Never too early to think about Gifting this winter



  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 3,980 ★★★★★
    Gifts tied to the progression level of the gifting account is my suspicion.

    Its the thought that counts!

  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,099 ★★★★★
    “Players who are not yet uncollected can only gift to players in their alliance”

    Imagine the forums…

    In all seriousness, when I got that free 4-star Hercules, uncollected was astonishingly easy.
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 491 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    We'll be providing more information about this in the coming weeks.

    For now, I will say: There are changes to this year's event.

    Oooo the event will be less pay to wi-

    nevermind, this is Kabam
  • Ali0700Ali0700 Member Posts: 8

    Sometimes you send a gift without the other party giving you a gift, you can devise a way that the sent gift stays in the safe deposit box until the other party also sends the gift in the safe deposit box.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,628 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    Jaded said:

    Ali0700 said:

    Sometimes you send a gift without the other party giving you a gift, you can devise a way that the sent gift stays in the safe deposit box until the other party also sends the gift in the safe deposit box.

    It’s called gifting event not must trade event.
    Exactly this. People struggle with the idea that you can give someone a gift and not expect to get something in return.
    That's just the sad state of humanity in general now.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Jaded said:

    Ali0700 said:

    Sometimes you send a gift without the other party giving you a gift, you can devise a way that the sent gift stays in the safe deposit box until the other party also sends the gift in the safe deposit box.

    It’s called gifting event not must trade event.
    Exactly this. People struggle with the idea that you can give someone a gift and not expect to get something in return.
    That's just the sad state of humanity in general now.
    The sad part of humanity is doing something expecting something back in return...
  • Ali0700Ali0700 Member Posts: 8
    This has nothing to do with the tragedy of humanity or a deal or a gift. What should I do when a person sends me a message for ggctrade... that I will give a gift to that person, but I do not receive a response?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,397 Guardian
    Jaded said:

    Ali0700 said:

    Sometimes you send a gift without the other party giving you a gift, you can devise a way that the sent gift stays in the safe deposit box until the other party also sends the gift in the safe deposit box.

    It’s called gifting event not must trade event.
    My recollection is that it has been explicitly stated in the past that how the players choose to use the event is their prerogative, but it has very deliberately been designed as a gifting event, not a trading event.

    I've also been told this directly on more than one occasion.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Ali0700 said:

    This has nothing to do with the tragedy of humanity or a deal or a gift. What should I do when a person sends me a message for ggctrade... that I will give a gift to that person, but I do not receive a response?

    Only trade with people you know/within your alliance.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,397 Guardian

    We all know that the gifting event is Kabaam’s biggest money maker, so I really wish that they tread lightly on what they do. The whales will whale, but it’s those smaller fish that might stop spending if they aren’t able to participate in the gifting event properly. They will indeed create a further divide between spenders and non-spenders.

    I have created a few accounts for gifting to my main and really see nothing wrong with it. I’ve invested HOURS/WEEKS of my time to get the accounts eligible per 2021 requirements. I could see an issue if you had created 1000s of alt accounts via BOTS to abuse the event and sell the units, but Kabaam just needs to up their game and catch those accounts that are illegal. For those of us that create a few alt accounts, we should be able to do what we want with the earned units. Level 40 & Act 4 is a perfect requirement to the eligibility of an account.

    I really hope I didn’t waste my time this year making those accounts….

    The most anyone needs to do to self-gift during the gifting event is to have a single alt that they could easily push to have any prerequisite requirement that Kabam could implement.

    The moment you start making multiple alts to gift, you aren't trying to spend money to self-gift, you are trying to farm resources from one account to funnel into another account. And that's outside the realm of "we should be able to do what we want with earned units." You shouldn't, and you can't, because resources earned in an account are primarily intended to be spent on that account. They are balanced on the presumption they will be used on that account and no other. If the devs had to consider what the value of resources would be if funneled into other accounts, those resources would need to be restricted based on that value. This would hurt people just playing individual accounts normally.

