Battlegrounds Rewards Revealed! Solo/Alliance Events, Victory Track, Gladiator’s Circuit and More!



  • godofthundergodofthunder Member Posts: 19
    Battlegrounds has a Huge problem. Some players are PAUSING the game while playing battlegrounds I'm over here fighting and wondering why I kept on losing til I saw it most of these players are running the clock and that's how they win. Kabam you guys have to fix this somehow maybe take the time away that way people can't cheat.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,099 ★★★★★
    CoMinow said:

    Wozzle007 said:

    To bring a bit of balance back, at least from my posts in this thread, the match making seems to be better and not getting matched with paragon players with 10+ rank 4’s. That could be because they’re all in gladiators circuit now and no longer being matched with that level of roster.

    Honestly the game mode itself so much fun. Loving how its making me think more and strategise. Did 4 fights today, ignored all the issues around rewards and it was great fun.

    If the rewards structure and pricing is fixed (absolutely monetise it, but not like this) they have a winner.

    I have 8 6* r4 and am very close to a ninth and I won’t waste time on the broken mode.. maybe people with 10 realize it’s a complete waste of time and money at $4 a fight. I won’t bother. As a matter of fact the gameplay and addition of such a disgusting display of greed and lack of respect KABAM shows towards its customers by the introduction of this mode has drained my willingness to play or spend… I myself only play the game for a few fights a week outside of annoying alliance modes, and have all but given up hope on them ever caring enough to try and fix anything that’s broken when they can just add more broken content and collect more money then ever…. Too many people spending too beat broken content. I’d almost bet they make more money the worse the game plays
    It’s broken after a certain point. You don’t need to pay during the Victory track you don’t need to spend to get the pittance worth of Elders Mark that allows for some 6* shards. I’m only playing for the 6* Sig Stone in the store and it’s genuinely fun. I’m currently on Platinum 1 have purchased 20 sigs so far, have 8,200 trophy tokens in the bank to buy more when they refresh. I’ve not spend a penny on the mode and not going to.

    Those who are going to spend to get the big rewards are going to spend and get them regardless of whether anyone ignores trying to get the free stuff, so for my I might as well try and get some Sig stones. I have a 6* Omega Red I want to take to Rank 4 but at Sig 20 I need those sig stone baby!

    Also, I’ve don’t my ranty “the mode is only about money, Kabam have failed the player base” much earlier in this thread. I think it’s right to give some positive balance after some reflection about the game mode itself. If the actual playing battlegrounds wasn’t fun and that feedback wasn’t given what’s the point in Kabam changing anything at all.

    Now it’s also reasonable to say that the mode has been implemented so poorly you’re turning you back on the mode. I think a lot of people (not saying you), say they are never going to play a certain part of the game or pay for a deal, but do it anyway. Battlegrounds isn’t going anywhere so let’s move onto the positive what can we do improve it as I think we’ve all stated the issues of what’s wrong with it. Unless there’s new stuff that happened.

    Kabam apparently had a focus group of some kind about the mode unless I’m mistaken. Would love to hear what the plans are going forward. I think it was on an @RichTheMan video that we should have heard something at the begging of the week. So @Kabam Jax @Kabam Miike whats the latest? We all just want this mode to succeed.
  • ThiartcThiartc Member Posts: 295 ★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Copying this over from a post in News and Announcements:

    Hey Summoners,

    Thank you for your patience with the implementation of Battlegrounds.

    We have been keeping many watchful eyes on the reception of the newest game mode. Conversations have been continuing behind the scenes about what changes need to be made. Currently, we're running ideas by a select group of players to see what the reception is like.

    We don't have any details at this exact moment, but we will have more information early next week.

    Stay tuned for more.

    - MCoC Community Team

    Early next week has come and gone. Early next next week?
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  • K3vin34K3vin34 Member Posts: 5

    Sorry for my english im french
    I win the first fight
    In the end of the 2nd the screen became black AND I LOST
    Without play the 3rd match
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  • yossyoss Member Posts: 50
    Kabam should sent energy refills and some elder's marks for the ones we lost to modders they can't handle with.
    It is nice they try to remove them from rank rewards at the end but with all the items we lose once we face them?
  • DjjendjeenDjjendjeen Member Posts: 55
    After the seasons ends, during the one week off, does the BG store reset during the off week.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,099 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Jax @Kabam Miike early next week was over a week ago. Don’t keep us in suspense. Just as an aside, I think some of the comms recently has been really good but it’s an own goal when you set a timeframe to provide communication back by and don’t stick to it. I’m guessing you’re still gathering information and feedback etc, and if that’s the case maybe share with us a new timeline. Its not like we set the time period, and the radio silence make it seem like it’s not something you really care about anymore.

    On a positive note, battle grounds itself really good. Just looking forward to how it’s going to be changed to make it the awesome flagship game mode it should be.

  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    oh i just LOVE LOVE LOVE when the game freezes and i don't get to pick my bans or even when I don't get to pick defenders and attackers. SMH
  • The_PezThe_Pez Member Posts: 3
    Hi all!

