Hyperion and mordo too overpowered



  • OGHeRRoOGHeRRo Member Posts: 113
    Another nerf post... smh I think it's interesting the same ideas and reasons for nerfing hyperion and mordo are:

    1. Doc was nerfed because of his power gain.
    2. They're to OP like SW and doc was.

    Let's break it down:

    SW and Doc both got nerfed for being able to clear game content to easily and without spending.

    I can't remember anyone crying for a nerf because Doc was too tough to fight in AW or SW was too hard to beat. People complained because they didn't have one or either and felt others had an advantage.

    The comparison of Doc/ SW to mordo and hyp is not valid. Majority of the folks calling for a nerf are specifically referencing one game mode: AW. So you guys want to water down heroes because of 1 game mode??

    The same heroes who's power gain can be negatively affected by:

    Magik( nullify, power lock)
    Voodoo ( power drain)
    GP ( envicerate)
    OG vision ( power steal/power burn)
    Gr ( power drain, damnation)
    Aou vision ( power drain/ power steal)
    Rogue( power steal)
    Psylocke ( power drain)
    CW ( power drain)
    Hood( stagger/ power steal)
    Juggs ( stagger)
    Lady thor ( stagger)
    Yondu( 50% decreased power)
    SW( nullify, power drain/ power steal)
    Doc ( nullify)
    Loki( buff steal)
    Stark spidey( power drain)
    WS ( sporadic power drain)

    That's 18 heroes ... yes 18 different heroes that effect the power gain of hyp and mordo.

    A skilled summoner as many claim they are WILL find a way to use their skills or strategy to get past hard content. Think about that one.... kabam throws challenges our way everyday and yet many of us have figured out how to get past them. Hmmm maybe that's where our skill and strategy come into play versus posting on the forums and asking/ demanding for a nerf.
  • wSWeaponXwSWeaponX Member Posts: 366 ★★
    Nerf everything I can't beat!
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Hyperion and mordo must be balanced. Just make them earn their sp3. Power gain should stop after sp2!
  • OGHeRRoOGHeRRo Member Posts: 113
    @CapWW2 ,

    They are already balanced. They present a formidable challenge. Also the reason why they are AQ mini bosses. OG vision gains power faster than anyone. It's interesting that there aren't any posts on nerfing OG visions synthesis. He was a killer on " starts with 2 bars of power" node in Aw, but then people figured out a way to still beat him, without calling for a nerf. It always comes down to 2 things:

    Skill and more importantly strategy( getting the right alliance members with the best heroes suited to fight the appropriate line.)
  • SodapopheadSodapophead Member Posts: 27
    The point of War is for it to be difficult, that's why you can only use 3 champs for all of your fights, not all of your champs will match up well with all of the defenders. How fun would the game be if you could easily beat every champ you fight. Way to many people complain about champs they can't beat, maybe you shouldn't be playing at such a high level. If you can't beat one of the special quest kabam puts up, it's not always because the quest was to hard for the community, it was just to hard for you. I have a duped 4 star Hyperion, I don't use him on defense or offense in war, because he's to easy to beat and I like other champs for offense.
    So if everyone played at the right level, maybe there wouldn't be so many complaints about over powered champs.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    As for OG vision people don't often complain because he's INSANELY rare and his gains are very sporadic leaving long gaps unlike Mordo who has an iron clad defense that requires exact timing to Heavy attack his after a parry and Hyperion while easy to bait has the most special attacks per minute outside of Mystic class which is a whole other topic

    OGV has the simplest AI in the game on par with most early champs due to him being BETA exclusive outside of offers

    Not only that but Hype come s out of L3 with some messed up levels of increased attack and physical resistance as well as another power gain

    Mordo… just blocks WAY too much imo

    OGV is just WAY too rare to even call for a nerf because the odds you'll even see it again are THAT low… Not to mention that even if all you hit is his shield using a special attack before the L3 will mean that the power drain is likely not even to do 1k of damage and the actual "attack" from the L3 isn't the best ever

    I'm not actually siding on either end of the Hype/Mordo nerf atm as my distain for both is distracted by a different topic I'm still trying to word properly and Mordo especially is a very low issue as a few champs (Drax/Elektra/BW) and the Parry and heavy method are VERY reliable counters to his Evade which is the ACTUAL reason that Mordo is so hard
  • OGHeRRoOGHeRRo Member Posts: 113
    @Mr_Otter ,

    I used OG vision as an example. For my level of play you'll see 8-9 OG visions if not more per alliance. Now having said that typically the are used for AW attack for obvious reasons, but when he's on starts with 2 bars of power he still gets his synthesis, which gives him 3 bars majority of the time almost immediately at the start of a fight. We figured out how to beat him on that node as a community( if you will) and got past him. Now it's not even an issue. The point I was making is we didn't call for a nerf to his signature, we practiced and figured out how to counter and beat him. It's the same for mordo and Hyperion. sometimes it's might be unorthodox say iceman taking several s3s from either hero which he can handle easily with his ice armor or mags( similar signature of damage reduction). Either way they can and more importantly ARE defeated every AW in tier 1 without crazy item use. That's part of the reason folks get frustrated from time to time is we hear people telling us what is impossible and can't be done yet we do it every other day at our level of play.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Why the truth hurts so much? The power gain of hyperion and mordo is not proportional and balanced. Their power gain should stop at sp2 period!