    It is a very, very, very easy trade off to make to allow new accounts to earn resources faster than normally intended at the cost of not allowing those resources to get funneled into other accounts in an unlimited fashion. I would make that trade off in the blink of an eye without thinking twice. Given the desire to assist new players balanced against the desire of veteran players to farm alts for stuff, it is no contest at all.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,329 ★★★★★
    IKON said:

    ExHavok said:

    Progression based gifting crystal is the solution imo. I don't think sending revives,potions and mastery cores are a problem but a 40 lv conqueror account sending crystals to top players that contains T6B and T3A is. I hope this year we will see those who have 100+ alt accounts slapped in the face by Kabam.

    You clearly have no idee how hard it is to even manage 20 alt accounts. It's a VERY tough kind of grind and it involves planning, spreadsheets and a LOT of time. If you look at the drop rates of GGCs last year, you'll get more T6B and T3A from content like EOP and the Gauntlet than 500 GGCs.

    Grinding should be incentivised, not disincentivised.
    Robbing a bank is very tough to plan, takes a lot of time, and may also involve spreadsheets. Does that mean it should also be incentivized?
    This is a bad example because I do explicitly support more bank robberies. It’s all insured, it’s a victimless crime /s(?)

    But in all honesty, I’d be pretty okay with the gifting event going away. I say this as an active participant in it. I usually come out with one of the higher-up percent bracket of rewards, but I can recognize that it’s not good for the game and it promotes a lot of toxicity and bad behavior, which is not in line with the spirit of the season.

    It would obviously need to be replaced by something else to cap off the year in a healthier manner, but I’d support Kabam exploring that path.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    IKON said:

    ExHavok said:

    Progression based gifting crystal is the solution imo. I don't think sending revives,potions and mastery cores are a problem but a 40 lv conqueror account sending crystals to top players that contains T6B and T3A is. I hope this year we will see those who have 100+ alt accounts slapped in the face by Kabam.

    You clearly have no idee how hard it is to even manage 20 alt accounts. It's a VERY tough kind of grind and it involves planning, spreadsheets and a LOT of time. If you look at the drop rates of GGCs last year, you'll get more T6B and T3A from content like EOP and the Gauntlet than 500 GGCs.

    Grinding should be incentivised, not disincentivised.
    Robbing a bank is very tough to plan … may also involve spreadsheets
    I don’t know about you, but when I plan on robbing banks, my first step isn’t to make an excel spreadsheet
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,099 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    We all know that the gifting event is Kabaam’s biggest money maker, so I really wish that they tread lightly on what they do. The whales will whale, but it’s those smaller fish that might stop spending if they aren’t able to participate in the gifting event properly. They will indeed create a further divide between spenders and non-spenders.

    I have created a few accounts for gifting to my main and really see nothing wrong with it. I’ve invested HOURS/WEEKS of my time to get the accounts eligible per 2021 requirements. I could see an issue if you had created 1000s of alt accounts via BOTS to abuse the event and sell the units, but Kabaam just needs to up their game and catch those accounts that are illegal. For those of us that create a few alt accounts, we should be able to do what we want with the earned units. Level 40 & Act 4 is a perfect requirement to the eligibility of an account.

    I really hope I didn’t waste my time this year making those accounts….

    The most anyone needs to do to self-gift during the gifting event is to have a single alt that they could easily push to have any prerequisite requirement that Kabam could implement.

    The moment you start making multiple alts to gift, you aren't trying to spend money to self-gift, you are trying to farm resources from one account to funnel into another account. And that's outside the realm of "we should be able to do what we want with earned units." You shouldn't, and you can't, because resources earned in an account are primarily intended to be spent on that account. They are balanced on the presumption they will be used on that account and no other. If the devs had to consider what the value of resources would be if funneled into other accounts, those resources would need to be restricted based on that value. This would hurt people just playing individual accounts normally.