    Do someone know if there are any matchmaking after someone hit the Gladiators' Circuit? Once I reached it I get matched with unwinnable matches, quite literally. So I just think, or it seems, there is no proper matchmaking and the system only counts your points. Like a cavalier with only 6r1s can be matched with a paragon with 10 6r4s if both have 0 points in GC?!

    Also, if i don't spend my marks and or tokens this season will they be carried over to the next season?
    I mean I have almost 400 marks from reaching GC but there is absolutely no point playing it since I get matched with unbeatable opponents like in the example mentioned above.
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★★
    Is there an Off-Season or the next season starts right after this one ends?
  • PinoParkerPinoParker Member Posts: 1
    Just started doing Battle Grounds, been doing the friends matches and that has been lots of fun for bragging rights within the alliance.

    To level the playing field we've been doing matches with 2*s only or 3*s only and it's been even more fun because we all have lots of those fighters who were ranked up a long time ago and now there is a reason to use them again.

    @Kabam Miike is there a way you guys can set up Battle Grounds like this? Something with roster restrictions....this way we could really see who's got the skills and not just the whale roster? I'd be willing to put my 2* or 3* roster up against anyone's 2* or 3* roster......and if you could set something up like this, then it brings back some relevancy to our forgotten 2*s, 3*s, 4*s and soon to be forgotten 5*s.

    Hopefully you guys are already trying to put something like this in play. If you are, please don't adjust the payouts for winning with lower 2* teams......those of us who've been playing since year 1 who've maxed out all to most of our 2*s and 3*s should be able to use those old guys to win rewards that are the same as the current rewards given to these guys with all these r4 6*s. If we can't win the same rewards or better, then what other incentive is there that would make us want to use the useless parts of our rosters? At the same time what better way to incentivise old and new players to find value in our 2*-4* rosters?

    This is a great way to level out the playing field, and showcase player skills and not the depth of their wallets.......just some food for thought!
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    There is either a typo in the announcement post or an error in the game.

    It requires 4 medals to reach Diamond 1 rank. In the announcement, it says 3x
  • Carryon_14Carryon_14 Member Posts: 22
    Think I’m dun playing bgs for now,
  • MagicBentonMagicBenton Member Posts: 296 ★★★
    Grub said:

    Is there any shred of a plan in place to deal with modders? The top SEVEN SPOTS in Bgs are all modders…..

    Yet nothing is done? You expect us to buy elders marks and you don’t do anything about the rampant cheating in the game mode.

    This has been a problem in every Beta and continues into the live launch, with no comments from anyone at Kabam. They said they took action in the last Beta but many obvious cheaters in the top 100 were never banned. When that was pointed out the comments/threads were deleted.

    At this point I think it’s safe to say they are having trouble identifying cheaters and it’s going to continue to be a problem that we’re just going to have to deal with. It’s a shame because it’s such a great game mode.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,849 ★★★★★
    edited October 2022
    Is there a thread for reporting battlegrounds bugs? I couldn’t find one. If anyone knows a better place to report a repeat of a known bug, please let me know.

    iPad Air 4th generation
    iOS 15.7
    No boosts
    Protect and mighty charge nodes
    Human torch vs Rintrah

    It’s a bug that has been around since the start of battlegrounds.
    Champions get frozen in place at the start of the fight.
  • banedplayerbanedplayer Member Posts: 5
    So official to say u above Mysterium II Tier every second fight is against Moders ..pls kabam i will do for free without any peni...just checking Rank up in tiers if man has under 2 mil acc and he is in Celestial brackets 100% are moders should i pot here where ppl do fight in 6 sec or ? Why do ignore that just ban them or we should think that they works for You to drain our recourses???
  • ThiartcThiartc Member Posts: 295 ★★
    maybe we get an update this week, or are you hoping we just forget about it and move on?

    will there be changes made to matching?
    will there be changes made to the pay to play format?
    will there be changes made to give you something back for the energy investment

    @Kabam Jax you promised us something early next week 3 weeks ago, even if you just say, no, the current state of BG's will be as is for the foreseeable future, then i know its not for me, but please man, dont give us hope
  • BartolomeoBartolomeo Member Posts: 57
    How is it gonna work? If someone completed the victory track does he have to do this again next season? Also - is there goin to be any update to battlegrounds shop? I completed victory track, got over 21k battleground tokens and do not know if I should but 6* shards after todays reset or wait to see if there is more value in maybe updated BG shop.
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    edited October 2022
    Once this BG season is over , the team really needs to implement some major updates for next season else this whole game mode will just be a waste of time and energy.

    1 - Reduce Energy Cost to half ...make it 7 energy per match.
    2 - Elder Mark's are given in very less quantity and if this continues , usage of Elder Mark's should also be reduced to half . Using 15 of them is too much especially during random drafts if the champs you need do not get drafted
    3 - Implement a new form of energy for BG , like we have for AQ and AW so it doesn't clashes with other content.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,764 ★★★★★
    Yes, we need our units back for whoever bought Elder s Marks, or at least a portion of hem.
  • Kabam JaxKabam Jax Member, Moderator Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    edited October 2022
    Hey Summoners!

    We just put up a post detailing updates to Battlegrounds, including changes to the rewards structure!
    You can check that out, here.
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