7* are the death of the game

BattleOzBattleOz Member Posts: 9
There has to be a better way, how about add 5 ranks to 6* so then can go up to rank 10. With knowing 7* are around the corner, i dont want to stop playing, but this Is going to stop me from putting money in the game. And alot of people are going to stop playing. They say it's how they continue the game going forward, but I see it as the end, a slow collapse for the game I have played and loved everyday for 6 plus years. Already people in My alliance said there done and quit. Very sad . I guess it's a small blessing cause now I have no interest in spending a dime on this game, and I can be a free to play player, until the game goes under.


  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,451 ★★★★
    I am not as concerned with 7 stars(still not happy) as I am by the addiction of relics. I’m not buying equipment to make my champions keep up with content. Relics will be the game’s death. It’s why team of champions did not work out.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    If u have played the game long enough u will know that 7*s won't be relevant until u can R2 them...
    R17* wont be better than a r4 dup sigged 6*...
    Yeah there are a few exceptions where the dup doesnt bring anything to the table.. fastest example probably a champ like Apoc or red Mags...
    It will take so long til the 7* "envy" actually triggers...
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    Or you could just create really interesting, well-tuned content for the rarities that are already in game.

    Dr. Zola

    Story quest moved away from that years ago now.

    We have battlegrounds, gauntlet, EoP and war where you need higher ranks. That seems good enough for me personally. That’s why I want higher ranks on my champions
  • MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Member Posts: 864 ★★★★

    Like it or not, the game has to continue to evolve otherwise it will die.

    You can't expect things to remain the same forever. By that argument of not wanting things to change, then there is no reason to add a Thronebreaker or paragon level difficulty to the event Quest or black ISO store every month because that would be evolving the game, you want things to change because it better your odds of earning materials and maintain that drive to keep playing.

    The problem is is that so many people want the game to evolve but they also want it to evolve in a way where there is little to no investment on your part and simply put, there is no game like that. There's no way a game can evolve like that and still be viable. Ultimately, it's a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation.

    You’re right but they don’t have to do all three changes at once or on the timeline they’ve proposed.
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Let some tell it the game has been dying since at least 2016 lol.
  • PetieCameronPetieCameron Member Posts: 260
    Here we go again another the game dying post no it will be just fine. Same was said for 5* and even I was convinced by others the same about 6*s the game will be fine as per usual. Wish these posts would just stop I can't wait to get 7* shards and get deep into book2 act8.1 been great so far needs VFX units and revives returned to players that was affected other than that looking forward to getting my first r2 n r3 7* hope the game don't die before then lol
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    DrZola said:

    Or you could just create really interesting, well-tuned content for the rarities that are already in game.

    Dr. Zola

    Story quest moved away from that years ago now.

    We have battlegrounds, gauntlet, EoP and war where you need higher ranks. That seems good enough for me personally. That’s why I want higher ranks on my champions
    Fights like GM and Collector weren’t interesting? Even some of the Act 6 fights that required forethought and trade offs weren’t interesting? Surely EoP and Gauntlet and even boss rushes have sometimes been interesting. I hear players lamenting how hard the old Act 6 was before the downward adjustments. So some of that must have been more than boredom.

    I suppose what disappoints me most is that this feels like an admission the creative well has run dry.

    Dr. Zola
    I think you’re misunderstanding me.

    Story quests are still interesting to the vast majority of the player base, and still has challenging fights and quests that benefit from the extra ranks. But story quest is no longer the act 6 of old where it’s so difficult that you need the highest rank of the day

    That sort of content is now in BGs and War, where you need rank 4 champions to push the highest ranks. The hard content is now Eop and gauntlet where it’s going to be hard if you don’t have plenty of rank 3s and a few R4s.

    Questing is now where the designers can make things a little easier on most players, and extra ranks help, but they’re not as necessary as they used to be.

    So no, maybe the quest content isn’t completely tuned for R4 6*s, but my point is that BGs, EoP, Gauntlet and War absolutely is.

    I’m addressing the often heard critique of “we don’t even have any content in game that needs R4s”, and yet we have players pushing BGs and War where R4s are pretty much necessary to have a fighting chance of going high, and we have players using items on gauntlet and EoP, if you have more rank 4s you use less items.

    Saying there’s no content for them is like saying everything you do is to the best of your ability with R3s - are you using items in EoP and Gauntlet? Then R4s would help. Are you 1st place in war and BGs? If not, then higher ranked champions help you place higher.

    There’s no quest content where they’re necessary, but that doesn’t mean there’s no content for them at all.
  • 0casual00casual0 Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    It really depends on different player. For me personally, it's kind of sucks. The main reason is because I already completed 8.1 and I only have 8 6r3. Then this new 7* are coming and my 6* roster is not even build properly yet. It feels like the game keep going away from me while I'm trying to get close to it.

    But of course to players that already have a fully established 6* would love this idea. This is from my perspective.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    DrZola said:

    Or you could just create really interesting, well-tuned content for the rarities that are already in game.

    Dr. Zola

    Story quest moved away from that years ago now.

    We have battlegrounds, gauntlet, EoP and war where you need higher ranks. That seems good enough for me personally. That’s why I want higher ranks on my champions
    Fights like GM and Collector weren’t interesting? Even some of the Act 6 fights that required forethought and trade offs weren’t interesting? Surely EoP and Gauntlet and even boss rushes have sometimes been interesting. I hear players lamenting how hard the old Act 6 was before the downward adjustments. So some of that must have been more than boredom.

