v36.3 QoL Updates - Coming Oct 3, 2022

Kabam ZeroKabam Zero Moderator Posts: 165
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
Greetings all, I’m here again to let you know about some cool new QoL features coming into the 36.3 build on October 3rd. These features come from our conversations with the community so if you have an idea, please let us know in the comments below. With that said let’s just jump into the features.

Solo Events Claim Scroll To Improvement

This is more of a bug fix but is likely to make some people happy. We’ve made the solo event popup properly scroll to the first claimable milestone so you won’t have to manually scroll all the way down just to claim the latest milestone.

Hero Info Tooltip Shows If Owned

Tapping on champions in rewards will now show if you own the champion. Additionally, if they are awakened, it will display what sig level they have.

Showing Rank in the Defender View of Buff Node Info Popup

Added a line in the defender section of the buff info node popup to show the hero's rank. This is mainly important in Alliance War where the difference in rank can make a difference.

Select All ISO Toggle in Upgrade Screen

We’ve added another toggle along with Smart Select in the upgrade screen called Select All. This will ignore class alignment but still try to select ISO in the best way besides that. This is mainly for those that don’t specifically care to maximize their ISO usage but just want to rank up their favorite new champions in the quickest way possible.

Auto Open Crystal Button

We are experimenting with an auto-open button that, when clicked, will continuously open crystals, 10 at a time with a 3-second interval in between. This will continue until either all your crystals of this type are opened or you cancel the auto-open. This should hopefully help when you just want to bulk open all of the crystal that has just been piling up.

We do anticipate that this could cause some extra load on the servers, so will be initially releasing it to a small percentage of the player base at random. We will be gradually increasing the number of players that have access to it as we have more confidence it’s not going to break the servers.

PS. Following up on our previous change that swapped the ending buttons on this popup of Upgrade Champions and Back to Crystals. This was not actually intended and has been reverted in this build.

Quick Free Crystal Claim toggle

This feature was originally announced in a livestream where Lefty Knox and I went head to head in Battlegrounds. If you want to check it out here’s the link!

We’ve added a toggle to make claiming free crystals quicker on the home screen. If this toggle is active, instead of being taken to the crystals screen to open the crystal, it will instead pop up a quick overlay showing the crystals claimed. It will also claim all available crystals in one click so if both the daily and the 4-hour crystal are claimable, you get both in one go. This should hopefully make it quicker for those that want to get the benefit of these crystals but may not want to open them right away.

And with that, it’s time for me to sign off. I hope these changes will improve your daily life in the contest and as always, please let me know what you think or what other changes you’d like to see implemented.

Post edited by Kabam Zero on


  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,167 ★★★★
    Love the "Select All" option on ISO! Been waiting on that for a while when tons of ISO is about to expire in overflow, and I don't care about using it efficiently.
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,606 ★★★★★

    Greetings all, I’m here again to let you know about some cool new QoL features coming into the 36.3 build on October 3rd. These features come from our conversations with the community so if you have an idea, please let us know in the comments below. With that said let’s just jump into the features.

    Solo Events Claim Scroll To Improvement

    This is more of a bug fix but is likely to make some people happy. We’ve made the solo event popup properly scroll to the first claimable milestone so you won’t have to manually scroll all the way down just to claim the latest milestone.

    Hero Info Tooltip Shows If Owned

    Tapping on champions in rewards will now show if you own the champion. Additionally, if they are awakened, it will display what sig level they have.

    Showing Rank in the Defender View of Buff Node Info Popup

    Added a line in the defender section of the buff info node popup to show the hero's rank. This is mainly important in Alliance War where the difference in rank can make a difference.

    Select All ISO Toggle in Upgrade Screen

    We’ve added another toggle along with Smart Select in the upgrade screen called Select All. This will ignore class alignment but still try to select ISO in the best way besides that. This is mainly for those that don’t specifically care to maximize their ISO usage but just want to rank up their favorite new champions in the quickest way possible.

    Auto Open Crystal Button

    We are experimenting with an auto-open button that, when clicked, will continuously open crystals, 10 at a time with a 3-second interval in between. This will continue until either all your crystals of this type are opened or you cancel the auto-open. This should hopefully help when you just want to bulk open all of the crystal that has just been piling up.

    We do anticipate that this could cause some extra load on the servers, so will be initially releasing it to a small percentage of the player base at random. We will be gradually increasing the number of players that have access to it as we have more confidence it’s not going to break the servers.

    PS. Following up on our previous change that swapped the ending buttons on this popup of Upgrade Champions and Back to Crystals. This was not actually intended and has been reverted in this build.

    New Feature To be Annouced Later Today!

