Gifting Event is Hypocritical and Game Breaking

GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 135 ★★
edited December 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
I have never understood why this event even exists the way it does. It encourages many new players to scam each other in the global chats and is the only event to not have a limit as to how much you can get out of it. It's almost like Kabam puts aside all cares just to earn as much as possible from these events which I find very disappointing.

Kabam often makes reasons as to why the game is as its current state which is "in order to keep the game economy stable" yet this very event absolutely destroys the game economy. Not only can you get an infinite amount of iso, gold, champions, and catalysts to your bank account's content, but you can also acquire 6* awakening gems at just level 40 which I find absolutely absurd! Too many times have I seen newer players with a 6* champion along with 3* or 4* champions in their top profile.

Not only this, but this event effectively kills competition in alliances making the top spenders have stronger defenders and attackers. Could you imagine if legend runs still existed, and you had to compete against r4 sig 200 of the best of the best champions?

This event is pretty shameful, and I think it should either never return again, or should have some sort of limit to how many crystals you can recieve and give out.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 135 ★★
    thepiggy said:

    I have never understood why this event even exists the way it does.

    1. It helps keep the game ad-free and f2p.

    2. Spenders deserve an advantage (or else no one would spend), and the early adopter fee is really expensive for not much benefit. Are 2 rank 4s worth a down payment on a house? We get the same stuff anyway 8 months later for comparatively nothing.

    Gifting can be toxic but it's lot of emotion for nothing and we do it to ourselves. This isn't the end, gifting isn't breaking the game, no one's outpacing anyone, and the game's not ending.
    That's where your statement is flawed, because yes the gifting event affects the game economy every year. The gifting crystals are basically a bunch of all the game materials crammed into one crystal and that makes statements from Kabam about the rarity of things like t5cc fragments completely irrelevant, and they forget all about it when the flow of purchases comes in. This event is just everything against what they were implying.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,654 ★★★★★

    Is the most exploitable and scammed event. Every year is keeps getting worse.

    And the people who do that are onle the one's who are able to put money on it. You can't say that the whales are the one's who are helping the game when some of them are legit taking illegal actions on it, making it worse for everyone

    Certainly not every whale does that, right?.......... right?

    Personally I think gifting is fine for those who grind content/arena for units.
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,848 ★★★★
    What’s game breaking about it?
    I watch some YouTube videos sometimes.
    One is karatemike who is awesome and extremely helpful.

    He’s on like 38 r3 6*. I have zero. Am I supposed to say he’s breaking the game?
  • MasoninhoMasoninho Member Posts: 1

    I have been playing this game for 5 years now and have recently started spending a fair bit of money on my account to boost my roster however I joined my new alliance due to my last alliance kicking me from theirs this means that I've lost out on all my new alliances gifting rewards and I've wasted all my units on getting these milestones and some people in this alliance have the same issue of spending over 3k units equivalent to 100 pounds and have now been told they have to spend it all over again what is kabam going to do to fix this issue this is effecting a fair amount of people in my alliance myself included
  • Skiddy212Skiddy212 Member Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
    I will say, the best part of gifting is watching the global chat...pure comedy and chaos
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Kabam needs paying players, plain and simple.

    The game will not break because of this. History shows that.

    What one player does will not impact your account or ability to progress.

    You’re mad because others can progress a little faster. I get it. But don’t overreact.
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,193 ★★★★★
    Clyneva said:

    OGAvenger said:

    Spend thousands**

    And no YOUR progression is not affected by this at all. You’d need to spend 25k+ to get any rewards that aren’t available in content (generic rank up gems, full t5cc selectors….etc). Go do some content and you can get the same stuff the majority of people are getting

    And if you were someone who was gonna drop 25k+ on this event then well….good for you

    Anyone willing to drop a few grand or more on this should get a lot better rewards than me…because they’re spending a lot more money than me to do it. Just focus on you and your account dude

    I see this "but it doesn't affect my account!" argument at lot. And I feel like it comes from a lack of understanding regarding how the progression system evolves in these types of games. The progression speed of top end players actually have a huge impact on lower players, because they set the pace for what baseline power is needed for future content release.