    It is a very, very, very easy trade off to make to allow new accounts to earn resources faster than normally intended at the cost of not allowing those resources to get funneled into other accounts in an unlimited fashion. I would make that trade off in the blink of an eye without thinking twice. Given the desire to assist new players balanced against the desire of veteran players to farm alts for stuff, it is no contest at all.
    Honestly what you’re outlining here is part of why we all lost our gifting badges to begin with. I know there was a fraud piece to it as well, but you’ve nailed it in terms of why this is a windfall.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,352 ★★★★★

    IKON said:

    ExHavok said:

    Progression based gifting crystal is the solution imo. I don't think sending revives,potions and mastery cores are a problem but a 40 lv conqueror account sending crystals to top players that contains T6B and T3A is. I hope this year we will see those who have 100+ alt accounts slapped in the face by Kabam.

    You clearly have no idee how hard it is to even manage 20 alt accounts. It's a VERY tough kind of grind and it involves planning, spreadsheets and a LOT of time. If you look at the drop rates of GGCs last year, you'll get more T6B and T3A from content like EOP and the Gauntlet than 500 GGCs.

    Grinding should be incentivised, not disincentivised.
    Robbing a bank is very tough to plan … may also involve spreadsheets
    I don’t know about you, but when I plan on robbing banks, my first step isn’t to make an excel spreadsheet
    So you admit you've planned to rob banks before... interesting.
  • crazycaspa55crazycaspa55 Member Posts: 4
    Please don't do 1 year account and level 60.
    Uncollected yes, do min level 50, account at least 6 months old and same alliance for 3 months.
    At least that is achievable.
    You will lose many players if it's too strict.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,790 ★★★★★
    The Gifting Badge was supposed to be a gifting thing, and it got exploited.

    Now people wait for december to exploit the system. Wrapped with a new cellophane and a shiny sticker.
  • Schmittonyou2Schmittonyou2 Member Posts: 29
    They will probably tier the gifts like they do with the offers. Smaller accounts will be able to gift but they won’t be able to gift GGC. It’s all speculation at this point.
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,246 ★★★★

    They will probably tier the gifts like they do with the offers. Smaller accounts will be able to gift but they won’t be able to gift GGC. It’s all speculation at this point.

    Something like paragon can give paragon ggc and uncollected can give uncollected ggc... would mean alt accounts can only gift proven ggcs. I am sure that may annoy some.
  • SnapSchootSnapSchoot Member Posts: 13
    At the end of the day whether it is a change in requirements or you can only gift Progression-based GGCs, all of that would piss off an extremely large amount of players - especially F2P players who use gifting as a way to catch up.
  • Pascals001Pascals001 Member, Guardian Posts: 126 Guardian
    I hope we get informed well in advance, allowing us to prepare well. I'll admit I have an Alt account and grinded units on it to be able to have some GGC as I Can't spend too high as some of the other players do. And if the past year's grind worth of units goes down the drain not sure I would want to play the game going forward.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,099 ★★★★★
    Shaktiman said:

    Please don't do 1 year account and level 60.
    Uncollected yes, do min level 50, account at least 6 months old and same alliance for 3 months.
    At least that is achievable.
    You will lose many players if it's too strict.

    I dont think so that same alliance for 3 months is possible.
    Same with 6months/level 50 as you are focusing on your alternate account. What about the new (genuine) players who try yo play this game? They would miss the opportunity to participate in the event!
    Sometimes missing out is a motivator. When cavalier players got jobbed cyber weekend 2020, I saved my units and rushed to TB. When paragon became a thing, I finally got up and revisited act 7 exploration. Over the past two months, I’ve fully explored 7.4 and most of 7.2. 40 paths left.

    They can still enjoy calendar crystals and other rewards associated with it.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,790 ★★★★★
    Include trade option alongside gifting.
    Atleast stop those losers of global, scamming honest naive players.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Wouldn’t surprise me if they just made gifting to your alliance the only method. That way if you made 30 accounts to gift yourself then you have a choice to make - drop out of competitive AQ/AW for a month or gift yourself a ton of stuff.
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