    Kabam needs to make them gain sp3!
  • LagmelongtimeLagmelongtime Member Posts: 86
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Why the truth hurts so much? The power gain of hyperion and mordo is not proportional and balanced. Their power gain should stop at sp2 period!

    Kabam needs to make them gain sp3!

    The truth is... You need to learn how to fight against power gain and bait. Their AI seems to be adjusted already to trigger specials more. Please stop the nerf posts and start practicing.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★

    I understand your point but OGV on defense is an anomaly and I'm L2 start the L3 isn't gonna do much

    Unfortunately the issue I usually have is something I call "New AI Syndrome" where after a certain point some champs seem to be far more intelligent compared to their older counterparts. For comparison a SIM or Iron Man seem to LOVE using the L1 far far more than Mordo despite all 3 being very much the same animation with a slightly different beam animation effect with SIM-IM having a more singular bean where Mordo has a flared edge to his beam.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    1. mordo's l3 is kinda weak so deal with it
    2. hyperion AI was tweaked. Kabam said so themselves..
  • ParteekParteek Member Posts: 14
    I use my rank5 Hawkeye..he crush mordo and hyperion. Simple
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    @SomeoneElse I have no idea what "pro" players you are talking about who complain about not being able to bait specials from Hyperion, but yes, I guess I must be better than they are. Hyperion is not hard to fight. Can you post a link to these pro fighters who agree with you? Also, by the way, you are the one trying to bait specials from Hyperion. He may refuse to take the bait from time to time (and this is something you can get better at), but he doesn't "stop baiting."

    You need to work on your research skills. Here are a couple of examples. Are they the best players in the world? No (Tim doesn't seem all that good to me), but I would certainly give their opinions more weight than most people's opinions here, especially those that cannot express their thoughts without resorting to immature insults.

    Dork Lessons - ~ 6:14 "Baiting is not a guarantee!"


    Turbo Tim - ~ 0:30 "Now, sometimes, it's going to be unavoidable."


    Turbo Tim has an updated baiting video that does not make the same statement. However, he does say it in the comments section.

    You need to work on your debate skills. Commenting on someone's grammar or spelling weakens your position. It is usually a sign of needing to divert attention from a poor argument by nitpicking something that is not relevant. My wording may not have been correct, but I don't think anyone was confused about my meaning.

    I eagerly await your video proof that baiting always works. Since it is not logically possible to prove that something can never happen, I will accept a video few thousand 5* duped Hyperion battles in which he accepts a bait 100% of the time.
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    We have had enough Kabam!! You have forced a beta test update upon us without our consent. Then u started ignoring the single most viewed post on it and have decided to make sure that it doesnt come to the top of the list of topics. We have had enough!!!! Until a mod now responds, I shall hereby discuss the topic over different platforms. YOU CANT IGNORE US!!!

    The following is the thread with all the problems listed of the FORCED beta update on us:

    Requesting all fellow forumers to help out address the issue
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    DL864 wrote: »
    You don't have ds. And you have no sympathy for DS owners because you heard how someone told you how to use him. Lol. Yet you want Hyperion to get nerfed cause you don't know how to fight him. That's such a noob comment. There are more ways to fight him then bait sp1. Power lock/ drain champs. Just a hint we are in tier 3 for aw and the only node he's on that gives us issues is when he starts with two bars of power.

    You seem to have completely failed to grasp the points I tried to make. Judging from your need to insult me, I will a assume you are a young kid who has not yet reached the maturity needed to have a debate with other people.

    Using power lock and drain champions is only partially a valid argument. It falls short for several reasons.

    First, acquiring champions with these abilities is left to random chance. (It is not really random. It is a computer algorithm that approximates randomness.) If Kabam wanted me to employ a strategy of choosing the right champions to counter certain abilities, then they should have allowed me to pick which champions I get. This is a problem with Kabam's design in general. Some parts of the game require a combination of skill and random chance to succeed. It takes away from the enjoyment of the game when you do everything you are supposed to do and still fail because the random algorithm didn't work in your favor.

    Second, the power lock and drain abilities are often not as reliable as Hyperion's ability to gain power. Some abilities require getting to level 2 or 3. Hyperion can get to level 3 more than once before that happens. If he refuses to take a bait, then you may not get the chance to use your abilities to drain his power. Some of the power lock and drain abilities only have a percentage chance to work and drain only a percentage of power. A 5* duped Hyperion gains power at such a fast rate that these abilities are only of very limited use.