    Think of this way. When top end players are all decked out with numerous R4s after this event, what do you think Kabam will do to try and convince them to pull out their wallet for the next 4th of July? Or the gifting event next year?

    That's right, they have to raise the bar:

    1.) Release a new title, which will likely be roster based again. The more the top tier has progressed, the tougher the requirements will be for everyone.
    2.) Release content that is more difficult, to make the R4s feel obsolete
    3.) Release the next chase material to power up your champions (e.g T6 Class Cat, Relics, 7*) so players will be enticed to pay to keep up.

    This has obvious impact on lower end players. Just consider a couple of the topics people have made a lot of noise about the past year (or even just the past couple months).

    1.) Difficulty spike in the Side quests
    2.) Harder globals nodes in Event quest
    3.) Difficulty in AQ
    4.) Unfairness of Thronebreaker requirements
    5.) The obsoletion of the Cavalier title in terms of rewards and offers

    All of these are directly driven by top end progression levels. The bigger the gap between top end players players and middle/low end players, the more these things will become an issue.

    Kabam will always prioritize adapting their content to keep the top end engaged, because they're typically also the biggest spenders. Everyone else, unfortunately, gets to deal with the fallout.

    So you're right, your account might not directly changed by this, but the relationship between your account and the rest of the game is absolutely affected by things like this. An analogy would be like when you're in school and the test is graded on a curve. Sure, how well someone else scores doesn't directly change your score, but it still influences what grade you get and how hard the next test is going to be.
    Lol you’re entire post is pretty laughable.

    1. There are different difficulty settings in EQ and side quests for a reason. And when the top tier gets further and further, Kabam will create a new difficulty designed for them
    2. Same as above
    3. YOUR AQ isn’t affected by other alliances lmao
    4. Just stop
    5. You must be a bitter Cav player 😂😂

    Once again. The top top top top spenders having all the r4’s physically possible has no affect on my account or your account whatsoever
  • WATCHEDWATCHED Member Posts: 186
    This event congratulates arena grinders, this is a unit based event, you can literally do this event and not spend a dime and still come out on top if you took the time to grind in arenas.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★

    Kabam needs paying players, plain and simple.

    Not on this level, no. They could very well delete the gifting event and money/spring cleaning event from the game, it wouldn't hurt them nor the game.

    The game will not break because of this. History shows that.

    History shows that the gifting event has been a failure over the years. Full of scams and exploits, and others. And yes, it also showd that it creates an unbalance in the game.

    What one player does will not impact your account or ability to progress.

    You’re mad because others can progress a little faster. I get it. But don’t overreact.

    If it affects top spenders and players, then it will affect anyone below it as well.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,692 ★★★★★
    Clyneva said:

    OGAvenger said:

    Spend thousands**

    And no YOUR progression is not affected by this at all. You’d need to spend 25k+ to get any rewards that aren’t available in content (generic rank up gems, full t5cc selectors….etc). Go do some content and you can get the same stuff the majority of people are getting

    And if you were someone who was gonna drop 25k+ on this event then well….good for you

    Anyone willing to drop a few grand or more on this should get a lot better rewards than me…because they’re spending a lot more money than me to do it. Just focus on you and your account dude

    I see this "but it doesn't affect my account!" argument at lot. And I feel like it comes from a lack of understanding regarding how the progression system evolves in these types of games. The progression speed of top end players actually have a huge impact on lower players, because they set the pace for what baseline power is needed for future content release.

    Think of this way. When top end players are all decked out with numerous R4s after this event, what do you think Kabam will do to try and convince them to pull out their wallet for the next 4th of July? Or the gifting event next year?

    That's right, they have to raise the bar:

    1.) Release a new title, which will likely be roster based again. The more the top tier has progressed, the tougher the requirements will be for everyone.
    2.) Release content that is more difficult, to make the R4s feel obsolete
    3.) Release the next chase material to power up your champions (e.g T6 Class Cat, Relics, 7*) so players will be enticed to pay to keep up.

