her own

    I agree to a point... But then feel ripped off when I'm using t4cc on a champ that I'll probably only ever use in arena because instead of getting the class I need, I keep getting science. It wouldn't bother me so much if they didn't expire and even though they are easier to obtain than ever before they still require a fair amount of effort.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Zoddymam wrote: »
    I dont want stuff i didnt personally earn but thats just me. To each his/her own
    You are earning a T4CC and you get it, just because you swap it don't mean you get it "free without effort". The effort was already done, but you lose the effort getting the wrong class.
  • DamageuDamageu Member Posts: 52
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Zoddymam wrote: »
    I dont want stuff i didnt personally earn but thats just me. To each his/her own
    You are earning a T4CC and you get it, just because you swap it don't mean you get it "free without effort". The effort was already done, but you lose the effort getting the wrong class.

    What I was trying to say with way more words than I needed to.
    Well Put IAG
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    The suggestion has come up before and I think it's not wise in general. It opens up a whole host of security issues. Besides that, it defeats the purpose of earning Resources for ourselves and having a random outcome system.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I actually agree with gw on this, it would be amazing for me as right now I would swap my 15 science, skill and cosmic t4cs for 4 techs. the problem is the t4c alliances with dozens of t4cs, that they can't actually use for lack of t4bs and alphas would probably start selling for real$
  • DamageuDamageu Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2017
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    I actually agree with gw on this, it would be amazing for me as right now I would swap my 15 science, skill and cosmic t4cs for 4 techs. the problem is the t4c alliances with dozens of t4cs, that they can't actually use for lack of t4bs and alphas would probably start selling for real$

    The idea is to have a like for like trade, if you want a t4cc tech, you need to have a t4cc of a different class to swap it for, both players end up with exactly the same resources as they started with, just different classes.

    Also trades can only be made between long standing alliance members, to avoid abuse of the system.
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Kabam is already charging unteasonable rate for all in-game items that can benefit players' progression.

    What makes you think that a trade like this, which definitely will reduce the amount of units players spent on items (whether directly or indirectly), will be any cheaper?

    Suggestion that has an impact to Kabam's bottom line is as good as begging for free stuff.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Like some of the ideas in theory, but the possibilities of abuse are endless.

    Easier to have Kabam increase our storage capacity, which I'm not sure why they're not. The storage we have was designed for 3* champs and they expect us to use them on 5*s and now 6*s. Not reasonable.
  • DamageuDamageu Member Posts: 52
    Nail on the head with that comment Mmx
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Mmx1991 wrote: »
    Like some of the ideas in theory, but the possibilities of abuse are endless.

    Easier to have Kabam increase our storage capacity, which I'm not sure why they're not. The storage we have was designed for 3* champs and they expect us to use them on 5*s and now 6*s. Not reasonable.

    Part of that is selection. The Resources are meant to be used. The problem is there are such strong views on Champs that the same handful of Champs are sought-after, and the rest are considered not worth Ranking.
  • DamageuDamageu Member Posts: 52
    Mmx1991 wrote: »
    Like some of the ideas in theory, but the possibilities of abuse are endless.

    Easier to have Kabam increase our storage capacity, which I'm not sure why they're not. The storage we have was designed for 3* champs and they expect us to use them on 5*s and now 6*s. Not reasonable.

    Part of that is selection. The Resources are meant to be used. The problem is there are such strong views on Champs that the same handful of Champs are sought-after, and the rest are considered not worth Ranking.

    The problem is, that you have a specific champion that you want to rank, have been saving resources for, opening "random t4cc crystals", meanwhile accumulating resources that you can't use because if you did it would decimate your t1a and t4b reserves, which have an indescribably low cap and then when you went to rank your champ of preference you would not have the resources to do so.

    Reason: you used them on another champ because you couldn't sit by and watch t4cc expire, I'd rather donate them to someone who needs them or an even more radical idea. Let us start building towards the upgrade items that will be required in the future, T5CC shards maybe?
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    I actually agree with gw on this, it would be amazing for me as right now I would swap my 15 science, skill and cosmic t4cs for 4 techs. the problem is the t4c alliances with dozens of t4cs, that they can't actually use for lack of t4bs and alphas would probably start selling for real$
    Then join alliances should be forbidden, because alliances with dozens of t4cs could ALREADY sell places in their alliances for real money, so anyone paying to them could farm lots of valuable materials.

    We could suggest private alliances should be forbidden too, because it allow control about who can join the alliance, it could be exploitable. A recruit black market could be done. Yeah!, remove it Kabam!.

    My point is, everything could be exploitable if we're paranoids then nothing should be done here.
    Mmx1991 wrote: »
    Like some of the ideas in theory, but the possibilities of abuse are endless.

    Easier to have Kabam increase our storage capacity, which I'm not sure why they're not. The storage we have was designed for 3* champs and they expect us to use them on 5*s and now 6*s. Not reasonable.
    Agree, I have always stated those capacity should be increased because it's outdated. Even for 4*s is a pain, it's unusable for 5*s and I don't want to think for 6*s.

    However, I think the fears about the "endless" abuses have no bases.
    We shouldn't do anything fearing hypotheticals, possibles and everything.
  • DamageuDamageu Member Posts: 52
    Another idea!, instead of having a whole t4cc expire, allow us to trade them back to the game.
    Ie: you want mutant t4cc, you have science t4cc. You give the game two science t4cc it gives you one mutant t4cc. Screw helping out alliance members :P
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