    I suppose what disappoints me most is that this feels like an admission the creative well has run dry.

    Dr. Zola
    I usually agree with your posts but i honestly don't think it has anything to do with the creative well. I think it's more about the fact that for a lot of people, even adding a really good 6* won't make much difference for their roster, and many others will be at that point soon. The same thing that is upsetting people, the idea that "I finally have my roster where I want it and now you want me to start over?" is why they have to transition to the next rarity. Just chasing after that one champ you want isn't enough. New content is important for the health of the game, but so are new things to collect. When new 5*s didn't matter that much we needed 6*s and so it goes. Some people will decide they don't want to do it again and quit, but it probably is necessary.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,129 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022

    Like it or not, the game has to continue to evolve otherwise it will die.

    You can't expect things to remain the same forever. By that argument of not wanting things to change, then there is no reason to add a Thronebreaker or paragon level difficulty to the event Quest or black ISO store every month because that would be evolving the game, you want things to change because it better your odds of earning materials and maintain that drive to keep playing.

    The problem is is that so many people want the game to evolve but they also want it to evolve in a way where there is little to no investment on your part and simply put, there is no game like that. There's no way a game can evolve like that and still be viable. Ultimately, it's a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation.

    You’re right but they don’t have to do all three changes at once or on the timeline they’ve proposed.
    A lot of it is trying to avoid the same mistakes they made when six stars first came into the game. Personally I'm more excited about Ascension just because like a lot of people, I put a lot of time, money and effort into building my roster and I don't want to have to start over completly from scratch but at the same time, it's nice knowing that as my six star roster continues to grow, I'll start earning some shards for Seven Stars and start that Journey whenever I'm ready.
  • TheLightBringerTheLightBringer Member Posts: 452 ★★★★
    Same thing people were saying years ago when 6* were added and guess what the game still exists. Most people don't see the big picture here the 7* were inevitable, do I like it? Of course not, but I know it's a must. Check any of the top whales roster now they already have all 6* and setting on ton of shards saved for the next featured to get any 6* that was recently added. Kabam has to give these top accounts something new to chase otherwise they'll leave and those people are paying more than most of us combined. Also the game is already separated into tiers in AQ, AW and BGs. These changes gonna affect the top of the top of the game, same as when 6* first came out it took over 4 years for them to totally replace 5* - which until this moment can still do any content - so people really need to chill here, play at your own pace and in your own tier or level, keep upgrading your 6* or 5* and don't pressure yourselves, eventually 7* will be as common as 6* now, this is how the game has been working since the beginning
  • Unit_man1234Unit_man1234 Member Posts: 3
    May not be the death of the game but definitely the end for a lot of players.They can only take so much.Spending all that time and money building a roster just to have it lazily knocked down because the cheap addition of another star on the characters they already own.

    What’s the point invest even more for 8*s to make any effort in 7*s feel like a waste where’s it end besides when the game ends making the total of all efforts a complete waste of time and money basically a waste with nothing to show.

    I’m grateful for 7*s it a wake up call that any minute any dime spent in the game is for nothing.Clearly it just keeps happening 3*s,4*s,5*s,6*s,7*s..Is Kabam so creatively bankrupted they can’t do something different besides add a *,some stats and a cheap gimmick to characters.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,513 ★★★★★
    I was livid at first...bt I've slowly come around to the fact that there needs to be progression. I will wait to see how many shards and what the champion pool is in 2023 before totally flipping my lid. I do think they didnt need to throw all 3 at once - ascension looks like a positive (once implemented properly) so rosters don't die. 7*..okay..

    But relics could've waited (though they were the first mentioned in road maps) - I can see plenty of bugs, and plenty of price points to acquiring these.
  • BattleOzBattleOz Member Posts: 9
    They stated 2 other ways to get more power out of your 6*. And there's 2 new champs every month, to keep you chasing champs. To keep the game from going stale, they need to make more and better content, battlegrounds was awsome till they tossed up a pay wall. Making me get a 7th ghost seems stale. All it's going to do is make my 6* ghost useless, like my 5*s are now. I just wish they came up with a better idea then me opening a 7* and getting a groot again. Perhaps if they kept up on the buffs to crappy champions maybe it wouldn't be so bad. My fist 10 6* where ****, and still sitting at rank 1. I understand the game needs to progress, or it will die, and it is what it is ( a business) but it just don't sit right, seems more like a chore then fun. Grind away to get a champ and rank up just to have it replaced over and over again by an extra star. Now to get to the next progression I'm gonna need what 5 r3 7*. It probably wouldn't bother me to much if progression was based on completion of story and not how many offers I can buy to rank up my shinny new 7*. All that said I'll still play, I just have no interest in spending more money on this game, and I think others will think that way to, so it'll be the death of the game, no money coming in means no updates, no new champs, no buffs. Hopefully I'm wrong, and people will still spend.
  • xjdalegendxxjdalegendx Member Posts: 41
    Well here’s my piece on the whole 7* thing (with all due respect). I’m not against the relics and ascension (that makes a 6* just as strong as a 7*) in fact I believe that’s a beautiful idea, but when we have those things it begs the question will 7*s even be necessary if you can limit break a 6* to take on the strength of a 7*. Unless when they release materials to rank a 7* it might have a drastic difference in strength compared to the limit broken 6*. I get and respect the idea of 7*s but when you have relics and ascension involved where would that leave 7*s?
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