Neutralize Update [Merged Threads]

There are some champions and many nodes with AAR. Some of those champions don't even gain buffs like Archangel but he's now immune to this. This becomes a very big issue if can't even pause her senses. We don't want rank down tickets, we want you to fix this. So many people have invested resources in these champions. Why can't you fix normal issues, instead you're nerfing tigra, rintrah,etc. You're can't even make red hulk incerate immune.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
I have 6r4 sig 200 tigra, and they made her useless...
Why is the reason for she can't place neutarlize on AA Immun champ without AA reduction?
neutralize reduces buff ability accuracy by 100%
It’s the same with Apoc not placing concussion.
It definitely sucks, but looking at it optimistically it’s only 5 champions and 1 node that are immune to AAR. So she will still be 99.9% the champ she was before the change
Did some tests:
- Ultron interactions with Tigra: Ultron's function abilities are unaffected by ability accuracy. Tigra applies neutralize but Ultron is still able to trigger his buffs outside of the neutralize on him. This is how it should work.
- Tigra against Mysterio: Mysterio's ability accuracy cannot be reduced unless unless his helmet is cracked. With his helmet intact Tigra is not apply to apply neutralize. Something does't add up here.
The implementation of neutralize interaction with ability accuracy immunity needs some looking into or more explanation from the team.
I wouldn't say it's a nerf, rather either a bug or we need more info.
Her neutralise still applies, they just have more accuracy and buffs can get through.
Tbh it’s not a big deal.
Tigra wasn’t working against Force of Will in the first place. There are just a few champs that are immune to AAR, none of which is ridiculously hard to fight without her.
As much as I don’t enjoy getting one of my most used champs neutered down, it goes in line with what Kabam has been doing for years, similar to the “nerf” of stun immunity against AA’s neurotoxin passive stuns.
Just chill and enjoy the game guys.
Feel like it is something that maybe the Kabam team could revisit, was wondering if @Kabam Miike or @Kabam Jax could pass this back to the development team that over see this.
My R4 sig 200 tigra will be quite happy destroying 99.9% of the fights she used to.
If a champion has an increased chance to proc something then neutralise can apply but it just won’t reduce it to 0% as usual
If a champion is immune to something then it just simply cannot apply. Neutralise is an ability accuracy reduction, therefore champions can be immune to it.
Neutralise won’t apply to champion immune to it in the same way bleed won’t apply to a bleed immune.
If game consistency requires "nerfing " champs then let it be.
If they really want then the solution could be that landing hits pause tigra's senses for 2.5 seconds instead of tying it to presence of neutralize
If there’s a real need to remove buffs or whatever, just use a nullify/stagger attacker. 😂
I also have an r4 Tigra and I have no problem with this as long as they don't start spamming Force of Will everywhere similarly to how they were spamming True Strike a few years ago in order to counter Ghost and Quake. But if it's just an occasional roadblock, then so be it. It'll suck here and there - I'm actually on a path right now where the final miniboss would have been excellent Tigra food if not for this new interaction - but she'll still crush so much content in the game. She's an insane champion. An inability to fight half a dozen champions out of 200+ won't really change that in any substantial way.
It’s like disorient reducing DAA and block proficiency, that can still apply to immune to AAR champions because they’re not immune to having their block proficiency reduced
Theoretically if Weapon X were placed on an immune to AAR node, he shouldn’t be magnetised because he’s immune to regen rate reduction and AAR. However I’m not sure if it actually would, because at the moment AAR and immunity to AAR is an extremely inconsistent interaction:
Slow working on immune to AAR, Falcon working on immunity to AAR, Apoc’s shrug off counter working against AAR.
It’s all new abilities and different ways to reduce AAR that immunity to AAR hasn’t been updated for.
I’d personally rather a non bugged game, that works correctly than pro player bugs. Consistency is better. This game is already complex enough without some things working in one place, and other identical things not working.