    This has obvious impact on lower end players. Just consider a couple of the topics people have made a lot of noise about the past year (or even just the past couple months).

    1.) Difficulty spike in the Side quests
    2.) Harder globals nodes in Event quest
    3.) Difficulty in AQ
    4.) Unfairness of Thronebreaker requirements
    5.) The obsoletion of the Cavalier title in terms of rewards and offers

    All of these are directly driven by top end progression levels. The bigger the gap between top end players players and middle/low end players, the more these things will become an issue.

    Kabam will always prioritize adapting their content to keep the top end engaged, because they're typically also the biggest spenders. Everyone else, unfortunately, gets to deal with the fallout.

    So you're right, your account might not directly changed by this, but the relationship between your account and the rest of the game is absolutely affected by things like this. An analogy would be like when you're in school and the test is graded on a curve. Sure, how well someone else scores doesn't directly change your score, but it still influences what grade you get and how hard the next test is going to be.
    Okay so this is pretty much nonsense from top to bottom. To this day there exists no content in this game requiring r3 6* champions. In fact, I did this month’s EQ with several 6* r1 champions or 5* champions because they best fit the bill for what the nodes required and it worked out just fine. Itemless exploration. You can argue for Abyss, but that’s not exactly a standard piece of content, is it? So the idea that suddenly Kabam is going to start rolling out content that will make r4s feel weak is laughable when we haven’t even begun to really stretch our r3 legs.

    Will there be another title soon? Quite possibly! We’re coming to the end of Act 7 (or Book 2 Act 1 if you’re into that kind of thing). We had two titles available through Act 6, being both Cavalier and Thronebreaker, so it is wholly reasonable for there to be another title available at the end of Act 7. I don’t know if it will come to pass or not, but I’ll be okay with it either way.

    In any event, the progress of other players only impacts you if you are trying to play at the absolute top of this game. Top 30 AQ/Masters in AW types of alliances. Anybody else can just keep doing their thing and be perfectly fine.
  • GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Seems like this was moved away from General Discussion. So my point stands. You think the gifting event is the sole reason the game is running? If anything it just makes an extra buck
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Its called a gifting event not a trading one . People that get scammed its their own fault...
  • GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 135 ★★
    WATCHED said:

    This event congratulates arena grinders, this is a unit based event, you can literally do this event and not spend a dime and still come out on top if you took the time to grind in arenas.

    Unit grinders can only grind so much with the time that they have, and that's only if they are going to gift or gift themselves with an alt account. This event is oriented mainly towards spenders
  • GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Coppin said:

    Its called a gifting event not a trading one . People that get scammed its their own fault...

    Scamming and begging is still a huge problem each year because of how desirable the crystals are, and rightfully so because they are potential account changing crystals
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    Its called a gifting event not a trading one . People that get scammed its their own fault...

    Scamming and begging is still a huge problem each year because of how desirable the crystals are, and rightfully so because they are potential account changing crystals
    Its a problem for whoever is willing to be part of that problem .. u can turn off global chat and do your own thing
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★

    Seems like this was moved away from General Discussion. So my point stands. You think the gifting event is the sole reason the game is running? If anything it just makes an extra buck

    Do you really want to spend your Christmas Eve being the GlazzyBear that stole Christmas? Let that heart grow 3 sizes already!

    Honestly what business doesn't do something extra around the Holidays to make some extra money? If you want to design the ultimate foolproof gifting event that is completely free to play and free of controversy, please enlighten us and submit it to the Dev team for consideration for next year.
  • GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Just wanted to say I was right in the end and Kabam agreed with me :)
  • AnaxagorAnaxagor Member Posts: 62
    Dear mods and admins, game devs! I'm completely okay with Gifting Cancellation as long as I can buy Crystal for 300 units with the same perks, just for me, for 300 units, Big Gifting Crystal, okay? I'm okay with no gifting event, but I grinded units for this event to buy Big Gifting Crystals for 300 units each so please don't take away my time okay? As long as there are Big Gifting Crystals for 300 units to buy for me only I'm okay with your decision.
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