    Finally, the persistent bugs that Kabam has admitted are problems reduce the chance of successfully using a power lock or drain. For example, several of my champions have a power drain on their L2 special. Chaining a combo into an L2 has not worked for a while. The special button often does not work on the first tap. This makes stunning into a special unreliable as well. Kabam has stated that they are investigating both of these bugs. In the mean time, we are at a disadvantage when facing a overpowered champion like Hyperion.
  • IdontinksoIdontinkso Member Posts: 156
    NO more nerfs please. I enjoy having Hyperion as a challenge to fight against. He is an equalizer for some of the better champs and makes the power control champs important. He destroys you for holding back and forces you to change your playstyle to defeat him, same with Mordo. Dormammu maybe a hair but these 2 ..no
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited July 2017
    Hyperion must be adjusted
  • SkxxxtySkxxxty Member Posts: 86
    Mordo’s s1 is easy to bait and evade his s2 even easier. His s3 does little damage. I have him but don’t really like him. Hyperion’s s3 is devastating followed by a preloaded heavy. I can’t do it but AI always can. I also have him. Magik deals with both quite easily even unduped.I have her too. Eventually we all get what we need. Stop complaining and practice. Find a hard duel.
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Skxxxty wrote: »
    Mordo’s s1 is easy to bait and evade his s2 even easier. His s3 does little damage. I have him but don’t really like him. Hyperion’s s3 is devastating followed by a preloaded heavy. I can’t do it but AI always can. I also have him. Magik deals with both quite easily even unduped.I have her too. Eventually we all get what we need. Stop complaining and practice. Find a hard duel.

    Bruh this is from July lmao
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★

    Learn to bait.




    and mordo

    Learn to play him. Iceman. Drax. Archangel heavy (yup! no astral evade).

    Enough with this nerf ****.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Grimmbear wrote: »
    Bruh this is from July lmao

    Honest question.
    Is it better to start another post on similar topic and put a link to the old or post on the old?

    Having said the above, is it better to have a "sticky" marked Game down (which could be appearing shortly)?

  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    *in Korg voice*
    Another day, another nerf thread...
  • DangerNoodleDangerNoodle Member Posts: 235
    edited December 2017
    Lol let's say they actually Nerf Hyperion (and I'm saying him only cause Mordo isn't that bad) just think how butthurt you gonna be when you get him in the 1$ Crystal and say he's weak AF.
    But hey that's not my business, I already know Kabams gonna give me that booty tier kingpin 😂
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    winterthur wrote: »
    Grimmbear wrote: »
    Bruh this is from July lmao

    Honest question.
    Is it better to start another post on similar topic and put a link to the old or post on the old?

    Having said the above, is it better to have a "sticky" marked Game down (which could be appearing shortly)?

    Start a new topic and you'll get bashed because there are already 11ty on the same thing, mods will close it so it gets lost in the ether in the "main" thread somewhere between the guy who is really sensible and the other guy. I'll let you work out who they are :wink:

    Bump an old thread, you're a jerk but mods wont close it until the the replies hit peak jerk, you still won't get an answer because it is probably a repost of a repost anyway but didn't get enough attention last time.

    Someone picks out an even older reply and starts carrying on, peak jerk achieved.

    I think its the topic that decides the response followed by the grammar then the content.

    Nerf threads, followed by badly worded "why i band?" then "waaaah, not enough/too much/too easy/hard/drop rates" seems to be the common denominator.

    The search function here is lousy, if you manage to find a topic that is relevant while using it, I vote bump because you deserve some reward for effort.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    The third factor to consider is the jerk who goes completely off topic because they are bored.

    I hate those guys most of all :smiley:
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    lol Just because you’re not a strong fighter doesn’t mean they should be nerfed down to your abilities
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    phillgreen wrote: »
    The search function here is lousy, if you manage to find a topic that is relevant while using it, I vote bump because you deserve some reward for effort.

    This is helpful to know. I am still going into the old forum to dig info. :)

  • CloserByTomorrowCloserByTomorrow Member Posts: 145
    Wow. Mordo isn't even good on offense. His one strength is D and he's not that hard to fight anymore. He is miles away from being over powered. Hyperion really isn't a good defender. He loves his L1 and L2 so much. Thankfully Kabam doesn't nerf champs every time people who aren't good at the came call for it.

    Yea I don’t agree with nerfing hyp but he absolutely does not “love his specials 1 and 2 so much” If you don’t bring a champ to some now manipulate his power then you are more then likely going down.

    Maybe your used to fighting low level hyperion, but the 55k hyp I’m used to doesn’t love his specials like yours. Even the low level hyp still sometimes just stands there, gaining power.

    A nerf I wouldn’t be opposed to is removing his power gain from being struck. And maybe even from attacking too. Like doctor strange.
  • KML15KML15 Member Posts: 139
    Both aren't even that bad once you get the hang of them. Learn how to play instead of complaining.
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