Hey there, to confirm, each of the three separate 33-day events will have a separate resort pass, though the price of each pass is reduced from last year. It is structured this way for the same reasons we restructured the base event into three separate events to try and make things a bit easier on anyone who might miss out on some days. The structure allows players to decide for themselves when the Resort Passes are most worth it for them, in case they know ahead of time that they may miss some days and makes it so that missing days during one of the events doesn't hinder progress in any of the others. This also allows us to take some of the rewards that would've only shown up at the end of last year's event and split them up between the three events this year so that you can get at some of them a little sooner.
So a player has to buy the resort pass 3 times?
How the heck do we know which one will have the best return?
All the "final" rewards are being split up amongest the 3 33 day events. I would assume its even to a point, but don't trust my assumptions.
Its a gamble, just like the crystal rng. Frankly, I will probably be spending on the pass, i like what i see. Next 33 day event? We'll see. Can't really predict
Thank you for being nice with your answers. I was actually confused. And Clearly can't rely on kabam having a simple and clear communication with us players.
Last year it was $25 for the pass for the whole event. This time is $30 total so it's not THAT bad
Actually there were 2 resort passes last year The resort pass for $15 and the resort+ pass for $20. So it’s actually $5 cheaper this year with better rewards Additionally we don’t have to buy the items in order like we did last year
Are the rewards gonna be the same for the next two summoner events? @Kabam Zibiit I’d hate to spend now and find out on the third iteration there’s a 6* awakening gem We need transparency on this
If you read his response..no..they will not be the same
Not really He only says the rewards that we will normally get at the end of the event last year are split amongst the three events
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
Last year it was $25 for the pass for the whole event. This time is $30 total so it's not THAT bad
Actually there were 2 resort passes last year The resort pass for $15 and the resort+ pass for $20. So it’s actually $5 cheaper this year with better rewards Additionally we don’t have to buy the items in order like we did last year
Um it’s not cheaper tho The resort pass and resort pass + are essentially the same thing the plus just gives more grace days so $15/20 for the whole thing compared to $10/10/10 (30). Going for a single month is cheaper but compared to last year it sucks (not considering rewards)
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
The lock symbol probably doesn’t go away, it's just part of the icon showing in general that that is the “lock”.
Your pic clearly shows you CLAIMED that one and the next one already. So no problem. (otherwise there would be “pending” text to the right of the milestones).
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
The lock symbol probably doesn’t go away, it's just part of the icon showing in general that that is the “lock”.
Your pic clearly shows you CLAIMED that one and the next one already. So no problem. (otherwise there would be “pending” text to the right of the milestones).
I paid for the 30 pass, therefore it should have unlocked 30 rewards. It also would have included the white shades and as it shows, zero are owned.
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
It automatically unlocks the next Milestone.
Damn! I paid $9.99 to unlock one milestone? I'm a moron. I've been Kabam'd!!!
Just to make sure I understand: Resort Pass = Access to Resort, and lets you be a day ahead (compared to FTP). Event Booster = Lets you skip 7 days while also not having to do them. Summer Milestone = Skip ahead a day.
So essentially, only the Pass is needed (to gain access); but you would have to buy it three times total for maximum benefit?
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
It automatically unlocks the next Milestone.
Damn! I paid $9.99 to unlock one milestone? I'm a moron. I've been Kabam'd!!!
They say first hand experience is the best way to learn.
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
It automatically unlocks the next Milestone.
Damn! I paid $9.99 to unlock one milestone? I'm a moron. I've been Kabam'd!!!
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
It automatically unlocks the next Milestone.
Damn! I paid $9.99 to unlock one milestone? I'm a moron. I've been Kabam'd!!!
You unlock access to all milestones but still have to complete them one day at a time. The pass just gives you the ability to claim those rewards along with the free ones.
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
It automatically unlocks the next Milestone.
Damn! I paid $9.99 to unlock one milestone? I'm a moron. I've been Kabam'd!!!
You unlock access to all milestones but still have to complete them one day at a time. The pass just gives you the ability to claim those rewards along with the free ones.
@Kabam Zibiit after purchasing the $9.99 pass it shows that I do not own the white shades even after the completion of the task. I was also under the assumption that the pass would unlock all rewards as in the past. Is it another usual bug or poor communication?
It automatically unlocks the next Milestone.
Damn! I paid $9.99 to unlock one milestone? I'm a moron. I've been Kabam'd!!!
You pay for an extra day, and access to the Resort.
Last year it was $25 for the pass for the whole event. This time is $30 total so it's not THAT bad
Actually there were 2 resort passes last year The resort pass for $15 and the resort+ pass for $20. So it’s actually $5 cheaper this year with better rewards Additionally we don’t have to buy the items in order like we did last year
Not sure how much more wrong this post could be. You only would only buy one of those. And if you look at the bottom of the $15 one, it had the option for an extra $5 to upgrade to the $20 one.
And we still have to buy things in order. Instead of matching the shape, we now match the number.
You can never make everyone happy so complaints about the resort pass were always inevitable. If you are someone who spends on this game, the pass represents very decent value for money. If you don't spend, you still get free stuff. Overall a very good value proposition for both groups of players. The presentation may be confusing but that's the only downside. And it's even more flexible than last year at initial glance.
The resort pass for $15 and the resort+ pass for $20. So it’s actually $5 cheaper this year with better rewards
Additionally we don’t have to buy the items in order like we did last year
He only says the rewards that we will normally get at the end of the event last year are split amongst the three events
The resort pass and resort pass + are essentially the same thing the plus just gives more grace days so $15/20 for the whole thing compared to $10/10/10 (30). Going for a single month is cheaper but compared to last year it sucks (not considering rewards)
Your pic clearly shows you CLAIMED that one and the next one already. So no problem. (otherwise there would be “pending” text to the right of the milestones).
Resort Pass = Access to Resort, and lets you be a day ahead (compared to FTP).
Event Booster = Lets you skip 7 days while also not having to do them.
Summer Milestone = Skip ahead a day.
So essentially, only the Pass is needed (to gain access); but you would have to buy it three times total for maximum benefit?
And we still have to buy things in order. Instead of matching the shape, we now match the number.
I bought it
You still have to do them each day (or buy the other offers that advance you to next milestones within that list).