    One more QOL feature is still to be announced! If you want to be amongst the first to hear about it, I will be announcing it in a stream at 3 pm PST today where LeftyKnox and I will be going head to head in the BattleGrounds!

    There will be some pretty interesting stakes, so if you have the time and want to know what the final new feature is, please come join us here at 3 pm PST! While you're waiting for that, go subscribe to Lefty Knox on YouTube!

    And with that, it’s time for me to sign off. I hope these changes will improve your daily life in the contest and as always, please let me know what you think or what other changes you’d like to see implemented.

    Wow, the select all and auto open cryatals are literally game changing! Thanks!
    The last qql must be something really big so looking forward to it!
  • DoosraDoosra Member Posts: 360 ★★★
    Skiddy212 said:

    Okay so I have a problem...you fix stuff with claiming the solo event rewards but have yet to update the rewards, address how poorly the rewards effect the current game climate etc.? Can we get a QOL improvement on that?

    An not like the horrendous solo event for battlegrounds.

    How about asking something related to QoL
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Following up on our previous change that swapped the ending buttons on this popup of Upgrade Champions and Back to Crystals. This was not actually intended and has been reverted in this build.

    thank goodness
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,628 ★★★★

    May I suggest a re-design of the crystal menu?

    For us with hundreds of different crystals each, it kinda sucks to have to scroll so much in search for a specific crystal. Especially when these are only displayed 1 and a half at a time on the screen.

    Maybe shorten the pictures and make it 2/3 crystals per line or something.

    Or a filter option, like with champions. If I am looking to open a T4 class catalyst crystal, it is currently annoying scrolling through the myriad of unrelated to crystals, just to locate the T4 class catalyst crystal.
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I had actually learned to enjoy that button-swap, haha. I won't cry about its removal because I know a lot of people didn't like it but I actually found it pretty intuitive after a while. Oh well! :smiley:

    Regnator said:

    in arenas should be button "Help ALL" . Clicking those "+" buttons is a horror. Think about that Kabam.

    Better yet, couldn't we just not have to click at all? Couldn't the game just assume that we want that help?

    There have been discussions in the past that a "Help all" option would put a lot of stress on the servers, and while I'm not a dev and don't know how those things work exactly, I feel like a system where you don't have to do any manual inputs at all would presumably put the least stress on the servers then.
    They could also add an option to remove the buttons or move the champs to the bottom. I have never needed the help option in my years of playing, it causes nothing but pain to me with all the scrolling or click I have to do
  • Jaffa_Jaffa_ Member Posts: 45
    Would love to see tags added to the defender node info too
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,294 ★★★★★
    Great improvement!! 😊

    I won’t lie - every month I am waiting desperately for new arena qol or an overhaul. I keep my fingers crossed

  • MaxAHRMaxAHR Member Posts: 14
    Can you make level up screen of a champion differently depending on their* rating. 5* and 6* level up screen looks same. Upto 4* eye can easily count but then after 5* 6* looks almost same
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    Great job on the QOL improvements
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  • BluCitizenBluCitizen Member Posts: 49
    Yo I love the daily/free crystal claim feature it will make it way easier and great stream with LeftKnox it was very fun to watch. Keep it up Zero!
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    It would be great to have the option to be able to sort the overflow items and catalysts in a similar way to the new inventory so I don't have to scroll through all the items or different catalysts I am not interested in to see when I have specific ones coming up on expiration that I need to use from regular inventory to free up space to claim the overflow.

    If we could get the reward overflow fixed so that claiming something partway down the list doesn't shunt us back to the top when we may have more things further down we also want to claim it would be nice. It is annoying to have to keep scrolling past the same things over and over just to keep claiming things further down.

    As others have mentioned, the ability to sort through the crystals in either a way with more tabs like the new inventory or with a sort menu like the champ screen would be great. There are way too many different crystals, and different versions of some crystals too, to have to scroll through in the 1st crystal tab as well as them not even being organized so the similar ones are all grouped together.

    Also, the ability to just pop (instead of spinning) a single crystal when you have multiple instead of only 10 at a time or having to spin the single one would be great. I hate the waste of time with waiting for single catalyst crystals or hero crystals to finish spinning.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    If you can fix the sorting of the sig stones in inventory and also the overflow icon in the inventory screen it would be appreciated. Currently my stones are in different places depending on the amount of sig levels they add instead of arranging them that way within their given class. Some generic and class stones are lower down in the list than the other ones of the same class. Also, the overflow icon is too close to the regular items and needs moved over some so it doesn't overlap the item icons.

  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 690 ★★★
    The quick claim free crystals is just awesome. The 4h crystals are an easy source for revives, and this'll make claiming those so much easier
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